I am using rabbit mq 3.4.1 java client library and not able to get the auto recovery mechanism work.
This is how I am creating the rabbit mq connection factory:
factory = new ConnectionFactory();
After publishing of a message, if I shutdown the rabbit mq broker and bring it up again, I expect the recovery mechanism to kick in and have the connection restored to a 'sane' state. But I get the below error:
com.rabbitmq.client.AlreadyClosedException: connection is already closed due to connection error; protocol method: #method<connection.close>(reply-code=320, reply-text=CONNECTION_FORCED - broker forced connection closure with reason 'shutdown', class-id=0, method-id=0)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.AMQChannel.ensureIsOpen(AMQChannel.java:190) ~[amqp-client-3.4.1.jar:na]
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.AMQChannel.transmit(AMQChannel.java:291) ~[amqp-client-3.4.1.jar:na]
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.ChannelN.basicPublish(ChannelN.java:654) ~[amqp-client-3.4.1.jar:na]
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.ChannelN.basicPublish(ChannelN.java:631) ~[amqp-client-3.4.1.jar:na]
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.ChannelN.basicPublish(ChannelN.java:622) ~[amqp-client-3.4.1.jar:na]
Am I missing anything here? The only way to work around this problem is to register a ShutDownListener and re-initialize the rabbit mq connection factory, connection, and the channels.
Also to answer
comment, I see the auto recovery kicking in to recover. I create a exchange by using a temporary channel:
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
channel.exchangeDeclare(exchangeName, exchangeType, durable);
And I see the below exception when its trying to recover the topology:
Caught an exception when recovering topology Caught an exception while recovering exchange testSuccessfulInitVirtualHost_Exchange: channel is already closed due to clean channel shutdown; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=200, reply-text=OK, class-id=0, method-id=0)
com.rabbitmq.client.TopologyRecoveryException: Caught an exception while recovering exchange testSuccessfulInitVirtualHost_Exchange: channel is already closed due to clean channel shutdown; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=200, reply-text=OK, class-id=0, method-id=0)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery.AutorecoveringConnection.recoverExchanges(AutorecoveringConnection.java:482)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery.AutorecoveringConnection.recoverEntities(AutorecoveringConnection.java:467)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery.AutorecoveringConnection.beginAutomaticRecovery(AutorecoveringConnection.java:411)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery.AutorecoveringConnection.access$000(AutorecoveringConnection.java:52)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.recovery.AutorecoveringConnection$1.shutdownCompleted(AutorecoveringConnection.java:351)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.ShutdownNotifierComponent.notifyListeners(ShutdownNotifierComponent.java:75)
at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.AMQConnection$MainLoop.run(AMQConnection.java:574)
The above exception is not seen if I do not close the channel that's used for creating the exchange.
My reading of the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory#setAutomaticRecoveryEnabled(Boolean) method is that it primarily enables recovery from NETWORK failure.
Here's a nice discussion: https://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html
For example, if your machine loses a route to the broker for a period of time, perhaps due to a switch or other failure, then the automatic recovery can re-establish a connection etc. The doc doesn't say anything about surviving broker shutdown/restart, I don't think your expectation is reasonable.
IMHO to recover from a broker restart, the shutdown-listener approach seems to be a solid approach.
Normally rabbit client should handle recovery itself - you shouldn't reimplement the same manually. At least try using lyra.
I had some problems during failover testing. Connections tend to start hanging forever on broker restart, so shutdown signal exception was the last thing in logs. I fixed it by setting:
Also recovery didn't play well with temporary queues. If you have those you probably will have to do some additional handling (again, try lyra first).
In my Java application I am using the failover transport to connect to a local ActiveMQ broker:
I create one single connection that I reuse in the rest of the application:
ActiveMQConnection connection = (ActiveMQConnection) connectionFactory.createConnection();
In another part of the application when I receive some external call I need to send a message to the broker, and so, for doing that I create a new "Session":
Session locSession = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
When the broker is down my app tries to reconnect to the broker forever (this is the expected behavior I really want to have).
However, the problem is that if the broker is down and I receive a call that invokes the code that executes the connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) then my app hangs forever on this line of code waiting for the app to reconnect successfully to the broker and then create the session.
Please, do you know any way to check before I execute createSession if the connection object is trying to reconnect or it is really connected? If I am able to know this I could avoid the creation of the session if the app is not connected to the broker (only trying to reconnect) and therefore I would avoid to hanging on connection.createSession forever (I would raise an exception).
I wasn't able to find any property or method on ActiveMQConnection to gather this information.
