I'm pretty fresh to java but I wanted to create a exploration type game. I researched for the last 2 weeks and was able to implement the diamond square algorithm for some pretty sweet terrain. But now I'm having trouble trying figure out how to move the map and how to continue the random generation. Here's what I have so far.
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
import java.util.Random;
//import java.util.Random;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5420209024354289119L;
public static final int WIDTH = 1000, HEIGHT = WIDTH / 12 * 9;
private Thread thread;
private boolean running = false;
//private Random r;
private Handler handler;
public Game(){
handler = new Handler();
this.addKeyListener(new KeyInput(handler));
new Window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Game", this);
final int[][] map = DSAlgorithm.makeHeightMap(10, 45, 200);
//r = new Random();
handler.addObject(new Player(WIDTH/2 - 32, HEIGHT/2 - 32, ID.Player));
//handler.addObject(new World(0, 0, ID.World));
int squareSize = 10;
for(int y = 0; y < map.length; y+=squareSize){
for(int x = 0; x < map.length; x+=squareSize){
int value = map[x][y];
handler.addObject(new TerrianTile(x, y, value));
public synchronized void start(){
thread = new Thread(this);
running = true;
public synchronized void stop(){
try {
running = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
public void run(){
long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
double amountOfTicks = 60.0;
double ns = 1000000000 / amountOfTicks;
double delta = 0;
long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
int frames = 0;
while (running){
long now = System.nanoTime();
delta += (now - lastTime) / ns;
lastTime = now;
while(delta >= 1){
delta --;
if (running)
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > 1000){
timer += 1000;
System.out.println("FPS: " + frames);
frames = 0;
private void tick(){
private void render(){
BufferStrategy bs = this.getBufferStrategy();
if (bs == null){
Graphics g = bs.getDrawGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
public static void main(String args[]){
new Game();
public static int randInt(int min, int max){
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
return randomNum;
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Window extends Canvas {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1478604005915452565L;
public Window(int width, int height, String title, Game game) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame(title);
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
frame.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(width, height));
frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(width, height));
package com.game.main;
public class DSAlgorithm {
* This method uses the seed value to initialize the four corners of the
* map. The variation creates randomness in the map. The size of the array
* is determined by the amount of iterations (i.e. 1 iteration -> 3x3 array,
* 2 iterations -> 5x5 array, etc.).
* #param iterations
* the amount of iterations to do (minimum of 1)
* #param seed
* the starting value
* #param variation
* the amount of randomness in the height map (minimum of 0)
* #return a height map in the form of a 2-dimensional array containing
* integer values or null if the arguments are out of range
public static int[][] makeHeightMap(int iterations, int seed, int variation) {
if (iterations < 1 || variation < 0) {
return null;
int size = (1 << iterations) + 1;
int[][] map = new int[size][size];
final int maxIndex = map.length - 1;
// seed the corners
map[0][0] = seed;
map[0][maxIndex] = seed;
map[maxIndex][0] = seed;
map[maxIndex][maxIndex] = seed;
for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
int minCoordinate = maxIndex >> i;// Minimum coordinate of the
// current map spaces
size = minCoordinate << 1;// Area surrounding the current place in
// the map
diamondStep(minCoordinate, size, map, variation);
squareStepEven(minCoordinate, map, size, maxIndex, variation);
squareStepOdd(map, size, minCoordinate, maxIndex, variation);
variation = variation >> 1;// Divide variation by 2
return map;
* Calculates average values of four corner values taken from the smallest
* possible square.
* #param minCoordinate
* the x and y coordinate of the first square center
* #param size
* width and height of the squares
* #param map
* the height map to fill
* #param variation
* the randomness in the height map
private static void diamondStep(int minCoordinate, int size, int[][] map,
int variation) {
for (int x = minCoordinate; x < (map.length - minCoordinate); x += size) {
for (int y = minCoordinate; y < (map.length - minCoordinate); y += size) {
int left = x - minCoordinate;
int right = x + minCoordinate;
int up = y - minCoordinate;
int down = y + minCoordinate;
// the four corner values
int val1 = map[left][up]; // upper left
int val2 = map[left][down]; // lower left
int val3 = map[right][up]; // upper right
int val4 = map[right][down];// lower right
calculateAndInsertAverage(val1, val2, val3, val4, variation,
map, x, y);
* Calculates average values of four corner values taken from the smallest
* possible diamond. This method calculates the values for the even rows,
* starting with row 0.
