java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 in arrays - java

hello # all i have this probleme i have two arraylist ta,ta1
ta is an 1D arraylist contain many string objects in every frame i got only one object i want to forme a new ArrayList ta1 witch take two or more object colectted from ta in n=2 case we got
1with2 2with3 3with4 ....
example i have n=2;
ta [aa,bb,cc,dd]
ta1 will be [aabb,bbcc,ccdd]
i have tried with this
String m = "";
String h = "";
int e = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= ta.size(); i++) {
int n = Integer.parseInt(tt.getText());
while (n > 0) {
String t = (ta.get(e + i));
m = m + t;
but its giving me that error in the title
tanks for your help in advance

First of all i<=ta.size() is wrong, since the valid indices of ta go from 0 to ta.size()-1.
Second of all, in your while loop you assume that e+i is a valid index in ta, which is also an assumption you can't make without testing first that e+i<ta.size().
First you should move
int n=Integer.parseInt(tt.getText());
to be before the for loop.
This way, changing
for (int i=0;i<=ta.size();i++)
for (int i=0;i<=ta.size()-n;i++)
will ensure that e+i<ta.size().
You should also reset the relevant variables in the correct place. I think this should work :
int n = Integer.parseInt(tt.getText());
for (int i=0;i<=ta.size()-n;i++){
int c = n;
String m = "";
int e = 0 ;
String t=(ta.get(e+i));

for (int i=0;i<=ta.size();i++){
ArrayList is a 0 based index collection. That means that you go from 0 to size - 1. At the moment, you're going from 0 to size, which is causing the IndexOutOfBoundsException.


Keep getting an error when I run this code

I am currently taking Programming 1 and learning Java. Here is my assignment...
Ask user to enter a number and then in a loop, find any 2 numbers that they are the same and next to each other. And then display the number in the loop. For example, if user enters 133455662, the program displays 356. For simplicity, assume user never will enter all three numbers the same and next to each other
Here is the code I've come up with, except I keep getting an error...
public static void main(String[] args){
String num = "";
String result = "";
System.out.println("Enter a number");
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
num =;
int len = num.length();
for(int n = 0;n<len;n++){
char c = num.charAt(n);
char c2 = num.charAt(n+1);
if(c == c2){
result = result + c;
This is the error I get...
run: Enter a number 001123455 Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range:
9 at java.lang.String.charAt( at
Java returned: 1 BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)
Thanks again for anyone that can help!
Exception said that StringIndexOutOfBoundsException, so you need two changes to make it work:
Add "-1" to fix error "for (int n = 0; n < len - 1; n++) {"
And also at the end of the program you need change from "num" to "result" System.out.println(result);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String num = "";
String result = "";
System.out.println("Enter a number");
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
num =;
int len = num.length();
for (int n = 0; n < len - 1; n++) {
char c = num.charAt(n);
char c2 = num.charAt(n + 1);
if (c == c2) {
result = result + c;
I think all you need to do is to change your for line like (updated to len-1):
for(int n = 0; n<len-1; n++){
Change your for loop as
for(int n = 0; n < len - 1; n++)
since you are looking up the character at index n and len+1 in the for-loop body, you should loop from 0 to len-1
In addition to the other answers here that just "give" you the solution, I wanted to add:
This is a common problem when you first start out using structures that are "0" indexed. For example, if we have the letters A-I:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
There are 9 letters there, so length() will return 9. The problem is, the letter at the first position isn't 1, it's 0. If in a loop you count all the way up to 9, the last iteration of the loop's charAt line will say "Take the character at position 9" but 9 is out of range of available positions, hence the exception String index out of range: 9.
This can happen anytime you are referencing an object in a structure that has positional indexes. When you see an exception like this, the first thing to check is why did my code try to access an index that didn't exist. In this case, the answer is the upper bound of the for loop. There are other possibilities; for example, your index variable (in this case i) is modified inside the loop, or if the lower bound is negative.

Error when testing for the max value of a table?

