Read hidden zip file - java

I have a jpeg, and on the end of it I wrote a zip file.
Inside this zip file is a single txt file called hidden.txt. I can change the extension to zip and read the file just fine on my laptop (debian) but when I try to read it using either a ZipInputStream or using ZipFile I get an error telling me it's not a zip file.
I tried separating the jpg part out first by reading the whole thing to a Bitmap then writing that to a byte[], however the byte[] encompassed more than just the image.
My method to combine the bitmap and the zipFile (a byte[])
private byte[] combineFiles(Bitmap drawn, byte[] zip) throws
IOException {
InputStream in;
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
/*write the first file*/
byte[] img;
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
drawn.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream);
img = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(img);
IOUtils.copy(in, out);
/*add the second (hidden) file*/
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(zip);
IOUtils.copy(in, out);
return out.toByteArray();
So really I have two questions,
How do I separate the jpg and zip portions of the file?
How do I unzip hidden.txt (preferably into a byte[])
fairly certain I know this one, but what I am doing currently does not work, probably because I am doing #1 wrong

Ok, well here's how I would do this. Although it's very hacky.
The problem is that it's hard to tell the index of the boundary between the image data and the zip data. Assuming that you can write arbitrary data after the image data and still have a working image file, here is something you could try:
write out the image data.
write out a magical string like "BEGIN_ZIP"
write out the zip data.
Now, when you are trying to read things back in:
byte[] data = readAllTheBytes();
int index = searchFor("BEGIN_ZIP", data) + "BEGIN_ZIP".length();
// now you know that the zip data begins at index and goes to the end of the byte array
// so just use a regular zipinputstream to read in the zip data.

In JPEG file 0xFF, 0xD8 sequence of bytes indicates start of image and 0xFF, 0xD9 sequence of bytes indicates end of image JPEG Structure Wikipedia. So simply search for the latter sequence in file and you will be able to separate image and zip parts. Then use ZipInputStream to read (decompress) the data from zip file.


How to convert InputStream to a PDF in Java, without damaging the file?

I have an InputStream which I would like to convert to a PDF, and save that PDF in a directory. Currently, my code is able to convert the InputStream to a PDF and the PDF does show up in the correct directory. However, when I try to open it, the file is damaged.
Here is the current code:
InputStream pAdESStream = signingServiceConnector.getDirectClient().getPAdES(this.statusReader.getStatusResponse().getpAdESUrl());
byte[] buffer = new byte[pAdESStream.available()];;
File targetFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "targetFile2.pdf");
OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(targetFile);
Originally, the InputStream was a pAdES-file ( However, it should be able to be read as just a regular PDF.
Does anyone know how to convert the InputStream to a PDF, without getting a damaged PDF as a result?
Hello it might be a bit late but you can use PDFBOX api (or itextpdf)
here is a tuto of the process gl

compressing files in JAVA

My project has a requirement that I have to receive a file via a REST service(using jersey) and store it in the database.
The file size will be around 2-4MB.
The received file can be either zip or pdf format.
Before storing in database I would like to compress it.
I googled and found that there are many available classes like GZip, Zip, Deflater... I thought of using Deflater as it looked very simple.I have written the following code for zipping.
Deflater deflater = new Deflater();
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (!deflater.finished()) {
int count = deflater.deflate(buffer);
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count);
byte[] output = outputStream.toByteArray();
byte[] output = outputStream.toByteArray();
Could any one please suggest for my use case If I use the above code is it fine or do I have to use some other classes to perform the same.
ByteArrayOutputStream caches the compressed output in memory. you have to wrap it around a FileOutputStream to avoid any OOM issue while writing in case of big files.

