Consider the following self-contained sample:
package bloopers;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
public final class Blooper5
interface Converter<T,F>
T convert( F from );
interface Identifier<T>
static class ConvertingIdentifier<F,T> implements Identifier<F>
ConvertingIdentifier( Converter<T,F> converter )
static final class AnnotationIdentifier
Identifier<Annotation> I1 = new ConvertingIdentifier<>(
a -> a.annotationType() );
Identifier<Annotation> I2 = new ConvertingIdentifier<>(
Annotation::annotationType ); //<-- ERROR
Identifier<Annotation> I3 = new ConvertingIdentifier<>(
(Converter<Class<? extends Annotation>,Annotation>)
Annotation::annotationType );
The code above compiles just fine under the following:
javac from the command line.
IntelliJ IDEA configured to use the javac compiler.
But it fails to compile with the following:
IntelliJ IDEA configured to use the Eclipse compiler.
Eclipse fails to compile the line marked with <-- ERROR, giving the following message:
The constructor Blooper5.ConvertingIdentifier<Annotation,Class<capture#5-of ? extends Annotation>>(Blooper5.Converter<Class<? extends Annotation>,Annotation>) is undefined
Admittedly, this code really pushes the generic parameter type inference capabilities of the compiler, but still, I would like to know precisely what the discrepancy is, no matter how small.
Some exposure of my methods in case someone manages to see something wrong that I fail to see:
The command I used to compile with javac was "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40\bin\javac"
I have version 14.1 of IntelliJ IDEA. Under Project Structure/SDKs I only have "1.8" which points to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40 and under Project Structure/Modules the specific module is configured to use the "Project SDK (1.8)" which lists as 1.8 (java version "1.8.0_40").
As for Eclipse, I am using Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers - Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) - Build id: 20140612-0600. Under Preferences/Java/Installed JREs I only have jdk1.8.0_40, and it is the default. Under Execution Environments it is also checked as a "Compatible JRE" of "JavaSE-1.8". And in my Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Libraries the "JRE System Library" is [jdk1.8.0_40].
More noteworthy facts:
It is not just me; it also fails on a colleague's (very similar) eclipse installation.
IntelliJ IDEA says that the lambda expression a -> a.annotationType() can be replaced with a method reference, but if asked to do so, it does not convert it to Annotation::annotationType; instead, it converts it to (Converter<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation>) Annotation:: annotationType.
So, the question:
What is causing these discrepancies between Eclipse and the others, and what can be done to eliminate these discrepancies?
(Obviously, the goal is to eliminate the unfortunately too frequently occurring scenario where one developer commits code which fails to compile on another developer's IDE.)
EDIT: When I originally posted this question I thought that IDEA using the Eclipse compiler also compiled fine, but I was wrong. It turns out that it is possible to get IDEA to fail to compile the above code by selecting the Eclipse compiler. Still, the question is why there is a discrepancy between eclipse and javac.
The answer to "why is there a discrepancy" is straightforward but perhaps not very satisfactory: because compilers have bugs and are furthermore open to interpretation of a very complex language specification. Determining whether it's a bug in javac or Eclipse is a difficult task; I've seen such discrepancies end up being declared both ways, sometimes as Eclipse compiler bugs, sometimes as javac bugs. That determination, especially when it involves generics and new language features (such as lambdas), can get quite tedious and arcane. For example, look at this one that turned out to be a javac bug but did uncover a related issue in Eclipse's compiler:
The best bet is to report it as an Eclipse bug as I did and see if the Eclipse compiler team can/will track it down.
Here is my code:
int hoursFormat = 1, minsFormat = 2, secsFormat = 3;
String timeFormat = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d",hoursFormat, minsFormat, secsFormat);
This gives a compilation error:
Unresolved compilation problem:
The method format(String, Object[]) in the type String is not applicable for the
arguments (String, int, int, int)
Why am I getting this error here and how can I fix it?
I had a similar problem with printf. I am using JDK 1.6.0_27. Setting the compliance level to 1.6 solved my issue. This can be set in the following way.
Project > Properties > Java Compiler
You can also refer to the following thread:
Why am I getting a compilation errors with a simple printf?
Are you using Java version 1.4 or below? Autoboxing wasn't introduced until Java 5. Try manually boxing ints to Integers.
Are you using eclipse?
If so sometimes, issues like this appear, when everything seems to be correct. Here is how I just solved it:
Right click on project and go to properties->Java Compiler
You would be seeing a recent Compiler compliance level (1.7 in my case) set in the drop down ("compiler compliance level"). Also same version is seen set below in "Generated .class files compatibility" and "Source compatibility".