I have an error when I try to run a loop that will test the max value of a table.
The table is tabl with a length of c.
int a=0;
int b=0;
while (a<=c) {
int d = tabl[a];
int e = tabl[a+1];
if(d < e)
b = e;
b = d;
It's pretty easy, it starts with comparing tabl[0] and tabl[1], and saves the bigger one, and then keeps going until a = c which is the length of the table and then finishes the loop saving the biggest value of the table in b.
But when I run this I get an java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error code, can anyone help please? thanks!
When you reach a = c - 1 in your loop, your code is looking for the value of tabl[c-1]and tabl[c]. However, since your table is of length c, this causes an java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Beware that in Java, arrays are 0-indexed, that is to say, the first element is at index 0 and the last at index (length - 1).
You could write something like that, using a for-each construct :
int max = 0;
for (int element : tabl) {
if (element > max) {
max = element;
or a simple for loop
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tabl.length; i++) {
int element = tabl[i];
if (element > max) {
max = element;
The problem is you are going one past the end of the array. Arrays are zero indexed, so the item at c is going to be IndexOutOfBounds.
Also because you are accessing a + 1, this means that on the loop when a = c - 2, a + 1 will access the last element of the array.
int a=0;
int b=0;
while (a < c - 1){
int d = tabl[a];
int e = tabl[a+1];
if(d<e) { b=e;} else { b=d; }
NB: The change is to say a < c - 1 rather than a <= c to ensure that a is never = c when indexing into the array.
You're going out of the bounds of your array when trying to reach tabl[a+1] when a equals c
Your whole algorithm doesn't really make sense: you don't have to compare the current index's value to the next one to find out the max of the array, but rather the current value to the previous maximum value you found out.
A common way to find the maximum value of an array is that one:
int max = table[0];
for(int i = 1; i < c; i++)
if(table[i] > max)
max = table[i];
This way, max will contain the highest value of the array (though the code will throw an Exception if the table is empty).
Please, indent your code better, and use more meaningful variable names (people understand max better than b)

Converting String elements from an array to as values into an integer Array

I'm not allowed to use methods from any class except String and IO Class
So my code snippet is:
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
String[] elements = line.split(",");
// Array could be too big if there are multiple occurances of
// the same number
// Array length + 1 because I can't use the 0 and with a input line of
// 1,2,3 for example would be the length 3 but I would have the
// numbers 0,1,2 in the Array as my index.
String[][] placeholderMatrix = new String[elements.length+1][elements.length+1];
for(int i = 0; i < elements.length-1; i++){
placeholderMatrix[(int)elements[i]][(int)elements[i+1]] = 1;
line = reader.readLine();
In the File I'm getting are only numbers like that: 1,2,3,4,5,8,7,4
So in my splitted String Array are only Numbers but now if I want to use them as my index for my Matrix(placeholderMatrix)
My problem is in my for loop where I want to use them as my Index I can't use them because it is a String Array. Normally I would use Integer.parseInt but I'm not allowed to :/
Any ideas on how I can implement them as my Index? and any Idea how I can get the perfect length of my Matrix? Because If I get the following numbers: 1,2,2,2,3 My Matrix should only have the numbers:
0 1 2 3
But if I'm using elements.length+1 for the length of my Matrix I would get the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5
Hope you could understand my problem. Sorry for my bad english and Thanks in advance.
Edit: SO i got another problem with that. If I implement the method(parseInt) of Dici and am using it in the line "placeholderMatrix[parse(elements[i])][parse(elements[i+1])] = 1;" I'm getting the error ArrayOutOfBounce because my defined Array is just the length of my splitted String Array elements. But if I define it with Integer.MAX_VALUE as my length I get a memory error because it is too big. Any ideas?
Edit2: My Task:
I have to take a row of Numbers seperated by ",". (I will split it with the String split method to get only the numbers) Now I have to create a Matrix(2 dimensional Array) and look for the number at the index i of my new String Array and the number at the index i + 1 and have to take the first Number as my column and th second as my row (or vice versa) and implement at that point a 1. Now are my Numbers I will get from 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE so I would have to create such a big Matrix but this isn't possible because I get the MemoryError.
Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
at Test.main(
To understand what I have to do: the image at the right but for numbers from to Integer.MAX_VALUE so my 2D Array has to be defined with the length of Integer.MAX_VALUE?
So Dici asked for an example:
My Sequence could be: 1,2,5,4
So my Matrix should be:
Hope this is what you wanted Dici
But the numbers I can get from the sequence are 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE
For converting strings to integers, you can simply implement your own integer parser, it is not complicated. You can start with this and improve it if needed.
public int parseInt(String s) {
int n = 0;
int pow = 1;
for (int i=s.length() - 1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {
String si = String.valueOf(s.charAt(i);
if (si.matches("[0-9]")) {
n += pow*(s.charAt(i) - '0');
pow *= 10;
} else if (si.matches("+|-") && i == 0)
n *= s.charAt(i) == '+' ? 1 : -1;
throw new NumberFormatException();
return n;
Then, I'll handle the second part of your problem. If Integer.MAX_VALuE is one of your input values, you cannot possibly allocate an Integer.MAX_VALUE x Integer.MAX_VALUE matrix. What you need to do is assign contiguous ids to your input values and record the ids in a map so that you can access easily the index of the matrix corresponding to one node value. Here is an example to get you to understand :
public void someMethod() {
int id = 0;
Map<Integer,Integer> idMap = new HashMap<>();
String[] split = reader.readLine().split(",");
int [] nodes = new int[split.length];
for (int i=0 ; i<nodes.length ; i++) {
nodes[i] = parseInt(split[i]);
if (!idMap.containsKey(nodes[i]))
// the map is now constructed, it should probably be stored in an attribute
int[][] placeholderMatrix = new int[nodes.length][nodes.length];
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
if (i > 0) placeholderMatrix[idMap.get(nodes[i])][idMap.get(nodes[i-1])] = 1;
if (i < nodes.length-1) placeholderMatrix[idMap.get(nodes[i])][idMap.get(nodes[i+1])] = 1;
There are other ways to do it, let me know if this solution is ok
You could do something like:
String keyword = "1,2,3,4,5,8,7,4";//input line from file
String replacedKeyword = keyword.replaceAll("[^\\d]", "");//except numbers replace all. Assuming one digit numbers only.
String[][] placeholderMatrix = new String[replacedKeyword.length()+1][replacedKeyword.length()+1];
char keys[] = replacedKeyword.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i<keys.length - 1; i++) {
placeholderMatrix[keys[i] - '0'][keys[i + 1] -'0'] = "1";
I couldn't really understand what you want exactly. but, if that going to help a simple method to convert String number to int:
int toInt(String number) {
int num = 0;
for (int i=0; i<number.length(); i++) {
num = num*10 + (number.charAt(i)-'0');
return num;

