I'm messing around with RxJava and I want to stream a thousand consecutive integers. Then I want to asynchronously split them into odd and even streams, and then print them asynchronously.
However, I'm getting nothing printed out or at least very partial output. What am I missing? Did I schedule incorrectly? Or is the console having multithreading issues in Eclipse?
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> values = IntStream.range(0,1000).mapToObj(i -> Integer.valueOf(i)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Observable<Integer> ints = Observable.from(values).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation());
Observable<Integer> evens = ints.filter(i -> Math.abs(i) % 2 == 0);
Observable<Integer> odds = ints.filter(i -> Math.abs(i) % 2 != 0);
evens.subscribe(i -> System.out.println(i + " IS EVEN " + Thread.currentThread().getName()));
odds.subscribe(i -> System.out.println(i + " IS ODD " + Thread.currentThread().getName()));
You are starting the processing pipeline using Schedules.computation which runs daemon threads. Thus when your main thread finishes, those threads are terminated before processing your observable.
So if you would like to see your results printed you could have your main thread wait for the results (e.g. by Thread.sleep) or subscribe on the calling thread by removing subscribeOn. There is also an option to create your own scheduler which will run non-daemon threads.
I'm trying locate the first (any) member of a list that matches a given predicate like so:
Item item = items.parallelStream()
.map(i -> i.doSomethingExpensive())
I would expect that once findAny() gets a match, it would return immediately, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Instead it seems to wait for the map method to finish on most of the elements before returning. How can I return the first result immediately and cancel the other parallel streams? Is there a better way to do this than using streams such as CompletableFuture?
Here's a simple example to show the behavior:
private static void log(String msg) {
private static void log(String msg) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
System.out.println(sdf.format(new Date()) + " " + msg);
Random random = new Random();
List<Integer> nums = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14);
Optional<Integer> num = nums.parallelStream()
.map(n -> {
long delay = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 10000;
log("Waiting on " + n + " for " + delay + " ms");
try { Thread.sleep(delay); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println("Interruption error"); }
return n * n;
.filter(n -> n < 30)
.peek(n -> log("Found match: " + n))
log("First match: " + num);
Log output:
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 9 for 2271 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 2 for 1124 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 13 for 547 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 4 for 517 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 1 for 1210 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 6 for 2646 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 0 for 4393 ms
14:52:27.061 Waiting on 12 for 5520 ms
14:52:27.581 Found match: 16
14:52:27.582 Waiting on 3 for 5365 ms
14:52:28.188 Found match: 4
14:52:28.275 Found match: 1
14:52:31.457 Found match: 0
14:52:32.950 Found match: 9
14:52:32.951 First match: Optional[0]
Once a match is found (in this case 16), findAny() does not return immediately, but instead blocks until the remaining threads finish. In this case, the caller is waiting an extra 5 seconds before returning after a match has already been found.
Instead it seems to wait for the map method to finish on most of the elements before returning.
This is not correct.
When speaking of the elements which are already being processed, it will wait for the completion of all of them, as the Stream API allows concurrent processing of data structures which are not intrinsically thread safe. It must ensure that all potential concurrent access has been finished before returning from the terminal operation.
When talking about the entire stream, it’s simply not fair to test a stream of only 14 elements on an 8 core machine. Of course, there will be at least 8 concurrent operations started, that’s what it is all about. You are adding fuel to the flames by using findFirst() instead of findAny(), as that doesn’t mean returning the first found element in processing order, but the first element in encounter order, i.e. exactly zero in your example, so threads processing other chunks than the first can’t assume that their result is the correct answer and are even more willing to help processing other candidates than with findAny().
When you use
List<Integer> nums = IntStream.range(0, 200).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
Optional<Integer> num = nums.parallelStream()
.map(n -> {
long delay = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10_000);
log("Waiting on " + n + " for " + delay + " ms");
return n * n;
.filter(n -> n < 40_000)
.peek(n -> log("Found match: " + n))
log("First match: " + num);
You will get a similar number of tasks running to completion, despite the far bigger number of stream elements.
Note that CompletableFuture also doesn’t support interruption, so the only builtin feature for returning any result and canceling the other jobs, that comes into my mind, is the old ExecutorService.invokeAny.
