JavaScript chained builder with validation - java

In this Java class, note how use of the constructor has been disallowed and replaced with an interface driven builder that guides instantiation and does validation
public class Position implements Serializable {
private BigDecimal capital;
private BigDecimal tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade;
private Direction direction;
private BigDecimal pricePerUnit;
private BigDecimal stopLossPricePerUnit;
private Position(){}
public final BigDecimal getTotalTolerableRiskPerTrade() {
return capital.multiply(tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade.divide(new BigDecimal(100)));
public final BigDecimal getStopLossPerUnitLoss() {
if (direction.equals(Direction.LONG)){
return pricePerUnit.subtract(stopLossPricePerUnit);
} else {
return stopLossPricePerUnit.subtract(pricePerUnit);
public final BigDecimal getStopLossTotalLoss() {
return getStopLossPerUnitLoss().multiply(getUnitsToBuy());
public final BigDecimal getUnitsToBuy() {
BigDecimal result = getTotalTolerableRiskPerTrade().divide(getStopLossPerUnitLoss(), 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
if (capital.compareTo(result.multiply(pricePerUnit)) != 1){
return new BigDecimal(0);
} else {
return result;
public final BigDecimal getTotal() {
return getUnitsToBuy().multiply(pricePerUnit);
public static ICapital builder(){
return new Builder();
public interface ICapital {
ITolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade capital(final BigDecimal capital);
public interface ITolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade {
IDirection tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade(final BigDecimal tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade);
public interface IDirection {
IPricePerUnit direction(final Direction direction);
public interface IPricePerUnit {
IStopLossPricePerUnit pricePerUnit(final BigDecimal pricePerUnit);
public interface IStopLossPricePerUnit {
IBuild stopLossPricePerUnit(final BigDecimal stopLossPricePerUnit);
public interface IBuild {
Position build();
private static class Builder implements ICapital, ITolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade, IDirection, IPricePerUnit, IStopLossPricePerUnit, IBuild {
private final Position instance = new Position();
public Position build() {
return instance;
public ITolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade capital(final BigDecimal capital) {
basicValidate(capital); = capital;
return this;
public IDirection tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade(final BigDecimal tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade) {
if (tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade.compareTo(new BigDecimal(100)) != -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("riskInPercent must be lower than 100");
instance.tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade = tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade;
return this;
public IPricePerUnit direction(final Direction direction) {
if (direction==null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument can't be null");
instance.direction = direction;
return this;
public IStopLossPricePerUnit pricePerUnit(final BigDecimal pricePerUnit) {
instance.pricePerUnit = pricePerUnit;
return this;
public IBuild stopLossPricePerUnit(final BigDecimal stopLossPricePerUnit) {
if (instance.direction.equals(Direction.LONG) && instance.pricePerUnit.compareTo(stopLossPricePerUnit) != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("price must be higher than stopLossPrice");
if (instance.direction.equals(Direction.SHORT) && stopLossPricePerUnit.compareTo(instance.pricePerUnit) != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("stopLossPrice must be higher than price");
instance.stopLossPricePerUnit = stopLossPricePerUnit;
return this;
protected static void basicValidate(final BigDecimal bigDecimal) {
if (bigDecimal == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument can't be null");
if (!(bigDecimal.signum() > 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must have positive signum");
resulting in instantiation like this
.capital(new BigDecimal(10000))
.tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade(new BigDecimal(2))
.pricePerUnit(new BigDecimal(25))
.stopLossPricePerUnit(new BigDecimal(24))
Trying to port code between languages isn't easy and identical functionality can't and shouldn't be expected. That said, are there any ways of emulating similar functionality in JavaScript? (vanilla or through some modules/libraries if necessary)

