I have two files one in the server and one is local, I want to get the last modification of both files and see which one is newer. I made a method, but I always get the same result. I tried the test each side, but the if statement make the same decition always.
Here is my code:
public void SyncCheck(FTPClient ftpClient, String remoteFilePath, String savePath) throws IOException, ParseException{
String time = ftpClient.getModificationTime(remoteFilePath);
Date remoteFileDate = timeSplitter(time);
Date LocalFileDate = new Date(new File(savePath).lastModified());
System.out.println("Remote File is newer: " + remoteFileDate);
System.out.println("Remote " + remoteFileDate);
System.out.println("Local " + LocalFileDate);
public Date timeSplitter(String time) throws ParseException{
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
String timePart = time.split(" ")[1];
Date modificationTime = dateFormat.parse(timePart);
return modificationTime;
The result is always this:
Remote Fri Apr 03 02:20:30 BST 2015
Local Fri Apr 03 03:12:58 BST 2015
No matter is the remote file is newer or older. The other this I notices is that the remote file is modified at 03:20:30, but it is one hour behind always. Is is about anything with time zones?
Or any idea to compare last modification time of one server file vs. a local one ?
There is no standard way to know ftp server timezone, but what you can do is to upload a file and then calculate the time difference between the file time reported by FTP and locally. This must be a method running as a first step of your program to initialize the timezone logic in every client application of yours.
I need to obtain the master public DNS value via the Java SDK. The only information that I'll have at the start of the application is the ClusterName which is static.
Thus far I've been able to pull out all the other information that I need excluding this and this, unfortunately is vital for the application to be a success.
This is the code that I'm currently working with:
List<ClusterSummary> summaries = clusters.getClusters();
for (ClusterSummary cs: summaries) {
if (cs.getName().equals("test") && WHITELIST.contains(cs.getStatus().getState())) {
ListInstancesResult instances = emr.listInstances(new ListInstancesRequest().withClusterId(cs.getId()));
clusterHostName = instances.getInstances().get(0).toString();
jobFlowId = cs.getId();
I've removed the get for PublicIpAddress as wanted the full toString for testing. I should be clear in that this method does give me the DNS that I need but I have no way of differentiating between them.
If my EMR has 4 machines, I don't know which position in the list that Instance will be. For my basic trial I've only got two machines, 1 master and a worker. .get(0) has returned both the values for master and the worker on successive runs.
The information that I'm able to obtain from these is below - my only option that I can see at the moment is to use the 'ReadyDateTime' as an identifier as the master 'should' always be ready first, but this feels hacky and I was hoping on a cleaner solution.
{Id: id,
Ec2InstanceId: id,
PublicDnsName: ec2-54--143.compute-1.amazonaws.com,
PublicIpAddress: 54..143,
PrivateDnsName: ip-10--158.ec2.internal,
PrivateIpAddress: 10..158,
Status: {State: RUNNING,StateChangeReason: {},
Timeline: {CreationDateTime: Tue Feb 21 09:18:08 GMT 2017,
ReadyDateTime: Tue Feb 21 09:25:11 GMT 2017,}},
InstanceGroupId: id,
EbsVolumes: []}
{Id: id,
Ec2InstanceId: id,
PublicDnsName: ec2-54--33.compute-1.amazonaws.com,
PublicIpAddress: 54..33,
PrivateDnsName: ip-10--95.ec2.internal,
PrivateIpAddress: 10..95,
Status: {State: RUNNING,StateChangeReason: {},
Timeline: {CreationDateTime: Tue Feb 21 09:18:08 GMT 2017,
ReadyDateTime: Tue Feb 21 09:22:48 GMT 2017,}},
InstanceGroupId: id
EbsVolumes: []}
Don't use ListInstances. Instead, use DescribeCluster, which returns as one of the fields MasterPublicDnsName.
To expand on what was mentioned by Jonathon:
AmazonEC2Client ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client(cred);
DescribeInstancesResult describeInstancesResult = ec2.describeInstances(new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(clusterInstanceIds));
List<Reservation> reservations = describeInstancesResult.getReservations();
for (Reservation res : reservations) {
for (GroupIdentifier group : res.getGroups()) {
if (group.getGroupName().equals("ElasticMapReduce-master")) { // yaaaaaaaaah, Wahay!
masterDNS = res.getInstances().get(0).getPublicDnsName();
AWSCredentials credentials_profile = null;
credentials_profile = new
AmazonElasticMapReduceClient emr = new
Region euWest1 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1);
DescribeClusterFunction fun = new DescribeClusterFunction(emr);
DescribeClusterResult res = fun.apply(new
String publicDNSName =res.getCluster().getMasterPublicDnsName();
Below is the working code to get the public DNS name.
I have simple test
public void test_NO_MILLIS() throws ParseException {
String rabbit = "22-OCT-15 06.37.35";
final String PATTERN = "dd-MMM-yy HH.mm.ss";
Date dateObject = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN).parse(rabbit);
Assert.assertEquals(22, dateObject.getDate());
Assert.assertEquals(10, dateObject.getMonth() + 1);
Assert.assertEquals(2015, dateObject.getYear() + 1900);
Assert.assertEquals(6, dateObject.getHours());
Assert.assertEquals(37, dateObject.getMinutes());
Assert.assertEquals(35, dateObject.getSeconds());
And everything goes right. I get 22 as day in result.
