File-based datastructure for Java - java

For my Java project I am looking for a convenient way to store my data. I have the following requirements:
It should be easy to synchronize with subversion (which I use for my Java code and other stuff). So I guess file-based is appropriate.
I want to be able to get certain elements without having to read all data into memory. Like in a database ("give me all objects with/without property x", "give me all information about object with certain ID").
I want to be able to read and write in this way.
I guess a database is overkill for my purpose, difficult to sync and I have to be admin/root on all machines to install it. (right?)
So I was thinking of using XML, but I heard that XML parsing in Java does not work very well. Or can anyone point me to a good library?
Then I was thinking of CSV. But all examples I saw (here and elsewhere) read the data into memory before processing it, which is not what I want.
I hope you can help me with this problem, because I am not so experienced with Java.
Thank you for downvoting this question without any comment. This is not helpful at all because now I have no new information on my problem and I also have no idea what I did wrong with respect to this community's rules.

You can use Datanucleus (ORM) and use it with an XML Datastore


Saving Data from a JavaFX-Application without Database

Unfortunately I couldn't find anything specific to this topic / to my problem. Here we go:
I'm building a JavaFX Business Application for a friend of mine. Unfortunately I do not have any possibility to connect to a Database. I want the Application to load a savestate from a file. The application contains a list with clients and the clients got some specific properties. I do not want to hardcode this to a .prop or .txt file, because I'm sure that there's a different way of doing this, isn't there?
Thanks in advance, appreciate it!
Lots of choices for persisting data to local storage. The exact choice depends on your needs. You do not describe enough details to make a specific recommendation.
Here is a list of possibilities, roughly in increasing order of complexity of your data.
Text file
If you have small amounts of simple data, save to a text file. You can store each piece in a separate file, or combine into a single file. Recent versions of Java have new classes to make this easier than ever. See Oracle Tutorial.
Comma-separate & Tab-delimited
For sets of structured data, write to text files in comma-separated values (CSV) or tab-delimited values. For example a list of people with rows for each person, and columns for name, phone number, and email address.
While reading/writing such files is easy enough to program yourself, I suggest using an established library to eliminate the drudgery, avoid bugs, and save yourself some time. There are a few such libraries written in Java.
My favorite is the Apache Commons CSV project. This library makes easy work of the chore of reading/writing such files. Despite the name, this library supports tab-delimited as well as comma-separated formats. I've written a few Answers here on Stack Overflow showing how to use this library, as you can see here, here, and here.
By the way, plain old ASCII defines a few character positions explicitly for delimiting in data files, with four levels of grouping (document, group, record/row, and field). Unicode, of course, inherits these from ASCII as code points. I am puzzled why these have remained so obscure and so infrequently used. Seems much more logical to me than using commas and tabs which may well exist inside the data payload.
You can write out the data values stored within an object. This is called serialization. Java has a serialization facility built-in, but be sure to study up on the details.
To more simply write out an object’s values and later read them back in to reconstitute an object, I have enjoyed using the Simple XML Serialization project. This works well for relatively simple needs, and is aimed at the situation where you want the structure of a class to drive the process of determining what to write.
Java has other XML binding facilities both built-in and third-party. These are much more powerful in their flexibility. They are especially good for when you want to define and verify the XML structure in a rigid fashion such as defining a XML DTD or XML Schema against which to validate the data and perhaps even generate the Java class in which to represent the data.
Embedded database
For more complicated data, use an embedded relational database.
The SQLite database is bundled with many platforms. This is a C-based library, not pure Java. As the name indicates, SQLite is indeed quite “lite“, lacking rigid data types and many other common database features. SQLite is meant to be an alternative to writing text files than as a competitor to more serious databases. It is a great product if your needs fit the sweet-spot of its capabilities.
My first choice for an embedded database would be H2 Database Engine. Built in pure Java. Can be run inside your app, or separately as a server (you choice). Has sophisticated relational database features. Has been around for years, often updated, and is well-worn. The principal author has much experience in the field.