There are a few ways to do this.
One option is to do it almost exactly the same way: With a builder object that has methods to specify details and a build method (or similar) that you call to get the final object. The resulting call to build the object would look almost exactly the same (modulo type names and such).
Another option is to take advantage of JavaScript's object initializer syntax (aka "object literals") to have an "options" object that you pass into a constructor for the Position, like this:
function Position(options) {
if (/*...the options aren't valid...*/) {
throw new Error(/*...*/);
} =;
// ...
var p = new Position({
capital: 10000,
tolerableRiskInPercentOfCapitalPerTrade: 2,
direction: Direction.LONG,
pricePerUnit: 25,
stopLossPricePerUnit: 24
Inside the constructor, if you're going to use the data from options directly as properties on the new instance, you can use a function top copy them over:
function applyOptions(instance, options) {
Object.keys(options).forEach(function(key) {
instance[key] = options[key];
return instance;
function Position(options) {
if (/*...the options aren't valid...*/) {
throw new Error(/*...*/);
applyOptions(this, options);
(jQuery, if you use it, has an $.extend function that basically does this; Underscore, if you use it, has _.extend and _.extendOwn.)
But if you're going to be doing some manipulation of the options before storing them as properties on the new instance, a blind copy like that wouldn't be ideal.


Check not null in Java

Imagine I have, say, XML-generated entity in Java that holds some data I need.
For example:
So if I need an engine power, I, followed by the best practices of business software development, will do the next thing:
Car car = dao.getCar()
Power power = car != null && car.engine != null ? power : null
return power
I hate this. Sometimes it seems that half of the code is just null checks.
Any ideas?
Take a look at Java 8 Optional class.
It does exactly that: it avoids the ugly checks on null.
In your case, you could use this snippet of code to avoid them:
Car car = dao.getCar();
Optional<Car> optionalCar = Optional.ofNullable(car);
Optional<Power> optionalPower = getPowerIfPresent(optionalCar);
Power power = Optional.empty();
if(optionalPower.isPresent()) {
power = optionalPower.get();
after writing a function that returns the power of a given car:
public static Optional<Power> getPowerIfPresent(Optional<Car> car) {
return car
.flatMap(c -> c.getEngine())
.map(e -> e.getPower());
This is the same as using of Optional, but might be more readable:
public class NullSafe<T> {
private final T value;
public NullSafe(#Nullable T value) { this.value = value; }
public static <T> NullSafe<T> of(#Nullable T value) { return new NullSafe<>(value); }
public <R> NullSafe<R> get(Function<T,R> mapper) {
R newValue = (value != null) ? mapper.apply(value) : null;
return new NullSafe<>(newValue);
public T nullable() { return value; }
public T orDefault(T defaultValue) { return (value != null) ? value : defaultValue; }
And usage:
Power power = NullSafe.of(dao.getCar())
.nullable(); // .orDefault(Power.defaultPower());
An alternative can be static methods:
public static <R> R get(Supplier<R> supplier, R defaultValue) {
try { return supplier.get(); }
catch (NullPointerException ex) { return defaultValue; }
public static <R> R getNullable(Supplier<R> supplier) { return get(supplier, null); }
And usage:
Power power = NullSafe.get(() -> dao.getCar().getEngine().getPower(), Power.defaultPower());
Power powerOrNull = NullSafe.getNullable(() -> dao.getCar().getEngine().getPower());
My own approach kind of this now:
public class CarDataExtractor {
private final Car car;
private CarDataExtractor(Car car) { = car;
public static CarDataExtractor on(Car car) {
return new CarDataExtractor(car);
public EngineDataExtractor engine() {
return car != null && car.getEngine() != null
? EngineDataExtractor.on(car.getEngine())
: EngineDataExtractor.on(null);
public Car self() {
return car;
public class EngineDataExtractor {
private final Engine engine;
private EngineDataExtractor(Engine engine) {
this.engine = engine;
public static EngineDataExtractor on(Engine engine) {
return new EngineDataExtractor(engine);
public PowerDataExtractor engine() {
return engine != null && engine.getPower() != null
? PowerDataExtractor.on(engine.getPower())
: PowerDataExtractor.on(null);
public Engine self() {
return engine;
Power power = CarDataExtractor.on(dao.getCar()).engine().power().self()
It is because I am restricted to Java 6...
Or maybe create some util method:
static <T> Optional<T> tryGet(Supplier<T> getter) {
try {
return Optional.ofNullable(getter.get());
} catch(NullPointerException ignored) {
return Optional.empty();
Then you could use it like this:
System.out.println(tryGet(() -> car.engine.power).orElse(new Power()));
There is a library no-exception that does that, but you cannot specify it to only "silence" NPEs.
Exceptions.silence().get(() -> car.engine.power).orElse(new Power())
There is also another option, you could use, which might be helpful for you if you're using Spring.
If you're not using Spring you would need to add additional dependency to your project.
Using Spel you could do:
ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
StandardEvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(dao.getCar());
Power power = parser.parseExpression("engine?.power").getValue(context, Power.class);
In expression engine?.power safe navigation operator is being used. In case engine is null, then the whole expression will evaluate to null.
This solution will work on Java 6.