* #param minCoordinate
* the x-coordinate of the first diamond center
* #param map
* the height map to fill
* #param size
* the length of the diagonals of the diamonds
* #param maxIndex
* the maximum index in the array
* #param variation
* the randomness in the height map
private static void squareStepEven(int minCoordinate, int[][] map,
int size, int maxIndex, int variation) {
for (int x = minCoordinate; x < map.length; x += size) {
for (int y = 0; y < map.length; y += size) {
if (y == maxIndex) {
map[x][y] = map[x][0];
int left = x - minCoordinate;
int right = x + minCoordinate;
int down = y + minCoordinate;
int up = 0;
if (y == 0) {
up = maxIndex - minCoordinate;
} else {
up = y - minCoordinate;
// the four corner values
int val1 = map[left][y]; // left
int val2 = map[x][up]; // up
int val3 = map[right][y];// right
int val4 = map[x][down]; // down
calculateAndInsertAverage(val1, val2, val3, val4, variation,
map, x, y);
* Calculates average values of four corner values taken from the smallest
* possible diamond. This method calculates the values for the odd rows,
* starting with row 1.
* #param minCoordinate
* the x-coordinate of the first diamond center
* #param map
* the height map to fill
* #param size
* the length of the diagonals of the diamonds
* #param maxIndex
* the maximum index in the array
* #param variation
* the randomness in the height map
private static void squareStepOdd(int[][] map, int size, int minCoordinate,
int maxIndex, int variation) {
for (int x = 0; x < map.length; x += size) {
for (int y = minCoordinate; y < map.length; y += size) {
if (x == maxIndex) {
map[x][y] = map[0][y];
int left = 0;
int right = x + minCoordinate;
int down = y + minCoordinate;
int up = y - minCoordinate;
if (x == 0) {
left = maxIndex - minCoordinate;
} else {
left = x - minCoordinate;
// the four corner values
int val1 = map[left][y]; // left
int val2 = map[x][up]; // up
int val3 = map[right][y];// right
int val4 = map[x][down]; // down
calculateAndInsertAverage(val1, val2, val3, val4, variation,
map, x, y);
* Calculates an average value, adds a variable amount to that value and
* inserts it into the height map.
* #param val1
* first of the values used to calculate the average
* #param val2
* second of the values used to calculate the average
* #param val3
* third of the values used to calculate the average
* #param val4
* fourth of the values used to calculate the average
* #param variation
* adds variation to the average value
* #param map
* the height map to fill
* #param x
* the x-coordinate of the place to fill
* #param y
* the y-coordinate of the place to fill
private static void calculateAndInsertAverage(int val1, int val2, int val3,
int val4, int variation, int[][] map, int x, int y) {
int avg = (val1 + val2 + val3 + val4) >> 2;// average
int var = (int) ((Math.random() * ((variation << 1) + 1)) - variation);
map[x][y] = avg + var;
public static void main(String[] args) {
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Handler {
LinkedList<GameObject> object = new LinkedList<GameObject>();
LinkedList<Tiles> tile = new LinkedList<Tiles>();
public void tick(){
for (int i = 0; i < object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = object.get(i);
for (int t = 0; t < tile.size(); t++){
Tiles tempObject = tile.get(t);
public void render(Graphics g){
for (int i = 0; i < object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = object.get(i);
for (int t = 0; t < tile.size(); t++){
Tiles tempObject = tile.get(t);
public void addObject(GameObject object){
public void removeObject(GameObject object){
public void addObject(Tiles tile){
public void removeObject(Tiles tile){
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class Handler {
LinkedList<GameObject> object = new LinkedList<GameObject>();
LinkedList<Tiles> tile = new LinkedList<Tiles>();
public void tick(){
for (int i = 0; i < object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = object.get(i);
for (int t = 0; t < tile.size(); t++){
Tiles tempObject = tile.get(t);
public void render(Graphics g){
for (int i = 0; i < object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = object.get(i);
for (int t = 0; t < tile.size(); t++){
Tiles tempObject = tile.get(t);
public void addObject(GameObject object){
public void removeObject(GameObject object){
public void addObject(Tiles tile){
public void removeObject(Tiles tile){
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class TerrianTile extends Tiles {
public TerrianTile(int x, int y, int tileType) {
super(x, y, tileType);
public void tick(){
public void render(Graphics g){
if (tileType <= 0){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType > 0 && tileType < 40){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType >= 40 && tileType < 55){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType >= 55 && tileType < 120){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType >= 120 && tileType < 140){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType >= 140 && tileType < 170){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
if (tileType >= 170){
g.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10);
package com.game.main;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class KeyInput extends KeyAdapter{
private Handler handler;
public KeyInput(Handler handler){
this.handler = handler;
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
int key = e.getKeyCode();
for (int i = 0; i < handler.object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = handler.object.get(i);
if (tempObject.getId() == ID.Player){
// key events for player 1
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_W) tempObject.setVelY(-5);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_S) tempObject.setVelY(5);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_D) tempObject.setVelX(5);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_A) tempObject.setVelX(-5);
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){
int key = e.getKeyCode();
for (int i = 0; i < handler.object.size(); i++){
GameObject tempObject = handler.object.get(i);
if (tempObject.getId() == ID.Player){
// key events for player 1
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_W) tempObject.setVelY(0);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_S) tempObject.setVelY(0);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_D) tempObject.setVelX(0);
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_A) tempObject.setVelX(0);
Not sure if there is way to container the tiles in a rectangle and then move the rectangle. Any help would be much appreciated.
