Be kind, i am learning.
I am creating a addressbook and I need the added names to go into an arraylist. The problem I am having is with modifying, deleting and listing all in arraylist. How do I go about this?
Here is my class file:
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
public class AddressBook {
private static int totalNumber;
public static int getTotal() {
//Returns total number of employees
return totalNumber;
private Date lastModified;
private String fullname;
private String address;
private String city;
private String state;
private String zip;
private String phone;
public AddressBook() {
/*public AddressBook(Date lastModified, String fullname, String address, String city, String state, String zip, String phone, int month, int day, int year) {
this.fullname = fullname;
this.address = address; = city;
this.state = state; = zip; = phone;
GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(year, month-1, day );
this.lastModified = calendar.getTime();
public AddressBook(String fullname, String address, String city, String state, String zip, String phone) {
this.fullname = fullname;
this.address = address; = city;
this.state = state; = zip; = phone;
public Date getLastModified() {
return lastModified;
public void setLastModified(int month, int day, int year) {
month = 00;
day = 00;
year = 0000;
public String getFullname() {
return fullname;
public void setFullname(String fullname) {
this.fullname = fullname;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getZip() {
return zip;
public void setZip(String zip) { = zip;
public String getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone;
public String toString() {
return "Employee [name=" + this.fullname + ", Address=" + this.address + ", City="
+ + ", state=" + this.state + ", zip=" +
+ ", phone=" + + "]";
Here is the test file:
import java.util.*;
public class testAddressBook {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
boolean switcher = true;
do {
System.out.println("\n\tAddress Book Menu");
System.out.println("\n\t\tEnter A to (A)dd Person ");
System.out.println("\t\tEnter D to (D)elete Person");
System.out.println("\t\tEnter M to (M)odify Person");
System.out.println("\t\tEnter S to (S)earch Address Book ");
System.out.println("\t\tEnter L to (L)ist ALL (sorted) ");
System.out.println("\t\tEnter Q to Quit");
System.out.print("\n\tPlease enter your choice: ");
char choice = sc.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
while ((choice != 'A') && (choice != 'D') && (choice != 'M') && (choice != 'S') && (choice != 'L')&& (choice != 'Q')) {
System.out.println("Invalid choice! Please select (A)dd, (D)elete, (M)odify, (S)earch, (L)ist or (Q)uit: ");
choice = sc.nextLine().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
AddressBook newPerson = new AddressBook();
ArrayList<AddressBook> person = new ArrayList<>();
switch (choice) {
case 'A' :
System.out.println("\nTo add a person, follow the prompts.");
System.out.print("\nEnter Fullname: ");
System.out.print("Enter Address: ");
System.out.print("Enter City: ");
System.out.print("Enter State: ");
System.out.print("Enter Zip: ");
System.out.print("Enter Phone Number: ");
person.add(new AddressBook(newPerson.getFullname(), newPerson.getAddress(), newPerson.getCity(), newPerson.getState(), newPerson.getZip(), newPerson.getPhone()));
System.out.println("\nYou have successfully added a new person!");
case 'D' :
case 'M' :
case 'S' :
case 'L' :
case 'Q' :
switcher = false;
while (switcher != false);
Here is your ArrayList java doc.
Here is some information on the for-loop
Look at.
person.get(0) is the actually your AddressBook object. You will be able to modify that entry using that
Hope this gives enough hints to get you started.
Beginner tip: Just remember to keep your steps small. Once you are able to create a single entry, modify, then delete it. Do it for two. Notice the duplicate code... and then program it with the loop
Some errors in what you have so far:
AddressBook newPerson = new AddressBook();
ArrayList<AddressBook> person = new ArrayList<>();
// ... adding values to your newPerson
person.add(new AddressBook(newPerson.getFullname(), newPerson.getAddress(), newPerson.getCity(), newPerson.getState(), newPerson.getZip(), newPerson.getPhone()));
You are populating your person. Then creating a new person with the same values of the populated person. You could simply pass your original person into the arraylist
There are multiple suggestions for you:
Use meaningful names. For example ArrayList<AddressBook> should have been named listOfAddressBook etc.
You can directly add the AddressBook object to list: I mean:
person.add(newPerson) and not person.add(new AddressBook(newPerson.getFullname(), newPerson.getAddress(), newPerson.getCity(), newPerson.getState(), newPerson.getZip(), newPerson.getPhone())); And again there is a confusion that object is of type AddressBook but name is newPerson.
