I am trying to use google spreadsheet as a simple database in android. But when I make calls to the spread sheet, I get NullpointerExeptions
when I tried to tried to get the size of the worksheet, it returned 0.
for example, when I call getAllCells() I get a NullpointerExeption.
I appreciate any help/ suggestions you can offer.
(I made the spreadsheet published to the web and Anyone with the link can edit )
here is the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1arJFUxSghwdv0QpnJJ3lBu36X4I3d_uB4xx_xNGLKHU/edit#gid=0
here is the zip file of the small project https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B36AnWs56yGIdVFpdzNxSE9BSlU/view?usp=sharing
here is the apk
here is the error
1at com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.WorksheetEntry.getFeedUrlString(WorksheetEntry.java:133)
2at com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.WorksheetEntry.getCellFeedUrl(WorksheetEntry.java:113)
3at com.example.tempo.util.SpDatabase.getAllCells(SpDatabase.java:67)
4at com.example.tempo.TempoMain.testDataBase(TempoMain.java:101)
5at com.example.tempo.TempoMain$1$1.doOnBackground(TempoMain.java:70)
6at com.example.tempo.util.AsyncJob$2.run(AsyncJob.java:59)
7at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
Here is the java class I use to access it
package com.example.tempo.util;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.google.gdata.client.spreadsheet.*;
import com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.*;
import com.google.gdata.util.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SpDatabase {
WorksheetEntry worksheet;
SpreadsheetService service;
String spTitle;
public SpDatabase()throws AuthenticationException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
service = new SpreadsheetService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");
// TODO: Authorize the service object for a specific user (see other sections)
// Define the URL to request. This should never change.
String key = "1arJFUxSghwdv0QpnJJ3lBu36X4I3d_uB4xx_xNGLKHU";
URL SPREADSHEET_FEED_URL = FeedURLFactory.getDefault().getWorksheetFeedUrl(key, "public", "basic");
// Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.getFeed(SPREADSHEET_FEED_URL, SpreadsheetFeed.class);
List<SpreadsheetEntry> spreadsheets = feed.getEntries();
if (spreadsheets.size() == 0) {
// TODO: There were no spreadsheets, act accordingly.
// TODO: Choose a spreadsheet more intelligently based on your
// app's needs.
SpreadsheetEntry spreadsheet = spreadsheets.get(0);
spTitle = spreadsheet.getTitle().getPlainText();
// Make a request to the API to fetch information about all
// worksheets in the spreadsheet.
List<WorksheetEntry> worksheets = spreadsheet.getWorksheets();
// WorksheetEntry worksheet = worksheets.get(0);
worksheet = worksheets.get(0);
public int getRowCount(){
int rowCount = worksheet.getRowCount();
return rowCount;
public int getColumnCount(){
int columnCount = worksheet.getColCount();
return columnCount;
public ArrayList<CellEntry> getAllCells() throws IOException, ServiceException{
// Fetch the cell feed of the worksheet.
URL cellFeedUrl = worksheet.getCellFeedUrl();
CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellFeedUrl, CellFeed.class);
return (ArrayList<CellEntry>) cellFeed.getEntries();
// or getRow() or getCollumn()
public ArrayList<CellEntry> getSpecificCells(int minRow, int maxRow, int minCol, int maxCol) throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException{
//example: Fetch column 4, and every row after row 1 --> "?min-row=2&min-col=4&max-col=4"
String pref = "?";
if(minRow != -1){
pref = appendAndIfFirstValue(pref);
pref += "min-row=" + minRow;
if(minCol != -1){
pref = appendAndIfFirstValue(pref);
pref += "&min-col=" + minCol;
if(maxRow != -1){
pref = appendAndIfFirstValue(pref);
pref += "&max-row=" + maxRow;
if(maxCol != -1){
pref = appendAndIfFirstValue(pref);
pref += "&max-col=" + maxCol;
// Fetch column 4, and every row after row 1.
URL cellFeedUrl = new URI(worksheet.getCellFeedUrl().toString() + pref).toURL();
CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellFeedUrl, CellFeed.class);
return (ArrayList<CellEntry>) cellFeed.getEntries();
public int getCellNumValue(CellEntry cell){
return (Integer) cell.getCell().getNumericValue();
public String getCellStringValue(CellEntry cell){
return cell.getCell().getValue();
public void incrementCellValue(CellEntry cell) throws IOException, ServiceException{
String cellID = cell.getTitle().getPlainText();
cell.changeInputValueLocal("=SUM(" + cellID + ", 1)");
public void changeCellValue(CellEntry cell, String value) throws IOException, ServiceException{
private String appendAndIfFirstValue(String str){
return "&" + str;
return str;
public String getSpreadSheetTitle() throws IOException, ServiceException, URISyntaxException{
return spTitle;
It turns out the problem was the scope of the projection and arcording to the the documentation google said The spreadsheets feed only supports the 'private' visibility and the 'full' projection.