How to couple an instance member to a instance method?

I have a class structure like :
public interface DBReader {
public Map<String, String> read(String primaryKey, String valueOfPrimaryKey,
boolean scanIndexForward, boolean consistentRead, int maxPageSize);
public int getA(String ___);
public int getB(String ___);
public int getC(String ___);
public class DynamoDBReader implements DBReader {
private DynamoDB dynamoDB;
private String tableName;
private Table table;
private int throughput;
private DynamoDBReader(Builder builder) {
this.throughput = builder.throughput;
this.tableName = builder.tableName;
this.dynamoDB = builder.dynamoDB;
this.table = dynamoDB.getTable(builder.tableName);
if (table == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException(String.format("Table %s doesn't exist.", tableName));
public int getA(String ____) {
return ________;
public int getB(String ____) {
return ________;
public int getC(String ____) {
return ________;
public Map<String, String> read(String primaryKey, String valueOfPrimaryKey, boolean scanIndexForward,
boolean consistentRead, int maxPageSize) {
QuerySpec spec = new QuerySpec()
.withHashKey(primaryKey, valueOfPrimaryKey)
ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = table.query(spec);
Iterator<Item> itemIterator = items.firstPage().iterator();
Map<String, String> itemValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
while (itemIterator.hasNext()) {
Item item =;
return itemValues;
protected void setTable(Table table) {
this.table = table;
* Returns a new builder.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static class Builder {
private String tableName;
private int throughput;
private DynamoDB dynamoDB;
private Builder() { }
public Builder tableName(String tableName) {
this.tableName = tableName;
return this;
public Builder throughput(int throughput) {
this.throughput = throughput;
return this;
public Builder dynamoDB(DynamoDB dynamoDB) {
this.dynamoDB = dynamoDB;
return this;
public DynamoDBReader build() {
if (tableName == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Table name can't be null.");
if (throughput <= 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Throughput should be > 0.");
if (dynamoDB == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("dynamoDB can't be null.");
return new DynamoDBReader(this);
Problem : getA(), getB(), getC() are only valid for specific tableNames. For a table getA() is Valid but getB() and getC() wont make any sense.
How to couple method names with table name so that someone with a table name knows which function is valid.
Solution to create subclasses for different getters doesn't look a great idea to me.
Solution to create subclasses for different getters doesn't look a great idea to me.
Can you please elaborate why?
I hear that all the time, 'I don't like it...', 'This seems ugly...', 'It shouldn't do that'. Reasons for not liking a particular solution should be backed by objective reasons, not personal opinions. Most of the time our intuition as developers tells us that something is wrong when it is actually violating some software development principle. But sometimes it is just plain old personal feeling without any particular logical reason. When that happens I like to get to specifics.
Your solution violates a basic software principle called SRP.
Having table modules will be much better solution.

How to pass a parameter in a fluent API before calling any function?

