I want to achieve method chaining in Java.
How can I achieve it?
Also let me know when to use it.
public class Dialog {
public Dialog() {
public void setTitle(String title) {
//Logic to set title in dialog
public void setMessage(String message) {
//Logic to set message
public void setPositiveButton() {
//Logic to send button
I want to create method chaining that I can use as follows:
new Dialog().setTitle("Title1").setMessage("sample message").setPositiveButton();
or like
new Dialog().setTitle("Title1").setMessage("sample message");
or like
new Dialog().setTitle("Title1").setPositiveButton();
Have your methods return this like:
public Dialog setMessage(String message)
//logic to set message
return this;
This way, after each call to one of the methods, you'll get the same object returned so that you can call another method on.
This technique is useful when you want to call a series of methods on an object: it reduces the amount of code required to achieve that and allows you to have a single returned value after the chain of methods.
An example of reducing the amount of code required to show a dialog would be:
// Your Dialog has a method show()
// You could show a dialog like this:
new Dialog().setMessage("some message").setTitle("some title")).show();
An example of using the single returned value would be:
// In another class, you have a method showDialog(Dialog)
// Thus you can do:
showDialog(new Dialog().setMessage("some message").setTitle("some title"));
An example of using the Builder pattern that Dennis mentioned in the comment on your question:
new DialogBuilder().setMessage("some message").setTitle("some title").build().show();
The builder pattern allows you to set all parameters for a new instance of a class before the object is being built (consider classes that have final fields or objects for which setting a value after it's been built is more costly than setting it when it's constructed).
In the example above: setMessage(String), setTitle(String) belong to the DialogBuilder class and return the same instance of DialogBuilder that they're called upon; the build() method belongs to the DialogBuilder class, but returns a Dialog object the show() method belongs to the Dialog class.
This might not be related to your question, but it might help you and others that come across this question.
This works well for most use cases: all use cases that don't involve inheritance and some particular cases involving inheritance when the derived class doesn't add new methods that you want to chain together and you're not interested in using (without casting) the result of the chain of methods as an object of the derived.
If you want to have method chaining for objects of derived classes that don't have a method in their base class or you want the chain of methods to return the object as a reference of the derived class, you can have a look at the answers for this question.
Just add a static builder method, and create another set of the setter methods.
For example
class Model {
private Object FieldA;
private Object FieldB;
public static Model create() {
return new Model();
public Model withFieldA(Object value) {
return this;
public Model withFieldB(Object value) {
return this;
And use it like
Model m = Model.create().withFieldA("AAAA").withFieldB(1234);
example of reducing the amount of code required to show a dialog would be:
package com.rsa.arraytesting;
public class ExampleJavaArray {
String age;
String name;
public ExampleJavaArray getAge() {
this.age = "25";
return this;
public ExampleJavaArray setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public void displayValue() {
System.out.println("Name:" + name + "\n\n" + "Age:" + age);
another class
package com.rsa.arraytesting;
public class MethodChaining {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExampleJavaArray mExampleJavaArray = new ExampleJavaArray();
In case if you are using lombok, you can use parameter in your lombok.config:
lombok.accessors.chain = true
Or for particular data classes you can declare #Accessors(chain = true) annotation:
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
#Accessors(chain = true)
public class DataType {
private int value;
// will generate setter:
public DataType setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
return this;
// CommandBuilder.java
public class CommandBuilder {
public String name; // required
public String description = "Default Value"; //optional
public CommandBuilder(String name) {
this.name = name;
public CommandBuilder setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;
public CommandBuilder build() {
return this;
// Command.java
public abstract class Command extends ListenerAdapter {
private String name;
private String description;
protected abstract void execCommand(MessageReceivedEvent event);
public Command(CommandBuilder builder) {
this.name = builder.name;
this.description = builder.description;
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
// ExampleCommand.java
public class ExampleCommand extends Command {
public ExampleCommand(CommandBuilder builder) {
protected void execCommand(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
// ...
