I'm trying to render the following method into java from c#.
some components are easily recognizable, for instance (please correct me if I'm wrong but) it seems that:
C#: Java
Console.WriteLine = System.out.println
Some components are more opake. Such as using, I guess that has no equivalent in java, isn't it? So I'm thinking I'll just ignore it, is that prudent?
A little background before we go on, I'm trying to decode a google protocol buffer .pb file.
Serializer.TryReadLengthPrefix(file, PrefixStyle.Base128, out len) is doubtless tricky as well, but it's the whole crux of the program, so it's important.
I'm reasonably certain that in place of that I should use something like this:
while ((r = Relation.parseDelimitedFrom(is)) != null) {
RelationAndMentions relation = new RelationAndMentions(
r.getRelType(), r.getSourceGuid(), r.getDestGuid());
for(int i = 0; i < r.getMentionCount(); i ++) {
DocumentProtos.Relation.RelationMentionRef mention = r.getMention(i);
// String s = mention.getSentence();
relation.mentions.add(new Mention(mention.getFeatureList()));
for(String l: relation.posLabels) {
addKnownRelation(relation.arg1, relation.arg2, l, knownRelationsPerEntity);
But that's an unwieldy beast and I'm not sure exactly what to do with it.
I've been at this too long and my capacity to think clearly is totally disipated but if one among you who is expert in c# and java feels up to this momentus undertaking, far be it from me to stop you.
static void ProcessFile(string path)
Console.WriteLine("Processing: {0}", path);
using (var file = File.OpenRead(path))
int len, count = 0;
while(Serializer.TryReadLengthPrefix(file, PrefixStyle.Base128, out len))
Console.WriteLine("Fragment: {0} bytes", len);
using (var reader = new ProtoReader(file, null, null, len))
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} Relation objects parsed", path, count);
Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}, {1} Relation objects parsed", path, count);
catch (Exception ex)
if you're feeling particularly ambitious please do dig the who code here.
Can you pls. elaborate more on
I'm trying to decode a google protocol buffer .pb file.
Usually you have protobuf definition file.. Google protobuff, auto-generates "code" file based on this "def" file. Generally there is no point in decoding that file...
you generate the C# code file using definition.pb/proto by calling protoc.exe
again you generate the code file in Java using same definition.pb/proto and by same calling protoc.exe ( same command switch will be different)
and you can communicate across both language.. you dont have to map/find equivalent.. hopefully I answered your q..
if you have further q. post your .pb/proto file (definition not data)
if you don't have the definition file.. let us know.. we can than may be able to take further steps.
I downloaded my extended listening history from Spotify and I am trying to make a program to turn the data into a list of artists without doubles I can easily make sense of. The file is rather huge because it has data on every stream I have done since 2016 (307790 lines of text in total). This is what 2 lines of the file looks like:
{"ts":"2016-10-30T18:12:51Z","username":"edgymemes69endmylifepls","platform":"Android OS 6.0.1 API 23 (HTC, 2PQ93)","ms_played":0,"conn_country":"US","ip_addr_decrypted":"","user_agent_decrypted":"unknown","master_metadata_track_name":"Devil's Daughter (Holy War)","master_metadata_album_artist_name":"Ozzy Osbourne","master_metadata_album_album_name":"No Rest for the Wicked (Expanded Edition)","spotify_track_uri":"spotify:track:0pieqCWDpThDCd7gSkzx9w","episode_name":null,"episode_show_name":null,"spotify_episode_uri":null,"reason_start":"fwdbtn","reason_end":"fwdbtn","shuffle":true,"skipped":null,"offline":false,"offline_timestamp":0,"incognito_mode":false},
{"ts":"2021-03-26T18:15:15Z","username":"edgymemes69endmylifepls","platform":"Android OS 11 API 30 (samsung, SM-F700U1)","ms_played":254120,"conn_country":"US","ip_addr_decrypted":"","user_agent_decrypted":"unknown","master_metadata_track_name":"Opportunist","master_metadata_album_artist_name":"Sworn In","master_metadata_album_album_name":"Start/End","spotify_track_uri":"spotify:track:3tA4jL0JFwFZRK9Q1WcfSZ","episode_name":null,"episode_show_name":null,"spotify_episode_uri":null,"reason_start":"fwdbtn","reason_end":"trackdone","shuffle":true,"skipped":null,"offline":false,"offline_timestamp":1616782259928,"incognito_mode":false},
It is formatted in the actual text file so that each stream is on its own line. NetBeans is telling me the exception is happening at line 19 and it only fails when I am looking for a substring bounded by the indexOf function. My code is below. I have no idea why this isn't working, any ideas?