I have this kind of class
public class AImpl implements A {
private String variable = "init";
public A choice(A... choices) {
return this;
public A execute() {
variable = "execute";
return this;
I can use it like this (simple example)
new AImpl().choice(
new AImpl[] {
new AImpl().execute(),
new AImpl()
or like this (more complex example, with variable expected value)
new AImpl().choice( //variable == "init"
new AImpl[] {
new AImpl().execute(), //variable == "init". Set to "execute"
new AImpl().choice( //variable == "init"
new AImpl[] {
new AImpl() //variable == "init"
new AImpl().execute().choice( //variable == "init". Set to "execute"
new AImpl[] {
new AImpl(), //variable == "execute"
new AImpl() //variable == "execute"
What I'm trying to achieve
Each time there is a choice, I would like to propagate the last value of variable to each new instances. Here is graph version of the complex example where I encircled what I called propagation
What is my question
How can I propagate this variable to all the objects in the choices list before calling any other function (before calling execute in the simple example above, because this function uses (and can modify) this variable).
What I have tried
I can not do it using the constructor since I don't have a reference to the variable
public AImpl(String variable) {
this.variable = variable;
This code will not work because the variable will be set after all functions
public A choice(A... choices) {
for(A a : choices) {
I tried with a Builder (eg set all the values and only create the instance at the end, from the choice function for example). But it make sense to chained the functions execute or choice (...execute().execute().choice()...). So the builder become difficult to create and can become really big.
I also tried to move the variable to a context class, but it is not working if in the choices I have another choice (case of the more complex example). Here is my current context class
public class Context {
private static Context instance = null;
private String variable;
private Context(){};
public String getVariable() {
return variable;
public void setVariable(String variable) {
this.variable = variable;
public static void set(String variable) {
if(Context.instance == null)
Context.instance = new Context();
public static String get() {
if(Context.instance == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
return Context.instance.getVariable();
The problem is that new AImpl instances need to inherit the context of their "parent" AImple instance, i.e. the one on which choice() is called. You can't do that using the new operator. You should instead have a method that creates the instances with an inherited variable.
public A[] createChoices(int count, A optionalDefaultValues...) {
// return an array of clones of itself (possibly with adjusted defaults)
I finally found a working solution based on the Context approach (see What I have tried ?)
The main idea
There are two mains ideas. The first one is to replace (inside the context object) the single variable by a Stack of variables like this one
Stack<String> variables = new Stack<>();
I push the first variable in the first constructor and them I can access and modify it using pop/push function
String variable = Context.pop();
//Do something with variable
The second main idea is to duplicate the value on the top of the stack each time I create a new choice and to remove it at the end of each choice.
My code
Here is my code, if it can help someone else. I'm sure there is a lot of things to do to improve it, but it solved my original problem.
public class TestSo {
public void testSo() {
new ChoiceList()
new ChoiceList().add(AChoice.create())
new ChoiceList()
public interface A {
A choice(ChoiceList choices);
A execute();
public class AAbstract implements A {
public A choice(ChoiceList choices) {
return this;
public A execute() {
String variable = Context.get();
return this;
public class AImpl extends AAbstract {
private AImpl() {
public static AImpl create() {
return new AImpl();
public class AChoice extends AAbstract {
private AChoice() {
public static AChoice create() {
return new AChoice();
public AChoice choice(ChoiceList choices) {
return this;
public AChoice execute() {
return this;
public class ChoiceList {
private List<AChoice> choices = new ArrayList<>();
public ChoiceList add(AChoice choice) {
return this;
public class Context {
private static Context instance = null;
private Stack<String> variables = new Stack<>();
private Context(){};
public String peek() {return variables.peek();}
public String pop() {return variables.pop();}
public void fork() {variables.push(variables.peek());}
public void push(String variable) {variables.push(variable);}
public static void set(String variable) {
if(Context.instance == null)
Context.instance = new Context();
public static String get() {
if(Context.instance == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
return Context.instance.pop();
public static void remove() {
if(Context.instance == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
public static void duplicate() {
if(Context.instance == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
public static String read() {
if(Context.instance == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
return Context.instance.peek();

