I was generating POJOs from my database using different tools and noticed that some would generate collections as fields, with getters and setters, for one to many relationships and others didn't.
Let's say I have an Order and Product table. Each order can have one or many products.
Collection<Product> list = new ArrayList<>();
Method 1:
Order order = new Order();
Method 2:
Order order = new Order();
and in the add method, include an addProductBatch call.
which method is prefered? Also for some one to many relationships adding multiple objects in a single transaction never occurs - in which case you wouldn't need some of these collections - is this correct?
It depends on the implementation of the DAO...
In the method 2, you build your order and its products in the business model, then pass the complete and consistent order (order + list of products) to be saved by the DAO. The transaction implementation is internal to the DAO.
In the method 1, you call twice the DAO, first with the order (without product), then again with the list of products related to the order. It means, either that the DAO is stateful and you have some method to execute the transaction when you are done setting it up, or that there is 2 transactions. If you are in the case of this last option, consistency of the DB can be wrong (having an order without any products).
Method 2 is certainly better since it allows stateless DAO, and a clean transaction management.
I would prefer variant of the first method. We avoid to use direct data transfer between entities and DAO services in form of collections, but prefer creation such methods as add, get, remove directly in entity (I know it's some against the rules) - all first needed methods for entity life encapsulates in entity.
I am currently working on a product that works with Hibernate (HQL) and another one that works with JPQL. As much as I like the concept of the mapping from a relational structure (database) to an object (Java class), I am not convinced of the performance.
public class Person{
private String name;
private int age;
private char sex;
private List<Person> children;
I want to get attribute age of a certain Person. A person with 10 children (he has been very busy). With Hibernate or JPQL you would retrieve the person as an object.
FROM my.package.Person as p
WHERE p.name = 'Hazaart'
Not only will I be retrieving the other attributes of the person that I don't need, it will also retrieve all the children of that person and their attributes. And they might have children as well and so on... This would mean more tables would be accessed on database level than needed.
I understand the advantages of Object Relational Mapping. However it would seem that in a lot of cases you will not need every attribute of a certain object. Especially in a complex system. It would seem like the advantages do not nearly justify the performance loss. I've always learned performance should be the main concern.
Can anyone please share their opinion? Maybe I am looking at it the wrong way, maybe I am using it the wrong way...
I'm not familiar with JPQL, but if you set up Hiernate correctly, it will not automatically fetch the children. Instead it will return a proxy list, which will fetch the missing data transparently if it is accessed.
This will also work with simple references to other persistent objects. Hibernate will create a proxy object, containing only the ID, and load the actual data only if it is accessed. ("lazy loading")
This of couse has some limitations (like persistent class hierarchies), but overall works pretty good.
BTW, you should use List<Person> to reference the children. I'm not sure that Hibernate can use a proxy List if you specify a specific implementation.
In the example above, Hibernate will load the attributes name, age and sex, and will create a List<Person> proxy object that initially contains no data.
Once the application accesses calls any method of the List that requires knowledge of the data, like childen.size() or iterates over the list, the proxy will call Hibernate to read the children objects and populate the List. The cildren objects, being instances of Person, will also contain a proxy List<Person> of their children.
There are some optimizations hibernate might perform in the background, like loading the children for other Person objects at the same time that might be in this session, since it is querying the database anyways. But whether this is done, and to what extend, is configurable per attribute.
You can also tell hibernate to never use lazy-loading for certain references or classes, if you are sure you'll need them later, or if you continue to use the persistent oject once the session is closed.
Be aware that lazy loading will of course fail if the session is no longer active. If for example you load a Person oject, don't access the children List, and close the session, a call to children.size() for example will fail.
IIRC the hibernate session class has method to populate all not-yet-loaded references in a persistent oject, if needed.
Best read the hibernate documentation on how to configure all this.
I have tried searching on Stack Overflow and at other websites the pros, cons and conveniences about using Sets vs Lists but I really couldn't find a DEFINITE answer for when to use this or that.
From Hibernate's documentation, they state that non-duplicate records should go into Sets and, from there, you should implement your hashCode() and equals() for every single entity that could be wrapped into a Set. But then it comes to the price of convenience and ease of use as there are some articles that recommend the use of business-keys as every entity's id and, from there, hashCode() and equals() could then be perfectly implemented for every situation regardless of the object's state (managed, detached, etc).
It's all fine, all fine... until I come across on lots of situations where the use of Sets are just not doable, such as Ordering (though Hibernate gives you the idea of SortedSet), convenience of collectionObj.get(index), collectionObj.remove(int location || Object obj), Android's architecture of ListView/ExpandableListView (GroupIds, ChildIds) and on... My point is: Sets are just really bad (imho) to manipulate and make it work 100%.