The failover: url provides a setting startupMaxReconnectAttempts to prevent infinite retry when connecting to the broker the first time.
Also note-- If you want an exception to bubble up, that conflicts with requirement to have infinite retry. You would need to adjust the failover settings to match your intended behavior, by setting a max count or max time to perform retry, then throw an exception and unblock your caller.
For example, you could indicate you only want to retry for 5 minutes, then receive an exception to handle in the code to prevent the infinite blocking.
Thank you all for your help and suggestions. They helped me a lot in re-focusing the problem.
However I f found the answer to my question using the method "getTransport().isConnected()".
I am Using Amazon Mq as my Mqtt broker and when around 1000 requests are received simultaneously the mqtt broker breaks and disconnects. Can Anyone tell me how to use Amazon Mq as my broker & simultaneously solve the scaling problem also.
I'm assuming that you have created ActiveMQ as a singleton class. Right?
-For producing a message, you create an instance of PooledConnectionFactory like
-------//some code here
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(MQTT_END_POINT);
PooledConnectionFactory pooledConnectionFactory = getActiveMQInstance().configurePooledConnectionFactory(activeMQConnectionFactory);
This pooledConnectionFactory is used to create a connection then session and then destination is entered (as mentioned on AmazonMQ documentation). You send the message using MessageProducer object and close the MessageProducer, session and connection
-For consumption, there will be an always-alive-listener that is always ready for message to arrive. The consumer part, it follows the same process like consumerConnection, then session and then destination queue to listen on.
As far as I remember, this part is also mentioned in amazonMQ documentation.
There is one problem that the connection to broker is lost for consumer sometimes, (since producer reopens the connections, produces and closes, it is not observed in it). Remember, you will have to reestablish the connection for consumer.
If there is any variance from the above approach please mention. Also, add your amazonMQ broker picture showing the connection, queue, active consumers.
Just out of curiosity, what are the maximum connections you have set for the PooledConnectionFactory?
I am trying to figure out how to conveniently pause all consumers/message-listeners, while my application is in controlled maintenance mode. The application is using ActiveMQ 5.13.3 client libraries.
Some time ago I have switched from a single ActiveMQConnectionFactory to a PooledConnectionFactory. It is being setup like so:
ActiveMQConnectionFactory amcf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(config.getMessageBrokerUrl());
amcf.setTrustedPackages(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
connectionFactory = new PooledConnectionFactory(amcf);
Consumers and producers "create" (= fetch) a connection from the connection pool and "close" it when they are done, returning it to the pool. Obviously in the case of MessageListeners, it is obtained once at startup and returned on application shutdown.
ActiveMQConnection.stop() says it Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages. Perfect for what I want, only the pool obviously contains many connections, not just one.
How do you pause all connections of an ActiveMQ connection pool?
I guess you have to resort to other means of pausing the message delivery using pooled connection pools. See this question for example when using spring DMLC (may not be the case for you): Start and Stop JMS Listener using Spring
You can also pause that queue from the broker side. There is a pause/resume operation on the JMX MBean of the queue. See attached screenshot.
It does not answer the question about pausing the client, but may solve your problem.
I am using AWS-S3 consumer to poll files on a certain location on S3 at regular intervals. After polling for certain no of times, it starts failing with exceptions as given,
Will try again at next poll. Caused by:[com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException - Unable to execute HTTP request:
Timeout waiting for connection from pool]
com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request:Timeout waiting for connection from pool
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeHelper(AmazonHttpClient.java:376) ~[aws-java-sdk-1.5.5.jar:na]
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(AmazonHttpClient.java:202) ~[aws-java-sdk-1.5.5.jar:na]
at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.invoke(AmazonS3Client.java:3037) ~[aws-java-sdk-1.5.5.jar:na]
at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.invoke(AmazonS3Client.java:3008) ~[aws-java-sdk-1.5.5.jar:na]
at com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3Client.listObjects(AmazonS3Client.java:531) ~[aws-java-sdk-1.5.5.jar:na]
at org.apache.camel.component.aws.s3.S3Consumer.poll(S3Consumer.java:69) ~[camel-aws-2.12.0.jar:2.12.0]
at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.doRun(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:187) [camel-core-2.12.0.jar:2.12.0]
at org.apache.camel.impl.ScheduledPollConsumer.run(ScheduledPollConsumer.java:114) [camel-core-2.12.0.jar:2.12.0]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471) [na:1.7.0_60]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:304) [na:1.7.0_60]
From what I understand, the reason shall be the consumer exhausting the available connections from the pool as it uses a new connection every poll. What I need to know is how to release the resources after every poll and why does the component itself doesn't do it.
