JavaFX Scene: Add Scene To Tab - java

Tab tab1 = new Tab();
Tab tab2 = new Tab();
How do I add a scene to a Tab?
I want to make it so when tab1 is selected the scene is showing and when switched to tab2, it is not there.
I tried doing tab1.setContent, it has to be a node.
I tried doing dialog.setOwner(tab1), it has to be a window.
TabPane tabPane = new TabPane();
Tab tab1 = new Tab("FIRST TAB");
Tab tab2 = new Tab("SECOND TAB");
tab1.setContent(new VBox(new Text("Scene Below:")));
tab2.setContent(new VBox(new Button("dsadsadassda")));
tabPane.getTabs().addAll(tab1, tab2);
final Stage dialog = new Stage();
dialog.initOwner(tab1); // I can't, it has to be a window
stage.setScene(new Scene(tabPane, 1000, 680));

well the design depends on what you want to do , in your case you should specify a CustomTab that extends the JavaFx Tab and as default it would hold a ScrollablePane or whatever pane you want , which will be bound to have the same width and height as the Tab, so when you do setContent() you should be able to pass every JavaFx's object, because you will add that object to the inner tab pane.


How to make such a sidebar on a 3d scene so that it does not hide the scene?

How to make such a settings panel so that you can see the scene with 3d figures as in the picture?
my scene is under the panel.
I create a BorderPane,
And she completely closes the scene.
My code is in the second picture, but I don’t know how to make the scene visible
RadioButton rdoEasy = new RadioButton("Easy");
RadioButton rdoMedium = new RadioButton("Medium");
RadioButton rdoHard = new RadioButton("Hard");
var groupDifficulty = new ToggleGroup();
ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar();
new Separator(),
new Separator()
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(borderPane, orgSceneX, orgSceneY,true,SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);

Customizing primaryStage title : centered with icon

I'm working on a school project in Java FX, I'd like to add an icon next to my primarystage title and center the title, just like the one in the picture. I have looked around in the javadoc for Stage but i can only find the setTitle() method. Here is a link to what i'd like to do :
You can set your stage to undecorated, set your scene root to a border pane and create your own custom top bar.
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
root.setTop(new Pane(bb, label));
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
ButtonBar topBar = new ButtonBar(… insert buttons in here....);
// eg: Button b = new Button("X); b.setOnAction(e->{stage.close();});

Using TabPane in JavaFX

I'm switching from using a flowpane to a tabpane. I have no idea how to.
I want to use a canvas and a pane within the tabpane is this possible?
Below is my code without all the styling etc.
public View(TabPane root) {
this.root = root;
tab1 = new Tab();
tab2 = new Tab();
ui = new Pane();
canvas = new Canvas(600,600);
//gc is graphics context
gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
//this is where the problem is??
//i have no idea how to add ui and canvas to my tab1
tab1.getChildren().addAll(ui, canvas);
Tab is not a subclass of Pane, so it has no getChildren() method.
Instead, it has a content property whose value is the node displayed in the tab (note there is only one node in a tab).
So you can display the canvas in the tab with
and of course if you have two things to display, you would put them in some other container and set the content of the tab to the container:
VBox vbox = new VBox(ui, canvas);

How do i set an OnSelectionChange to my Tab in JFX

I have managed to create a JFoenix tabpane on initialization. However, i do not know how to set certain actions to happen when my tabs are being selected. Below is my code!
tabPanel = new JFXTabPane();
tabPanel.setPrefSize(440, 50);
tab = new Tab();
tab.setText("My Events");
tab2 = new Tab();
tab3 = new Tab();
tab3.setText("Suggested Events");
VBox tabBox = new VBox();
tabBox.setPrefSize(446, 100);
Pane tabPane = new Pane();
tabPane.setPrefSize(450, 100);
VBox.setMargin(tabPanel, new Insets(33 , 0 , 17 , 0));
SingleSelectionModel<Tab> selectionModel = tabPanel.getSelectionModel();
Thank you in advance! Cheers
Add a ChangeListener to listen for ChangeEvents
JavaFX TabPane: How to listen to selection changes

Get Default JavaFx Window Icons

I want to add a title bar to my undecorated JavaFX Window and I display the default icons(close, minimize) to be displayed there.
My Stage contains A Border Pane with an HBox inside
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
HBox title = new HBox();
Button close = new Button();
Button min = new Button();
title.getChildren().addAll(close, min);