// Bot.java
public class Bot() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ...
new ExampleCommand(
new CommandBuilder("Example Command").setDescription("You know it.").build();
// ...
So, I need some advice on code style. This above is roughly my code setup for a Discord bot in JDA. What jdaBuilder.addEventListener(Object) does or what MessageReceivedEvent is, is not important.
I use the builder pattern to avoid excessive constructor overloading when constructing objects with the inherited type Command, because in my actual code the Command class can accept far more than just two parameters.
The issue with CommandBuilder is that build() doesn't and can't return an object of type Command (because it's abstract) but rather the type CommandBuilder itself, that each subclass of Command takes as an argument (and then passes on to Command).
The problem with THAT in return is that:
Calling build() is not required because every single other method returns a CommandBuilderaswell
Instantiation of a subclass of Command with 4-6 parameters can get very messy in the main.
So, what's the best way to solve this? I thought of using an interface, but in my abstract Command class there are certain methods with "default" code, that the subclasses can choose to override if they need it (but it's not required!).
These default methods utilize the other methods of the Command class, so I can't just refactor them into the interface as true default methods.
My code works just fine, I just think that with the way I have to instantiate my objects, I did a wrong turn somewhere. Any advice on how to refactor or rewrite my code to follow best Java practices?
Maybe you shoud refactor your build() like this:
public <T extends Command> T build(Function<CommandBuilder, T> constructor) {
return constructor.apply(this);
and this way allow the builder to accept any constructor reference such as
FooCommand cmd = builder.build(FooCommand::new);
Maybe additionally you could add proper code to alternatively allow for reflection so that
FooCommand cmd = builder.build(FooCommand.class);
would usable as well, but the former one has the advantage that it is a compile time error if you don't have a matching constructor.
Let's say we have a class with the following method:
public class Entry {
private String name;
public static Entry getOrCreate(String name) {
// ...
return new Entry(name);
This class may be subclassed (e.g. SubEntry), and the logic behind "getOrCreate" does not change. But the subclasses should not return a new object of the type Entry, but of the type of the respective subclass (e.g. return SubEntry(name))
How can I realize this without reimplementing the method getOrCreate for every subclass of Entry? Is there a term for this kind of technique?
Subclassing Entry does not affect the getOrCreate method because static methods are not part of a class instance; they do not logically belong in any class.
If you instead move getOrCreate into a non-static Factory class, you can use some Generics magic to determine the returned type:
public class Entry {
private String name;
abstract class AbstractEntryFactory<T extends Entry>
public abstract T getOrCreate(String name);
public class EntryFactory extends AbstractEntryFactory<Entry>
public Entry getOrCreate(String name) {
// ...
return new Entry(name);
public class SubEntryFactory extends AbstractEntryFactory<SubEntry>
public SubEntry getOrCreate(String name) {
// ...
return new SubEntry(name);
Actually calling the getOrCreate would look different from what it would look like with your code. Instead of this:
Entry myEntry = Entry.getOrCreate("my name");
It would instead look like this:
Entry myEntry = new EntryFactory().getOrCreate("my name");
Or this:
SubEntry myEntry = new SubEntryFactory().getOrCreate("my name");
Assuming you wanted to be able to call Entry.getOrCreate() to create a type of SubEntry, you'll have to pass along some extra information. The reason is that the getOrCreate() method is not inherited by SubEntry, since it is a static method. So if you want to call it the way I mentioned, you'll have to pass along the class name that you want to create. In the code below there are no checks to validate that Class clazz is an Entry or a subtype, but this gives you a start.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Entry entry = (Entry)Entry.getOrCreate("entry", Entry.class);
SubEntry subEntry = (SubEntry)SubEntry.getOrCreate("subEntry", SubEntry.class);
System.out.println("entry class: " + entry.getClass().getName());
System.out.println("subEntry class: " + subEntry.getClass().getName());
class Entry {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public static Object getOrCreate(String name, Class clazz) {
// If a constructor is created that takes a String, such as "public Entry(String name)",
// then each sub class will need to implement that method. Instead I used a getter and
// setter for the name attribute.
try {
Entry entry = (Entry)clazz.newInstance();
return entry;
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
class SubEntry extends Entry {
The end result is this output:
entry class: Entry
subEntry class: SubEntry
There are two questions you are asking:
How do I do this?
