How to install .tar.gz plugin in Eclipse - java

I try to install eclipse CDT with java support.
I've downloaded 2 files:
And after taring the first file I can start eclipse, but I don't understand how to install the second file (java support). I tried also to untar first the second file(and install eclipse Java), but still don't see option how to add the other file as plug-in.
Thanks for any suggestion,

It probably is easier to add the Java support from within Eclipse CDT. Goto Help > Install New software, select the eclipse update site and select Eclipse Java Development Tools.


GWT installation issue with eclipse...?

I am using os x 10.9.1
I need to install google plugin for eclipse for using google web toolkit. I have eclipse juno, so I just follow link for install it. But it not work for me, not go ahead because below issue
So, I move to install latest version of eclipse kepler and follow link for install plugins. After all installation finished with some different issues and restart eclipse kepler it shows me java version error.
And same thing show me when I check through terminal
but when I check in my java preference, it show me latest version installed on my mac.
*********************Edited from here*********************
After downloading java 7 and installing it(as per one of comment in link),again check in terminal give me new version
I restart my eclipse and starting error is not there. Just go ahead and create GWT project, and now
Stuck again...!?!
Open eclipse.ini form your eclipse folder and set the following parameter as shown in image
//your java7-dir/bin/javaw.exe (use mac javaw in your case)

Installing Eclipse/Java on Ubuntu

I'd like to install Eclipse on Ubuntu for Java development. I'm happy to trade having the newest version for steady updates via package management.
I've done the usual sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-jdt (java-7-openjdk-i386 is installed and working)
However, when I start Eclipse, there seems to be almost nothing available - no Java editing (not even 'Installed JREs' is present under Window/Preferences). I've tried adding various update sites, installing Marketplace client, WTP, Java EE etc. but just can't get a working install. Oddly, I have it running fine on another machine I set up about a year ago (with the help of How do I install Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse Classic?)
I've given up and reverted to a manual install (along the lines of Eclipse 3.6 Helios for Ubuntu 10.10) but wanted to ask:
Am I missing something obvious?
I strongly recommend you not to install Eclipse in that way, it is not really useful and you will get just the Eclipse with the Java Standard Perspective. What I recommend you is to download the tar.gz file from the page (including the Java EE perspective). Copy the tar file in a directory where you want all your development tools, like /home/user/dev/eclipse and start from there. You can create a launcher in your desktop to get a faster access to the IDE. When I started with Ubuntu, I used to install the way you had installed (sudo apt-get...) but I can tell you that the best way to do is to install it manually. If the JDK is well installed, you will not have any problem launching your Eclipse. Best regards.

How Do I Add Java To My Eclipse for C/C++ [duplicate]

I have the eclipse CDT installed, and I would like to install Java development functionality (JDT) on top of my CDT installation. I've been Googling from an hour but I can't figure out how to do this.
What plugin do I need to install? What update site do I need to use?
All versions of Eclipse have a standard base, then a specific set of plugins, depending on the version. All you have to do is go to the Help > Install New Software menu, select the Eclipse update site (e.g. "Galileo -"), and under the Programming Languages section, select Eclipse Java Development Tools.
If you don't see the Java Development Tools in the list, click on the "already installed" link on the install page--you may already have the Java tools installed.
Remember to write http:// before the download.eclipse..... if you don't put that it won't work
For Eclipse 2020-06 the weakest precondition seems to be
1.) JDK 11
2.) eclipse.ini has top entries
<jdk-11/jre-11 path>/bin
3.) JDT appears in "Install New Software" repository as "Eclipse Java Development Tools"
NOTE: Installation of Java 11 is not required, downloading/extracting ZIP File is sufficient, e.g. if you prefer to continue development with Java 8
Update for Eclipse Release 2021-3
Here, with the JDT-Release JDK 11 or later is already installed
Choose Menu Help->Install New Software,
Select Work With: "2021-03 -"
Filter "Development Tools"
Select "C/C++ Development Tools SDK"
Complete Installation with Next ... Restart Eclipse

How can I get the "Eclipse >Generate>Jaxb classes" option back?