import java.util.*;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String args[]){
File dat = new File("SpotifyListeningData.txt");
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
Scanner swag = null;
try {
swag = new Scanner(dat);
catch(Exception e) {
while (swag.hasNextLine())
if (swag.nextLine().length() > 1)
if (list.contains(swag.nextLine().substring(swag.nextLine().indexOf("artist_name"), swag.nextLine().indexOf("master_metadata_album_album"))))
try {list.add(swag.nextLine().substring(swag.nextLine().indexOf("artist_name"), swag.nextLine().indexOf("master_metadata_album_album")));}
catch(Exception e) {}
Find a JSON parser you like.
Create a class that with the fields you care about marked up to the parsers specs.
Read the file into a collection of objects. Most parsers will stream the contents so you're not string a massive string.
You can then load the data into objects and store that as you see fit. For your purposes, a TreeSet is probably what you want.
Your code will throw a lot of exceptions only because you don't use braces. Please do use braces in each blocks, whether it is if, else, loops, whatever. It's a good practice and prevent unnecessary bugs.
However, everytime scanner.nextLine() is called, it reads the next line from the file, so you need to avoid using that in this way.
The best way to deal with this is to write a class containing the fields same as the json in each line of the file. And map the json to the class and get desired field value from that.
Your way is too much risky and dependent on structure of the data, even on whitespaces. However, I fixed some lines in your code and this will work for your purpose, although I actually don't prefer operating string in this way.
while (swag.hasNextLine()) {
String swagNextLine = swag.nextLine();
if (swagNextLine.length() > 1) {
String toBeAdded = swagNextLine.substring(swagNextLine.indexOf("artist_name") + "artist_name".length() + 2
, swagNextLine.indexOf("master_metadata_album_album") - 2);
if (list.contains(toBeAdded)) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Add to list failed");
I'm doing my student project and building a testing tool for regression testing.
Main idea: capture all constructors/methods/functions invocations using AOP during runtime and record all data into a database. Later retrieve the data, run constructors/methods/functions in the same order, and compare return values.
I'm trying to serialize objects (and arrays of objects) into a byte array, record it into PostgreSQL as a blob, and later (in another runtime) retrieve that blob and deserialize it back to object. But when I deserialize data in another runtime it changes and, for example, instead of boolean, I retrieve int. If I do exactly the same operations in the same runtime (serialize - insert into the database - SELECT from the database - deserialize) everything seems to work correctly.