Select the Checkbox: "Use default compliance settings"
Notice that a lower version (in my case 1.1) got set for: "Generated .class files compatibility" and "Source compatibility". This is the issue, although eclipse is showing that it is compiling using a higher compiler it is not.
In the drop down "compiler compliance level" choose some other level and then select the one you want. The changes would be reflected below in "Generated .class files compatibility" and "Source compatibility".
This should have resolved the issue.
You have jdk 1.4 or below version. The method String.format() is introduce in Jdk 1.5.
Take a look at coderanch post.
I'm gonna vote for a clean build. There's no reason it should be failing like this, especially when you try manually boxing to Integer. Are you using Eclipse? Sometimes it gets confused, and you just have to rebuild everything.
The signature of format is:
public static String format(String format, Object ... args) {
return new Formatter().format(format, args).toString();
and it seems no any mistakes in your code, for my suggestion try to run this with console application without using any IDE (For test purpose).
At my company, we are currently working with Eclipse for our Java projects.
As me and some other coworkers would rather use IntelliJ, we took a crack at migrating our projects and failed at getting AspectJ to work.
We are using Java 7 though the projects are written in Java 6 compatility.
Before trying it out we updated to the most recent version of IDEA (14.03).
The AspectJ version is 1.7.3.
Here are the steps we took:
import the project and dependencies into IntelliJ
download and install AspectJ
Under Settings -> Java Compiler: Use ajc compiler, delegate to javac (path to aspectjtools.jar is correct as the test button indicates)
Add AspectJ libs to Global Libraries (aspectjrt.jar, aspectjtools.jar, aspectjweaver.jar, and org.aspectj.matcher.jar)
Create AspectJ facet for the one module that is using AspectJ, leave all settings as is (no aspect path defined)
Add aspectjrt to project libraries
rebuild, make etc.
LogContext is just an empty interface. Classes that want a logger appended implement this interface.
This method is injected with AspectJ. Unfortunately I am not an expert with this and the guy who implemented it left the company, so I am stuck.
In order to check general functionality, we implemented a tiny project from scratch with just three classes with the same settings as above:
public interface LogContext {}
public aspect LogContextAspect {
public void LogContext.log() {
public class Aspect implements LogContext {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Aspect aspect = new Aspect();
The code actually executes fine and prints out the "Log!" message, but on make I get the following error:
Error:(4, 0) ajc: The type Aspect must implement the inherited abstract method LogContext.log()
What are we missing here? In order to migrate our projects, we need AspectJ to work.
The whole system is built with Java 6 compatibility but runs on Java 7.
Thanks for your help!
I tried with IDEA 14.1.1 Ultimate and it works nicely, even though AspectJ support in IDEA is generally not as advanced as in Eclipse, even though all in all IDEA to me is superior. But for AspectJ I often use Eclipse.
I think it would be a good idea to "mavenise" your project. This way it would work in Eclipse and IDEA. In IDEA activate auto import for Maven changes to let Maven be the leading system and IDEA just follow its settings. This works well for my AspectJ projects. But in this case I set up your example manually (no Maven). After a few steps it works now. Along the way I did not see the error message you mentioned.
Edit: I use AspectJ 1.8.5, if that makes any difference.
Edit 2: I have tried with both compiler and runtime manually set to 1.7.3, it still works.
So, java has a built in library dedicated for compiling java source code into .class files, and it is in So, I was wondering how exactly you get it to work. I've read through the javadoc, and it gives some examples in there, but when I use those examples, I get errors.
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, null, null);
That is the example oracle gives in order to get an instance of the StandardJavaFileManager class from which you can do much more. However, I'm having some issues with the very first line of that code. When I attempt to do ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();, it always returns null. In the javadocs for that method, it says, "returns the compiler provided with this platform or null if no compiler is provided." But they never show any other way of getting an instance of a JavaCompiler. I've tried many other ways, such as using a ServiceLoader to find any reference of it that I could, but to no prevail. How might I go about getting this to work?
Chances are you're running Java from a JRE directory instead of a JDK directory - you need to run a version which "knows" where the Java compiler is.
So for example, on my Windows boxing, running a tiny test app like this:
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
The results are:
c:\Users\Jon\Test>"\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09"\bin\java Test
c:\Users\Jon\Test>"\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java" Test
As you can see, it's fine when I specifically run the JDK version, but I get null when running the JRE version. Check how you're starting Java.
The compilation is often performed by directly invoking the javac compiler, which requires an installed Java Development Kit (JDK) or by calling, which can be found in Sun's tools.jar. Sun's licensing allows tools.jar to be redistributed with the full Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Other ways to implement such dynamic capabilities include using an existing dynamic scripting language (such as JavaScript or Groovy) that integrates with the application's implementation language (see Resources) or writing a domain-specific language and associated language interpreter or compiler.