Iterating an array from both ends using two indices

This is more of an self defined programming exercise than a real problem. I have an array of java.lang.Comparable items. I need to maintain two pointers (an index into the array i.e., int values) i,j . i starts at the beginning of array and moves right until it encounters an element which is less than or equal to the previous element. When it does it stops moving right and ends up pointing to the element which is out of order(element which is not greater than the previous). Similarly j starts at the end of the array and moves left until it finds an element which is not less than the previous.
Also, I need to make sure that the indices don't run out of the array i.e., i cannot go below 0 and j cannot go above arraylength-1
lets say we have an array of 5 elements.
i = 0;
j = 4;(which is the arraylength-1 )
if C,D,E,F,G is the array ,the final values of i and j will be
i = 4 and j = 0
if array is J,D,E,F,G ,the final values of i, j will be
i = 0 , j = 0
if array is B,C,A,D,G , final values of i,j will be
i = 2 , j = 1
I tried to code the logic for moving i to the right, using a while loop as below. I was able to get it working for the i pointer in two cases.
public class PointerMovement{
public static void ptrsPointToOutOfOrderElements(Comparable[] a){
int lo = 0;
int hi = a.length-1;
int i = lo;
int t=i+1;
int j = hi;
//only for moving i to the right .
if(t == hi){
for(Comparable x:a){
System.out.println("bad element or end of array at i="+i+"==>"+a[i]);
private static boolean less(Comparable x,Comparable y){
return x.compareTo(y) < 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] a = new String[]{"C","D","E","F","G"};//works
//String[] a = new String[]{"B","C","A","D","G"};//works
//String[] a = new String[]{"J","D","E","F","G"};//fails!
My line of reasoning given below
I maintain i=0; and another variable t=i+1
when the while loop fails, less(a[i],a[t]) is false .We need to return a pointer to a[t] which is out of order. so i=t and return i.
if we reach right end of array, the test if(t == hi) passes and we assign i=t and now i points to end of array.
However, the code fails when the out of order element is in the 0th position in the array.
Instead of i (=0) we get i=1 because i=t is assgined.i ends up pointing to D instead of J.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
this seems to work
public static void ptrsPointToOutOfOrderElements(Comparable[] a){
int lo = 0;
int hi = a.length-1;
int i = lo;
if(i+1 == hi){
int j = hi;
if(j-1 == lo){
for(Comparable x:a){
System.out.println("pointers crossed");
System.out.println("bad element or end of array at i="+i+"==>"+a[i]);
System.out.println("bad element or end of array at j="+j+"==>"+a[j]);
I do not think you have a problem:
String[] a = new String[]{"C","D","E","F","G"};//works, index should be 4 (but should it be so? It would indicate that G is out of order while it is not. I think you should return 5, indicating that none is out of order.
String[] a = new String[]{"B","C","A","D","G"};//works, index should be 2 as A is out of order
String[] a = new String[]{"J","D","E","F","G"};//works since the first out of order element is indeed D, with index 1
I have tried using simple for loop.
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
for (var i = 0, j = arr.length - 1; i <= j; i++, j--) {
console.log(arr[i] + ' , ' + arr[j]);
Output :
1 , 10
2 , 9
3 , 8
4 , 7
5 , 6