I was using the 'public' and 'basic'
so what I did to fix the problem was to access the worksheets(which supports more visibility parameters) directly like this:
public SpDatabase()throws AuthenticationException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
service = new SpreadsheetService("Test");
FeedURLFactory factory = FeedURLFactory.getDefault();
String key = "1arJFUxSghwdv0QpnJJ3lBu36X4I3d_uB4xx_xNGLKHU";
URL spreadSheetUrl = factory.getWorksheetFeedUrl(key, "public", "full");
WorksheetFeed feed = service.getFeed(spreadSheetUrl, WorksheetFeed.class);
worksheet = feed.getEntries().get(0);
URL cellFeedURL = worksheet.getCellFeedUrl();
CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellFeedURL, CellFeed.class);
I am trying to get a youtube video comments through youtube API on my dynamic web-app project.
My code:
private static int counter = 0;
private static YouTube youtube;
public static void getYoutubeOauth() throws Exception {
List<String> scopes = Lists.newArrayList("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.force-ssl");
Credential credential = Auth.authorize(scopes, "commentthreads");
youtube = new YouTube.Builder(Auth.HTTP_TRANSPORT, Auth.JSON_FACTORY, credential).build();
String videoId = "KIgxmV9xXBQ";
// Get video comments threads
CommentThreadListResponse commentsPage = prepareListRequest(videoId).execute();
while (true) {
String nextPageToken = commentsPage.getNextPageToken();
if (nextPageToken == null)
// Get next page of video comments threads
commentsPage = prepareListRequest(videoId).setPageToken(nextPageToken).execute();
System.out.println("Total: " + counter);
private static YouTube.CommentThreads.List prepareListRequest(String videoId) throws Exception {
return youtube.commentThreads()
private static void handleCommentsThreads(List<CommentThread> commentThreads) {
for (CommentThread commentThread : commentThreads) {
List<Comment> comments = Lists.newArrayList();
CommentThreadReplies replies = commentThread.getReplies();
if (replies != null)
System.out.println("Found " + comments.size() + " comments.");
// Do your comments logic here
counter += comments.size();
while executing above code I'm getting a java.lang.NullPointerException at line Credential credential = Auth.authorize(scopes, "commentthreads");
FYI: I do Know what NullPointerException is. i.e string n = null; if(n=="h"); causes for NullPointerException
I would expect the cause to be countered by client_secrets.json file, because I don't know where to place and how to call it in my code.
My current client_secrets.json is placed under /home/UserName/workspace/RemoteSystemsTempFiles/Duck/WebContent/WEB-INF/client_secrets.json
You can load the client secrets json file as follows:
// Load client secrets.
Reader clientSecretReader = new InputStreamReader(Auth.class.getResourceAsStream("/client_secrets.json"));
GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets = GoogleClientSecrets.load(JSON_FACTORY, clientSecretReader);
For more information on how to use Auth with google API take a look here
When I run Microsoft Azure Media Services code written using Java in local it is working but when I deploy the same code in dev environment , I am unable to access the Azure and its throwing java.net.HostNotFoundException.
