RxJava retryWhen resubscribe propagation - java

I'm using Retrofit with RxJava in an Android app for communications and have to handle error on parsing the response from a seemly ok HTTP response (status 200 code).
I have also implemented a way of handling the error using retryWhen operator which is connected to user's input to decide whether to retry it or not. This works by resubscribing to the original Observable.
The first approach I have tried was to have something like this:
.map(response -> {
if (checkBadResponse(response)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error on service");
} else {
return parseResponse(response);
With this the service is not called again. It seems the retryWhen operator cannot resubscribe to the service's Observable.
What end up working was implementing another operator which doesn't send the onCompleted forward and use it with lift like the following:
public class CheckResponseStatus<T> implements Observable.Operator<ResponsePayload<T>, ResponsePayload<T>> {
public Subscriber<? super ResponsePayload<T>> call(Subscriber<? super ResponsePayload<T>> subscriber) {
return new Subscriber<ResponsePayload<T>>() {
private boolean hasError = false;
public void onCompleted() {
if (!hasError)
public void onError(Throwable e) {
hasError = true;
public void onNext(ResponsePayload<T> response) {
if (response.isOk()) {
} else {
hasError = true;
subscriber.onError(new RuntimeException(response.getMessage()));
Using it like:
.lift(new CheckResponseStatus())
.map(response -> parseResponse(response))
Is this the correct way of dealing with it or is there a simpler, better way?

It's looks like a bug in rx-java implementation. Anyway, throwing an exception from map function is a bad thing since the function is supposed to be pure (e.g. without side effects). You should use a flatMap operator in your case:
.flatMap(response -> {
if (checkBadResponse(response)) {
return Observable.<ResponseType>error(new RuntimeException("Error on service"));
} else {
return Observable.<ResponseType>just(parseResponse(response);
The code above works as expected and really retries the request if error occurs.


Returning a Completable/Observables but checking is first - Flatmap?

My Reactive knowledge is very basic and I was wondering what the right way would be if I like to return an observable from a function which is using an observable. I wanna extend the observable which I am calling with a check.
In my example, I think it is a lot of code for not much. I think I would also need to worry about the disposable of the inner observable. Do I?
public Completable updateUserPhotoURL(Uri photoURL, UserProfileChangeRequest profileUpdates) {
return Completable.create(emitter -> {
if (mFirebaseUser == null) {
emitter.onError(new Exception("Firebase User is not initiated"));
RxFirebaseUser.updateProfile(mFirebaseUser, profileUpdates).complete()
.subscribe(new DisposableCompletableObserver() {
public void onComplete() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
What would be the right (more elegant) way of doing so?

Multiple async calls best practices in Android

I need a shorter & cleaner solution for Example 1. So multiple async calls need to be finished before a certain Activity/Fragment can start. Example 1 is very messy and ugly with member bools, but works.
I was considering using the Google Tasks API. But for that I need to add a google-services.json and connect to either "Google Sign-in", "Analytics" or "Cloud messaging", which I don't need I think. There must be a better way or is this the correct way to go?
Example 1:
boolean mIsFirstDone = false;
boolean mIsSecondDone = false;
boolean mAlreadyDone = false;
private void prepareSomeData() {
dataManager.requestSomeContent(new ApiCallback() {
public void onSuccess(final Object object) {
mIsFirstDone = true;
if(mIsFirstDone && mIsSecondDone && !mAlreadyDone) {
mAlreadyDone = true;
private void prepareSomeSettings() {
dataManager.requestSomeSettings(new ApiCallback() {
public void onSuccess(final Object object) {
mIsSecondDone = true;
if(mIsFirstDone && mIsSecondDone && !mAlreadyDone) {
mAlreadyDone = true;
With Tasks API:
Tasks.whenAll(SomeDataTask, SomeSettingsTask).addOnSuccessListener(executor, new OnSuccessListener<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void v) {
}).addOnFailureListener(executor, new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
RxJava, as pointed out, is probably a better solution to this. The reason why is because you can chain multiple api requests, database requests into a concrete block of code that looks elegant and clean. As an example, see below of what I'm trying to say:
Subscription subscription = apiService.getUser(someId)
.flatMap(user -> apiService.getFavourites(user.getFavouritesTag())
.subscribe(favourites -> view.updateFavouritesList(favourites),
throwable -> Log.e(TAG, throwable.printStackTrace());
Have you considered learning about RxJava and reformatting all your projects to RxJava along with retrofit for API?
start with something like this:

RxJava - check condition and repeat once only if condition is true

I use RxJava + Retrofit to make API calls in my Android app. There may be cases when user makes a request and his token is expired. In this cases I receive a normal response in my onNext, but the response contains not the result but an error element with some code. If such thing happens I need to re-login the user and only after getting a new token repeat the original request.
So I want to organize this using RxJava.
To make things easier I will bring a simple example. Let's say I have the following method:
public void test(int someInt){
.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(Integer integer) {
log("onNext - " + integer);
I want to check if (someInt == 0) before onNext() is called. If I get false I want to continue and get onNext() called, but if I get true I want to perform some action and repeat the original observable only once, if the condition returns false second time I don't want to repeat again.
Can someone help me to figure out what options do I have for this?
P.S. I am new in RX world.
Here you go. Since you want to retry the whole chain .retryWhen is great for it so you have to "play" a bit with the errors.
Below if you detect a invalid token, you pass an error (only on the first time) which the retryWhen will catch and resubscribe to the whole rx chain (starting from Observable.just(someInt)).
haveRetriedOnce = false;
.flatMap(integer ->{
if(integer == 0){
return Observable.error(new UserOperationException());
// problem, throw an error and the .retryWhen will catch it
return Observable.error(new InvalidTokenException());
return Observable.just(integer);
.retryWhen(observable -> observable.flatMap(throwable->{
if(throwable instanceOf InvalidTokenException){
haveRetriedOnce = true;
return just(0); // retry, the int here is irrelevant
// other error, pass it further
return Observable.error(throwable);
.subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(Integer integer) {
log("onNext - " + integer);