There are methods to remove an item or modify an item in ArrayList and it is better to read about them to improve your learning rather than asking for help. I encourage you to read about them in JLS.
Also you can declare your list as:
List<AddressBook> person = new ArrayList<>(); so go and find out why this ie better than your approach.
I am trying to update myArray list by allowing the user to change their first and last name while keeping other information in the arraylist the same.
the code follows
public void editStudentID(int findStudentId) {
for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {
if (students.get(i).getId() != findStudentId) {
System.out.println("Found a profile containing information for " + findStudentId + ":");
System.out.println("What would you like to change in your profile?");
System.out.println("1.First Name");
System.out.println("2.Last Name");
int decision = scanner.nextInt();
switch (decision) {
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter a new first name to continue");
String newFirstName =;//need to find a way to update this in my arraylist
case 2:
System.out.println("Enter a new last name to continue");
String newLastName =;//this as well
System.out.println(" Id not found ");
this is my Student class where I only wrote final for only my id and dob to not be changed by the user
public class Student {
private final int id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private final String dob;
public Student(int id, String firstName, String lastName, String dob) { = id;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.dob = dob;
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public String getDob() {
return dob;
public static Student createStudentID(int id, String firstName, String lastName, String dob) {
return new Student(id, firstName, lastName, dob);
First, you need to make you Student class mutable, but supplying a couple of "setters" which will allow you to change the first and last name properties, for example
public class Student {
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
Then in you editStudentID method, you simply update the required record, for example
public void editStudentID(int findStudentId) {
for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {
if (students.get(i).getId() != findStudentId) {
System.out.println("Found a profile containing information for " + findStudentId + ":");
System.out.println("What would you like to change in your profile?");
System.out.println("1.First Name");
System.out.println("2.Last Name");
int decision = scanner.nextInt();
switch (decision) {
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter a new first name to continue");
String newFirstName =;//need to find a way to update this in my arraylist
case 2:
System.out.println("Enter a new last name to continue");
String newLastName =;//this as well
System.out.println(" Id not found ");
This question already has answers here:
Scanner is skipping nextLine() after using next() or nextFoo()?
(24 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
The title says it all. This is a basic Customer class that the user inputs their name/age/street address/city/state/zip code and then the program formats the input and returns it to the user. When I run this class it skips over the 'Street Address' and goes straight to 'City' and thus I can't get it to let me input my street address.
I've looked at a fairly similar issue in this thread here: Java is skipping a line (Strings in a Scanner ??)
However I haven't derived anything from that that has helped me solve this issue. I'm sure its extremely basic but I'm just unable to catch it and don't have much time to work on this today, so any tips/help are appreciated!
public class Customer {
String name;
String streetAddress;
String city;
String state;
String zip;
int age;
//default constructor
public Customer() {
name = "Unknown";
streetAddress = "Unknown";
city = "Unknown";
state = "Unknown";
zip = "Unknown";
age = 0;
//constructor to accept values for the above attributes
public Customer(String n, String sAdd, String c, String st8, String z, int a) {
name = n;
streetAddress = sAdd;
city = c;
state = st8;
zip = z;
age = a;
//getters and setters
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getStreetAddress() {
return streetAddress;
public void setStreetAddress(String streetAddress) {
this.streetAddress = streetAddress;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getZip() {
return zip;
public void setZip(String zip) { = zip;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public String displayAddress() { //returns a string with the complete formatted address
String showAddress;
showAddress = ("\nStreet Address: " + streetAddress + "\nCity: " + city + "\nState: " + state + "\nZip Code: " + zip);
return showAddress;
public String displayAddressLabel() { //returns a string with the customers name/age
String nameAgeAddress;
nameAgeAddress = ("Name: " + name + "\nAge: " + age);
return nameAgeAddress;
//main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
//creating an object of the Customer class
Customer actualCustomer = new Customer();
//getting info for displayAddressLabel() and displayAddress
System.out.println("Enter your name: ");
System.out.println("Enter your age: ");
//issue is here
System.out.println("Enter your street address: ");
System.out.println("Enter the city you live in: ");
System.out.println("Enter the state you live in: ");
System.out.println("Enter your zip code: ");
After this line:
you should call:
because after scan.nextInt() there is a new line character left to be read (after inputting int you press Enter to confirm your input and you're missing to read it from your Scanner). Instead of writing these two lines:
You might want to change it to:
It will get rid of new line character.