What is the best approach to use network proxy to connect to Azure
Below is the code I am using via java and using azure-java-sdk
import java.io.*;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.Configuration;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.exception.ServiceException;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.MediaConfiguration;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.MediaContract;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.MediaService;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.WritableBlobContainerContract;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AccessPolicy;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AccessPolicyInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AccessPolicyPermission;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.Asset;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AssetFile;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AssetFileInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.AssetInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.Job;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.JobInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.JobState;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.ListResult;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.Locator;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.LocatorInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.LocatorType;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.MediaProcessor;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.MediaProcessorInfo;
import com.microsoft.windowsazure.services.media.models.Task;
public class HelloMediaServices
// Media Services account credentials configuration
private static String mediaServiceUri = "https://media.windows.net/API/";
private static String oAuthUri = "https://wamsprodglobal001acs.accesscontrol.windows.net/v2/OAuth2-13";
private static String clientId = "account name";
private static String clientSecret = "account key";
private static String scope = "urn:WindowsAzureMediaServices";
private static MediaContract mediaService;
// Encoder configuration
private static String preferedEncoder = "Media Encoder Standard";
private static String encodingPreset = "H264 Multiple Bitrate 720p";
public static void main(String[] args)
try {
// Set up the MediaContract object to call into the Media Services account
Configuration configuration = MediaConfiguration.configureWithOAuthAuthentication(
mediaServiceUri, oAuthUri, clientId, clientSecret, scope);
mediaService = MediaService.create(configuration);
// Upload a local file to an Asset
AssetInfo uploadAsset = uploadFileAndCreateAsset("BigBuckBunny.mp4");
System.out.println("Uploaded Asset Id: " + uploadAsset.getId());
// Transform the Asset
AssetInfo encodedAsset = encode(uploadAsset);
System.out.println("Encoded Asset Id: " + encodedAsset.getId());
// Create the Streaming Origin Locator
String url = getStreamingOriginLocator(encodedAsset);
System.out.println("Origin Locator URL: " + url);
System.out.println("Sample completed!");
} catch (ServiceException se) {
System.out.println("ServiceException encountered.");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception encountered.");
private static AssetInfo uploadFileAndCreateAsset(String fileName)
throws ServiceException, FileNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
WritableBlobContainerContract uploader;
AssetInfo resultAsset;
AccessPolicyInfo uploadAccessPolicy;
LocatorInfo uploadLocator = null;
// Create an Asset
resultAsset = mediaService.create(Asset.create().setName(fileName).setAlternateId("altId"));
System.out.println("Created Asset " + fileName);
// Create an AccessPolicy that provides Write access for 15 minutes
uploadAccessPolicy = mediaService
.create(AccessPolicy.create("uploadAccessPolicy", 15.0, EnumSet.of(AccessPolicyPermission.WRITE)));
// Create a Locator using the AccessPolicy and Asset
uploadLocator = mediaService
.create(Locator.create(uploadAccessPolicy.getId(), resultAsset.getId(), LocatorType.SAS));
// Create the Blob Writer using the Locator
uploader = mediaService.createBlobWriter(uploadLocator);
File file = new File("BigBuckBunny.mp4");
// The local file that will be uploaded to your Media Services account
InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
System.out.println("Uploading " + fileName);
// Upload the local file to the asset
uploader.createBlockBlob(fileName, input);
// Inform Media Services about the uploaded files
System.out.println("Uploaded Asset File " + fileName);
return resultAsset;
// Create a Job that contains a Task to transform the Asset
private static AssetInfo encode(AssetInfo assetToEncode)
throws ServiceException, InterruptedException {
// Retrieve the list of Media Processors that match the name
ListResult<MediaProcessorInfo> mediaProcessors = mediaService
.list(MediaProcessor.list().set("$filter", String.format("Name eq '%s'", preferedEncoder)));
// Use the latest version of the Media Processor
MediaProcessorInfo mediaProcessor = null;
for (MediaProcessorInfo info : mediaProcessors) {
if (null == mediaProcessor || info.getVersion().compareTo(mediaProcessor.getVersion()) > 0) {
mediaProcessor = info;
System.out.println("Using Media Processor: " + mediaProcessor.getName() + " " + mediaProcessor.getVersion());
// Create a task with the specified Media Processor
String outputAssetName = String.format("%s as %s", assetToEncode.getName(), encodingPreset);
String taskXml = "<taskBody><inputAsset>JobInputAsset(0)</inputAsset>"
+ "<outputAsset assetCreationOptions=\"0\"" // AssetCreationOptions.None
+ " assetName=\"" + outputAssetName + "\">JobOutputAsset(0)</outputAsset></taskBody>";
Task.CreateBatchOperation task = Task.create(mediaProcessor.getId(), taskXml)
// Create the Job; this automatically schedules and runs it.