To built the feature of mapping and filtering for it, we can use the following helper function:
static <T,R> Callable<R> mapAndfilter(T t, Function<T,R> f, Predicate<? super R> p) {
return () -> {
R r = f.apply(t);
if(!p.test(r)) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return r;
Unfortunately, there’s only the option of completing with a value or exceptionally, therefore we have to use an exception for non-matching elements.
Then we can use it like
ExecutorService es = ForkJoinPool.commonPool();
Integer result = es.invokeAny(IntStream.range(0, 100)
.mapToObj(i -> mapAndfilter(i,
n -> {
long delay = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(10_000);
log("Waiting on " + n + " for " + delay + " ms");
return n * n;
n -> n < 10_000))
log("result: "+result);
and it will not only cancel the pending tasks, it will return without waiting for them to finish.
Of course, this implies that the source data, the jobs operating upon, must be either immutable or thread safe.
You can use this code to illustrate how parallelStream works:
final List<String> list = Arrays.asList("first", "second", "third", "4th", "5th", "7th", "8th", "9th", "10th", "11th", "12th", "13th");
String result = list.parallelStream()
.map(s -> {
System.out.println("map: " + s);
return s;
.filter(s -> {
System.out.println("fiter: " + s);
return s.equals("8th");
System.out.println("result=" + result);
There are two options to achieve what you're looking for, to stop expensive operation with a filter:
Don't use streams at all, use a simple for or enhanced for
Filter first, then map with the expensive operation
There are several things at play here. The first thing is that parallelStream() uses the common ForkJoinPool by default, which makes the calling thread participate as well. This means that if one of the slow tasks is currently running on the calling thread, it has to finish before the caller gets the control back.
You can see this by modifying the code a little bit to log the thread names, and log when finished the wating:
private static void log(String msg) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
System.out.println(sdf.format(new Date()) + " [" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "] " + " " + msg);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
List<Integer> nums = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14);
Optional<Integer> num = nums.parallelStream()
.map(n -> {
long delay = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 10000;
log("Waiting on " + n + " for " + delay + " ms");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Interruption error");
log("finished waiting");
return n * n;
.filter(n -> n < 30)
.peek(n -> log("Found match: " + n))
log("First match: " + num);
Sample output:
13:56:52.954 [main] Waiting on 9 for 9936 ms
13:56:52.956 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] Waiting on 4 for 7436 ms
13:56:52.970 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] Waiting on 1 for 6523 ms
13:56:52.983 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] Waiting on 6 for 7488 ms
13:56:59.494 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] finished waiting
13:56:59.496 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] Found match: 1
13:57:00.392 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] finished waiting
13:57:00.392 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] Found match: 16
13:57:00.471 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] finished waiting
13:57:02.892 [main] finished waiting
13:57:02.894 [main] First match: Optional[1]
Here as you can see, 2 matches are found but the main thread is still busy, so it cannot return the match now.
This does not always explain all cases though:
13:58:52.116 [main] Waiting on 9 for 5256 ms
13:58:52.143 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] Waiting on 4 for 4220 ms
13:58:52.148 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] Waiting on 1 for 2136 ms
13:58:52.158 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] Waiting on 6 for 7262 ms
13:58:54.294 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] finished waiting
13:58:54.295 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] Found match: 1
13:58:56.364 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] finished waiting
13:58:56.364 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] Found match: 16
13:58:57.399 [main] finished waiting
13:58:59.422 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] finished waiting
13:58:59.424 [main] First match: Optional[1]
This might be explained by the way the fork-join pool merges the results. It seems some improvements are possible.
