I am trying to use enum element methods inside a jsp.
This is my enum:
public enum someEnum {
public String someMethod() {
return "yay";
public abstract String someMethod();
And in my jsp I want to do:
However, I get
Class javax.el.BeanELResolver can not access a member of class ... with modifiers "public"
I have found a workaround just doing an indirection:
public String doSomething {
return getSomeEnum().someMethod();
Buy I would like to do it without the indirection. Any hint?
Thats a weird enum, they normally look like this :
public enum SomeEnum {
private String myStr;
SomeEnum(String myStr){
this.myStr = myStr;
public String getMyStr(){
return this.myStr;
and you would then reference in JSP
There is no such thing as an anonymous method in Java. Are you thinking of anonymous inner classes ? It seems like over complicating things.
In a Java application I'm working on, I have a number of enums which ended up having a static fromString method in them for converting a string to its actual enum value.
So, I thought I could have a "base" class from which all my enums can extend without have to repeat that code all the time. Since enums cannot extend classes, I've planned to do is that I might be able to do that through an interface instead.
What I've is the following:
public interface IBaseEnum {
String enumVal = null;
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IBaseEnum> Enum<T> fromString(String strVal) {
if (strVal == null) return null;
// T.values() has error because T is not recognised to have the method values()
for (T myEnum : T.values()) {
if (myEnum.enumVal.equals(strVal.toUpperCase())) {
return myEnum;
return null;
And then, to inherit that static method, I will implement IBaseEnum in my actual Enum:
public enum Colour implements IBaseEnum {
However, I'm having issues with the types in IBaseEnum. The line T.values() is having error because the generic type T cannot be referenced back to the enum itself and so it is complaining that the method values() is not found.
Is this the right way to inherit functionalities in enum? Otherwise, how can I inherit methods in enums so that I don't have to copy/paste and repeat a same set of methods in every single enums?
There are a few reasons why your code would not work, of which I should mention:
String enumVal = null;: IBaseEnum being an interface, numVal gets the implicit public, static, and final modifiers. However, you intend enumVal to be an instance property.
T.values(): of course this doesn't compile. But even if it could (or you had the class instance), you still wouldn't be able to make this dynamic. Static methods are picked at compile time. The only way (that I know) to make it work dynamically would be to use reflection, of course passing in the class object of the enum.
Because you want to be able to call Color.fromString(...), you have no choice but to declare this as a static method in each enum class. With that said, I think the most you can reuse from your logic is the lookup code (again, that's unless you use reflection).
To reuse the lookup logic, you can change the contract of IBaseEnum to make it declare a method that that returns the enumVal value. Beside that, the values() method can be invoked by the enum classes themselves. Here's what it can look like:
interface IBaseEnum {
String enumVal();
public static <T extends Enum<T> & IBaseEnum> T
fromString(String strVal, T[] values) {
if (strVal == null)
return null;
for (T myEnum : values) {
if (myEnum.enumVal().equalsIgnoreCase(strVal)) {
return myEnum;
return null;
And that will lead to an enum class like the following:
enum Colour implements IBaseEnum {
private final String val;
Colour(String v) {
this.val = v;
public String enumVal() {
return this.val;
public static Colour fromString(String s) {
return IBaseEnum.fromString(s, values());
Remember: if enumVal() is intended to return just the enum literal, then you can get rid of all this complexity by just using the valueOf method available in all enums. Only do this if the comparison of your values needs custom logic.
For example:
Here Variable in class A
public class A{
public String aClassVar="hello";
Using it in Class B
A obj=new A();
String inBClass=obj.aClassVar;
but what about the other way around? How do I change String aClassVar from Class B? Can I pass Context from A to B constructor and then call aContext.aClassVar = ...?
public class A {
private String myField; //"private" means access to this is restricted
public String getMyField()
//include validation, logic, logging or whatever you like here
return this.myField;
public void setMyField(String value)
//include more logic
this.myField = value;
Search Android getter and setter, you will have tons of links.
First of all, String is Immutable so you can not change the value of it , you can only assign its value into other string etc. Secondly static is used to access things globally throughout the program.
Define aClassVar as a static variable, then
A obj=new A();
obj.aClassVar="new string";
make aClassVar as static and use following code.
A objA=new A();
objA.aClassVar="new value";
or else use getter and setter method to change the values.
Since I have a terrible memory, I like to put all the detnd I ails of data objects into enumerations, so I can use code completion in the IDE adon't have to keep referring back to get the name of a table or the name of a field. Usually I use some type of class containing only Enums for the purpose.
Lets say I have table of "Domains" (database source) "Tables" and "Fields" that look something like this:
public class DataObjectNames {
public enum Domains {
public enum Domain1Tables {
public enum Domain2Tables {
public enum CustomerFields {
public enum OrderFields {
//fields for OrderItems and Shipments . . .
But suppose I wanted to be able to do something like:
Domain1.tables().Customers.fields(). //code completion supplies choices?
What I would like ot happen after I type the period is for autocomplete to provide a choice between .id and .email, much the same as it would if "fields" returned an object with two methods, or if I just typed
in the IDE.