CacheLoader loading the same keys in multiple times

I am getting duplicate keys in my cacheIterator.
I'm calling a web service using SOAP to rate policies for an insurance company. I am attempting to use a Cachebuilder / loader to store the DTO's as a key and the response from the service as a value. From what I've researched, the .get and .getUnchecked methods will get a value from the cache and if it's not there, it will load that value into the cache.
here is some code:
public class CacheLoaderImpl
private static CacheLoaderImpl instance = null;
private static LoadingCache<PolicyDTO, RatingServiceObjectsResponse> responses;
protected CacheLoaderImpl()
responses = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
new CacheLoader<PolicyDTO, RatingServiceObjectsResponse>() {
public RatingServiceObjectsResponse load(PolicyDTO key)
throws Exception
return getResponse(key);
public static CacheLoaderImpl getIntance()
if(instance == null)
instance = new CacheLoaderImpl();
return instance;
public LoadingCache<PolicyDTO, RatingServiceObjectsResponse> getResponses()
return responses;
public RatingServiceObjectsResponse getResponse(PolicyDTO key) throws ExecutionException
RatingServiceObjectsResponse response = new RatingServiceObjectsResponse();
response = new CGIRatabaseServiceImpl().getCoverages(key);
catch (RemoteException e)
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
return response;
And this is where I call the get method:
RatingServiceObjectsResponse response = CacheLoaderImpl.getIntance().getResponses().get(policy.toCoveragesCallDTO());
I was under the assumption that maybe it was comparing memory addresses which would be different so I overwrote the toString method to convert the DTO object to JSON. Upon inspecting the cache I can see that the keys are exactly the same with a compare tool. Yet, they're still being stored and calling the service every single time. I tried overwriting the equals method on PolicyDTO but it is never hit when I debug.
How can I make the cacheloader only load values of different keys and pull existing values out as it is originally intended?
I think I just don't have a solid idea how the cacheLoader actually works. I appreciate any help or suggestions.
PolicyDTO class:
public class PolicyDTO extends AbstractDto implements IPolicyDTO
private ArrayList<ILineOfBusinessDTO> lobDTOs = new ArrayList<ILineOfBusinessDTO>();
private String pcInd;
private String ratingEffectiveDate;
private String companyName;
public String getPcInd()
return pcInd;
public void setPcInd(String pcInd)
this.pcInd = pcInd;
public String getRatingEffectiveDate()
return ratingEffectiveDate;
public void setRatingEffectiveDate(AdvancedDate ratingEffectiveDate)
if(ratingEffectiveDate != null)
this.ratingEffectiveDate = ratingEffectiveDate.toFormattedStringMMDDYYYY();
this.ratingEffectiveDate = new AdvancedDate().toFormattedStringMMDDYYYY();
public String getCompanyName()
return companyName;
public void setCompanyName(String companyName)
this.companyName = companyName;
public DtoType getType()
return hasGetCoveragesCoverageDTO() ? DtoType.GET_COVERAGE_POLICY : DtoType.RATE_POLICY;
public boolean hasGetCoveragesCoverageDTO()
if(lobDTOs != null)
for(ILineOfBusinessDTO lineDTO : lobDTOs)
return true;
return false;
public void addLob(ILineOfBusinessDTO lob) {
public Iterator<ILineOfBusinessDTO> getLobIterator() {
return lobDTOs.iterator();
public ICoverageDTO findCoverage(String coverageID)
ICoverageDTO coverageDTO = null;
for(ILineOfBusinessDTO lineDTO : lobDTOs)
coverageDTO = lineDTO.findCoverage(coverageID);
if(coverageDTO != null)
return coverageDTO;
return null;
public String toString()
return JSONConversionUtility.convertPolicyDTO(this);
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result
+ ((companyName == null) ? 0 : companyName.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((lobDTOs == null) ? 0 : lobDTOs.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((pcInd == null) ? 0 : pcInd.hashCode());
result = prime
* result
+ ((ratingEffectiveDate == null) ? 0 : ratingEffectiveDate
return result;
public boolean equals(Object object)
if(object instanceof PolicyDTO)
return object.toString().equals(this.toString());
return false;
Your PolicyDTO class has hashCode inconsistent with equals - it violates the following rule:
If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then
calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce
the same integer result.
Cache uses hashCode (much like HashMap class does), so when it sees two keys with different hashcodes, it assumes they are not equal.

