Using this xml file for creating soap message:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ord="">
XML String that need to insert in between UpdatedOrder tags.
<DslOrder index="1422888817752">
<SubscriberInfo index="1422888817756">
<Address index="1422888817758">
<City index="1422888817761">OTT</City>
<PostalCode index="1422888817760">101</PostalCode>
<Street index="1422888817759">333</Street>
<PhoneNumber index="1422888817762">438</PhoneNumber>
<Name index="1422888817757">xyz</Name>
Output of soap message must be like this:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ord="">
<DslOrder index="1422888817752">
<SubscriberInfo index="1422888817756">
<Address index="1422888817758">
<City index="1422888817761">OTT</City>
<PostalCode index="1422888817760">101</PostalCode>
<Street index="1422888817759">333</Street>
<PhoneNumber index="1422888817762">438</PhoneNumber>
<Name index="1422888817757">xyz</Name>
Need to add the XML String to soap envelope.
How can I add that XML string to soap envelope as shown in output?
I am converting xml file to soap message.Now i need to add xml string to soap message (in between same tags). Please help me
You may want to look into using <![CDATA[]]> tags so that the message doesn't try to parse your payload (which happens to be XML).
For example:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ord="">
<DslOrder index="1422888817752">
<SubscriberInfo index="1422888817756">
<Address index="1422888817758">
<City index="1422888817761">OTT</City>
<PostalCode index="1422888817760">101</PostalCode>
<Street index="1422888817759">333</Street>
<PhoneNumber index="1422888817762">438</PhoneNumber>
<Name index="1422888817757">xyz</Name>
If you are making the SOAP calls with a Java library, such as jax-ws, the library will take care of this for you (you only have to send the XML payload as is).
I am using SOAPHandler and I need to modify my SOAPMessage in SOAPNHandler:
The message i get:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="...">
I need to add a parent element AA to the body, and get this result:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="...">
And i can´t figure it out. I hope someone can help me.
Thank you.
Basically I need to read the XML SOAP data which is sent by my client over URL.
I need to use java to read the XML SOAP data and insert the whole XML into data.
A client has given the sample XML format is as below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="WebService" xmlns:soapenc="">
<web:StatusUpdate soapenv:encodingStyle="">
<Order xsi:type="xsd:string">?</Order>
I need to generate a soap request like the below one :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns:ns2="" xmlns="thsss.738.syhd.738">
But the request getting generated is as below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://eygyjdg.dbajshb/" xmlns:thss="thsss.738.syhd.738" xmlns:xyz="">
Hence i get a namespace on the "Document" element, is not a valid SOAP version
Can you please tell me how to go about this.
I'm receiving a SOAP request like this, but my service can´t load the values
<Operation xmlns=""
But if I remove some of the requests tags, leaving only this
everything works ok:
For an easier reading, I removed xmlns="" from Operation, xmlns="" from soapenv:Envelope and xmlns="" from soapenv:Body.
I have web service client and when i send request, the soap message looks like
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<Open xmlns="ttt:some:namespace">
and this incorrect message. The correct message looks like
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<soapenv:Header />
how i do soap request
So_Service soService = new So_Service();
SoPort soPort = soService.getSoaphaSOAP();
/* test */
System.out.println("getServiceName from So_Service" + soService.getServiceName());"SomeParther", 1);
output getServiceName from So_Service ttt:some:namespace
What I'm doing wrong? What should i do for correct generate the message? Please Help
Try the below:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<soapenv:Header />