I dont really know what you mean by moving the tiles in a rectangle but if you just simply want to move all of them in a certain direction you could use g.translate(dx, dY) before you draw them.
Or if the terrain doesnt change you could draw them on an image at the beginning and then draw the image each frame at diffrent positions.
This is a maze solver and I am trying to find a path through the maze. The Map is generated using Prim's algorithm and the position class which is added at the end.
I am trying to find an optimal path through the randomly generated maze using BFS, A*, or DFS but I seem to be doing something wrong.
//impoted by wildcard
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MazeGenerator extends Canvas {
private final Random rand = new Random(); //random variable
private static int WIDTH;
private static int HEIGHT;
private int TILE_WIDTH = 15;
private int TILE_HEIGHT = 15;
private static LinkedList <position> maze = new LinkedList<>(); // maze
private static Map<position, Color> colors = new HashMap<>();
// paint class to draw out the maze
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.translate(5, 5);
g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, HEIGHT * TILE_HEIGHT);
g.drawLine(0, 0, WIDTH * TILE_WIDTH, 0);
LinkedList <position> mazeSteped = maze;
for(int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
int current = (y * WIDTH) + x;
int lower = ((y + 1) * WIDTH) + x;
if(!mazeSteped.contains(new position(current, lower)))
g.drawLine(x * TILE_WIDTH, (y + 1) * TILE_HEIGHT, (x + 1) * TILE_WIDTH, (y + 1) * TILE_HEIGHT);
if(!mazeSteped.contains(new position(current, current + 1)))
g.drawLine((x + 1) * TILE_WIDTH, y * TILE_HEIGHT, (x + 1) * TILE_WIDTH, (y + 1) * TILE_HEIGHT);
if(colors.containsKey(new position(x, y)))
g.setColor(colors.get(new position(x, y)));
// Prim's algorithm
public void generate(int Width, int Height)
LinkedList<Integer> visited = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<position> toVisit = new LinkedList<>();
toVisit.add(new position(0, 1));
toVisit.add(new position(0, Width));
while(toVisit.size() > 0)
int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(toVisit.size());
position nextPath = toVisit.remove(randomIndex);
if(nextPath.start > nextPath.end)
maze.add(new position(nextPath.end, nextPath.start));
//this is showing all four directions that the random variable can generate towards.
int above = nextPath.end - Width;
if(above > 0 && !visited.contains(above))
toVisit.add(new position(nextPath.end, above));
int left = nextPath.end - 1;
if(left % Width != Width - 1 && !visited.contains(left))
toVisit.add(new position(nextPath.end, left));
int right = nextPath.end + 1;
if(right % Width != 0 && !visited.contains(right))
toVisit.add(new position(nextPath.end, right));
int below = nextPath.end + Width;
if(below < Width * Height && !visited.contains(below))
toVisit.add(new position(nextPath.end, below));
public static void main(String[] args)
MazeGenerator mazeGen = new MazeGenerator();
int Height = 30;
HEIGHT = Height;
int Width = 30;
WIDTH = Width;
mazeGen.generate(Width, Height);
mazeGen.setSize(16*Width, 17*Height);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Maze Generator");
frame.setSize(16*Width, 17*Height);
//position or vector class that keeps track of position.
public class position{
public int start;
public int end;
public position(int start, int end){
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public String toString(){
return "(" + start + ", " + end + ")";
public boolean equals(Object obj){
if(!(obj instanceof position))
return false;
position pos = (position) obj;
return pos.start == start && pos.end == end;
public int hashCode(){
return this.toString().hashCode();
public static void main(String [] args) {
position my = new position(1,1);
System.out.println(new position(1,1));
try this maze generator
using depth-first search and Recursive division method
The recursive division method can prevent stackoverflow on recursion
I am attempting to simulate a sphere, and shade it realistically given an origin vector for the light, and the sphere being centered around the origin. Moreover, the light's vector is the normal vector on a larger invisible sphere at a chosen point. The sphere looks off.
The problem, is that it is very difficult to bug fix this kind of program. Especially considering that I know how I want it to look in my head, but when looking at the numbers in my program there is very little meaning attached to them.
Since I don't know where the issue is, I'm forced to paste all of it here.