Here is how I record data:
private void writeInvocationRecords(InvocationData invocationData, boolean isConstructor) {
final List<InvocationData> invocationRecords = isConstructor ? constructorInvocationRecords : methodInvocationRecords;
final String recordsFileName = isConstructor ? "constructor_invocation_records.json" : "method_invocation_records.json";
byte[] inputArgsBytes = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
inputArgsBytes = bos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore close exception
byte[] returnValueBytes = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream rvBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream rvOut = null;
try {
rvOut = new ObjectOutputStream(rvBos);
returnValueBytes = rvBos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore close exception
if (invocationRecords.size() >= (isConstructor ? CONSTRUCTORS_CACHE_SIZE : METHODS_CACHE_SIZE)) {
List<InvocationData> tempRecords = new ArrayList<InvocationData>(invocationRecords);
try {
for (InvocationData record : tempRecords) {
SerialBlob blob = new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob(inputArgsBytes);
SerialBlob rvBlob = new javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob(returnValueBytes);
psInsert.setString(1, record.className);
psInsert.setString(2, record.methodName);
psInsert.setArray(3, conn.createArrayOf("text", record.inputArgsTypes));
psInsert.setBinaryStream(4, blob.getBinaryStream());
psInsert.setString(5, record.returnValueType);
psInsert.setBinaryStream(6, rvBlob.getBinaryStream());
psInsert.setLong(7, record.invocationTimeStamp);
psInsert.setLong(8, record.invocationTime);
psInsert.setLong(9, record.orderId);
psInsert.setLong(10, record.threadId);
psInsert.setString(11, record.threadName);
psInsert.setInt(12, record.objectHashCode);
psInsert.setBoolean(13, isConstructor);
} catch (Exception e) {
Here is how I retrieve data:
List<InvocationData> constructorsData = new LinkedList<InvocationData>();
List<InvocationData> methodsData = new LinkedList<InvocationData>();
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(SQL_SELECT);
while (rs.next()) {
Object returnValue = new Object();
byte[] returnValueByteArray = new byte[rs.getBinaryStream(7).available()];
returnValueByteArray = rs.getBytes(7);
final String returnType = rs.getString(6);
ByteArrayInputStream rvBis = new ByteArrayInputStream(returnValueByteArray);
ObjectInputStream rvIn = null;
try {
rvIn = new ObjectInputStream(rvBis);
switch (returnType) {
case "boolean":
returnValue = rvIn.readBoolean();
case "double":
returnValue = rvIn.readDouble();
case "int":
returnValue = rvIn.readInt();
case "long":
returnValue = rvIn.readLong();
case "char":
returnValue = rvIn.readChar();
case "float":
returnValue = rvIn.readFloat();
case "short":
returnValue = rvIn.readShort();
returnValue = rvIn.readObject();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (rvIn != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore close exception
Object[] inputArguments = new Object[0];
byte[] inputArgsByteArray = new byte[rs.getBinaryStream(5).available()];
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputArgsByteArray);
ObjectInput in = null;
try {
in = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
inputArguments = (Object[])in.readObject();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} finally {
try {
if (in != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore close exception
InvocationData invocationData = new InvocationData(
if (rs.getBoolean(14)) {
} else {
An explosion of errors and misguided ideas inherent in this question:
Your read and write code is broken.
available() doesn't work. Well, it does what the javadoc says it does, and if you read the javadoc, and read it very carefully, you should come to the correct conclusion that what that is, is utterly useless. If you ever call available(), you've messed up. You're doing so here. More generally your read and write code doesn't work. For example, .read(byteArr) also doesn't do what you think it does. See below.
The entire principle behind what you're attempting to do, doesn't work
You can't 'save the state' of arbitrary objects, and if you want to push the idea, then if you can, then certainly not in the way you're doing it, and in general this is advanced java that involves hacking the JDK itself to get at it: Think of an InputStream that represents data flowing over a network connection. What do you imagine the 'serialization' of this InputStream object should look like? If you consider serialization as 'just represent the underlying data in memory', then what you'd get is a number that represents the OS 'pipe handle', and possibly some IP, port, and sequence numbers. This is a tiny amount of data, and all this data is completely useless - it doesn't say anything meaningful about that connection and this data cannot be used to reconstitute it, at all. Even within the 'scope' of a single session (i.e. where you serialize, and then deserialize almost immediately afterwards), as networks are a stream and once you grab a byte (or send a byte), it's gone. The only useful, especially for the notion of 'lets replay everything that happened as a test', serialization strategy involves actually 'recording' all the bytes that were picked up, as it happens, on the fly. This is not a thing that you can do as a 'moment in time' concept, it's continuous. You need a system that is recording all the things (it needs to be recording every inputstream, every outputstream, every time System.currentTimeMillis() in invoked, every time a random number is generated, etc), and then needs to use the results of recording it all when your API is asked to 'save' an arbitrary state.