As an alternative, you could indeed do this using CompletableFuture:
// you should probably also pass your own executor to supplyAsync()
List<CompletableFuture<Integer>> futures = nums.stream().map(n -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
long delay = Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % 10000;
log("Waiting on " + n + " for " + delay + " ms");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println("Interruption error");
log("finished waiting");
return n * n;
CompletableFuture<Integer> result = CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
.thenApply(unused -> futures.stream().map(CompletableFuture::join).filter(n -> n < 30).findAny().orElse(null));
// shortcircuiting
futures.forEach(f -> f.thenAccept(r -> {
if (r < 30) {
log("Found match: " + r);
// cancelling remaining tasks
result.whenComplete((r, t) -> futures.forEach(f -> f.cancel(true)));
log("First match: " + result.join());
14:57:39.815 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] Waiting on 0 for 7964 ms
14:57:39.815 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] Waiting on 2 for 5743 ms
14:57:39.817 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] Waiting on 1 for 9179 ms
14:57:45.562 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] finished waiting
14:57:45.563 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] Found match: 4
14:57:45.564 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] Waiting on 3 for 7320 ms
14:57:45.566 [main] First match: 4
Note that the cancel(true) does not actually cancel the ongoing tasks (no interruption will occur for example), but it prevents further tasks from being run (you can even see that it might not be immediate since worker 3 still started to execute the next one).
You should also use your own executor, with the appropriate size based on whether it is more CPU or I/O intensive. As you can see, the default uses the common pool and thus it does not use all cores.
The allOf() is mainly needed in case no match is found. If you can guarantee that there is at least one match, you could simply use a `new CompletableFuture() instead.
Finally, as a simple approach I repeated the filter check, but it's easy to move that logic inside the main logic, return null or a marker, and then test for that in both places.
See also How to make a future that gets completed when any of the given CompletableFutures is completed with a result that matches a certain predicate?
Supposedly, I have the following method
public static Stream<CompletableFuture<String>> findPricesStream(String product) {}
This method will look for the cheapest price given a product and it returns a stream of CompletableFuture.
Now I want to react to the value in the stream as soon as it is available. To do that,
I adopt the method thenAccept and the implementation could be as following
1. public static void reactToEarliestResultWithRaw() {
2. long start = System.nanoTime();
3. CompletableFuture[] priceFuture = findPricesStream(WHATEVER_PRODUCT_NAME)
4. .map(completableFuture -> completableFuture.thenAccept(
5. s -> System.out.println(s + " (done in " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000 + " msecs)")))
6. .toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new);
7. CompletableFuture.allOf(priceFuture).join();
8. System.out.println("All shops have now responded in " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000 + " msecs");
9. }
With this implementation, I got the desired output
LetsSaveBig price is 151.227 (done in 5476 msecs)
BuyItAll price is 211.66 (done in 5747 msecs)
MyFavoriteShop price is 206.30200000000002 (done in 6968 msecs)
BestPrice price is 131.917 (done in 8110 msecs)
All shops have now responded in 8110 msecs
Now I would like to take a further step to make the code more readable.
I chained another map that is responsible for joining all of CompletableFuture
1. public static void reactToEarliestResultWithoutRaw() {
2. long start = System.nanoTime();
3. List<Void> completeFutures = findPricesStream(WHATEVER_PRODUCT_NAME)
4. .map(completableFuture -> completableFuture.thenAccept(
5. s -> System.out.println(s + " (done in " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000 + " msecs)")))
6. .map(CompletableFuture::join)
7. .toList();
8. int size = completeFutures.size();
9. if (isComplete(size)) {
10. System.out.println("All shops have now responded in " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000 + " msecs");
11. }
13. private static boolean isComplete(int size) {
14. return size == shops.size();
15. }
I got the output
BestPrice price is 123.17400000000002 (done in 2060 msecs)
LetsSaveBig price is 109.67200000000001 (done in 6025 msecs)
MyFavoriteShop price is 131.21099999999998 (done in 13860 msecs)
BuyItAll price is 164.392 (done in 18434 msecs)
All shops have now responded in 18434 msecs
The result makes me surprised!
I expect the elapsed time for both should be somehow the same, but they are a huge difference.
Do I misunderstand the way of using join here?
The implementation comes from the book Modern Java in Action: Lambdas, streams, functional and reactive programming 2nd Edition and
I have modified it a bit for the experiment.
The "surprising" results are due to how findPricesStream is implemented: it returns shops.stream().map(shop -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(...). The CompletableFuture is not constructed until a terminal operation is applied to the returned stream. This is done in your own method, after you call .toList().
The terminal operation toList() does this:
For the first shop, it constructs a CompletableFuture, which starts running.
The CompletableFuture is joined, i.e. the main thread waits until it is finished.