public class SphereDrawing extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final int ADJ = 320;
private static final double LIGHT_SPHERE_RADIUS = 5;
private static final double LIGHT_X = 3;
private static final double LIGHT_Y = 4;
private static final double LIGHT_Z = 0;
private static final double DRAWN_SPHERE_RADIUS = 1;
private static final int POINT_COUNT = 1000000;
private static Coord[] points;
private static final double SCALE = 200;
public SphereDrawing() {
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 640));
points = new Coord[POINT_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
new Timer(17, (ActionEvent e) -> {
public void initializePoints() { //finding the points on the surface of the sphere (hopefully somewhat equidistant)
double random = Math.random() * (double)POINT_COUNT;
double offset = 2/(double)POINT_COUNT;
double increment = Math.PI * (3 - Math.sqrt(5));
for (int i = 0; i < POINT_COUNT; i++) {
double y = ((i * offset) - 1) + (offset / 2);
double r = Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(y, 2));
double phi = ((i + random) % (double)POINT_COUNT) * increment;
double x = Math.cos(phi) * r;
double z = Math.sin(phi) * r;
points[i] = new Coord(x, y, z);
public void drawSphere(Graphics2D g) {
g.translate(ADJ, ADJ); //shifting from origin for drawing purposes
Arrays.sort(points); //sorting points by their z coordinates
double iHat = -2 * LIGHT_X;
double jHat = -2 * LIGHT_Y; //Light vector
double kHat = -2 * LIGHT_Z;
double angL1 = 0;
if (Math.abs(iHat) != 0.0)
angL1 = Math.atan(jHat / iHat); //converting light vector to spherical coordinates
angL1 = Math.PI/2;
double angL2 = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(iHat, 2) + Math.pow(jHat, 2))/ kHat);
double maxArcLength = LIGHT_SPHERE_RADIUS * Math.PI; // maximum arc length
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if(points[i].checkValid()) {
double siHat = -2 * points[i].x;
double sjHat = -2 * points[i].y; //finding normal vector for the given point on the sphere
double skHat = -2 * points[i].z;
double angSF1 = -1 * Math.abs(Math.atan(sjHat / siHat)); // converting vector to spherical coordinates
double angSF2 = Math.atan(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(siHat, 2) + Math.pow(sjHat, 2))/ skHat);
double actArcLength = LIGHT_SPHERE_RADIUS * Math.acos(Math.cos(angL1) * Math.cos(angSF1) + Math.sin(angL1) * Math.sin(angSF1) * Math.cos(angL2 - angSF2)); //calculating arc length at this point
double comp = actArcLength / maxArcLength; // comparing the maximum arc length to the calculated arc length for this vector
int col = (int)(comp * 255);
col = Math.abs(col);
g.setColor(new Color(col, col, col));
double ovalDim = (4 * Math.PI * Math.pow(DRAWN_SPHERE_RADIUS, 2))/POINT_COUNT; //using surface area to determine how large size of each point should be drawn
if (ovalDim < 1) // if it too small, make less small
ovalDim = 2;
g.fillOval((int)points[i].x, (int)points[i].y, (int)ovalDim, (int)ovalDim); //draw this oval
public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.add(new SphereDrawing(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
private class Coord implements Comparable {
public double x;
public double y;
public double z;
public Coord(double x2, double y2, double z2) {
x = x2;
y = y2;
z = z2;
public void scale() {
x *= SCALE;
y *= SCALE; //drawing purposes
z *= SCALE;
public String toString() {
return x + " " + y + " " + z;
public int compareTo(Object c) {
double diff = this.z - ((Coord)c).z;
if (diff < 0)
return -1;
else if (diff > 0) //for sorting the array of points
return 1;
return 0;
public boolean checkValid() {
return (z > 0); //checks if need to draw this point
I was hoping to at least draw a realistic looking sphere, even if not completely accurate, and I couldn't tell you what exactly is off with mine
I am well and truly stuck on this method. I need to create an attack method for a ComputerPlayer that chooses a random location and attacks the other player's board. Then, there is an attack method where I have to just attack the other player's board. However, when I run the program and place my guesses on my board (GUI), the dots just appear on the ComputerPlayer's board. I don't know why my methods are wrong though.
* Attack the specified Location loc. Marks
* the attacked Location on the guess board
* with a positive number if the enemy Player
* controls a ship at the Location attacked;
* otherwise, if the enemy Player does not
* control a ship at the attacked Location,
* guess board is marked with a negative number.
* If the enemy Player controls a ship at the attacked
* Location, the ship must add the Location to its
* hits taken. Then, if the ship has been sunk, it
* is removed from the enemy Player's list of ships.
* Return true if the attack resulted in a ship sinking;
* false otherwise.