iText - OutOfMemory creating more than 1000 PDFs

I want to create a ZipOutputStream filled with PDF-As. I'm using iText (Version 5.5.7). For more than 1000 pdf entries I get an OutOfMemory-exception on doc.close() and can't find the leak.
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(baos));
for (MyObject o : objects) {
try {
String pdfFilename = o.getName() + ".pdf";
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(pdfFilename));
} ...
public void buildPdfADocument( zos){
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4);
PdfAWriter writer = PdfAWriter.getInstance(doc, zos, PdfAConformanceLevel.PDF_A_1B);
writer.setCloseStream(false); // to not close my zos
writer.setViewerPreferences(PdfWriter.ALLOW_PRINTING | PdfWriter.PageLayoutSinglePage);
// adding Element's to doc
// with flushContent() on PdfPTables
InputStream sRGBprofile = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/conf/AdobeRGB1998.icc");
ICC_Profile icc = ICC_Profile.getInstance(sRGBprofile);
writer.setOutputIntents("Custom", "", "", "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", icc);
//try to close/flush everything possible
if(sRGBprofile != null){
Any suggestions how can I fix it? Am I forgetting something?
I've already tried to use java ZipOutputStream but it makes any difference.
Thx for ur answers! I understand the issue with the ByteOutputStream, but I am not sure what's the best approach in my case. It's a web application and I need to pack the zip in a database blob somehow.
What I am doing now is creating the PDFs directly into the ZipOutputStream with iText and saving byte array of the corresponding ByteArrayOutputSteam to blob. Options that I see are:
Split my data in 500 object packages, save first 500 PDFs to the database and then open the zip and add the next 500 ones and so on... But I assume that this creates me the same situation as I have now, namely too big stream opened in the memory.
Try to save the PDFs on the server (not sure if there's enough space), create temporary zip file and then submit the bytes to the blob...
Any suggestions/ideas?
It's because your ZipOutputStream is backed by a ByteArrayOutputStream, so even closing the entries keeps the full ZIP contents in memory.
You need to use another approach to do it with this number of arguments (1000+ files).
You are loading all the PDF files in memory on your example, you will need to do this in blocks of documents to minimize the effect of this 'memory load'.
Another approach is serialize your PDFs on filesystem, and then create your zip file.

Fastest way to read/write Images from a File into a BufferedImage?

What is the fastest way to read Images from a File into a BufferedImage in Java/Grails?
What is the fastest way to write Images from a BufferedImage into a File in Java/Grails?
my variant (read):
byte [] imageByteArray = new File(basePath+imageSource).readBytes()
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageByteArray)
BufferedImage bufferedImage =
my variant (write):
BufferedImage bufferedImage = // some image
def fullPath = // image page + file name
byte [] currentImage
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write( bufferedImage, "jpg", baos );
currentImage = baos.toByteArray();
}catch(IOException e){
def newFile = new FileOutputStream(fullPath)
Your solution to read is basically reading the bytes twice, once from the file and once from the ByteArrayInputStream. Don't do that
With Java 7 to read
BufferedImage bufferedImage = + imageSource)));
With Java 7 to write
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(fullPath)));
The call to Files.newInputStream will return a ChannelInputStream which (AFAIK) is not buffered. You'll want to wrap it
new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(...));
So that there are less IO calls to disk, depending on how you use it.
I'm late to the party, but anyway...
Actually, using: File(basePath + imageSource));
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpeg", new File(fullPath));
...might prove faster (try it, using a profiler, to make sure).
This is because these variants use RandomAccessFile-backed ImageInputStream/ImageOutputStream implementations behind the scenes, while the InputStream/OutputStream-based versions will by default use a disk-backed seekable stream implementation. The disk-backing involves writing the entire contents of the stream to a temporary file and possibly reading back from it (this is because image I/O often benefits from non-linear data access).
If you want to avoid extra I/O with the stream based versions, at the cost of using more memory, it is possible to call the ambiguously named ImageIO.setUseCache(false), to disable disk caching of the seekable input streams. This is obviously not a good idea if you are dealing with very large images.
You are almost good for writing. Just don't use the intermediate ByteArrayOutputStream. It is a giant bottleneck in your code. Instead wrap the FileOutputStream in a BufferedOutputStream and do the same.
Same goes indeed for your reading. Remove the Itermediate ByteArrayInputStream.

Android programming copy an audio file(mp3)?

I'm trying to create copy of a mp3 file.This I need to trim that mp3 file.So using input,output stream can be used to this I guess.Can the normal text file type of copying will be able to create a file that could be played .Someone with good knowledge of file handling in java help me in this.
MP3 file is binary file. So as long as you copy MP3 using binary file operations copy will succeed.
However to trim an MP3 file, you need to be aware of MP3 file structure. MP3 file consists of series of MP3 frames. Each frame starts with a MP3 header and followed by data. MP3 frame header contains information, using which you can find frame length.
More details on MP3 header at
So as long as you copy at integral number of frames, you should be okay. Even otherwise, decoders will ignore incomplete frame.
Below code is a solution to copy an mp3 file or everything else. I have never experienced the trimming part. However, I think it is logically possible to trim your file just by specifying the amount of buffer you need.)
Actually dst is the name of the copied file in the directory.
private void copyFile(String src, String dst) {
FileInputStream inputStream; // create an input stream
FileOutputStream outputStream; // create an output stream
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(src); // create object
outputStream = openFileOutput(dst, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); // save your file in private mode, which makes it inaccessible by other applications
int bufferSize;
byte[] bufffer = new byte[512]; // I think logically here could be useful for trimming the file. I mean just copy an specified part of the file.
while ((bufferSize = > 0) {
outputStream.write(bufffer, 0, bufferSize);
} catch (Exception e) {
This is a suggestion about how to copy your files, which it will copy them in internal storage under your application package name. Moreover, I have not tested the trim part yet. So, I am not sure about that.
One more thing, you can get the path directory of your application by