I recently had to migrate to a new machine and re-installed Eclipse.
At the moment, I need to generate JAXB classes from an xsd. I cannot quite remember what I installed, but in my old Eclipse I had the option -rightclick-generate-jaxb classes.
Who knows what I have to install/plug-in to get it back?
I was looking at installing Dali, which seems like it could be right, but I am pretty sure I did not install Dali last time. I also included the jaxb jars in my build path, as last time, so that should be ok.
I am using Eclipse 3.6 and Java SE 1.6.
If you don't have JavaEE:
Help>>Install New Software>>Works with:--All Available Sites--
Search for JAXB
Then select Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development and install.
After you restart Eclipse you should see the generate option.
A simple fix for this problem - rather than worrying about adding additional plugins or installs - is to install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers rather than Eclipse Classic (both to be found here). This comes with the JAXB support and therefore provides the >Generate>Jaxb classes option.
The above methods may work, but actually the options comes from a plugin called Web Tools Platform which comes along with Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
Don't worry about reinstalling eclipse or try out other methods. No matter what eclipse you use simply install this plugin by following the below procedure. You will get the "JAXB Classes" Option on click of "Generate" button.
Help --> Install New Software --> Add
Name : Web Tools Platform
Location :
Hint : In case if you are using a different version replace helios with your eclipse version name. I used it as luna. So the path looks like
And restart eclipse. Now you will have that option.
(I'm using IBM's Eclipse-based RAD, so I don't know whether this applies to raw Eclipse.)
Have a look at your project Facets (select project, rightClick->Properties, Project Facets) I have the option of selecting JAX/RS.
later: I've checked my plugins and by default I get Dali installed and it does contain some JAX/B-related stuff. I suspect you do need this.
After a lot of research here is what I have done to fix the issue.
Windows> Preferences> Java> InstalledJREs...make sure to point your jre to the jdk directory. I was pointing to JRE and as soon as I changed it to JDK, it started working.
Hope this will help you guys.
I installed this plugin
i.e. unzip and copy to eclipse/plugin folder.
It adds an entry "JAXB 2.1 > Run XJC" to the context menu of *.xsd files.
So the menu's not really in the proper place, but it works.
In order to support the standard JAXB APIs in the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition environment, you need to make some adjustments. One way to implement JAXB technology is to connect the xjc.exe utility included in the JDK toolkit. This utility can be launched at the command prompt, but it is advisable to configure the context menu:
In the Settings window, select Tools | External Tools and press the
"+" button.
In the Edit Toolbox dialog enter:
the name (Name :) of the new Generate JAXB Classes command;
the path to the xjc.exe utility (Program :), which should be selected on the particular computer in the file selection dialog(button "..." )`
parameters (Parameters :) which in our case will be as follows:
$ p $ FileFQPackage $ $ SourcepathEntry $ $ FilePath $
In order for the created command to work correctly, the schema file should be placed in a new package, which will then appear with the generated files.
In the settings window, Tools | External Tools - "Your command name" will appear.
All you need is to open your schema file and run the command.
you may download JAXB Eclipse Plug-In
jaxb eclipse plugin
I had the same issue while attempting to generate java classes from xsd file.
My installed Eclipse is:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers
Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a)
Build id: 20180405-1200
I solved it changing the workspace default JRE from JRE to JDK in Project Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries
This link describes how the problem arises:
This link explains how to change the default JRE.
Hope this helps
If you're using Eclipse EE all you have to do is switch your running environment from JRE to JDK and that should fix it. Windows -> Preference -> Java -> Installed JRE -> Add - > (Choose Standard VM) Then Select JDK!
Then Execution Environments under Installed JRE select your JavaSE-1.8 or your version and also select JDK!

Eclipse & web development

I'm trying to learn servlets and JSP and would like to do this with Eclipse. When I click about in my current version, I get this info:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2
After searching a bit, it seems you cannot access these features with this version - you need "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers".
I've found a tutorial to install these plugings in your Eclipse installation, but I'm just getting a "failed"-message with no error message. After this, I decided to just download a new version (the EE one ofcourse) from the Eclipse website. The old installation is in c:\program files (x86)\eclipse, the new one in c:\program files (x86)\eclipse2.
The old one still works fine, but when I try to run the new one, I get this:
I have no clue what is wrong here. Am I doing something wrong? The only thing I want is to use Eclipse for JSP and Servlet Development (soon also EJB).
Eclipse cannot find your JRE/JDK. Put the JRE/JDK folder in your PATH variable. My JDK is located here:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24
Should be a similar path for you. Add that to your PATH variable.
Have look at this tutorial to find out how.
Make sure a Java 6 JDK is installed. If it is then you should be able to type javac -v on a command prompt and see output like this 'javac 1.6.0_26'
Once you have this correctly eclipse should start with no issues.