* #param enemy
* #param loc
* #return
public boolean attack(Player enemy, Location loc)
int[][] array = getGuessBoard();
array[loc.getRow()][loc.getCol()] = -1;
array[loc.getRow()][loc.getCol()] = 1;
if(enemy.getShip(loc).isSunk()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean attack(Player enemy, Location loc)
int range = (10 - 0) + 1;
int r = (int) Math.random() * range;
int c = (int) Math.random() * range;
int[][] array = getGuessBoard();
if(array[r][c] != -1)
array[loc.getRow()][loc.getCol()] = -1;
array[loc.getRow()][loc.getRow()] = 1;
return true;
return false;
GUI for Game
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
public class BattleshipDriver extends Canvas implements MouseListener
public static final int WIDTH = 1024, HEIGHT = WIDTH / 12 * 9;
private Battleship battleship;
private int x, y, squareSize, len;
private Player p1, p2;
private BufferedImage logo, end;
public BattleshipDriver()
battleship = new Battleship();
battleship.addPlayer(new HumanPlayer("Mr. Hubbard"));
battleship.addPlayer(new ComputerPlayer("AlphaBattleship"));
x = 90;
y = 200;
squareSize = 36;
len = squareSize * 10 - 1;
p1 = battleship.getPlayer(0);
p2 = battleship.getPlayer(1);
// Get Battleship Logo
try {
logo = ImageIO.read(new File("src/Logo.png"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Get End Screen
try {
end = ImageIO.read(new File("src/End.png"));
} catch (IOException e) {
new Window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Battleship", this);
try {
} catch(InterruptedException ex) {
private void render()
Graphics g = getGraphics();
// Background
g.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
// Boards
renderGrid(g, x, y, squareSize);
renderGuesses(g, p1, x, y, squareSize);
renderGrid(g, 570, y, squareSize);
renderGuesses(g, p2, 570, y, squareSize);
// Names
g.drawString(p1.getName(), x, y + 25 + len);
g.drawString(p2.getName(), 570, y + 25 + len);
// End Screen
g.drawImage(end, 0, 0, this);
g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, squareSize));
String winner = battleship.getWinner().getName();
g.drawString(winner, WIDTH / 2 - (winner.length() * squareSize / 4), HEIGHT / 4);
g.drawString("Wins!", WIDTH / 2 - ("Wins!".length() * squareSize / 4), HEIGHT / 4 + squareSize);
// Battleship Logo
g.drawImage(logo, WIDTH / 2 - 246, 10, this);
private void renderGrid(Graphics g, int x, int y, int s)
g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, s / 2));
// Row Lines
for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
g.drawLine(x, y+i*s, x+len, y+i*s);
// Column Lines
for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
g.drawLine(x+i*s, y, x+i*s, y+len);
// Row Markers
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //marks row coordinates on side
g.drawString(i + "", x-(int)(s*0.43), y+(int)(s*0.67)+s*i);
// Column Markers
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //marks column coordinates on top
g.drawString(i + "", x+(int)(s*0.4)+s*i, y-(int)(s*0.2));
public void renderGuesses(Graphics g, Player player, int x, int y, int s)
int[][] guessBoard = player.getGuessBoard();
for(int r = 0; r < guessBoard.length; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < guessBoard[r].length; c++)
if(guessBoard[r][c] > 0) // hit
g.fillOval(c*s+x+(int)(s*0.35), r*s+y+(int)(s*0.35), (int)(s*0.33), (int)(s*0.33));
else if(guessBoard[r][c] < 0) // miss
g.fillOval(c*s+x+(int)(s*0.35), r*s+y+(int)(s*0.35), (int)(s*0.33), (int)(s*0.33));
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
int r = e.getY();
int c = e.getX();
int len = squareSize * 10 - 1;
if(r > y && r < y + len && c > x && c < x + len) // clicked on board
int row = (r - y) / squareSize;
int col = (c - x) / squareSize;
System.out.println(row + ", " + col);
Location loc = new Location(row, col);
if(p1.getGuessBoard()[row][col] == 0)
p1.attack(p2, loc);
p2.attack(p1, loc);
System.out.println(r + ", " + c);
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
public static void main(String[] args)
new BattleshipDriver();
I've got a problem, I'm programming in Java and when I went to run it, It came up with a list of about 6 errors. These
Exception in thread "Display" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 64
at com.cmnatic.mld.graphics.Screen.clear(Screen.java:27)
at com.cmnatic.mld.Game.render(Game.java:107)
at com.cmnatic.mld.Game.run(Game.java:77)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
If it helps, here is my code (ofc it does)
package com.cmnatic.mld;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import com.cmnatic.mld.graphics.Screen;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static int width = 300; // 300 * 3 = 900
public static int height = width / 16 * 9; //168.75 * 3 = 506.25
public static int scale = 3;
public static String title = "CMNatic's MLD Entry #49";
private Thread thread;
private JFrame frame;
private boolean running = false;
private Screen screen;
private BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
private int[] pixels =((DataBufferInt)image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
public Game() {
Dimension size = new Dimension(width * scale, height * scale);
screen = new Screen(width, height);
frame = new JFrame();
private void setPrefferedSize(Dimension size) {
public synchronized void start() {
running = true;
thread = new Thread(this , "Display");
public synchronized void stop() {
running = false;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void run() {
long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
final double ns = 100000000.0 / 60.0; // nano-seconds = 1000000000 (9 0'S) / 60.0
double delta = 0;
int frames = 0;
int updates = 0;
while (running) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
delta += (now-lastTime) / ns; //nano-seconds (ns)
lastTime = now;
while (delta >= 1) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > 1000) {
timer += 1000;
System.out.println(updates + " ups, " + frames + " fps");
frame.setTitle(title + " | " + updates + "ups, " + frames);
updates = 0;
frames = 0;
int x = 0, y = 0;
public void update() {
if (y % 10 == 0) x++;
public void render() {
BufferStrategy bs = getBufferStrategy();
if (bs == null) {
package com.cmnatic.mld.graphics;
import java.util.Random;
public class Screen {
private int width, height;
public int[] pixels;
public final int MAP_SIZE = 8;
public final int MAP_SIZE_MASK = MAP_SIZE - 1;
public int[] tiles = new int[MAP_SIZE * MAP_SIZE];
private Random random = new Random();
public Screen(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
pixels = new int[width * height]; // 50,400
for (int i = 0; i < MAP_SIZE * MAP_SIZE; i++) {
tiles[i] = random.nextInt(0xffffff);
public void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
tiles[i] = random.nextInt(0xffffff);
tiles[0] = 0;
public void render(int xOffset, int yOffset) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int yy = y + yOffset;
//if (yy < 0 || y >= height) break;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int xx = x + xOffset;
//if (xx < 0 || x >= width) break;
int tileIndex = ((xx >> 4) + xOffset& MAP_SIZE_MASK) + ((yy >> 4)& MAP_SIZE_MASK) * MAP_SIZE;
pixels[x + y * width] = tiles[tileIndex];
If anyone could help, I would be forever grateful!