What is this technique called?
The second one is much more important than the first.
It seems to me like what you are trying to achieve is similar to the concept of cloning (link) or virtual constructor. But you would like this to be a static method, which raises the question as to why? Since a static method is tied to a certain class, not an instance, you should call it through that class in which case you may just as well explicitly be calling new. But having searched for "retrive class in static context" I would say it is not possible to do exactly what you wrote in the question.
If you convert the static method to a normal method, this can be done by using reflection:
class Entry {
private String name;
public Entry(String name) {
this.name = name;
public Entry() {
this.name = null;
public Entry getOrCreate(String name) {
try {
return getClass().getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(name);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Entry(name);
class BetterEntry extends Entry {
public BetterEntry(String name) {
public BetterEntry() {
You would then be calling the function from an instance, like so:
Entry a = new Entry().getOrCreate("First");
Entry b = new BetterEntry().getOrCreate("Second");
Entry c = b.getOrCreate("Third");
The dynamic types of a, b, c are Entry, BetterEntry and BetterEntry. You could leave out the default constructors, but I added them to make calling getOrCreate feel more like a static method.
If you really want the method to be static, the simplest way would be to just reimplement this function in every subclass.
In previous C++ code I've used friend classes when creating a factory that can output "read only" objects which means that as the objects are consumed throughout the code there is no risk that they can be inadvertently changed/corrupted.
Is there is there a similar way to implement this in Java or am I being overly defensive?
Make use of the final keyword. This keyword can mark a class/methods as non-extendable, and mark fields/variables as non-mutable.
You will hide the default constructor of the object using the private constructor, and force parameterised constructors which will initialise all necessary final fields.
Your only problem is that the factory is kind of redundant. Since all fields of the object are final, you will have to use all factory methods at object build-time.
public final class DataObject
protected final String name;
protected final String payload;
private DataObject()
public DataObject(final String name, final String payload)
this.name = name;
this.payload = payload;
// Using the factory
DataObject factory = new Factory().setName("Name").setPayload("Payload").build();
// As opposed to
DataObject dao = new DataObject("Name", "Payload");
// ==> Factory becomes redundant, only adding extra code
Solution without final:
I'm afraid you will have to forget about the immutability mechanism of C++. The factory pattern is never a bad choice if you have huge data objects (i.e. with a lot of setters), but you can't really avoid mutability of the constructed object. What you could do, is make the data object an inner class of the factory, and make the setters private. That way, ONLY the factory can access the setters. This would be the best approach for you (i.e. simulate immutability).
public class Factory
private String name;
private String payload;
public Factory setName(final String name)
this.name = name;
public Factory setPayload(final String payload)
this.payload = payload;
public DataObject build()
DataObject newObj = new DataObject();
newObj.setName( this.name );
newObj.setPayload( this.payload );
return newObj;
public class DataObject
// fields and setters, ALL PRIVATE
You can either put the object class and factory in the same package, and make the mutable methods package-scoped (this is the default visibility in Java, simply don't declare the methods to be public, private or protected), or make the class truly immutable and do all the work in the constructor. If you find that there are too many arguments in the constructor and it is difficult to understand, consider the Builder Pattern.
There is no direct equal to friend classes in Java. However have a look at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/accesscontrol.html.