Camel Version: 2.12
I modified the consumer to pick custom S3 client with specific connection timeout, maxconnections, maxerrorretry and sockettimeout, but of no use. Resultant is same.
S3 Client configuration:
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
main.bind("s3Client", new AmazonS3Client(awsCredentials, clientConfiguration));
The object of AmazonS3Client named "s3Client" is bounded to the Camel context and is provided to Camel AWS-S3 component based route. Now, Camel on its own manages this resource.
Required solution: Am expecting solution specific to Camel Aws-S3 consumer and not generic Java solution as am aware that connection shall be closed after its task is done for it to be released and used again. What am confused about is why is Camel not doing this automatically when provided with the connection pool or if I am missing any configuration specifically.
Camel Consumer class opens connection for each "Key" and creates an exchange out of it. This exchange is forwarded on to the route for processing but never closed automatically, even on calling "Stop". Resultant, the connection pool runs out of free connections. What needs to be done is extract the S3ObjectInputStream out of the exchange and close it.
S3ObjectInputStream s3InputStream = exchange.getIn().getBody(S3ObjectInputStream.class);
The answer is pretty much close to what the others suggest that is to close the connection. But as explained, Camel specific answer was expected and an explanation to why doesn't Camel handles this on its own.
Any where Connection Pooling concept is the same.If you not able to get a connection even it is idle,in development purpose we need to explicitly call close() by checking whether connection Idle. for exmaple:
if(con.isIdle()&& !con.closed()){
Then only we'll get the conncetions available.Even though most frameworks do it its better to finalise this code from our connectionFactory classes.
This link will surley helps you in getting your specific answer as you didn't specify your code of S3Object connection class.
Edit 2 :
Try this method in your ClientConfiguration
public ClientConfiguration withConnectionMaxIdleMillis(long connectionMaxIdleMillis)
this might resolve your error because it closes the connection automatically if there is Idle connection the pool and not reused.
In JMS it is easy to find out if a connection is lost, a exception happens. But how do I find out if the connection is there again?
Scenario: I use JMS to communicate with my server. Now my connection breaks (server is down), which results in a exception. So far so good. If the server is up again and the connection is reestablished, how do I know that?
I don't see any Listeners which would facilitate such information.
Ahhh...the old exception handling/reconnection conundrum.
There are some transport providers that will automatically reconnect your application for you and some who make the app drive reconnection. In general the reconnections hide the exception from the application. The down side is that you don't want the app to hang forever if all the remote messaging nodes are down so ultimately, you must include some reconnection logic.
Now here's the interesting part - how do you handle the exceptions in a provider neutral way? The JMS exception is practically worthless. For example, a "security exception" can be that the Java security policies are too restrictive, that the file system permissions are too restrictive, that the LDAP credentials failed, that the connection to the transport failed, that the open of the queue or topic failed or any of dozens of other security-related problems. It's the linked exception that has the details from the transport provider that really help debug the problem. My clients have generally taken one of three different approaches here...
Treat all errors the same. Close all objects and reinitialize them. this is JMS portable.
Allow the app to inspect the linked exceptions to distinguish between fatal and transient errors (i.e. auth error vs. queue full). Not provider portable.
Provider-specific error-handling classes. A hybrid of the other two.
In your case, the queue and topic objects are probably only valid in the context of the original connection. Assuming a provider who reconnects automatically the fact that you got an exception means reconnect failed and the context for queue and topic objects could not be restored. Close all objects and reconnect.
Whether you want to do something more provider-specific such as distinguish between transient and permanent errors is one of those "it depends" things and you'll have to figure that out on a case-by-case basis.
The best way to monitor for connection exception is setting an exception listener, for example:
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("jmsContextName");
connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
connection.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() {
public void onException(JMSException exception) {
logger.error("ExceptionListener triggered: " + exception.getMessage(), exception);
try {
Thread.sleep(5000); // Wait 5 seconds (JMS server restarted?)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("Error pausing thread" + e.getMessage());
JMS spec does not describe any transport protocol, it does not say anything about connections (i.e. should broker keep them alive or establish a new connection for every session). So, I think what you mean by
Now my connection breaks (server is down), which results in a exception.
is that you are trying to send a message and you are getting a JmsException.
I think, the only way to see if broker is up is to try to send a message.
Your only option in the case of a Connection based JMSException is to attempt to reestablish the connection in your exception handler, and retry the operation.