Then the next CompletableFuture is constructed for the next shop, and so on.
So the prices are calculated sequentially. To make the calculations run in parallel, create the list first (so that all futures are started) and then join them:
3. List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = findPricesStream(WHATEVER_PRODUCT_NAME)
4. .map(completableFuture -> completableFuture.thenAccept(
5. s -> System.out.println(s + " (done in " + (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000 + " msecs)")))
6. .toList();
7. List<Void> results = futures.stream()
Lets say we have:
a list of URLs, that is a source for our Multi
as a first step we grab HTML of this page using HTTP client call
then we try to find some specific tag and grab its content
then we store things we found into database
Now we have a 3 steps here. Is there a way how these steps can be run in parallel? I mean after some time it should: grab HTML and simultaneously processing html + getting tags content and also simultaneously saving data into database from item that was processed already.(hopefully its obvious what I mean here) This way we can have parallel processing. As default, what I can see, mutiny does it in serial manner.
Here is an example:
public void test3() {
Multi<String> source = Multi.createFrom().items("a", "b", "c");
.onItem().transform(i -> trans(i, "-step1"))
.onItem().transform(i -> trans(i, "-step2"))
.onItem().transform(i -> trans(i, "-step3"))
.subscribe().with(item -> System.out.println("Subscriber received " + item));
private String trans(String s, String add) {
int t = new Random().nextInt(4) * 1000;
try {
print("Sleeping for '" + s + "' miliseconds: " + t);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return s + add;
Now this reports following console output:
Sleeping for 'a' miliseconds: 2000
Sleeping for 'a-step1' miliseconds: 3000
Sleeping for 'a-step1-step2' miliseconds: 3000
Subscriber received a-step1-step2-step3
Sleeping for 'b' miliseconds: 0
Sleeping for 'b-step1' miliseconds: 0
Sleeping for 'b-step1-step2' miliseconds: 0
Subscriber received b-step1-step2-step3
Sleeping for 'c' miliseconds: 1000
Sleeping for 'c-step1' miliseconds: 3000
Sleeping for 'c-step1-step2' miliseconds: 3000
Subscriber received c-step1-step2-step3
One can see that its not running in parallel. What did I miss here?
As #jponge mentioned, you can collect your items in some List<Uni<String>>
and then call
List<Uni<String>> listOfUnis = new ArrayList<>();
Multi<String> source = Multi.createFrom().items("a", "b", "c");
.onItem().invoke(i -> listOfUnis.add(trans(i, "-step1")))
.onItem().invoke(i -> listOfUnis.add(trans(i, "-step2")))
.onItem().invoke(i -> listOfUnis.add(trans(i, "-step3")))
// do not subscribe on Multis here
one more note here - if you are going to make HTTP calls, better add
since you don't want to block Netty threads waiting for http calls to complete
This is expected, Multi processes items as a stream.
If you want to make parallel operations (say, launch 10 HTTP requests) you should combine Uni, see https://smallrye.io/smallrye-mutiny/guides/combining-items
When I run the code below, I expect to see both subscribers getting their own elastic thread. However, they do not consistently do so. For example, on my system if I uncomment the thread.Sleep(100) line, my print statements indicate that the consumers are receiving their data on the main thread. If leave it commented, I see the output I would expect: each consumer receives its data on its own elastic thread. Why do I see this nondeterministic behavior? How am I abusing the API?
List<FluxSink<String>> holder = new ArrayList<>();
ConnectableFlux<String> connect = Flux.
Flux<String> flux = connect.subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
FluxSink<String> sink = holder.get(0);
flux.subscribe(c -> {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", " +
"consumer 1 says " + c);
flux.subscribe(c -> {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", " +
"consumer 2 says " + c);
// When uncommented, subscribers receive on elastic threads; else,
// on the main thread, as if I had chosen schedulers.immediate()
// Thread.sleep(100);
//output with Thread.sleep(100):
// main, consumer 1 says Hi!
// main, consumer 2 says Hi!
//output without Thread.sleep(100):
// elastic-2, consumer 1 says Hi!
// elastic-3, consumer 2 says Hi!