My code is within a package and divided into two separate .java file files. It prints a list of options for how the ArrayList can be sorted, which the user can select by entering the right number. However, for some reason it does not print any sorted list after I input, well anything. Can anyone help?
Here is my custom Object class,
package Sorter;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class Contact {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String state;
private Integer age;
public Contact(String firstName, String lastName, String state, Integer age) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.state = state;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public Integer getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public static Comparator<Contact> lastNameComparator = new Comparator<Contact>() {
public int compare(Contact s1, Contact s2) {
String contactLastName1 = s1.getLastName().toUpperCase();
String contactLastName2 = s2.getLastName().toUpperCase();
return contactLastName1.compareTo(contactLastName2);
public static Comparator<Contact> stateComparator = new Comparator<Contact>() {
public int compare(Contact s1, Contact s2) {
String state1 = s1.getState().toUpperCase();
String state2 = s2.getState().toUpperCase();
return state1.compareTo(state2);
public static Comparator<Contact> ageComparator = new Comparator<Contact>() {
public int compare(Contact s1, Contact s2) {
int age1 = s1.getAge();
int age2 = s2.getAge();
return age1 - age2;
public String toString() {
return ("First Name: " + firstName + ", Last Name: " + lastName + ", State: " + state + ", Age: " + age);
And here is my
package Sorter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestSortOptions {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Contact> contacts = initializeContactsArray();
private static ArrayList<Contact> initializeContactsArray() {
ArrayList<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
contacts.add(new Contact("Joe", "Jones", "IL", 35));
contacts.add(new Contact("Bill", "Barnes", "OH", 62));
contacts.add(new Contact("Ida", "Know", "FL", 23));
contacts.add(new Contact("Adam", "Ant", "MI", 14));
contacts.add(new Contact("Jane", "Doe", "CA", 41));
return contacts;
private static void promptForOption(ArrayList<Contact> contacts) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Options \nSort by Last Name: [1] " + "\nSort by Home State: [2] "
+ "\nSort by Age: [3] " + "\nExit Application: [0] " + "\n\nPlease enter your choice: ");
String answer =;
if (answer == "1") {
Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.lastNameComparator);
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
if (answer == "2") {
Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.stateComparator);
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
if (answer == "3") {
Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.ageComparator);
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
if (answer == "0") {
else {
System.out.println("Invalid Entry");
Your are trying to print contact list after every option. It would be better to call it once. Replace definition of your promptForOption API with the code given below
private static void promptForOption(ArrayList<Contact> contacts) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Options \nSort by Last Name: [1] " + "\nSort by Home State: [2] "
+ "\nSort by Age: [3] " + "\nExit Application: [0] " + "\n\nPlease enter your choice: ");
String answer =;
case "1":Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.lastNameComparator);
case "2":Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.stateComparator);
case "3":Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.ageComparator);
case "4":Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.ageComparator);
case "0":
default: System.out.println("Invalid Entry");
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
You need to also update constructor definition to capture age.
public Contact(String firstName, String lastName, String state, Integer age) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.state = state;
It seems as though you are nesting the if statements when you really shouldn't be. It should be in the format:
if (answer.equals("1")) {
//Do business
} else if (answer.equals("2") {
//Do other business
} else if (answer.equals("3") {
//Do other other business
} else {
//Bad input
A switch case can also be used if you would like:
switch( {
case "1":
//Do business
case "2":
//Do other business
case "3":
//Do other other business
//Bad input
Keep in mind the flow of your method now:
If the user inputs "1", then sort in the lastName method and then print in the for-loop. You are then checking if the answer is "2", which it obviously is not because you are still within the "if it is '1'" block (and you aren't taking in any additional input). Remember that when you open an if-block, anything you put inside it will be executed if the condition is true. If you look at your code and reason through the flow, you will see what is flawed about your control statements. To exit with System.exit(0) in your last conditional statement, the answer would have to be 1, 2, 3 and 0.
Also, see Leozeo's answer for the business logic code and refactoring to remove code duplication in each control statement.
I am new to OOP and programming in general. I am having trouble with how to put things in the parent class and call them from the other classes and main.
I have the following arraylist creators in main, but feel to be really OOP these should be in the parent and subclasses and just called from main. Is this is correct can someone help me with how this would work.