Job.Creator jobCreator = Job.create()
.setName(String.format("Encoding %s to %s", assetToEncode.getName(), encodingPreset))
JobInfo job = mediaService.create(jobCreator);
String jobId = job.getId();
System.out.println("Created Job with Id: " + jobId);
// Check to see if the Job has completed
// Done with the Job
// Retrieve the output Asset
ListResult<AssetInfo> outputAssets = mediaService.list(Asset.list(job.getOutputAssetsLink()));
return outputAssets.get(0);
public static String getStreamingOriginLocator(AssetInfo asset) throws ServiceException {
// Get the .ISM AssetFile
ListResult<AssetFileInfo> assetFiles = mediaService.list(AssetFile.list(asset.getAssetFilesLink()));
AssetFileInfo streamingAssetFile = null;
for (AssetFileInfo file : assetFiles) {
if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".ism")) {
streamingAssetFile = file;
AccessPolicyInfo originAccessPolicy;
LocatorInfo originLocator = null;
// Create a 30-day readonly AccessPolicy
double durationInMinutes = 60 * 24 * 30;
originAccessPolicy = mediaService.create(
AccessPolicy.create("Streaming policy", durationInMinutes, EnumSet.of(AccessPolicyPermission.READ)));
// Create a Locator using the AccessPolicy and Asset
originLocator = mediaService
.create(Locator.create(originAccessPolicy.getId(), asset.getId(), LocatorType.OnDemandOrigin));
// Create a Smooth Streaming base URL
return originLocator.getPath() + streamingAssetFile.getName() + "/manifest";
private static void checkJobStatus(String jobId) throws InterruptedException, ServiceException {
boolean done = false;
JobState jobState = null;
while (!done) {
// Sleep for 5 seconds
// Query the updated Job state
jobState = mediaService.get(Job.get(jobId)).getState();
System.out.println("Job state: " + jobState);
if (jobState == JobState.Finished || jobState == JobState.Canceled || jobState == JobState.Error) {
done = true;
I verified following code below which is working through fiddler proxy. Thanks to how to Capture https with fiddler, in java post which gave me hints:
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8888");
System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", "8888");
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_102\\bin\\FiddlerKeyStore");
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "mypassword");
For others who face issue like me we can connect to azure mediaservices using network proxy by using below code
// Set up the MediaContract object to call into the Media Services account
Configuration configuration = MediaConfiguration.configureWithOAuthAuthentication(
mediaServiceUri, oAuthUri, clientId, clientSecret, scope);
configuration.getProperties().put(Configuration.PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_HOST, "Hostvalue");
configuration.getProperties().put(Configuration.PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, "Portvalue");
configuration.getProperties().put(Configuration.PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY_SCHEME, "http");
MediaContract mediaService = MediaService.create(configuration);
Now use the mediaService to perform other operations.
Hi I'm trying to insert a row in a google worksheet, but I can not do it becouse have this error:
Exception in thread "main" com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException: Method Not Allowed
at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:632)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(GoogleGDataRequest.java:564)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.checkResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:560)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.execute(HttpGDataRequest.java:538)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.execute(GoogleGDataRequest.java:536)
at com.google.gdata.client.Service.insert(Service.java:1409)
at com.google.gdata.client.GoogleService.insert(GoogleService.java:613)
at it.unical.mat.spreadsheet.Main.main(Main.java:64)
Please help my to resolve this problem, this is my code:
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws AuthenticationException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException
SpreadsheetService service = new SpreadsheetService("MyApp");
FeedURLFactory factory = FeedURLFactory.getDefault();
String key = "***my_key***";
URL spreadSheetUrl = factory.getWorksheetFeedUrl(key,"public","full");
WorksheetFeed feed = service.getFeed(spreadSheetUrl, WorksheetFeed.class);
WorksheetEntry worksheet = feed.getEntries().get(13);
URL url = worksheet.getListFeedUrl();
ListEntry row = new ListEntry();
row.getCustomElements().setValueLocal("header", "aaa");
row = service.insert(url, row);
My intent is to insert a new row in a google worksheet!
If reading rows I don't have problems, but the problem is when write in a rows!
Strange thing happened in Java Kingdom...
Long story short: I use Java API V3 to connect to QuickBooks and fetch the data form there (services for example).
Everything goes fine except the case when a service contains russian symbols (or probably non-latin symbols).
Here is Java code that does it (I know it's far from perfect)
package com.mde.test;
import static com.intuit.ipp.query.GenerateQuery.$;
import static com.intuit.ipp.query.GenerateQuery.select;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import com.intuit.ipp.core.Context;
import com.intuit.ipp.core.ServiceType;
import com.intuit.ipp.data.Item;
import com.intuit.ipp.exception.FMSException;
import com.intuit.ipp.query.GenerateQuery;
import com.intuit.ipp.security.OAuthAuthorizer;
import com.intuit.ipp.services.DataService;
import com.intuit.ipp.util.Config;
public class TestEncoding {
public static final String QBO_BASE_URL_SANDBOX = "https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company";
private static String consumerKey = "consumerkeycode";
private static String consumerSecret = "consumersecretcode";
private static String accessToken = "accesstokencode";
private static String accessTokenSecret = "accesstokensecretcode";
private static String appToken = "apptokencode";
private static String companyId = "companyidcode";
private static OAuthAuthorizer oauth = new OAuthAuthorizer(consumerKey, consumerSecret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
private static final int PAGING_STEP = 500;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FMSException {
List<Item> res = findAllServices(getDataService());
public static List<Item> findAllServices(DataService service) throws FMSException {
Item item = GenerateQuery.createQueryEntity(Item.class);
List<Item> res = new LinkedList<>();
for (int skip = 0; ; skip += PAGING_STEP) {
String query = select($(item)).skip(skip).take(PAGING_STEP).generate();
List<Item> items = (List<Item>)service.executeQuery(query).getEntities();
if (items.size() > 0)
System.out.println("All services fetched");
return res;
public static DataService getDataService() throws FMSException {
Context context = getContext();
if (context == null) {
System.out.println("Context is null, something wrong, dataService also will null.");
return null;
return getDataService(context);
private static Context getContext() {
try {
return new Context(oauth, appToken, ServiceType.QBO, companyId);
} catch (FMSException e) {
System.out.println("Context is not loaded");
return null;
protected static DataService getDataService(Context context) throws FMSException {
DataService service = new DataService(context);
Config.setProperty(Config.BASE_URL_QBO, QBO_BASE_URL_SANDBOX);
return new DataService(context);
This file is saved in UTF-8. And it prints something like
All services fetched
Сэрвыс, отнюдь
But! When I save this file in UTF-8 with BOM.... I get the correct data!