In order for that to happen, it seems to me I somehow need to return not a specific instance of an enumeration, but the enumeration itself. I've tried various approaches like this:
public enum Domains {
Domain1 {
public Enum<?> tables() {
return Domain1Tables.foo();
} //Is there a method that will return the enum itself?
Domain2 {
public Enum<?> tables() {
return Domain2Tables.foo();
public abstract Enum<?> tables();
But of course I haven't been able to find a funciton foo() that returns the enum class itself.
Any thoughts?
You can't do this with enums because Java's class model doesn't work the way you would need in order for this style to work.
I haven't been able to find a function foo() that returns the enum class itself.
Returning the enum class itself is easy, you just do Domain1Tables.class, but that won't give you the completion you want because what it gives you is a Class<Domain1Tables> object, and that object doesn't have fields named Customers and Orders.
You want to be able to treat the "Domain1Tables" class as if it's an object and refer to the enum constants (which are effectively static final fields) as if they were members of that object, but Java simply doesn't do that.
If you give up on using enums for it, then you can simply have:
public class DataObjectNames {
public class Domains {
class Domain1 {
class Tables {
class Customers {
public static final String id = "id";
public static final String email = "email";
but in that case DataObjectNames.Domains.Domain1 wouldn't be a valid expression anymore (because it reference to a class scope, but not to an object.
There's probably a solution to what you're trying to do, but without more context I can provide anything more details than what's above.
I want to make a refactoring and want to create a generic class for avoiding duplicate code. We have many XXXCriteriaValidator in our project and we want to make one only unique class to substitute them all.
The problem is one line where this class calls for a static method from an Enum. Here you will see. This is more or less what I'mtrying to achieve:
public class GenericCriteriaValidator<T extends ¿SomeKindOfEnumInterface?>
implements CriterionVisitor {
protected Errors errors;
public Errors getErrors() {
return this.errors;
* Some code around here
protected void doVisit(final PropertyCriterion criterion) {
if (criterion == null) {
} else {
if (criterion.getOperator() == null) {
// Validates property (exception thrown if not exists)
T.fromString(criterion.getName()); // The problem is this call here!!
// Not saying this compiles, just looking
// how to do something equivalent
T is always a differente Enum. The typical enum is like this:
public enum ContactCriteria implements CriteriaInterface<ContactCriteria> {
// ^ This interface is added by me
// for the enum being called in the previous class
private final String alias;
ContactCriteria(final String alias) {
this.alias = alias;
public String getAlias() {
return this.alias;
public static ContactCriteria fromString(final String name) {
ContactCriteria result = null;
if (name != null) {
result = Enum.valueOf(ContactCriteria.class, name);
return result;
public ContactCriteria returnThis() {
return this;
Finally, I'm looking for making an interface for the first class to accept the fromString method of T. I suppose it should be similar to:
public interface CriteriaInterface<T> {
static T fromString(String name);
// ^ This static is important
I haven't found none post or strategy for making something similar with an Enum. I know the Enum can implement an interface, but don't know how to get it.
Please help. Thanks in advance
You should start with that a static method is not allowed in Java interface.
The concept behind interfaces strongly disagree with static elements as they belong to class not to object.
So if you have a static method in a enum is just a container that is assigned to but you should not connect it by any other relations.
What is bad here is the design, you try to use enum to something that the are not dedicated on in the way you should not that why you struggle so much.
The question is if a enum instance is an CriteriaInterface then why is should provide it self by name.
Enum contains definition of "constants" that can represent an interface but can not be generic. That why enum can implement interface.
To express that you can define a interface
interface Messanger {
String getMessage();
And try to apply it to enum
enum Messages {
You have two options,
First, create a field that will be
enum Messages implements Messanger {
private String message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
Then you have to add the constructor to set the field
enum Messages implements Messanger {
INFO("Info"), //We create an instance of class as we call the constructor
WARNING("Warnig") //We create an instance of class as we call the constructor
private final String message;
public Message(String message) {
this.messsage = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
As we declare the instances inside the body of the enum you must provide all information required to create it. Assuming that enum would allow generic this is the place where you should declare it.
If the static method is on your CriteriaInterface, shouldn't you do
since static methods belong to a class (in this case CriteriaIntervace) instead of to an object?
You can't put static methods in an interface, the generics etc have no direct bearing on this. Interfaces define the methods of an instance of an object, static methods are not part of the interface of an instance, they are part of the interface of the class.
The easiest work around will be to provide a factory object to the GenericCriteriaValidator or make it abstract and provide an:
abstract T getEnum(String name);
Each implementation can then implement getEnum for the enum it is using.
Well, generally speaking, the generic type is erased and you have no other chance than explicitly telling the GenericCriteriaValidator what kind of validation logic it should apply. You might want to abstract the receiving of some type away and use a factory pattern for that what would allow you to define an interface for the fromString method.
This would result in something like this:
public interface CriteriaInterface<T> {
static class Factory<U> {
U fromString(String name);
However, I do not quite see the benefit of that in your example. Simply require an instance of CriteriaInterface<T> as a constructor argument to your GenericCriteriaValidator and define some sort of validate method in this interface.
