Can't access moskito-inspect webui - java

I am trying to use moskito-inspect tool in embedded mode, here is my pom.xml
When I am running maven clean install I am getting war-file, which has the next inner structure:
When I deploy this war-file in tomcat, I can access my application by this URL:
(where ada - application name)
so I have tried to access moskito-inspect webui by this URLs:
However, tomcat response for all these links in 404 [Not found].
What am I doing wrong, may be someone faced the same problem?
Thanks in advance

I have figure out that you should add to your web.xml Moskito filters configuration - like in this article.
But author also said in this article that
With version 2.4.0 and servlet spec 3.0 no changes of the web.xml are
That's why I ignored that guide - very misleading advice!


Error when trying to run spring-boot native with aws credentials

I'm trying to migrate a java spring boot application to use spring boot native implementation and I'm facing some problems to realize it. Many of the problems that I've faced I solved just googling, but this one with aws credentials provider I couldn't find any help.
I generate the executable file running: mvn -Pnative -DskipTests clean install. I'm using maven 3.8.6 and sdkman with graalvm 22.2.r17-grl.
The problem occurs when I trying to execute the generated file. This is the error I'm facing: Native reflection configuration for com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider.<init>(com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials) is missing
This is the main parts of my pom.xml:
And this is my java QueueMessagingTemplate configuration:
public QueueMessagingTemplate queueMessagingTemplate(AmazonSQSAsync amazonSQSAsync) {
return new QueueMessagingTemplate(amazonSQSAsync);
Does anybody have an idea about how to solve it?

Forcing jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate setters or constructors

I have a following build configuration. It is working properly, however the problem is in case of generating constructor with all args or generating setters for list.
Can you tell me how to force xjc to generate setters for lists or args-constructors ?
This thing works for me
Let me know if you find any issues with this.
For generating setter for the collection I added the dependency to org.andromda.thirdparty.jaxb2_commons but it' works only for the new version of jaxb2-maven-plugin. I tried with 2.5.0 and it's works, using the version 2.3.1 doesn't work.
Here an example:
To generate collection setters you have to add collection-setter-injector to jaxb plugin dependencies and for value constuctor generation - jaxb2-value-constructor. You also have to add proper args to argument list (-Xcollection-setter-injector and -Xvalue-constructor. Example plugin configuration in pom.xml:

Lombok and AspectJ

I'm trying to use Lombok in combination with AspectJ and Maven.
So, what's the problem?
When I use the AspectJ Maven Plugin (, it takes the sources and compiles them and ignores changes made by Lombok. I followed this tutorial and came up with this code and AspectJ works, but Lombok dies with this message:
[WARNING] You aren't using a compiler supported by lombok, so lombok will not work and has been disabled.
Your processor is:
Lombok supports: sun/apple javac 1.6, ECJ
So, does anyone know how to get Lombok in combination with AspectJ working?
Use ajc to process classes.
<!-- use this goal to weave all your main classes -->
<!-- use this goal to weave all your test classes -->
Use delombok to generate normal source code. And then proceed as you would if Lombok were not being used.
Store your Lombok-annotated code in main/src/lombok (for example) and then have the delombok plugin convert these annotations into normal code and into the directory /delomboked (for example).
I tried various solutions, finally specifying the javac compiler option like the below one worked
This works for me with command line mvn clean install, but in Eclipse IDE, the problem is not solved, eg. log is not correctly recognized for #Slf4j.
<!-- <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> -->
<!-- this is important: start-->
<!-- this is important: end-->
<!-- The right phase is very important! Compile and weave aspects after all classes compiled by javac -->
I had a configuration/excludes/exclude section with the spring-boot-maven-plugin where the "aspectjweaver" dependency had been declared. The exclude section had "org.projectlombok" in it, and looks like that's why none of my lombok annotations were being processed while building using "mvn clean install"
I initially had this:
<excludes> <!------- THIS IS WHERE my problem started by exluding lombok -->
When I removed the excludes part, then the build started taking the lombok annotations and worked. This is my section now:
SpringBoot AND Java: 16
At this moment (19-11-2022) aspectJ plugin not support 17
After reseach and testing all day, here is my success build.
Main idea is using javac to compile code first (compliance with lombok) and after that use aspectj only for weaving class.
<delete dir="${}/unwoven-classes"/>
<mkdir dir="${}/unwoven-classes"/>
<!-- Modifying output directory of default compile because non-weaved classes must be stored
in separate folder to not confuse ajc by reweaving already woven classes (which leads to
to ajc error message like "bad weaverState.Kind: -115") -->
<!-- Compile and weave aspects after all classes compiled by javac -->

How to make AspectJ work on the server

I am using AspectJ (not Spring) to implement AOP in my Java Web application. It works fine when built by Maven project in Eclipse.
But putting and deploying the war package on the remote server, the AOP won't execute.
here's part of pom.xml:
<!-- <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> -->
Any advice?
Sorry guys, AspectJ did work on the server side and it does NOT need to add any extra jar file. I tried to log some info in an aspect method by using a enum that been advised, means the advise will be called recursively that caused stackoverflowexception.
Now I cant exclude Enum whthin the curtain class:
LogLevel is a enum in the class: xxx.xx.Utility
The compile info:
[INFO] Join point 'method-execution(int[] xxx.xx.Utility.$SWITCH_TABLE$xxx$xx$Utility$LogLevel())' in Type 'xxx.xx.Utility' ( advised by before advice from 'zzz.zz.AAAA' (AAAA.aj:5)
my aspect content:
pointcut pc() : (execution(* xxx.xx..(..)) && !within(is(EnumType)));
before() : pc() {


i get this error while using jetty:run plugin on a ZK web project , i am using a zk archetype version 7.0.0.
[ERROR] failed org.mortbay.jetty.plugin.Jetty6PluginWebAppContext#a925d{/InTouchF,G:\workspace\InTouchF\src\main\webapp}
this is my jetty configuration :
Try adding this to your dependencies :
i resolved the problem by using the version 7.0.0pre2 of jetty-maven-plugin and jsp-2.1 as follow :