In Screen.clear() you have:
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
tiles[i] = random.nextInt(0xffffff);
tiles[0] = 0;
But based on your comments, pixels is clearly larger than tiles. You probably meant tiles.length in that for loop (I'm presuming clear is supposed to be doing the same thing you are doing in that loop at the end of the Screen constructor).
In general, when you see an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, it precisely means that an array index is out of bounds. When you run into that, look carefully at your code and try to find any opportunities for that to happen. In this case, the use of a different array's length in the index loop is a big red flag.
Also, incidentally, the tiles[0] = 0 in that loop looks like it isn't supposed to be there.
Your problem is that you're using pixels and tiles interchangeably in your clear method. The logical "board" size is 8x8, but your pixels array is sized based on the passed-in parameters. You then try to iterate over the 50k or so pixels in the 8x8 board and promptly run off the end.
Additionally, both of those arrays are very obviously representing two-dimensional concepts (a board and a screen), and it makes your code much clearer to use a two-dimensional array:
int pixels[][] = new int[width][height];
I'm working with java images for the first time and having a problem viewing them when the applet loads. If I resize the window they display fine. I feel like this is a common first-timer error. Has anyone else encountered this? Any idea what the fix could be? What I believe to be the pertinent parts of the code are listed below. Thanks for any and all help with this...
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
public class example extends JApplet implements Runnable
boolean updating;
Thread thread;
private int width, height;
Table aTable; //used to create and store values
private AudioClip[] sounds = new AudioClip[4]; //array to hold audio clips
private int counter = 0; //counter for audio clip array
private Image GameImage;
private Graphics GameGraphics;
public example() //set up applet gui
this.resize(new Dimension(600, 500));
//setup table
aTable = new Table(50, 50, 50, 50, 16, 16, getImage("images/FLY.gif", Color.white),
getImage("images/FlySwatter.gif", Color.white)); //Table must be square or flyswatter wont move straight
//add cordTxtFlds to bottom of screen
//this.add(cordTxtFlds, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
super.resize(800, 600);
public void init()
width = getSize().width;
height = getSize().height;
GameImage = createImage(width, height);
GameGraphics = GameImage.getGraphics();
// Automatic in some systems, not in others
//show the greeting
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("images/FLY.gif",
"a fly");
/** Description of paint(Graphics g)
* Function draws table and sets the table color
* #param g graphics object used to draw table
* #return void
public void paint(Graphics g)
GameGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g.drawImage(GameImage, 0, 0, this);
public void update(Graphics g)
public void start()
thread = new Thread(this);
public void stop()
updating = false;
public void run()
//returns a transparent image.