Is there a way to get the "original" text data for OpenNLP?

I know that this question was asked before - but the answer was not satisfying (in the sense of that the answer was just a link ).
So my question is, is there any way to extend the existing openNLP models? I already know about the technique with DBPedia/Wikipedia. But what if i just want to append some lines of text to improve the models - is there really no way? (If so - that would be really stupid...)
Unfortunately, you can't. See this question which has a detailed answer to the same problem.
I think, that is a though problem because when you deal with texts you have often licensing issues. For example, you can not build a corpus on Twitter data and publish it to the community (see this paper for some more information).
Therefore, often companies build domain specific corpora and use them internally. For example, we did in our research project. Therefore, we built a tool (Quick Pad Tagger) to create annotated corpora efficiently (see here).
Ok i think this needs a separate answer.
I found the Yago database:
This database seems to be just fantastic (from the first look). You can download all the tagged data and put it in a database (they already deliver the tools for that).
The next stage is to "refactor" the tagged entities so that opennlp can use it (openNLP uses sth. like this <START:person> Pierre Vinken <END>)
Then you create some text files and train it with the opennlp delivered training tool.
Not 100% sure if this works but i will come back and tell you.

Simplest set and forget distributed database for storing simple JSON like structures?

I have a reasonably simple a reasonably system that are conceptually 100,000's of small/simple JSON documents. I want to switch from mysql to a distributed system for redundancy and backup purposes.
Its currently written in java. What will be the simplest/easiest nosql solution to install and use? i.e. I want something I can just install on a few servers, point to each other, and start using.
I don't want to spend hours learning, tweaking and configuring stuff. (If its going to be too large a project I may as well just write some java code that synchronizes the relevant tables)
mongoDB is easy to install and start to use document database for me.
It is easy to make it work with java and it has a nice mapper from java objects to mongo called morphia.
If you can tolerate hosting your data on Google's AppEngine, Ubud-db can be something for you:
Ubud-db is a document store on AppEngine with a REST-JSON API. Spring/Jackson maps from JSON to a Map, and then Ubud's service maps from the Map to Entity, persisted by the Datastore.
How can I ask this question if you've already asked it!?
I'll add BaseX to the list -- it handles JSON fine. Has a nice GUI, or you can just use a console through bash et. al.
Geared towards XML with XQuery and Xpath, but has JSON modules.
I'm only looking at alternatives because I'm not quite sure how to use some of the features...but that's on me, not the db.
usage example:
let $content := file:read-text('x.json')
let $json := json:parse($content)
return admin:write-log($json)