But after I am adding microseconds both to pattern and to string value to be parsed
public void test_MILLIS() throws ParseException {
String rabbit = "22-OCT-15";
final String PATTERN = "dd-MMM-yy HH.mm.ss.SSSSSSSSS";
Date dateObject = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN).parse(rabbit);
Assert.assertEquals(22, dateObject.getDate());
Assert.assertEquals(10, dateObject.getMonth() + 1);
Assert.assertEquals(2015, dateObject.getYear() + 1900);
Assert.assertEquals(6, dateObject.getHours());
Assert.assertEquals(37, dateObject.getMinutes());
Assert.assertEquals(35, dateObject.getSeconds());
I get an assert failure
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<22> but was:<29>
at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:57)
at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:329)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:78)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:234)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:241)
at main.TestDateFormatTest.test_MILLIS(TestDateFormatTest.java:36)
Which means that day has become 29 instead of 22. What has gone wrong?
Platforms: mac osx 10.9, ubuntu, win7
jdk: 7,6
The format pattern S for milliseconds doesn't take into account mathematical placement values; it just sees 586173000 as the number of milliseconds to add to the rest of the date. That number is equivalent to about 6.784 days, so that explains why the date became 29 instead of 22.
Before parsing, cut off the milliseconds at 3 digits, e.g. "22-OCT-15", so it's interpreted as 586 milliseconds.
I'm writing a program that goes through files in a directory and checking each file's last modified date and comparing it with another variable. If the variable matches then I copy said file. I thought this was going to work like a charm but the last modified date being returned seems to be incorrect or there is a weird time zone thing happening.
I'm in the middle of a loop and the file currently being looked at is from 2014-08-18 and was actually last modified at 11:58 PM on that date but the getLastModifiedTime returns 2014-08-19T03:58:37.685611Z. So what gives???? Is this some kind of wacky time off set that I need to handle? This is important because if the last modified date is not accurate I won't know which file to copy....Anyone immediately know what's wrong? This is my first time using this way of iterating through files so I may be missing something.
//Creating a DirectoryStream inside a try-with-resource block
try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds =
Files.newDirectoryStream(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(dir.getAbsolutePath()))) {for (Path p : ds) {
String lastMod = Files.getLastModifiedTime(p).toString();
String[] splitDte = lastMod.split("T");
File fileToCopy = p.toFile();
tempWorkingDir + "\\" + addLeadingZero(logM, 2) + ""
+ addLeadingZero(logDy, 2) + "\\" + fixedValue
+ "\\" + logType + "\\"
catch (IOException e)
The Z indicates that the date is expressed in GMT.
This is what I have in my Servlet.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("Inside Thread!!!");
for(int i=1; i<5; i++){
System.out.println("Date: " + new Date());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Some more piece of code is there
What I am doing here:
I have created a separate thread where the date gets printed after 5 sec in the console.
What I want to do:
When I run this code, I get this output printed in the console:
Inside Thread!!!
Date : Sat Nov 01 15:57:57 GMT 2014
Date : Sat Nov 01 15:58:02 GMT 2014
Date : Sat Nov 01 15:58:07 GMT 2014
Date : Sat Nov 01 15:58:12 GMT 2014
I want the same set of messages to be printed in a jsp page in such a way that the Date gets printed in an interval of 5 sec (by sending multiple response to the browser whenever a Syetem.out.println() method is executed int he above code).
Reason for pushing message from server:
In the above example, I am printing simple messages in a loop. But in real scenario, there are some calculations, hence the messages will be available at different time frames (i.e. not after every 5 sec, some messages will be available in quick time while the other messages might take some more time). Hence if I push from the server, then I can push the messages whenever it is available.
Unable to understand:
I am not sure how to send multiple response to the browser from a separate thread (i.e. from ExecutorService in the above code). I was looking into the setInterval method present in javascript but am not sue how to frame this code using it.
I am free to use jQuery or javascript to get this work. Please advise.
Instead of trying to push from the server, you should have the client make an AJAX request every five seconds, and you should return the snippet that you want printed from that endpoint.
I am trying the following code to open files in a certain directory. The name of the files are assigned by date but some dates are missing. I want to iterate through the dates to get the files and make the code go back 1 day every time it fails to find a file until it finally finds one (currentdate is a global variable and the strange xml element is because I'm using processing).
What I think the code should do is:
try to open the file with the given date.
on error, it goes to catch and gets a new date.
the process is repeated until a valid date is found.
when a valid date is found it goes to the line where break is and exits the loop.
But for some reason it does weird stuff like EDIT # sometimes it jumps too much, especially near the first month #
Is my logic not working for some reason?
String strdate=getdatestring(counter);
int counter=0;
xmldata = new XMLElement(this, "dir/" + strdate + "_filename.xml" );
}catch(NullPointerException e){
counter +=1;
String getdatestring(int counter) {
Date firstdate=new Date();
int daystosum=0;
String strcurrentdate="";
if(keyPressed && key=='7'){
Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
firstdate=formatter.parse("2012-04-13");//first day of the database
}catch(ParseException e){
return strcurrentdate;
I believe once you do this,
you need to reset the counter as
counter = 0;
otherwise next time it will subtract more bigger number e.g. to start, say daystosum is 0 and counter is 5, after the daystosum=daystosum-counter;, daystosum will become -5. Again you go in the while loop and file is not found then count will increase to 6. In that case you would be getting `daystosum=daystosum-counter; as -5-6 = -11, but you would want it to move to -6. Resetting the counter should ix your issue.
On the other note, I think you can list down the files using file.listFiles() from the parent directory and perform the search on the file names. In that case, you are not attempting to open files again and again.