I am trying to test my soap web service by SOAP-UI, Also I use Spring-ws and Java.
I point to my wsdl file in spring configuration like this:
<bean id="myservice" class="org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.SimpleWsdl11Definition">
<constructor-arg value="/WEB-INF/wsdl/myservice.wsdl"/>
Then in the SOAP UI I locate this wsdl file, but it does not create and WSDL-interface that I can work with to create requests.
But If I use the exactly same xsd but dynamically create the wsdl file than SOAP UI creates the wsdl interface fine:
<sws:dynamic-wsdl id="myservice"
<sws:xsd location="/mypath.xsd"/>
What am I missing? I need modify my wsdl file and not work directly with spring auto generated wsdl.
I'm trying to generate classes using an MEX endpoint unfortunately doesn't seems to be possible, because it won't find the WSDL.
I also want create a client for that web services using spring and Apache CXF but I don't know if I'm in the right path. I tried declaring the following on my spring-config:
<jaxws:client name="{http://payments.com:8080/}IOriginatorPaymentsService"
<entry key="ws-security.username" value="Username"/>
<entry key="ws-security.password" value="Password"/>
My questions are:
1. It's possible to generate the classes using only the following MEX endpoint http://payments.com:8080/OriginatorPaymentsHNL/Service/OriginatorPaymentsService.svc/mex the WSDL appears to be unexposed.
Could you provide an example of how to use spring and Apache CXF to create a client for the MEX endpoint.
As far I understand I can't unless the web service has enable the httpGetEnabled flag to expose the WSDL.
Thank you
Enable httpGetEnabled flag to expose the WSDL
I am trying to consume web service using CXF component in mule(Anypoint Studio).
So I tried genrating the WSDL file from URL but I was getting this errror: Rpc/encoded wsdls are not supported in CXF so I followed this answer.
It worked and it generated client stubs, then copied the files into my mule project.
but I am getting this error:
Service.SomeService.<init>(java.net.URL, javax.xml.namespace.QName) (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException)
This is my flow:
<flow name="WebServiceTest">
<outbound-endpoint address=""/>
Any ideas?
Your configuration is not correct specially your outbound endpoint url.
You can try configuring a CXF client as per Mule documentation.
You can also build a client for your JAX-WS services without generating a client from WSDL. Here you need a copy of your service interface and all your data objects locally to use something like this :-
<flow name="csvPublisher">
<cxf:jaxws-client serviceClass="org.example.HelloService" operation="sayHi"/>
<outbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:63081/services/greeter"/>
Another approach is you can use a CXF-generated client as an outbound endpoint. First, you need to generate a CXF client using the WSDL to Java tool from CXF or the Maven plugin.
Then you need to configure something like the following :-
<flow name="csvPublisher">
<outbound-endpoint address="http://localhost:63081/services/greeter"/>
It is better to put the wsdl in your local classpath.
Please checkout the full documentation here as reference to get it configured :-
Consuming a Webservice Using Mule 3.4
Just like validating an XML file against an XML Schema Definition in Java is there a way to validate an XML file that contains a SOAP Envelope against a WSDL file?
Some web service containers provide this functionality. JBoss 3.0.1+ does this with the #SchemaValidation annotation:
If you are using Spring-WS, this can be done by using an interceptor along these lines:
<sws:payloadRoot namespaceUri="...">
<bean id="validatingInterceptor"
<property name="schema" value="classpath:/wsdl/schema.xsd" />
<property name="validateRequest" value="true" />
<property name="validateResponse" value="true" />
With CXF, here is an approach:
There is a tool developed by Ivan Krivyakov which validates the req or resp XMLs based on the WSDL and / or XSD provided. The tool is available at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/182406/Validating-SOAP-Message-against-WSDL (requires you to create a login though.)
I don't know simple way. In our project we just copy and paste element from WSDL to XSD file. You can write an util class which will make this work instead of you.
We used the PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping to map endpoint scripts (based on a scripting language like groovy or something else) to a given root QName. We recently tried to migrate spring ws to version 2.0. The javadoc of the PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping shows that the class is marked as deprecated.
PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping Deprecated as of Spring Web Services 2.0, in favor of PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping
Since annotations are static we can't provide a dynamic concept for scripting endpoints. Until now we could generically map the Bean which is handling a script endpoint (provided with a script file and some contexts) to the root QName.
Short: How can we achieve the good old bean endpoint to Root QName mapping without using the deprecated API? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Can you use something like the SimpleMethodEndpointMapping to write your own dispatcher? Check the link for the source
You can use more general XPathPayloadEndpointMapping where xpath will point to root element.
<bean id="endpointMapping" class="org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.mapping.XPathPayloadEndpointMapping">
<property name="expression" value="local-name(//*[1])" />
<property name="endpointMap">
<entry key="rootElement" value="endpointRef" />
I have a JAX-RPC web service that I am attempting to consume using Spring. This is my first time using Spring to consume a web service, so right now I'm just trying to get it to integrate with the JAX-RPC web service as a test.
The web service has several dozen operations in it, but for right now I only care about one. Here are the interfaces I've created on the Spring/client side:
public interface WSClient {
public boolean userExists(int userid);
public interface WSService {
//this method matches the method signature of the Web Service
public com.company.data.User getUser(int userid);
And here is my applicationContext.xml:
<bean id="WSClient" class="com.company.ws.test.WSClientImpl">
<property name="service" ref="myWebService"></property>
<bean id="myWebService" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="serviceInterface" value="com.company.ws.test.WSService"/>
<property name="endpointAddress" value=""/>
<property name="namespaceUri" value="http://www.company.com/wdsl"/>
<property name="serviceName" value="CompanyWebService"/>
<property name="username" value="username"/>
<property name="password" value="password"/>
<property name="maintainSession" value="true"/>
Using this configuration of JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean, invoking the Service returns the following exception:
org.springframework.remoting.RemoteProxyFailureException: Invalid JAX-RPC call configuration; nested exception is operation style: "rpc" not supported
I've never fully understood the difference between RPC and document-style web services; however, I believe this web service is using RPC-style - so this exception confuses me.
Second, I'm confused on which properties I should be setting with JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean:
If I set the wsdlDocumentUrl property, I end up getting a HTTP 401 error as this web service sits behind HTTP Basic Authentication, and it seems Spring does not use the username/password properties when fetching the WSDL.
If I specify a PortInterface property (with a value of CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort), then I get a different Exception stating:
Failed to initialize service for JAX-RPC port [{http://www.company.com/wdsl}CompanyWebServiceInterfacePort]; nested exception is WSDL data missing, this operation is not available
In other words, it's telling me that the WSDL is missing - which I can't set since Spring won't use the username/password to fetch it from the server!
I'm not sure if any of this makes any sense, but in essence what I'm unsure of is:
For a JAX-RPC service, do I need to set the PortInterface property? Is this the path I should be going down?
Similiarly, does Spring need me to set the wsdlDocumentUrl property? If so, is there any way I can tell Spring which WSDL and get around the authentication problem?
I eventually solved this by saving a copy of the WSDL file locally, and, since JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean expects a java.net.URL for the wsdlDocumentUrl property, had to set it with a path like file:///c:/.../blah.wsdl.
This isn't really all that desireable, I would hate to have to put a file:/// URI in a Spring context file that might be deployed on a server, especially on a different platform - seems odd that this class behaves this way.
I'm guessing most people aren't using Spring aren't using JAX-RPC anyway.