What I'd like to achieve is a hot stream with multiple subscribers and each subscriber on its own thread.
I want to find out all the prime numbers from 0 to 1000000. For that I wrote this stupid method:
public static boolean isPrime(int n) {
for(int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
It's good for me and it doesn't need any edit. Than I wrote the following code:
private static ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
private static AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static AtomicInteger numbers = new AtomicInteger(0);
public static void main(String args[]) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (numbers.get() < 1000000) {
final int number = numbers.getAndIncrement(); // (1) - fast
executor.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// int number = numbers.getAndIncrement(); // (2) - slow
if (Main.isPrime(number)) {
System.out.println("Ts: " + new Date().getTime() + " " + Thread.currentThread() + ": " + number + " is prime!");
try {
executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
System.out.println("Primes: " + counter);
System.out.println("Delay: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
} catch (Exception e) {
Please, pay attention to (1) and (2) marked rows. When (1) is enabled the program runs fast, but when (2) is enabled it works slower.
The output shows small portions with large delay
Ts: 1480489699692 Thread[pool-1-thread-9,5,main]: 350431 is prime!
Ts: 1480489699692 Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main]: 350411 is prime!
Ts: 1480489699692 Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main]: 350281 is prime!
Ts: 1480489699692 Thread[pool-1-thread-5,5,main]: 350257 is prime!
Ts: 1480489699693 Thread[pool-1-thread-7,5,main]: 350447 is prime!
Ts: 1480489711996 Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main]: 350503 is prime!
and threads get equal number value:
Ts: 1480489771083 Thread[pool-1-thread-8,5,main]: 384733 is prime!
Ts: 1480489712745 Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main]: 384733 is prime!
Please explain me why option (2) is more slowly and why threads get equal value for number despite AtomicInteger multithreading safe?
In the (2) case, up to 11 threads (the ten from the ExecutorService plus the main thread) are contending for access to the AtomicInteger, whereas in case (1) only the main thread accesses it. In fact, for case (1) you could use int instead of AtomicInteger.
The AtomicInteger class makes use of CAS registers. It does this by reading the value, doing the increment, and then swapping the value with the value in the register if it still has the same value that was originally read (compare and swap). If another thread has changed the value it retries by starting again : read - increment - compare-and-swap, until it is succesful.
The advantage is that this is lockless, and therefore potentially faster than using locks. But it performs poorly under heavy contention. More contention means more retries.
As #teppic points out, another problem makes case (2) slower than case (1). As the increment of numbers happens in the posted jobs, the loop condition remains true for much longer than needed. While all 10 threads of the executor are churning away to determine whether their given number is a prime, the main thread keeps posting new jobs to the executor. These new jobs don't get an opportunity to increment numbers until preceding jobs are done. So while they're on the queue numbers does not increase and the main thread can meanwhile complete one or more loops loop, posting new jobs. The end result is that many more jobs can be created and posted than the needed 1000000.
Your outer loop is:
while (numbers.get() < 1000000)
This allows you to continue submitting more Runnables than intended to the ExecutorService in the main thread.
You could try changing the loop to: for(int i=0; i < 1000000; i++)
(As others have mentioned you are obviously increasing the amount of contention, but I suspect the extra worker threads are a larger factor in the slowdown you are seeing.)
As for your second question, I'm pretty sure that it is against the contract of AtomicInteger for two child threads to see the same value of getAndIncrement. So something else must be going on which I am not seeing from your code sample. Might it be that you are seeing output from two separate runs of the program?
Explain me why option (2) is more slowly?
Simply because you do it inside run(). So multiple threads will try to do it at the same time hence there will be wait s and release s. Bowmore has given a low level explanation.
In (1) it is sequential. So there will be no such a scenario.
Why threads get equal value for number despite AtomicInteger
multithreading safe?
I don't see any possibility to happen this. If there's such a case it should happen from 0.
You miss two main points here: what AtomicInteger is for and how multithreading works in general.
Regarding why Option 2 is slower, #bowmore provided an excellent answer already.
Now regarding printing same number twice. AtomicInteger is like any other object. You launch your threads, and they check the value of this object. Since they compete with your main thread, that increases the counter, two child threads still may see same value. I would pass an int to each Runnable to avoid that.