I am tempted to change every single collection of my project to List as they work very well. The IDs for all my entities are generated through MYSQL's auto-generated sequence (#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)).
Is there anyone out the who could in a definite way clear up my mind in all these little details mentioned above?
Also, is it doable to use Eclipse's auto-generated hashCode() and equals() for the ID field for every entity? Will it be effective in every situation?
Thank you very much,
List versus Set
Duplicates allowed
Lists allow duplicates and Sets do not allow duplicates. For some this will be the main reason for them choosing List or Set.
Multiple Bag's Exception - Multiple Eager fetching in same query
One notable difference in the handling of Hibernate is that you can't fetch two different lists in a single query.
It will throw an exception "cannot fetch multiple bags". But with sets, no such issues.
A list, if there is no index column specified, will just be handled as a bag by Hibernate (no specific ordering).
#OrderBy("lastname ASC")
public List<Rating> ratings;
One notable difference in the handling of Hibernate is that you can't fetch two different lists in a single query. For example, if you have a Person entity having a list of contacts and a list of addresses, you won't be able to use a single query to load persons with all their contacts and all their addresses. The solution in this case is to make two queries (which avoids the cartesian product), or to use a Set instead of a List for at least one of the collections.
It's often hard to use Sets with Hibernate when you have to define equals and hashCode on the entities and don't have an immutable functional key in the entity.
furthermore i suggest you this link.
I am building a small Java web application using Spring MVC, Hibernate and I am confused about the DAO classes methods naming.
For example I have an InvoiceDAO.java class which I thought should contain the following methods:
Save(Invoice newInvoice);
Void(Invoice oldInvoice);
getInvoiceByID(Long invoideID);
but my boss says that best practices says that I should have methods names in DAO classes as follows:
add(Invoice newInvoice);
update(Invoice oldInvoice);
which makes no sense for me as I am not sure how I can name voiding an invoice as Update?!!
So can someone please guide me in this and tell me if I am wrong on my methods naming? In other words is it correct that I should only use add, update for naming or can I use any naming and still be considered as best practices.
Voiding an invoice is a business operation. I would say such logic lives in your service layer. You make updates to the invoice to mark it as void, and then pass it to the data layer to save.
The data layer should contain pure CRUD type methods, that is add/save/find.
Using many modern data frameworks, you don't even need to write the data layer ... e.g. see http://blog.springsource.org/2011/02/10/getting-started-with-spring-data-jpa/
I've found this refeernce some time ago about DAO naming ...
Names according to function
getData* Data Parsing Methods used internally in DAO, do not use this namespace for data accessing.
get* (e.g. getUsersByID) SELECT queries – It is encouraged that you try to use the noun in Singular or Plural according to single or multi-row return.
set* (e.g. setActive) UPDATE Queries
add* (e.g. addUser) INSERT Queries – It is encouraged that you try to use the noun in Singular or Plural according to single or multi-row insert.
delete* (e.g. deleteUser) DELETE queries
is* (e.g. isActive) IF check returns boolean, i.e., if ($user_dao->isUserActive($id)) or if ($post_dao->isPostInStorage($id))
count* (e.g. countUsers) Returns integer with the item count.
Reserved functions
insert – takes an object as argument, and inserts it to the table.
save – takes an object as an argument, and stores the data in it back to data backend
poke – Takes an ID as argument, “pokes” the record (sets “last seen” or whatever to now), returns update count (usually 1)
Other things to remember
As the storage Backend may or may not be a “database”, it would be encouraged not to create methods with names that imply that the backend is using a database.
First of all, in Java, at least, you name your methods with the first letter of each internal word capitalized, camel-case. You can see at the section Methods this: Java Naming Conventions
Regarding the specific naming of your methods inside the dao:
I would go by creating basic crud operations that can be performed to your model classes
add(Invoice invoice)
update(Invoice invoice)
// or instead
save(Invoice invoice) // which will perform either add or update
delete(Invoice invoice) // or delete(int invoiceId)
findById(int invoiceId)
// and so forth
I would not make use of the term "void" inside the dao, since that is related to the business. Do the dao as simple as possible and after that in your service that will be using the dao, you can name your methods related to the business required (i.e. voice(Invoice invoice))
There is another possibility to create a generic dao with the basic CRUD operations and maybe you can then start naming the methods as you want:
public class InvoiceDAO inherits GenericDao<Invoice> {
// all the above methods would be inherited
// add specific methods to your dao
Again, if I were you I would move the naming of specific stuff in the service.
Now it's up to you how you want to approach from what I showed. The idea is to keep the dao as simple as possible.