Serialization instead is a thing that objects need to opt into, and where they may have to write custom code to properly deal with it. Not all objects can even be serialized (an InputStream representing a network pipe, as above, is one example of an object that cannot be serialized), and for some, serializing them requires some fancy footwork, and the only hope you have is that the authors of the code that powers this object put in that effort. If they didn't, there is nothing you can do.
The serialization framework of java awkwardly captures both of these notions. It does mean that your code, even if you fix the bugs in it, will fail on most objects that can exist in a JVM. Your testing tool can only be used to test the most simplistic code.
If you're okay with that, read on. But if not, you need to completely rethink what you're going to do with this.
ObjectOutputStream sucks
This is not just my opinion, the openjdk team itself is broadly in agreement (they probably wouldn't quite put it like that, of course). The data emitted by OOS is a weird, inefficient, and underspecced binary blob. You can't analyse this data in any feasible way other than spending a few years reverse engineering the protocol, or just deserializing it (which requires having all the classes, and a JVM - this can be an acceptable burden, depends on your use case).
Contrast to e.g. Jackson which serializes data into JSON, which you can parse with your eyeballs, or in any language, and even without the relevant class files. You can construct 'serialized JSON' yourself without the benefit of first having an object (for testing purposes this sounds like a good idea, no? You need to test this testing framework too!).
How do I fix this code?
If you understand all the caveats above and somehow still conclude that this project, as written and continuing to use the ObjectOutputStream API is still what you want to do (I really, really doubt that's the right call):
Use the newer APIs. available() does not return the size of that blob. read(someByteArray) is not guaranteed to fill the entire byte array. Just read the javadoc, it spells it out.
There is no way to determine the size of an inputstream by asking that inputstream. You may be able to ask the DB itself (usually, LENGTH(theBlobColumn) works great in a SELECT query.
If you somehow (e.g. using LENGTH(tbc)) know the full size, you can use InputStream's readFully method, which will actually read all bytes, vs. read, which reads at least 1, but is not guaranteed to read all of it. The idea is: It'll read the smallest chunk that is available. Imagine a network pipe where bytes are dribbling into the network card's buffer, one byte a second. If so far 250 bytes have dribbled in and you call .read(some500SizeByteArr), then you get 250 bytes (250 of the 500 bytes are filled in, and 250 is returned). If you call .readFully(some500SizeByteArr), then the code will wait about 250 seconds, and then returns 500, and fills in all 500 bytes. That's the difference, and that explains why read works the way it does. Said differently: If you do not check what read() is returning, your code is definitely broken.
If you do not know how much data there is, your only option involves a while loop, or to call a helper method that does that. You need to make a temporary byte array, then in a loop keep calling read until it returns -1. For every loop, take the bytes in that array from 0 to (whatever the read call returned), and send these bytes someplace else. For example, a ByteArrayOutputStream.
Class matching
when I deserialize data in another runtime it changes and, for example, instead of boolean, I retrieve int
The java serialization system isn't magically changing your stuff on you. Well, put a pin that. Most likely the class file available in the first run (where you saved the blob in the db) was different vs what it looked like in your second run. Voila, problem.
More generally this is a problem in serialization. If you serialize, say, class Person {Date dob; String name;}, and then in a later version of the software you realize that using a j.u.Date to store a date of birth is a very silly idea, as Date is an unfortunately named class (it represents an instant in time and not a date at all), so you replace it with a LocalDate instead, thus ending up with class Person{LocalDate dob; String name;}, then how do you deal with the problem that you now want to deserialize a BLOB that was made back when the Person.class file still had the broken Date dob; field?