//color is made transparent
private Image getImage(String imgPath, final Color color)
Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imgPath);
ImageFilter filter = new RGBImageFilter() {
// the color we are looking for... Alpha bits are set to opaque
public int markerRGB = color.getRGB() | 0xFFFFFF;
public final int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) {
if ( ( rgb | 0xFF000000 ) == markerRGB ) {
// Mark the alpha bits as zero - transparent
return 0x00FFFFFF & rgb;
else {
// nothing to do
return rgb;
ImageProducer ip = new FilteredImageSource(img.getSource(), filter);
img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(ip);
return img;
and the class which handles the drawing (in drawValues())
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class Table extends Panel
private char[][]values = new char[10][10]; //probably better to use array of integer values(0 or 1)
private Point[]coordLoc;// = new Point[100]; //stores the x & y coordinates of points on the grid
private boolean[]itemMarker; //stores the truth value of wether or not an item
// is located at the coresponding point in cordLoc array
private int [][]coords;// = new int [100][2];
Image itemImg; // stores the item image
private int Rows; // stores number of rows
private int Columns; // stores number of columns
private int BoxWidth ; // stores the width of a box
private int BoxHeight; // stores the height of a box
public Point Pos = new Point(); // creates a new point to draw from
private int tableHeight; // stores the height of the table
private int tableWidth; // stores the width of the table
private int numOfGridLocs;
/** Description of public Table( x, y, width, height, col, rows, X, O)
* Constructor function
* #param x contains an x-coordinate of the table
* #param y contains a y-coordinate of the table
* #param width contains the width of a box in the table
* #param height contains the height of a box in the table
* #param col contains the number of columns in the table
* #param rows contains the number of rows in the table
* #param itemImg contains the "target" image ie: ant, fly, ... unicorn
* #return none
public Table(int x, int y, int width, int height, int col, int rows, Image itemImg, Image swatterImg)
/*set values*/
numOfGridLocs = (col - 1) * (rows - 1);
//initialize arrays
coordLoc = new Point[numOfGridLocs];
for(int i = 0; i < numOfGridLocs; i++)
coordLoc[i] = new Point();
Rows = rows;
Columns = col;
BoxWidth = width;
BoxHeight = height;
Pos.x = x;
Pos.y = y;
this.itemImg = itemImg;
tableHeight = Rows*BoxHeight;
tableWidth = Columns*BoxWidth;
itemMarker = new boolean[numOfGridLocs];
coords = new int [numOfGridLocs][2];
/** Description of draw(Graphics g)
* Function draws the lines used in the table
* #param g object used to draw the table
* #return none
public void draw(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g;
//draw flyswatter
drawValues(g2); //draw values
//draw vertical table lines
for (int i = 0 ; i <= Columns ; i++)
//make center line thicker
if(i == Rows/2)
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
g2.drawLine(i*BoxWidth + Pos.x, Pos.y, i*BoxWidth + Pos.x, tableHeight+Pos.y);
//draw horizontal table line
for(int i = 0 ; i <= Rows ; i++)
//make center line thicker
if(i == Rows/2)
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2));
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1));
g2.drawLine(Pos.x, i*BoxHeight + Pos.y, tableWidth+Pos.x, i*BoxHeight + Pos.y);
/** Description of drawLables(Graphics g)
* Function draws the Lables of the Table
* #param g object used to draw the table
* #return none
private void drawLables(Graphics g)
String Lable;
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
int xLabel = this.Columns/2 * -1;
int yLabel = this.Rows/2;
//draw Row lables
for (int i = 0 ; i <= Rows ; i++)
Lable = "" + yLabel;
g2.drawString(Lable, Pos.x - 25, Pos.y + BoxHeight*i);
//draw Column lables
for (int i = 0 ; i <= Columns ; i++)
Lable = "" + xLabel;
g2.drawString(Lable, Pos.x + BoxWidth*i - 5, Pos.y - 20 );
/** Description of randomChangeFunc()
* Function randomly determines which table value to change
* #param none
* #return void
public int getX(int XCordinate)
int x = XCordinate+Columns/2;
if(x < 0) x *= -1; //x must be positive
x *= BoxWidth;
x += Pos.x;
return x-BoxWidth/2;
//returns Position of Y-cordinate
public int getY(int YCordinate)
int y = YCordinate -Rows/2;
if (y < 0) y *= -1; //y must be positive
y *= BoxHeight;
y += Pos.y;
return y-BoxHeight/2;
/** Description of getValue( col, row )
* Function draws the lines used in the table
* #param col contains a column coordinate
* #param row contains a row coordinate
* #return returns table coordinates
public char getValue(int col, int row)
return values[row][col];
/** Description of isDrawable( x, y )
* Function returns true if (x,y) is a point in the table
* #param x contains a table column
* #param y contains a table row
* #return boolean if (x,y) is a point in the table
public boolean isDrawable(int x, int y)
return true;
return false;
private void drawValues(Graphics g)
for(int i = 0; i < numOfGridLocs; i++)
g.drawImage(itemImg,coordLoc[i].x+1, coordLoc[i].y+1, BoxWidth-1, BoxHeight-1, null);
g.setColor(Color.black); // set color of table to black
//sets the randomized boolean values in itemMarker array
private void setValues()
double probOfItem = .25;
for(int count = 0; count < numOfGridLocs; count++){
itemMarker[count] = randomBool(probOfItem);
//returns random boolean value, p is prob of 'true'