Getting a Java field through reflection, but not from its String name

Is it possible to get a Field through Java reflection if I have the field itself? It's a primitive float (public, no problem). I don't want to use its name as a String.
public class TVset {
public float voltageA;
public float voltageB;
public float voltageC;
public TVset(...) {...} // constructor
public void function() {...} // it changes voltages
class Voltmeter{
Object theObject;
Field theField;
Voltmeter(Object obj) {
theObject = obj;
Class theFieldClass = obj.getClass();
Class theContainerClass = theFieldClass.getDeclaringClass();
Field theField = ??? // <-- here I don't want to use a String
float getVoltage() {
return theField.getFloat(theObject);
TVset tv1 = new TVset(...);
TVset tv2 = new TVset(...);
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(tv1.voltageB);
meter.getVoltage(); <- should reflect the changed voltage
meter.getVoltage(); <- should reflect the changed voltage
The effect is similar to passing the float by reference, but without wrapping it into a wrapper class.
I need to measure different voltages on different TV sets, just by changing the line:
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(tv1.voltageB);
to something else, like:
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(tv2.voltageA);
Is it possible to do it with reflection?
To use reflection you have to use a String. Instead of using a float you can use an object to wrap mutable float or a simple float[1];
BTW I wouldn't use float unless you have a really good reason, double suffers far less rounding error.
public class TVset {
public double[] voltageA = { 0.0 };
public double[] voltageB = { 0.0 };
public double[] voltageC = { 0.0 };
class Voltmeter{
final double[] theField;
Voltmeter(double[] theField) {
this.theField = theField;
double getVoltage() {
return theField[0];
// works just fine.
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(tv1.voltageB);
EDIT: Using an abstract accessor. This is the fastest way to do this. AFAIK,the difference is less than 10 nano-seconds.
public abstract class Voltmeter{ // or use an interface
public abstract double get();
public abstract void set(double voltage);
public class TVset {
private double _voltageA = 0.0;
private double _voltageB = 0.0;
private double _voltageC = 0.0;
public final Voltmeter voltageA = new Voltmeter() {
public double get() { return _voltageA; }
public void set(double voltage) { _voltageA = voltage; }
public final Voltmeter voltageB = new Voltmeter() {
public double get() { return _voltageB; }
public void set(double voltage) { _voltageB = voltage; }
public final Voltmeter voltageC = new Voltmeter() {
public double get() { return _voltageC; }
public void set(double voltage) { _voltageC = voltage; }
Personally, if speed is critical, I would just use the fields directly by name. You won't get simpler or faster than that.
Just for completeness I've included the delegate way of solving this. I would also not recommend having your floats with public access.
public class stackoverflow_5383947 {
public static class Tvset {
public float voltageA;
public float voltageB;
public float voltageC;
public Tvset() {
public void function() {
public static class Voltmeter {
private VoltageDelegate _delegate;
public Voltmeter(VoltageDelegate delegate) {
_delegate = delegate;
float getVoltage() {
return _delegate.getVoltage();
public static interface VoltageDelegate {
public float getVoltage();
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Tvset tv1 = new Tvset();
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(new VoltageDelegate() {
public float getVoltage() {
return tv1.voltageA;
If you control the TVSet but need to use reflection for some reason, a good way to avoid errors is to write the method/field names that you need as String Constants in the TVSet class.
However if your concern is performance, reflection is not the way to go because accessing a field or method through reflection can be much slower than accessing through getters or directly.
Here a variant where you can give your float value instead of a string.
class Voltmeter{
Object container;
Field theField;
Voltmeter(Object obj, float currentValue) {
container = obj;
Class<?> containerClass = obj.getClass();
Field[] fields = containerClass.getFields();
for(Field f : fields) {
if (f.getType() == float.class &&
f.getFloat(container) == currentValue) {
this.theField = f;
float getVoltage() {
return theField.getFloat(container);
Then call it like this:
Voltmeter meter = new Voltmeter(tv1, tv1.voltageB);
It works only if the voltages in the moment of Voltmeter creation are different (and not NaN), as it takes the first Field with the right value. And it is not really more efficient, I think.
I wouldn't really recommend this.