The answer is: You can't. Java's baked in serialization mechanism will flat out throw an exception here, it will not try to do this. This is the serialVersionUID system: Classes have an ID and changing anything about them (such as that field) changes this ID; the ID is stored in the serialized data. If the IDs don't match, deserialization cannot be done. You can force the ID (make a field called serialVersionUID - you can search the web for how to do that), but then you'd still get an error, java's deserializer will attempt to deserialize a Date object into a LocalDate dob; field and will of course fail.
Classes can write their own code to solve this problem. This is non-trivial and is irrelevant to you, as you're building a framework and presumably can't pop in and write code for your testing framework's userbase's custom class files.
I told you to put a pin in 'the serialization mechanism isnt going to magically change types on you'. Put in sufficient effort with overriding serialVersionUID and such and you can end up there. But that'd be because you wrote code that confuses types, e.g. in your readObject implementation (again, search the web for java's serialization mechanism, readObject/writeObject - or just start reading the javadoc of java.io.Serializable, that's a good starting-off point).
Style issues
You create objects for no purpose, you seem to have some trouble with the distinction between a variable/reference and an object. You aren't using try-with-resources. The way your SELECT calls are made suggests you have an SQL injection security issue. e.printStackTrace() as line line in a catch block is always incorrect.
I have the following (pretty nasty) code snippet, which is generating a md5-hash over the content of an item:
protected String createHashFromContentNew() throws CrawlerException {
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (getContent() != null) {
builder.append(new String(getContent()));
if (builder.length() == 0) {
throw new CrawlerException(hashErrorMessage("the content of this item is empty!"));
} else {
return MD5Utils.generateMD5Hash(builder.toString());
the MD5Utils.generateMD5Hash(builder.toString()); function could also be used with a InputStream.
getContent() returns a byte[].
This actually worked ok until I got items with huge sized contents. Since this is used in an multi-threaded environment it uses up a lot of RAM by holding the content multiple times.
I now want to use the generateMD5Hash() with the InputStream, to stop loading everything into the RAM. The problem is, that the outcoming hash must be the same as in the current function for all previously generated hashes.
Any ideas how to achive that in a proper way?
Maybe you want ByteArrayInputStream ?
Have a look here.
I have been attempting to program a solution for ImageJ to process my images.
I understand how to get a directory, run commands on it, etc etc. However I've run into a situation where I now need to start using some type of search function in order to pair two images together in a directory full of image pairs.
I'm hoping that you guys can confirm I am on the right direction and that my idea is right. So far it is proving difficult for me to understand as I have less than even a month's worth of experience with Java. Being that this project is directly for my research I really do have plenty of drive to get it done I just need some direction in what functions are useful to me.
I initially thought of using regex but I saw that when you start processing a lot of images (especially with imagej which it seems does not dump data usage well, if that's the correct way to say it) that regex is very slow.
The general format of these images is:
They are in alphabetical order so it should be able to go to the next image in the list. I'm just a bit lost on what functions I should use to accomplish this but I think my overall while structure is correct. Thanks to some help from Java forums. However I'm still stuck on where to go to next.
So far here is my code: Thanks to this SO answer for partial code
int count = 0;
string DAPI;
string GFP;
private void getFile(String dirPath) {
File f = new File(dirPath);
File[] files = f.listFiles();
while (files.length > 0) {
if (/* File name contains "DAPI"*/){
DAPI = File f;
string substitute to get 'GFP' filename
store GFP file name into variable
do something(DAPI, GFP);
advance to next filename in list
As of right now I don't really know how to search for a string within a string. I've seen regex capture groups, and other solutions but I do not know the "best" one for processing hundreds of images.
I also have no clue what function would be used to substitute substrings.
I'd much appreciate it if you guys could point me towards the functions best for this case. I like to figure out how to make it on my own I just need help getting to the right information. Also want to make sure I am not making major logic mistakes here.