How do I get the arraylist in the parent class and then call it correctly from main?
This is what I have for main:
package ooo1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ContactList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
int type = 0;
while(type != 5){
System.out.println("Please select an option:");
System.out.println("Personal Contact: Enter 1");
System.out.println("Business Contact: Enter 2");
System.out.println("Display Personal Contacts: Enter 3");
System.out.println("Display Business Contacts: Enter 4");
System.out.println("5 to quit");
type = input1.nextInt();
if(type == 5){
ArrayList<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter ContactId : ");
String contactId = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter First Name : ");
String firstName = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Last Name : ");
String lastName = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Address : ");
String address = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Phone Number : ");
String phoneNumber = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Email Address : ");
String emailAddress = input.nextLine();
if(type == 1){
System.out.println("Please enter Birthday: ");
String dateofBirth = input.nextLine();
Contact pcontact = new PersonalContact(contactId, firstName, lastName, address, phoneNumber, emailAddress, dateofBirth);
else if(type == 2){
System.out.println("Please enter Job Title: ");
String jobTitle = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Organization: ");
String organization = input.nextLine();
Contact bcontact = new BusinessContact(contactId, firstName, lastName, address, phoneNumber, emailAddress, jobTitle, organization);
This is what I have for the parent class:
package ooo1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public abstract class Contact {
String contactId;
String firstName;
String lastName;
String address;
String phoneNumber;
String emailAddress;
public Contact(String contactId,String firstName,String lastName, String address, String phoneNumber, String emailAddress)
this.contactId = contactId;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.address = address;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
public void setContactId(String input){
this.contactId = input;
public String getContactId(){
return contactId;
public void setFirstName(String input){
this.firstName = input;
public String getFirstName(){
return firstName;
public void setLastName(String input){
this.lastName = input;
public String getLastName(){
return lastName;
public void setAddress(String input){
this.address = input;
public String getAddress(){
return address;
public void setPhoneNumber(String input){
this.phoneNumber = input;
public String getPhoneNumber(){
return phoneNumber;
public void setEmailAddress(String input){
this.emailAddress = input;
public String getEmailAddress(){
return emailAddress;
void displayContacts(){
System.out.println("Contact ID:" + contactId + " First Name:" + firstName + " Last Name:" + lastName);
System.out.println("Address:" + address);
System.out.println("Phone Number:" + phoneNumber);
System.out.println("Email Address:" + emailAddress);
One of my subclasses: other same just adds a few more variables:
Display Contact(): doesn't work not sure what to do with it either.
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package ooo1;
public class PersonalContact extends Contact {
private String dateofBirth;
public PersonalContact(String contactId, String firstName, String lastName, String address, String phoneNumber, String emailAddress, String dateofBirth){
super(contactId, firstName, lastName, address, phoneNumber, emailAddress);
this.dateofBirth = dateofBirth;
public void setDateofBirth(String input){
public String getDateofBirth(){
return this.dateofBirth;
public void displayContacts(){
System.out.print("Personal Contacts: ");
System.out.println("Contact ID:" + contactId + " First Name:" + firstName + " Last Name:" + lastName);
System.out.println("Address:" + address);
System.out.println("Phone Number:" + phoneNumber);
System.out.println("Email Address:" + emailAddress);
System.out.println("Birthday:" + dateofBirth);
You probably want something like this.
public class AddressBook<T extends Contact>
private List<T> contacts = new ArrayList<T>();
public void addContact(T contact)
You could instantiate and use this class like this.
AddressBook<Contact> book = new AddressBook<Contact>();
book.add(new PersonalContact(...));
book.add(new BusinessContact(...));
Then over time you have the flexibility to add methods to AddressBook that work with the underlying collection. For instance you might want to search for contacts with a particular name. Or return an iterator of Contacts ordered by a particular attribute.
You can add a method in class Contact :
public void getData(){
// take in all the inputs here, so that you can directly store them in class member variables instead of passing them from main.
Assuming that PersonalContact & BusinessContact are inherited classes from Contact.
You can add a method in them:
class PersonalContact extends Contact{
String dateofBirth;
public void getData(){
super.getData(); //calls getData() method from base class
// take DOB as input & store it
similarly for BusinessContact class.
I suggest you take a look at abstract classes & interfaces for future use.