You might as well go and name your void method (since you can do name it void, since in Java is a keyword -- thanks #Marco Forberg for noticing that) either delete (Void - means that it is deleted.) or performVoid. Or go simple with update if you are not removing the invoice from the database after you void it. update can be applied to any changes you made for your invoice entry.
Save and add have 2 different meanings. As do Void and update. Use the term that accurately describes what the method is doing. Im not aware of any specific best practise here.
Also, I would tend to only pass an ID into a void method if that is enough to perform the action. This is different scenario from an update where you may expect to update multiple attributes on the invoice.
One class Customers instantiates many other classes (e.g. CustomersFromMysql, CustomersFromPostgeSQL) that all query databases which give back customer names. Now these customer names come back as for example name = "John Doe", what my Customers class needs though is more than name, it also needs nameNoSpace = "JohnDoe" and nameInvertedComma = "Doe, John" for example.
I would programm a helper class Converter which has methods like invertName(name) and removeComma(name). Would I instantiate the converter in every class that queries the database (CustomersFromMysql, CustomersFromPostgeSQL) to give back all required variables or would I instantiate the Converter in the instantiating class Customers so when I get back results I iterate through my list and batch convert them?
Of course both works, but what is the way to go?
You should remember separation of duties in such cases. The database related classes should handle only the database specific aspects. Performing operations (calculations) on the retrieved data should be treated as business logic. So, if your Customers class already has some logic in it, it would be the perfect place for putting in the conversion routines. Neverthess, it really depends on where you think your logic belongs to.
It may also make sense to apply some naming conventions. In general you can distinguish between at least the different kinds of classes in case like the one you desribed in your question:
Data Access Objects (DAO); perform database opertions (your SQL classes)
Data Transfer Objects (DTO) or entities; represent the structure of your business objects
Business Logic; retrieve the DTO by using DAOs, perform some logic according to your requirements, push the DTO back into the database by using the DAOs again
Correct me if anything is wrong.
Now when we use Spring DAO for ORM templates, when we use #Transactional attribute,
we do not have control over the transaction and/or session when the method is called externally, not within the method.
Lazy loading saves resources - less queries to the db, less memory to keep all the collections fetched in the app memory.
So, if lazy=false, then everything is fetched, all associated collections, that is not effectively, if there are 10,000 records in a linked set.
Now, I have a method in a DAO class that is supposed to return me a User object.
It has collections that represent linked tables of the database.
I need to get a object by id and then query its collections.
Hibernate "failed to lazily initialize a collection" exception occurs when I try to access the linked collection that this DAO method returns.
Explain please, what is a workaround here?
Update: All right, let me ask you this. DAO is an abstract layer, so a method "getUserById(Integer id)" is supposed to return an Object.
What if in some cases I need these linked collections of the User object and in other situation I need those collections.
Are there only two ways:
1) lazy loading = false
2) create different methods: getUserByIdWithTheseCollections(), getUserByIdWithOtherCollections() and inside those methods use your approach?
I mean are there only 2 ways and nothing better?
Update 2: Explain please, what would give me the explicit use of SESSIONFACTORY?
How does it look in practice? We create an instance of DAO object,
then inject it with session factory and this would mean that two consequent
method calls to DAO will run within the same transaction?
It seems to me that anyway, DAO is detached from the classes that make use of it!
The logic and transactions are encapsulated within DAO, right?
You can get the linked collection in transaction to load it while you're still within the transaction:
User user = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().get(User.class, userId);
return user;
As BalusC has pointed out, you can use Hibernate.initialize() instead of size(). That's a lot cleaner.
Then when you return such an entity, the lazy field is already initialized.
Replying to your PS - is using transactions on service level (rather than DAO) level feasible? It seems to be, as doing each DAO call in separate transaction seems to be a waste (and may be incorrect).
I find that it's best to put #Transactional at the service layer, rather than the DAO layer. Otherwise, all your DAO calls are in separate hibernate sessions - all that object equality stuff won't work.
In my opinion best way to solve this problem will be to design application in a session-per-request model. Then, if you even have an object taken from DAO, until your OSIV pattern works you can use the object safely anywhere in application, even in views without bothering this stuff. This is probably better solution that those proposed because:
Hibernate.initialize() or size is a very artificial workaround - what if you want to have User with different collection initialized, would you write another method for getting user?
Service layer transactional model is OK, but the same problem comes when you want to get object extracted from the service layer to use it in controller or view
You could do something like following:
public User getByUserId(Long id, String ... fetch) {
Criteria criteria = createCriteria();
if (fetch != null) {
for (String fieldName : fetch) {
criteria.setFetchMode(fieldName, FetchMode.JOIN); // fetch these fields eagerly
return criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id)).list();