If your object implements an interface and the factory returns interface type rather than the concrete type (which is better) then you can use java.lang.reflect.Proxy to create dynamic proxy at runtime that intercepts all method calls to the target object. As in the following code example FooFactory class creates a Foo instance (every time its createFoo method is called) but does not directly return instance but instead returns a dynamic proxy that implements the same interface as Foo and dynamic proxy intercepts and delegates all method calls to the Foo instance. This mechanism can be helpful to control access to a class when you dont have class code.
public class FooFactory {
public static IF createFoo() {
//Create Foo instance
Foo target = new Foo(); // Implements interface IF
//Create a dynamic proxy that intercepts method calls to the Foo instance
IF fooProxy = (IF) Proxy.newProxyInstance(IF.class.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] { IF.class }, new IFInvocationHandler(target));
return fooProxy;
class IFInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private Foo foo;
IFInvocationHandler(Foo foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
throws Throwable {
if (method.getName().equals("setMethod")) {
// Block call
throw new IllegalAccessException();
} else {
// Allow call
method.invoke(proxy, args);
return null;
class Foo implements IF {
public void setMethod() {
} // method that is not allowed to call
public void getMethod() {
interface IF {
void setMethod(); // method that is not allowed to call
void getMethod(); // method that is allowed to call
The closest thing to a C++ friend class in Java is package-private access.
package somewhere.someobjandfriends;
public class SomeObject {
Object aField; // field and constructor
SomeObject() {} // are package-only access
public void aMethod() {
package somewhere.someobjandfriends;
public class SomeObjFactory {
public SomeObject newHelloWorld() {
return new SomeObject() {
aField = "hello world!";
public String toString() {
return aField.toString();
Anywhere outside of the package can see SomeObject and aMethod but can only create new instances through the factory.
Is there a way to flatten inherited classes to discover which functions belong to what class?
if you have a class like:
public class Person
public String name;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
public String getName(){
return this.name;
and an inherited class like
public class Worker extends Person
public String job;
public void setJob(String job){
this.job = job;
public String getJob(){
return this.job;
When you instantiate Worker, is there a way to find out that Set/GetName belongs to the Person class?
I've seen suggestions of using an interface to find this information out but i'm not sure how an interface would be best used to show the kind of function relationships here. Are there any cheats to being able to reference particular classes within an inherited class?
To answer why I wish to do this: I basically want to be able to loop over the methods in an object and ignore ones that come from a certain class, in this instance I want to ignore the Person class.
My real world example isn't quite as simple as this, but i couldn't think of a better way of working out which methods belong to what class without "flattening" them.
The isBridge method in Method class can be used to check whether the method is declared in the Person or Worker class.
public static void main(String[] args)
Worker worker = new Worker();
Class clazz = worker.getClass();
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
for(Method method :methods)
System.out.println(method.getName()+ " is in Worker: "+ !method.isBridge());
The above code will produce the output as:
setName is in Worker: false
getName is in Worker: false
setJob is in Worker: true
getJob is in Worker: true
You can use Reflection API to check whether a method exists within an object, but I don't see why would you do this. Remembering how polymorphism works, we should treat your instance of Worker either as Worker or as Person, but why would you treat it as a Worker as "not quite a Person"?
Worker w = new Worker();
Class c = w.getClass();
Class noparams[] = {};
boolean hasSetJob = false;
c.getDeclaredMethod("setJob", noparams);
hasSetJob = true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
hasSetJob = false;
Anyway any uses of Reflection API in applicative (and not framework) code considered as a hack and a sign that you want to do weird things (which are usually wrong).
If I understand your problem, you could try this way:
Class c = new Worker().getClass();
Method[] ma = c.getMethods();
for (Method m : ma) {
String methodClass = m.getDeclaringClass().getName();
// do something...
else if(methodClass.equals("net.yourpackage.Worker")){
// do something...
// ... other classes
else if(methodClass.equals("java.lang.Object")){
// do something else...
I am trying to use polymorphism to enable different processing of an object based on its class, as follows:
public class GeneralStuff {
private int ID;
public class IntStuff extends GeneralStuff {
private int value;
public void setValue(int v)
value = v;
public int getValue()
return value;
public class DoubleStuff extends GeneralStuff {
private double value;
public void setValue(double v)
value = v;
public double getValue()
return value;
public class ProcessStuff {
public String process(GeneralStuff gS)
return doProcess(gS);
private String doProcess(IntStuff i)
return String.format("%d", i.getValue());
private String doProcess(DoubleStuff d)
return String.format("%f", d.getValue());
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args)
IntStuff iS = new IntStuff();
DoubleStuff dS = new DoubleStuff();
ProcessStuff pS = new ProcessStuff();
This, however, doesn't work, because calling doProcess(gS) expects a method with a signature doProcess(GeneralStuff gS).