Java; Runtime Interpretation; Strategies To Add Plugins

I'm beginning to start on my first large project. It will be a program very similar to Rosetta Stone. It will be a program, used for learning a foreign language, written in Java using Swing. In my program I plan on the user being able to select downloaded courses to learn from. I will be able to create an English course since I am a native English speaker. However, I want people who speak other languages to be able to write courses for users to use as well (this is an essential part for my program to work).
Since I want the users to be able to download courses of languages they want, having it hard-coded into the program is out of the question. The courses needed to be interpreted during the runtime. Also since I want others to collaborate with my work (ie make courses), I need to make it easy for them to do so.
What would be the best way to go about doing this?
The idea I have come up with is having a strict empty course outline (hard-coded) with a simple xml file which details the text and sounds to be used. The drawback to this is that it extremely limits the author. Different languages may need to start out with learning different parts.
Any advice on the problem at hand as well as the project as a whole will be greatly appreciated. Any links to any relevant resources or information would also be greatly appreciated.
Think you for your time and effort,
Joseph Pond
Simply, you should base your program on a system such as Eclipse RCP, or the Netbeans Platform. Both of these systems already deal with exactly this problem, and both are perfectly adequate for this task. They're not just for IDEs.
It's a larger first step as you will need to learn one of these platforms beyond simply just Swing.
But, they solve the problem, and their overall organization and technique will serve your program well anyway.
Don't reinvent this wheel, just learn one of these instead.
If you are set on doing this from scratch (Will's idea isn't bad), What I would do is first lay down the file format that would be easiest to create your language course in. It could be XML, plaintext or some other format you come up with yourself.
You will probably need some flexibility in the language format because you will want to actually be able to specify things like questions and answers. XML is a pain because of all the extra terminators, but it gives a good amount of meta-data. If you like XML for that, you may consider defining your language file in YML, it gives you the data of XML but uses whitespace delineators instead of angle brackets.
You probably also want to define your file in the language it's created for, so you might or might not want to require english words as keys. If you don't want any english, you may have to skip both XML and YML and come up with your own file format--possibly where the layout and/or special symbols define the flow and "functionality".
Once you have defined the file format, you won't have to worry about hard-coding anything... you won't be able to because it will already be in the file.
Plug-in functionality would be nice as well... This is where your definition file also contains information that tells you what class to instantiate (reflectively) and use to parse/display the data. In that way you could add new types of questions just by delivering a new jar file.
If this is confusing, sorry, this is difficult in a one-way forum because I can't look at your face and see if you're following me or if I'm even going in the right direction. If you think I'm on the right track and want more details (I've done a bit of this stuff before) feel free to leave a follow-up question (or an email address) in a comment and I'd be glad to discuss it with you further.
If I was doing this, I'd seriously consider using Eclipse EMF to model the "language" for defining courses. EMF is rather daunting to start with, but it gives you:
A high-level model that can be entered/edited in a variety of ways.
An automatic mechanism for serializing "instances" (i.e. courses) to XML. (And you can tinker with the serialization if you choose.)
Automatically generated Java classes for in-memory representations of your instances. These provide APIs that are tuned to your model, an generic ones that are the EMF equivalent of Java reflection ... but based on EMF model classes rather than Java classes.
An automatically generated tree editor for your "instances".
Hooks for implementing your own constraints / validation rules to say what is a valid "course".
Related Eclipse plugins offer:
Mappings to text-based languages with generation of parsers/unparsers
Mappings to graphical languages; e.g. notations using boxes / arrows / etc
Various more advanced persistence mechanisms
Comparisons/differencing, model-to-model transformations, constraints in OCL, etc
I've used EMF in a couple of largish projects, and the main point that keeps me coming back for more is ease of model evolution ... compared with building everything at a lower level of abstraction. If my model (language) needs to be extended / changed, I can make the necessary changes using the EMF Model editor, regenerate the code, extend my custom code to do the right stuff with the extensions, and I'm pretty much done (modulo conversion of stored instances).