Here's the code snippet:
class MyClass {
private native void foo();
For the above, Eclipse (namely, 3.7.0) gives a warning
The method foo() from the type MyClass is never used locally
Alright, but when I try to suppress the warning:
class MyClass {
private native void foo();
It complains
Unnecesary #SuppressWarnings("unused")
So, is there any way to make it stop complaining?
Sorry for the incomplete information - this warning is only displayed in an AspectJ project. Once I create a simple Java project and put my class in it, all works fine.
As far as I understand, AspectJ uses its own compiler, so this warning must be generated by it. I'm using AspectJ Development Tools plug-in:
Version: 2.1.3.e37x-20110628-1900
AspectJ version:
The list of #SuppressWarnings is compiler specific. In Eclipse,
unused is macro for unusedArgument, unusedImport, unusedLabel, unusedLocal, unusedPrivate and unusedThrown
The whole list is here : the list of valid #SuppressWarnings supported in Eclipse
Inside of a Java project, this produces no warnings:
class MyClass {
private native void foo();
This, however, produces a Unnecessary #SuppressWarnings("unused") warning:
class MyClass {
private native void foo();
Inside of an AspectJ project, the first example produces a The method foo() from the type MyClass is never used locally warning and the second example produces the same warning as in a Java project. This is likely an AspectJ bug. I'd recommend raising an issue on the AspectJ bugzilla.
The AspectJ compiler is a fork of the JDT compiler from Eclipse 3.3. So, it is likely that this bug was originally in Eclipse 3.3. Now that Java 7 is available, AspectJ will likely migrate to being Eclipse 3.7 or 3.8 based and it will pick up the fix from the JDT compiler. But it is worth raising a bug anyway.
I just tried and I don't get the "unnecessary..." warning. Are you sure that the warning is issued by the java compiler and not by some other tool such as checkstyle or findbugs?
Anyway, there are few situations, where an unused private method makes sense.
It's working for me. I'm running Eclipse Indigo like you.
Eclipse is adding #Override annotations when I implement methods of an interface. Eclipse seems to have no problem with this. And our automated build process from Cruise Control seems to have no problem with this. But when I build from the command-line, with ant running javac, I get this error:
[javac] C:\path\project\src\com\us\ method does not override a method from its superclass
[javac] #Override
[javac] ^
[javac] 1 error
Eclipse is running under Java 1.6. Cruise Control is running Java 1.5. My ant build fails regardless of which version of Java I use.
The #Override annotation spec changed in Java 1.6. In Java 1.5, the compiler did not allow the #Override annotation on implemented interface methods, but in 1.6 it does. First search result I found is a blog post here.. It was not well documented, but it did change.
Eclipse is adding it because your Eclipse is set for 1.6 compliance. You should try to keep your build and eclipse environments on the same version of Java. It's unclear to me by your specifying Cruise Control is running Java 5 on whether or not it is compiling using a separate JDK6 or not.
Separate from the above 1.5 vs 1.6 #Override annotation rules, remember that Eclipse has its own compiler implementation (not javac) and will occasionally have different behavior. Whenever something compiles in Eclipse, but not Ant or Maven, you will need to find a way to make both compilers happy.
I can't really explain the problem you're seeing but it seems to be related to the fact that JDK 5 will not allow #Override on implemented methods of an interface, only on overridden methods present in a super class.
JDK 6 will allow #Override on any of them.
If your ant build fails it may be passing a source parameter to javac, asking for JDK 5 compliance.
The direct answer to the question "Why" an error is raised by javac when #Override is used in the context of a method implementation is actually in the java specifications:
"The rationale for this is that a concrete class that implements an interface will necessarily override all the interface's methods irrespective of the #Override annotation, and so it would be confusing to have the semantics of this annotation interact with the rules for implementing interfaces."
But apparently someone changed his mind for java 1.6 and 1.5 u21...
#Override tags for implemented methods are new to Java 1.6. In Java 1.5 #Override is only correct when overriding a method in a base class. Read more here and here.
A lot of people, including me, got busted by this. See here for a bigger SO discussion
Eclipse would be pointing to 1.6 version of Java rather than 1.5.
See here for configuring java version in eclipse.
Ensure that there is only one definition of that interface.
This is an interface with different specs depending on provider.
Compare pax-web-jetty and apache-felix-jetty. They have different methods.
I have had the same problem when building a project with ANT. The solution to the problem was to change the following property inside the file:
That solved the problem and the project got compiled and deployed successfully.