I know I could just have two exposed polymorphic process methods in the ProcessStuff class, but the actual situation won't allow it because I'm working within the constraints of an existing library mechanism; this is just a contrived example for testing.
I could, of course, define process(GeneralStuff gS) as
public String process(GeneralStuff gS)
if (gS instanceof IntStuff)
return doProcess((IntStuff) gS);
else if (gS instanceof DoubleStuff)
return doProcess((DoubleStuff) gS);
return "";
which works, but it seems that I shouldn't have to do that (plus, the Programming Police would skewer me for using instanceof in this way).
Is there a way that I can enforce the polymorphic calls in a better way?
Thanks in advance for any help.
The type of dynamic dispatch you are looking for is not possible in Java without using reflection. Java does its linking at compile time based on the declared type (so even though a method is overloaded, the actual method invoked is based on the declared type of the variable not the runtime type).
So you are left with either using instanceof as you propose, using reflection, or putting the process methods in the objects themselves (which is the "oop" way to do it, but is often not suitable or advisable).
One potential alternative is to create a map of processing objects by class, eg:
Map<Class<? extends GeneralStuff>,Processor> processors;
public String process(GeneralStuff stuff)
Processor processor = processors.get(stuff.getClass());
if (processor != null)
return processor.process(stuff);
public interface Processor
public String process(GeneralStuff stuff);
public class IntegerProcessor implements Processor
public String process(GeneralStuff stuff)
return String.format("%i",((IntegerStuff) stuff).getValue());
However, for your specific example, String.format takes objects as the parameters, so you could avoid this whole issue by having getValue and getFormatString methods in GeneralStuff which are overriden in the specific subclasses.
You are actually on the right track, you indeed need to use reflection in this case. What you are looking for is sort of double dispatch, because you want the dispatch to be done on the dynamic type of the stuff parameter.
This type of switching-on-dynamic-type is not as rare as you think. See for example this javaworld tipe, which reflects on the visitor pattern
The compiler complains for good reason. There is no guarantee that your GeneralStuff object is an IntStuff or a DoubleStuff. It can be a plain GeneralStuff or any other extension of GeneralStuff, which is a case you also did not cover in your process method with the instanceof (unless returning the empty String was the desired behavior).
Is it not possible to move that process method into the GeneralStuff class and override it in the extensions ?
Another possible solution is to have a sort of composite ProcessStuff class in which you plug a IntStuffProcess, DoubleStuffProcess, ... instance . Each of those instances will still have the instanceof check to decide whether they can handle the GeneralStuff object passed to them, but this is at least more scalable/maintainable then one big instanceof construct
Perhaps, it's better to have overloaded process method in ProcessStuff:
public class ProcessStuff {
private String process(IntStuff i) {
return String.format("%d", i.getValue());
private String process(DoubleStuff d) {
return String.format("%f", d.getValue());
Define an GeneralStuff as an abstract class, with a doProcess method (abstract) which is filled in in the inheriting classes. This way you avoid all problems with instanceof values and such. Or you can do what is suggested by βнɛƨн Ǥʋяʋиɢ, but then you still would have to define an overload for each specific class, whereas in mine you just call it directly.
So my suggestion would be:
public abstract class GeneralStuff {
private int ID;
public abstract String process();
public class IntStuff extends GeneralStuff {
private int value;
public void setValue(int v)
value = v;
public int getValue()
return value;
public String process(){
return String.format("%d", getValue());
public class DoubleStuff extends GeneralStuff {
private double value;
public void setValue(double v)
value = v;
public double getValue()
return value;
public String process(){
return String.format("%f", getValue());
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args)
IntStuff iS = new IntStuff();
DoubleStuff dS = new DoubleStuff();
ProcessStuff pS = new ProcessStuff();