Application configuration files [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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OK, so I don't want to start a holy-war here, but we're in the process of trying to consolidate the way we handle our application configuration files and we're struggling to make a decision on the best approach to take. At the moment, every application we distribute is using it's own ad-hoc configuration files, whether it's property files (ini style), XML or JSON (internal use only at the moment!).
Most of our code is Java at the moment, so we've been looking at Apache Commons Config, but we've found it to be quite verbose. We've also looked at XMLBeans, but it seems like a lot of faffing around. I also feel as though I'm being pushed towards XML as a format, but my clients and colleagues are apprehensive about trying something else. I can understand it from the client's perspective, everybody's heard of XML, but at the end of the day, shouldn't be using the right tool for the job?
What formats and libraries are people using in production systems these days, is anyone else trying to avoid the angle bracket tax?
Edit: really needs to be a cross platform solution: Linux, Windows, Solaris etc. and the choice of library used to interface with configuration files is just as important as the choice of format.
YAML, for the simple reason that it makes for very readable configuration files compared to XML.
<user id="babooey" on="cpu1">
<address password="xxxx"></address>
<address password="xxxx"></address>
computer : cpu1
firstname: Bob
lastname: Abooey
cell: 555-1212
- address:
password: xxxx
- address:
password: xxxx
The examples were taken from this page:
First: This is a really big debate issue, not a quick Q+A.
My favourite right now is to simply include Lua, because
I can permit things like width=height*(1+1/3)
I can make custom functions available
I can forbid anything else. (impossible in, for instance, Python (including pickles.))
I'll probably want a scripting language somewhere else in the project anyway.
Another option, if there's a lot of data is to use sqlite3, because they're right to claim
Choose any three.
To which I would like to add:
backups are a snap. (just copy the db file.)
easier to switch to another db, ODBC, whatever. (than it is from fugly-file)
But again, this is a bigger issue. A "big" answer to this probably involves some kind of feature matrix or list of situations like:
Amount of data, or short runtime
For large amounts of data, you might want efficient storage, like a db.
For short runs (often), you might want something that you don't need to do a lot of parsing for, consider something that can be mmap:ed in directly.
What does the configuration relate to?
I like YAML in /etc. Is that reimplemented in windows?
Do you permit users to edit config with text editor?
Should it be centrally manageable? Registry / gconf / remote db?
May the user have several different profiles?
File(s) in project directory? (Version control usually follows this model...)
Are there only a few flat values? Consider YAML.
Is the data nested, or dependent in some way? (This is where it gets interesting.)
Might it be a desirable feature to permit some form of scripting?
Templates can be viewed as a kind of configuration files..
XML XML XML XML. We're talking config files here. There is no "angle bracket tax" if you're not serializing objects in a performance-intense situation.
Config files must be human readable and human understandable, in addition to machine readable. XML is a good compromise between the two.
If your shop has people that are afraid of that new-fangled XML technology, I feel bad for you.
Without starting a new holy war, the sentiments of the 'angle bracket tax' post is one area where I majorly disagree with Jeff. There's nothing wrong with XML, it's reasonably human readable (as much as YAML or JSON or INI files are) but remember its intent is to be read by machines. Most language/framework combos come with an XML parser of some sort for free which makes XML a pretty good choice.
Also, if you're using a good IDE like Visual Studio, and if the XML comes with a schema, you can give the schema to VS and magically you get intellisense (you can get one for NHibernate for example).
Ulimately you need to think about how often you're going to be touching these files once in production, probably not that often.
This still says it all for me about XML and why it's still a valid choice for config files (from Tim Bray):
"If you want to provide general-purpose data that the receiver might want to do unforeseen weird and crazy things with, or if you want to be really paranoid and picky about i18n, or if what you’re sending is more like a document than a struct, or if the order of the data matters, or if the data is potentially long-lived (as in, more than seconds) XML is the way to go.
It also seems to me that the combination of XML and XPath hits a sweet spot for data formats that need to be extensible; that is to say, it’s pretty easy to write XML-processing code that won’t fail in the presence of changes to the message format that don’t touch the piece you care about."
But application config isn't always just key/value pairs. Look at something like the tomcat configuration for what ports it listens on. Here's an example:
<Connector port="80" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
<Connector port="8009"
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
You can have any number of connectors. Define more in the file and more connectors exist. Don't define any more and no more exist. There's no good way (imho) to do that with plain old key/value pairs.
If your app's config is simple, then something simple like an INI file that's read into a dictionary is probably fine. But for something more complex like server configuration, an INI file would be a huge pain to maintain, and something more structural like XML or YAML would be better. It all depends on the problem set.