Recursive Word Wrap Algorithm

I am working on an algorithm that has three parts. The first is a recursive method that will wrap words to a specific length with the least penalty. The second is an algorithm that is a Dynamic implementation of the recursive method. The last one is a Greedy Algorithm of the problem. I already have the Greedy one coded but I'm struggling on the Recursive solution. I'm not quite sure where exactly I'm running into an issue with my Recursive method but I know it should be something similar to the Knuth-Plass Algorithm. The recursive algorithm is supposed to have a factorial running time, and used more to help with the dynamic solution. If anyone has a link to a Knuth-Plass implementation or can spot something huge in my code, any help would be appreciated.
Recursive Algorithm:
public static ArrayList<String> recursive(ArrayList<String> input, int size) {
if(input.size() <= 1)
return input;
ArrayList<String> temp1 = input;
ArrayList<String> temp2 = input;
for(int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
if(input.size() - 1 >= size)
else {
for(int j = 0; j < input.size(); j++) {
temp1.set(j, temp1.get(j) + " " + temp1.get(j + 1));
temp1.remove(j + 1);
if(totalPenalty(blankChars(temp1, size)) < totalPenalty(blankChars(temp2, size))) {
input = recursive(temp1, size);
} else {
input = recursive(temp2, size);
return input;
The totalPenalty() and blankChars return the amount of penalty at the end of each line.
EDIT: I'm still not seeing any immediate solutions. Any help would be appreciated.
That looks like Java, and in Java there is no implicit copy-constructor.
ArrayList<String> temp1 = input; <-- this will not create another object with the same content, but instead a reference to the same object.
You need to change line 4 and 5 to:
ArrayList<String> temp1 = new ArrayList<String>(input);
ArrayList<String> temp2 = new ArrayList<String>(input);
I haven't looked for any other mistakes, so try this out and update the question if you have any more problems.
About the Knuth-Pass breaking algorithm; You can find a Python implementation at I haven't looked closer at it, but the description seems to be what you are looking for.
I hope the following code runs. Here I have added the cost for the last line as well. Though word processors use greedy algorithms most of the time and they neglect the cost of the last line. Let me know if this is clear to you.
import java.lang.Math;
public int RCS(int[] l , int n , int m , int index) {
// first base condition - if index gets beyond the array 'l' , then return 0;
if (index > n - 1) return 0;
// second base condition - if index is the last word i.e there is only one word left in the
// array to be inserted in the line then return the cost if added in that line.
if (index == n - 1) return (m - l[n - 1]) * (m - l[n - 1]) * (m - l[n - 1]);
// make a global cost variable to be returned
int cost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Here , we try to select words from the array and apply RCS on the rest of the array.
// From index to last element , we iteratvely select first , or first two and so on.
for (int i = index ; i < n ; i++) {
int current_space_sum = 0 ;
// we add the length of the selected word. We have selected words in array from index to i.
for (int k = index ; k <= i ; k++) {
current_space_sum = current_space_sum + l[k] ;
// Adding the space between the words choses. If 2 words are chosen , there is one space and so on
current_space_sum = current_space_sum + i - index;
// If the length of the chosen words is greater than the line can accept , no need of looking beyond.
if (current_space_sum > m) break;
// Iteratively find the minimum cost
cost = Math.min(cost , (m - current_space_sum) * (m - current_space_sum) * (m - current_space_sum) + RCS(l , n , m , i + 1));
return cost;
public static void main(String[] args) {
WordWrap w = new WordWrap();
int[] l = {3, 2 , 2 , 5};
int n = l.length;
int m = 6;
int result = w.RCS(l , n , m , 0);