private boolean randomBool(double p)
return (Math.random() < p);
public int getColumn(int x)
x += (BoxWidth/2); //aTable.getX/Y returns in the middle of squares not at upper left point
int offsetx=0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < Columns*2 ; i++)
offsetx = i*BoxWidth;
if((x>=Pos.x+offsetx)&& (x<Pos.x+offsetx+BoxWidth))
return i-Columns;
return -100;
public int getRow(int y)
int offsety=0;
y += (BoxHeight/2); //aTable.getX/Y returns in the middle of squares not at upper left point
for (int i = 0 ; i < Rows*2 ; i++) {
offsety = i * BoxHeight;
if((y >= (offsety+Pos.y))&& (y < (offsety+BoxHeight+Pos.y)))
return ((i)*-1)+Rows;
return -100;
public boolean isValidGuess(int x, int y)
if ((x > Columns/2) || (x < Columns/2*-1) || (y > Rows/2) || (y < Rows/2*-1))
return false;
return true;
/** Description of randomChangeFunc()
* Function randomly determines which table value to change
* #param none
* #return void
public void randomChangeFunc()
//get random row and column
Random rand=new Random();
int randRow = rand.nextInt(Rows); // gets and holds a random column
int randCol = rand.nextInt(Columns); // gets and holds a random column
System.out.println("randRow = " + randRow + " randCol = " + randCol);
if(values[randRow][randCol] == 'X')
values[randRow][randCol] = 'O';
else if(values[randRow][randCol] == 'O')
values[randRow][randCol] = 'X';
System.out.println("ERROR SWAPPING SQUARE VALUE"); // error message
private void mapGrid() //set values for coordLoc array
//set counter variables
int count = 0;
int index = 0;
//loop through all points, assigning them to the coordLoc array
for (int r=0; r < Rows-1; r++)
for (int c=0; c < Columns-1; c++) {
//the width/height / 2 places the points on grid line intersections, not the boxes they create
coordLoc[count].x = Pos.x + (BoxWidth) * c + (BoxWidth/2); // record x-point
coordLoc[count].y = Pos.y + (BoxHeight) * r + (BoxHeight/2); // record y-point
System.out.println(coordLoc[count].getX() + ", " + coordLoc[count].getY());
} //end inner for
//set positive x coord values for coords array
int y_axisBeginingIndex = (Rows - 2)/2;
for(int greaterIndex = 0; greaterIndex < ((Rows) / 2); greaterIndex++){
for(int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < (Rows - 1); minorIndex++){
index = y_axisBeginingIndex + greaterIndex + ((Rows - 1) * minorIndex);
coords[index][0] = greaterIndex;
//set negative x coord values for coords array
for(int greaterIndex = -1; greaterIndex > (0-((Rows) / 2)); greaterIndex--){
for(int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < (Rows - 1); minorIndex++){
index = y_axisBeginingIndex + greaterIndex + ((Rows - 1) * minorIndex);
coords[index][0] = greaterIndex;
//set positive y values for coords array
int x_axisBeginingIndex = (Rows - 1) * ((Rows / 2) - 1);
for(int greaterIndex = 0; greaterIndex < ((Rows) / 2); greaterIndex++){
for(int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < (Rows - 1); minorIndex++){
index = x_axisBeginingIndex + minorIndex;
coords[index][1] = greaterIndex;
x_axisBeginingIndex -= (Rows - 1);
//set negative y values for coords array
x_axisBeginingIndex = (Rows - 1) * ((Rows / 2) - 1) + (Rows - 1);
for(int greaterIndex = -1; greaterIndex > (0-((Rows) / 2)); greaterIndex--){
for(int minorIndex = 0; minorIndex < (Rows - 1); minorIndex++){
index = x_axisBeginingIndex + minorIndex;
coords[index][1] = greaterIndex;
x_axisBeginingIndex += (Rows - 1);
//print out the x and y coords
for(int i = 0; i < numOfGridLocs; i++){
System.out.println("[" + i + "] -> x = " + coords[i][0] + " y = " + coords[i][1]);
public boolean thereIsAnItemAt(int index){
return itemMarker[index];
public boolean bugsLeft(){
boolean thereAreBugsLeft = false;
for(int i = 0; i < numOfGridLocs; i++)
thereAreBugsLeft = true;
return thereAreBugsLeft;
void update()
Been stumped on this for weeks. Thanks again...
What I believe to be the pertinent
parts of the code are listed below.
By definition when you have a problem you don't know what part of the code is (or isn't) relevant. That is why you need to post a SSCCE that demonstrates the problem so we can see what you are doing.
The fact that is work "after" a resize means the problem is not with the painting. The problem could be that the images aren't loaded in which case you should be using:
drawImage(...., this);
The "this" instead of "null" notifies the panel to repaint the image when the image gets fully loaded.
Or maybe, you added the panel to the frame after the frame was visible and forgot to use
By resizing the frame you force a revalidation.
The point is we are guessing. So save us time and post a SSCCE next time.
Sorry still too much code.
You need to read the article on Painting in AWT and Swing. Your code is a mixture of both.
Basically, as you where told in your last posting custom painting is done by overriding the paintComponent(...) method of JPanel. So you do the custom painting and then add the JPanel to the JApplet. I gave you a link to the Swing tutorial in your last posting and it also contains a section on how to write an Applet.
You should be extending JPanel, not Panel.
Also, you should NOT be overriding the paint() and upated() method of JApplet, this is old AWT code and should NOT be used with Swing.
Read the article and fix the problems first.
The answer is changing the draw() method in the class that extends JPanel to paintComponent() and switching the last parameter in the call to drawImage() to 'this' instead of 'null'. Worked instantly and perfectly!