All services fetched
Сэрвыс, отнюдь
Does anybody can explain what is happening? :)
// I use Eclipse to run the code
You are fetching data from a system that doesn't share the same byte ordering as you, so when you save the file with BOM, it adds enough information in the file that future programs will read it in the remote system's byte ordering.
When you save it without BOM, it wrote the file in the remote system's byte ordering without any indication of the stored byte order, so when you read it you read it with the local system's (different) byte order. This jumbles up the bytes within the multi-byte characters, making the output appear as nonsense.
In GWT how do I display an image from the appengine server side blobstore given the string version of the key?
I think I have stored an image as a blob on the appengine. can someone tell me if it's correct?
FileService fileService = FileServiceFactory.getFileService();
AppEngineFile file = fileService.createNewBlobFile(content_type, fileName);
boolean lock = true;
FileWriteChannel writeChannel = fileService.openWriteChannel(file, lock);
byte[] b1 = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int readBytes1;
while ((readBytes1 = is.read(b1)) != -1)
writeChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(b1, 0, readBytes1));
item_image_blob_key = fileService.getBlobKey(file).getKeyString();
catch (Exception e)
I sent the key back to the client and I am trying to present the image. I tried using :
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory
// Get the image serving URL
String imageUrl = imagesService.getServingUrl(blobKey);
but it is deprecated so I tried:
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory.getImagesService();
ServingUrlOptions suo = ServingUrlOptions.Builder.withBlobKey(blobKey);
String image_url = imagesService.getServingUrl(suo);
item.setProperty("image_url", image_url);
Now I get a URL which looks like this:
and get create an image on the client thus:
String image_url = result.get_image_url();
System.out.println("image url is: " + image_url);
Image image = new Image();
Only a default image icon appears on the UI
so I created a servlet which accesses the blobstore thus:
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.google.appengine.api.blobstore.BlobKey;
import com.google.appengine.api.blobstore.BlobstoreService;
import com.google.appengine.api.blobstore.BlobstoreServiceFactory;
public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException
String blob_key = req.getParameter("blob-key");
if (blob_key != null)
BlobKey blobKey = new BlobKey(blob_key);
BlobstoreService blobstoreService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
blobstoreService.serve(blobKey, res);
res.sendError(400, "One or more parameters are not set");
and a client http request:
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, "/itemmanager/image");
Request request = requestBuilder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception)
public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response)
System.out.println("so far so good");
if (200 == response.getStatusCode())
// Handle the error. Can get the status text from response.getStatusText()
} catch (RequestException e) {
// Couldn't connect to server
I seem to be getting text how do i get an input stream or something i can get an image with?
Finally after two days of scouring Google and stack-overflow and trying I got it!
On the server I got the upload url thus:
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory.getImagesService();
ServingUrlOptions suo = ServingUrlOptions.Builder.withBlobKey(blobKey);
String image_url = imagesService.getServingUrl(suo);
item.setProperty("image_url", image_url);
The appengine API produced a url which didn't work on the local mode [I think it has to do with sop cross platform issues]
but it provided a clue: namely the /_ah/img/ part of the String
So I decided to try it and gave this URL to the image "/_ah/img/mR9SOTSEizec4gZYsRnuEw"
Here is the client side code.
String imageKey = result.get_image_key();
System.out.println("category is: " + result.get_category() + " image blob key is: " + imageKey);
String image_url = result.get_image_url();
System.out.println("image url is: " + image_url);
//This doesn't work at least locally
/*Image image = new Image();
Image image2 = new Image();
image2.setUrl("/_ah/img/" + imageKey);