We are using ini style config files. We use the Nini library to manage them. Nini makes it very easy to use. Nini was orignally for .NET but it has been ported to other platforms using Mono.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
In an application context, I feel that the abstraction layer is the important thing.
If you can choose a way to structure the data that is a good middle ground between human readability and how you want to access/abstract the data in code, you're golden.
We mostly use XML where I work, and I cant really believe that a configuration file loaded into a cache as objects when first read or after it has been written to, and then abstracted away from the rest of the program, really is that much of a hit on neither CPU nor disk space.
And it is pretty readable too, as long as you structure the file right.
And all languages on all platforms supports XML through some pretty common libraries.
What I really meant was to stick to the recommended way software should store configuration values for any given platform.
What you often get then is also the recommended ways these should/can be modified. Like a configuration menu in a program or a configuration panel in a "system prefs" application (for system services softwares ie). Not letting the end users modify them directly via RegEdit or NotePad...
The end users (=customers) are used to their platforms
System for backups can better save "safe setups" etc
About " choice of library ", try to link in (static link) any selected library to lower the risk of getting into a version-conflict-war on end users machines.
If your configuration file is write-once, read-only-at-bootup, and your data is a bunch of name value pairs, your best choice is the one your developer can get working first.
If your data is a bit more complicated, with nesting etc, you are probably better off with YAML, XML, or SQLite.
If you need nested data and/or the ability to query the configuration data after bootup, use XML or SQLite. Both have pretty good query languages (XPATH and SQL) for structured/nested data.
If your configuration data is highly normalized (e.g. 5th normal form) you are better off with SQLite because SQL is better for dealing with highly normalized data.
If you are planning to write to the configuration data set during program operation, then you are better off going with SQLite. For example, if you are downloading configuration data from another computer, or if you are basing future program execution decisions on data collected in previous program execution. SQLite implements a very robust data storage engine that is extremely difficult to corrupt when you have power outages or programs that are hung in an inconsistent state due to errors. Corruptible data leads to high field support costs, and SQLite will do much better than any home-grown solution or even popular libraries around XML or YAML.
Check out my page for more information on SQLite.
As far as I know, the Windows registry is no longer the preferred way of storing configuration if you are using .NET - most applications now make use of System.Configuration [1, 2]. Since this is also XML based it seems to be that everything is moving in the direction of using XML for configuration.
If you want to stay cross-platform I would say that using some sort of a text file would be the best route to go. As for the formatting of said file, you might want to take into account if a human is going to be manipulating it or not. XML seems to be a bit more friendly to manual manipulation than INI files due to the visible structure of the file.
As for the angle bracket tax - I don't worry about it too often as the XML libraries take care of abstracting it. The only time it might be a consideration is if you have very little storage space to work with and every byte counts.
[1] System.Configuration Namespace -
[2] Using Application Configuration Files in .NET -
We are using properties files, simply because Java supports them natively. A couple of months ago I saw that SpringSource Application Platform uses JSON to configure their server and it looks very interesting. I compared various configuration notations and came to the conclusion that XML seems to be the best fit at the moment. It has nice tools support and is rather platform independent.
Re: epatel's comment
I think the original question was asking about application configuration that an admin would be doing, not just storing user preferences. The suggestions you gave seem more for user prefs than application config, and aren't usually something that the user would ever deal with directly (the app should provide the configuration options in the UI, and then update the files). I really hope you'd never make the user have to view/edit the Registry. :)
As for the actual question, I'd say XML is probably OK, as plenty of people will be used to using that for configuration. As long as you organize the configuration values in an easy to use manner then the "angle bracket tax" shouldn't be too bad.
Maybe a bit of a tangent here but my opinion is that the config file should be read into a key value dictionary/hash table when the app first starts up and always accessed via this object from then on for speed. Typically the key/value table starts off as string to string but helper functions in the object do things such DateTime GetConfigDate(string key) etc...
I think the only important thing is to choose a format that you prefer and can navigate quickly. XML and JSON are both fine formats for configs and are widely supported--technical implementation isn't at the crux of the issue, methinks. It's 100% about what makes the task of config files easier for you.
I have started using JSON, because I work quite a bit with it as a data transport format, and the serializers make it easy to load into any development framework. I find JSON easier to read than XML, which makes handling multiple services, each using a config file that is modified quite frequently, that much easer for me!
What platform are you working on? I'd recommend trying to use the preferred/common method for it.
MacOSX - plists
Win32 - Registry (or are there a new one here, long since I developed on it)
Linux/Unix - ~/.apprc (name-value perhaps)