The Contact class seems okay. But ContactList not that much. It's supposed to be a data structure for contacts, so there's not reason for main method there.
public class ContactList {
private ArrayList<Contact> contacts;
public ContactList(){
this.contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
public void addContact(Contact contact){
public Contact getContact(int index){
return contacts.get(index);
// other methods that work with the data structure
// f.e. searching, deleting, ...
and then you could have some ContactUtil class that would take care of reading contact info from user (what you had in you main method).
public final class ContactUtil {
private ContactUtil(){} // we don't want to create instances of this class
public static Contact readNewContact(){
Scanner input1 = new Scanner(;
int type = 0;
return contact;
And finally you will have some class just for main():
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args){
ContactList myContacs = new ContactList();
Contact contact = ContactUtil.readNewContact();
I am new to programming and object oriented design. This is my last requirement to finish my bachelors degree (not in programming). I am so confused with how to make object oriented work, and nothing I look at seems to help.
The assignment is to create a contact list that uses inheritance, polymorphism,and collections. I need a contact list that is stores two types of contacts: business and personal.
1. Prompt to select which contact to add or display.
2. Prompt to allow user to enter the contact info.
3. Prompt that will display the output of a chosen contact back.
I have the following class and subclasses. I am stuck on how I am supposed to read in the inputs to the specific arraylists. I don't even know if the classes are built right either.
Any help would be awesome, I just need to get through this, then I will gladly leave programing to those that know what they are doing.
This is what I have for my Parent Class:
package ooo1;
public abstract class Contact {
private String contactId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String address;
private String phoneNumber;
private String emailAddress;
public Contact(String contactId,String firstName,String lastName, String address, String phoneNumber, String emailAddress)
this.contactId = contactId;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.address = address;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
public void setContactId(String input){
this.contactId = input;
public String getContactId(){
return contactId;
public void setFirstName(String input){
this.firstName = input;
public String getFirstName(){
return firstName;
public void setLastName(String input){
this.lastName = input;
public String getLastName(){
return lastName;
public void setAddress(String input){
this.address = input;
public String getAddress(){
return address;
public void setPhoneNumber(String input){
this.phoneNumber = input;
public String getPhoneNumber(){
return phoneNumber;
public void setEmailAddress(String input){
this.emailAddress = input;
public String getEmailAddress(){
return emailAddress;
void displayContact(){
System.out.println("Contact ID:" + contactId + " First Name:" + firstName + " Last Name:" + lastName);
System.out.println("Address:" + address);
System.out.println("Phone Number:" + phoneNumber);
System.out.println("Email Address:" + emailAddress);
This is one of my subclasses:
package ooo1;
public class PersonalContact extends Contact {
private String dateofBirth;
public PersonalContact(String contactId, String firstName, String lastName, String address, String phoneNumber, String emailAddress, String dateofBirth){
super(contactId, firstName, lastName, address, phoneNumber, emailAddress);
this.dateofBirth = dateofBirth;
public void setDateofBirth(String input){
public String getDateofBirth(){
return this.dateofBirth;
This is my other subclass:
package ooo1;
public class BusinessContact extends Contact {
private String jobTitle;
private String organization;
public BusinessContact(String contactId, String firstName, String lastName, String address, String phoneNumber, String emailAddress, String jobTitle, String organization){
super(contactId, firstName, lastName, address, phoneNumber, emailAddress);
this.jobTitle = jobTitle;
this.organization = organization;
public void setJobTitle(String input){
this.jobTitle = input;
public String getJobTitle(){
return this.jobTitle;
public void setOrganization(String input){
this.organization = input;
public String getOrganization(){
return this.organization;
This is what I have for Main which is so wrong at this point I believe:
package ooo1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ContactList {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<PersonalContact> personalList = new ArrayList<PersonalContact>();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter ContactId : ");
String contactId = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter First Name : ");
String firstName = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Last Name : ");
String lastName = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Address : ");
String address = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Phone Number : ");
String phoneNumber = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Email Address : ");
String emailAddress = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter Birthday: ");
String dateofBirth = input.nextLine();
You have the pieces in place you just need to put them together. First, think about the List being used. It is supposed to hold both types of contacts, however its type argument is using the derived type PersonalContact. Instead use the base class Contact
List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
Next it appears you start to gather the information about the contact from the end user via the console. Before doing this you may want to ask what type of contact is being entered, maybe give the option to enter 1 for a personal contact or 2 for a business contact. Then collect the information specific to the type of contact they chose.