RxJava: Conditionally catch error and stop propagation

I use Retrofit with RxJava Observables and lambda expressions. I'm new to RxJava and cannot find out how to do the following:
Observable<ResponseBody> res = api.getXyz();
res.subscribe(response -> {
// I don't need the response here
}, error -> {
// I might be able to handle an error here. If so, it shall not go to the second error handler.
res.subscribe(response -> {
// This is where I want to process the response
}, error -> {
// This error handler shall only be invoked if the first error handler was not able to handle the error.
I looked at the error handling operators, but I don't understand how they can help me with my usecase.
Method 1: Keep the two Subscribers but cache the Observable.
Just keep everything as it is now, but change the first line to:
Observable<ResponseBody> res = api.getXyz().cache();
The cache will make sure that the request is only sent once but that sill both Subscribers get all the same events.
This way whether and how you handle the error in the first Subscriber does not affect what the second Subscriber sees.
Method 2: Catch some errors with onErrorResumeNext but forward all others.
Add onErrorResumeNext to your Observable to produce something like this (in the "inner" object):
Observable observable = Observable.error(new IllegalStateException())
.onErrorResumeNext(new Func1<Throwable, Observable<?>>() {
public Observable<?> call(Throwable throwable) {
if (throwable instanceof NumberFormatException) {
System.out.println("NFE - handled");
return Observable.empty();
} else {
System.out.println("Some other exception - panic!");
return Observable.error(throwable);
And only subscribe once (in the "outer" object):
observable.subscribe(new Subscriber() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(Object o) {
System.out.println(String.format("onNext: %s", String.valueOf(o)));
This way, the error is only forwarded if it cannot be handled in the onErrorResumeNext - if it can, the Subscriber will only get a call to onCompleted and nothing else.
Having side effects in onErrorResumeNext makes me a bit uncomfortable, though. :-)
EDIT: Oh, and if you want to be extra strict, you could use Method 3: Wrap every case in a new object.
public abstract class ResultOrError<T> {
public final class Result<T> extends ResultOrError<T> {
public final T result;
public Result(T result) {
this.result = result;
public final class HandledError<T> extends ResultOrError<T> {
public final Throwable throwable;
public Result(Throwable throwable) {
this.throwable = throwable;
public final class UnhandledError<T> extends ResultOrError<T> {
public final Throwable throwable;
public Result(Throwable throwable) {
this.throwable = throwable;
And then:
Wrap proper results in Result (using map)
Wrap handle-able errors in HandledError and
un-handle-able errors in UnhandledError (using onErrorResumeNext with an if clause)
handle the HandledErrors (using doOnError)
have a Subscriber<ResultOrError<ResponseBody>> - it will get notifications (onNext) for all three types but will just ignore the HandledErrors and handle the other two types.

Is there an observable that just propagates the error without terminating itself?

I am using PublishSubject in the class that is responsible for synchronization. When the synchronization is done all the subscribers will be notified. The same happens in case of an error.
I've noticed that the next time I subscribe after an error has occured, it is immediately return to the subscriber.
So the class may look like this:
public class Synchronizer {
private final PublishSubject<Result> mSyncHeadObservable = PublishSubject.create();
private final ThreadPoolExecutor mExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1,
10, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(true),
new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());
public Observable<Result> syncHead(final int chunkSize) {
mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
//Do some work which either returns a result or throws an error
mSyncHeadObservable.onNext(Notification.createOnNext(/*some result*/));
} catch (Throwable error) {
Is there an observable which can just serve as an proxy? May be some other Rx approach?
I've followed #akarnokd approach and emit the events wrapped into the RxJava Notification. Then unwrap them via flatMap(). So the clients of Synchronizer class won't need to do it.
private PublishSubject<Notification<Result>> mSyncHeadObservable = PublishSubject.create();
public Observable<Result> syncHead(final int chunkSize) {
return mSyncHeadObservable.flatMap(new Func1<Notification<Result>, Observable<Result>>() {
public Observable<Result> call(Notification<Result> result) {
if (result.isOnError()) {
return Observable.error(result.getThrowable());
return Observable.just(result.getValue());
new Action0() {
public void call() {
private void startHeadSync(final int chunkSize) {
mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
//Do some work which either returns a result or throws an error
mSyncHeadObservable.onNext(Notification.createOnNext(/*some result*/));
} catch (Throwable error) {
I'm not sure what your want to achieve with this setup, but generally, in order to avoid a terminal condition with PublishSubject, you should wrap your value and error into a common structure and always emit those, never any onError and onCompleted. One option is to use RxJava's own event wrapper, Notification, and your Subscribers should unwrap the value.
When a error occurred, the observable reached an terminal state.
If you want to continue to observe it, you should resubscribe to you observable with retry operator or use another error handling operators