However, if you really, really want to avoid this, there is a solution. It is possible to read the generic type of the super class of some other class (this is rather hacky, requires reflection and I would not recommend it, but some libraries love this approach). This requires you to always declare an anonymous subclass when using your generic class:
class GenericCriteriaValidator<T extends Enum<?>> implements CriterionVisitor {
private final Method criteria;
public GenericCriteriaValidator() {
ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) getClass()
try {
criteria = ((Class<?>) parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0])
.getMethod("fromString", String.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
private CriteriaInterface<?> invokeFromString(String value) {
try {
return (CriteriaInterface<?>) criteria.invoke(null, value);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
// Your other code goes here.
Be aware that you need to instantiate your GenericCriteriaValidator as an anonymous subclass:
new GenericCriteriaValidator<ContactCriteria>() { }; // mind the braces!
As I said. I do not find this intuitive and it is most certainly not the "Java way", but you might still want to consider it.
I could be wrong but I'm guessing from Why can't enums be declared locally in a method?
that, since an enum in Java cannot be declared locally, that therefore it is problematic for a method to return type Enum? I can declare that a method should return an Enum (see below) but how would one then go about implementing such a method to return anything other than null, or a reference to an Enum declared outside the method? My first inclination would be to investigate using Generics for this but I'd like to avoid any deadends if the SO community can help me avoid them.
private Enum resources() {
return null;
I think you're correct, it's only going to be able to either return null or an Enum declared somewhere else. But you don't necessarily have to specify that "something else" at compile time.
class EnumEnumerator<T extends Enum<T>> implements Iterable<T> {
private final Class<T> enumClass;
public EnumEnumerator(Class<T> enumClass) {
this.enumClass = enumClass;
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
T[] values = enumClass.getEnumConstants();
return Arrays.asList(values).iterator();
Later, you invoke it by specializing the generic constructor and passing in the enum class you're interested in:
class EnumEnumeratorDemo {
enum Foo {
#Override public String toString() {
return name().toLowerCase();
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (Foo f : new EnumEnumerator<Foo>(Foo.class)) {
(Obviously this is a contrived example and in real life you should just call Foo.values(), but you get the idea.)
The entire point of the way Java does Enums is that they are typesafe--so you wouldn't return an Enum (that would be double-plus ungood) instead you return the actual type you define (like "Suit") which acts just like a class. Suit has 4 "Enumerated" instances.
If you were expecting a "Suit", what good would it be to return a "Rank" of 7? It would break everything!
Also if you passed an "Enum" or some generic value, you couldn't call methods on it. The coolest thing about TypeSafe Enums is that you can just get a "Suit" and call "Suit.getColor()" and fully expect to get the color of that suit. You could also have a ranksHigherThan(Suit s) which might fulfill:
Or, more importantly:
(assuming they were both passed in and you don't know what they are)
Type safety is really amazing (even though it feels a little uncomfortable at first), embrace it.
All enums implement the interface Enum, so you can certainly write a method that returns an enum this way. But this method will return a single enum value. There is no way to return a generic value which encompasses the whole enum (apart from returning the class and doing reflection). You can however return all the enum values which is more or less what you want I think.
enum Resources { ONE, TWO, THREE }
private Enum<?>[] resources() {
return Resources.values();
One benefit of this approach is you can return more or less values for example:
enum Resources { ONE, TWO, THREE }
enum MoreResources { UN, DEUX, TROIS }
private Enum<?>[] resources() {
List<Enum<?>> resources = new ArrayList<Enum<?>>();
return resources.toList(new Enum<?>[] {});
An even better approach that is more typesafe is to have the enums of interest
implement a common interface e.g.
public interface Resources {}
enum SomeResources implements Resources { ONE, TWO, THREE }
enum MoreResources implements Resources { UN, DEUX, TROIS }
private Resources[] resources() {
List<Resources> resources = new ArrayList<Resources>();
return resources.toList(new Resources[] {});
You can add additional methods to the interface to provide more functionality.
What are you trying to accomplish? This is a way to return an Enum:
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
public enum Foo {
public static Enum doit() {
return Enum.valueOf(Foo.class,"BAR");
But, I'm guessing this is not what you are going for?
Yes, it definitely is possible.
private Enum getRetentionPolicy() {
return java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE;
If your question is about declaring Enums, you may declare them:
in their own java file, similar to a top-level class;
within a java file belonging to another class, similar to a static inner class;
Not totally sure what your goal is, but if you wanted to return a generified method (i.e. one that would be overridden) you might have something like the following:
public class MyEnumClass<T extends Enum<T>> {
public T resources() {
//do stuff here
Not entirely sure what you would gain there, although it can be beneficial if you are talking about different sets of Enums and their elements.
If you are talking about the Enum class (i.e. the percursor to Iterator) as far as I know it has not been generified, so I am not sure generics would help much here.
You can refer to a value of an enum by its name, e.g. Suit.SPADES.
You can iterate over all values by using the values() method and pick one of the values.