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter Specify the contact type (1 Personal, 2 Business) : ");
int contactType = input.nextInt();
//collect data common to both types
if(contactType == 1){
//collect information specific to personal
} else if(contactType ==2){
//collect information specific to business
Next you need to turn the data you collected into the actual objects, using a the constructors. This will need to be done conditionally and could actually be a part of the last section if done properly.
Contact contact;
if(contactType == 1){
contact = new PersonalContact(/*arguments here*/);
} else{
contact = new BusinessContact(/*arguments here*/);
Then finish up by adding the contact to your list:
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package javaprac;
* #author Arijit
public class Contact {
private String name;
private int number;
public Contact(int number,String name) { = name;
this.number = number;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public static Contact createContact(int number, String name){
return new Contact(number,name);
This is the Contact class, which is governed by a contact name and a contact number. Next we will design the MobilePhone class which will have a number(optional) and an arraylist of contacts.
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* and open the template in the editor.
package javaprac;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* #author Arijit
class MobilePhone1 {
public int mynumber;
public ArrayList < Contact > contacts;
public MobilePhone1(int mynumber) {
this.mynumber = mynumber;
this.contacts = new ArrayList < Contact > ();
public Boolean addContact(Contact contact) {
if (findPosition(contact) >= 0) {
System.out.println("Contact already is phone");
return false;
} else {
return true;
public ArrayList < Contact > getContacts() {
return contacts;
public void updateContact(Contact oldContact, Contact newContact) {
if (findPosition(oldContact) >= 0) {
contacts.set(findPosition(oldContact), newContact);
} else {
System.out.println("Contact does not exist");
public void removeContact(Contact contact) {
if (findPosition(contact) >= 0) {
} else {
System.out.println("No contact");
public int searchContact(Contact contact) {
int position = findPosition(contact);
if (contacts.contains(contact)) {
System.out.println("Item found at position");
return position;
System.out.println("Not found");
return -1;
private int findPosition(Contact contact) {
return this.contacts.indexOf(contact);
private int findPosition(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.size(); i++) {
Contact contact = this.contacts.get(i);
if (contact.getName().equals(name)) {
return i;
return -1;
public class MobilePhone {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Boolean quit = false;
int choice = 0;
java.util.Scanner sc = new java.util.Scanner(;
MobilePhone1 phone = new MobilePhone1(98312);
//Contact newcontact = Contact.createContact(12345,"Arijt");
while (!quit) {
System.out.println("Enter your choice");
choice = sc.nextInt();
switch (choice) {
case 0:
System.out.println("Enter the number of Contacts");
int count = sc.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
System.out.println("Enter number");
int phoneNumber = sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter Name");
String name = sc.nextLine();
Contact newcontact = Contact.createContact(phoneNumber, name);
case 1:
int size = phone.getContacts().size();
for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i < phone.getContacts().size(); i++) {
case 3:
//Contact newcontact1 = Contact.createContact(12345,"Buzz");
System.out.println("Enter the Contact name you want to update");
String oldContactName = sc.nextLine();
for (int j = 0; j < phone.getContacts().size(); j++) {
if (phone.getContacts().get(j).getName().equals(oldContactName)) {
System.out.println("Enter the new Contact name");
String newName = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter the new Contact number");
int newNumber = sc.nextInt();
phone.updateContact(phone.getContacts().get(j), Contact.createContact(newNumber, newName));
} else {
System.out.println("You are looking for the wrong contact");
for (int i = 0; i < phone.getContacts().size(); i++) {
System.out.println(phone.getContacts().get(i).getName() + "," + phone.getContacts().get(i).getNumber());
case 4:
System.out.println("Emtpty contact list");
else {
System.out.println("Contact list");
for (int i = 0; i < phone.getContacts().size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Name: "+phone.getContacts().get(i).getName() + ",Phone Number: " + phone.getContacts().get(i).getNumber());
case 6:
System.out.println("Enter 0 for adding contact\n");
System.out.println("Enter 1 for removing every contact\n");
System.out.println("Enter 2 for searching contact\n");
System.out.println("Enter 3 for updating contact\n");
System.out.println("Enter 4 for viewing the contact list\n");
System.out.println("Enter 6 for exiting\n");
System.out.println("Enter 5 to see the instrusctions again\n");
case 5:
quit = true;