It doesn't seem like you need regex if your file names follow the simple pattern that you mentioned. You can simply iterate over the files and filter based on whether the filename contains DAPI e.g. see below. This code may be oversimplification of your requirements but I couldn't tell that based on the details you've provided.
import java.io.*;
public class Temp {
int count = 0;
private void getFile(String dirPath) {
File f = new File(dirPath);
File[] files = f.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().contains("DAPI")) {
String dapiFile = file.getName();
String gfpFile = dapiFile.replace("DAPI", "GFP");
doSomething(dapiFile, gfpFile);
//Do Something does nothing right now, expand on it.
private void doSomething(String dapiFile, String gfpFile) {
System.out.println(new File(dapiFile).getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println(new File(gfpFile).getAbsolutePath());
public static void main(String[] args) {
Temp app = new Temp();
NOTE: As per Vogel612's answer, if you have Java 8 and like a functional solution you can have:
private void getFile(String dirPath) {
try {
Files.find(Paths.get(dirPath), 1, (path, basicFileAttributes) -> (path.toFile().getName().contains("DAPI"))).forEach(
dapiPath -> {
Path gfpPath = dapiPath.resolveSibling(dapiPath.getFileName().toString().replace("DAPI", "GFP"));
doSomething(dapiPath, gfpPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
//Dummy method does nothing yet.
private void doSomething(Path dapiPath, Path gfpPath) {
Using java.io.File is the wrong way to approach this problem. What you're looking for is a Stream-based solution using Files.find that would look something like this:
Files.find(dirPath, 1, (path, attributes) -> {
return path.getFileName().toString().contains("DAPI");
}).forEach(path -> {
Path gfpFile = path.resolveSibling(/*build GFP name*/);
doSomething(path, gfpFile);
What this does is:
Iterate over all Paths below dirPath 1 level deep (may be adjusted)
Check that the File's name contains "DAPI"
Use these files to find the relevant "GFP"-File
give them to doSomething
This is preferrable to the files solution because of multiple things:
It's significantly more informative when failing
It's cleaner and more terse than your File-Based solution and doesn't have to check for null
It's forward compatible, and thus preferrable over a File-Based solution
Files.find is available from Java 8 onwards
G'day all,
I have a console project where it is intended the user presses the keyboard direction keys (non-numeric keypad) to move an avatar. I am having difficulty coding to check for the press of these keys. In Pascal it was easy enough to use "readkey" and code, for example, for #80 for the down keypress. However, I am stumped how to implement the same functionality in Java, though I think I understand the use of System.in and BufferedInputStream.
Could anyone help me out? Your thoughts or hints are much appreciated.
If java.io.console doesn't work for you (I haven't tried that), try JLine. I used it to solve a vaguely similar problem.
The Console support issue in Java is well known, I am not sure that this is doable.
This was not initially possible with System.in since it used to work line-based.
Sun eventually added a java.io.Console class.
Here are its JavaDocs:
Once you get the console (I think from System.console), you can get a reader and perhaps read characters from it, but I'm not sure if it includes keys.
Generally, you're supposed to use Swing or AWT if you want access to the keyboard, which is silly.
As of 2007, there was a feature request about it: here
Unfortunately this is not possible in a portable way:
On Windows, reading from System.in will block until enter is pressed, even when you do not use a BufferedReader. Arrows will cycle through the command history. Try it yourself:
import java.io.*;
public class KeyTest {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
try {
InputStreamReader unbuffered = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
int x = unbuffered.read();
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", x));
} catch (Exception e) {
Same issue using the Console class (input buffered under Windows, arrow keys intepreted by Windows):
import java.io.*;
public class KeyTest2 {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
try {
Console cons = System.console();
if (cons != null) {
Reader unbuffered = cons.reader();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
int x = unbuffered.read();
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", x));
} catch (Exception e) {
Not with built-in Java code. Check out java curses libraries or JLine as mentioned above, if you want to continue.