Missing method call for verify(mock) here - java

I have a problem with the mockito.
Code to my program
public boolean bajaContribuyente(String dni){
Contribuyente c = em.find(Contribuyente.class, dni);
return true;
return false;
And the test:
public static void setUpBeforeClass()throws Exception{
when(em.find(Contribuyente.class, "4")).thenReturn(contribuyenteD);
public void testBajaContribuyente(){
verify(em).find(Contribuyente.class, "4");
JUnit say that missing method call for verify(mock), but i dont know why

You likely need to add a static import of Mockito's methods (e.g. verify), like the following:
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;


How To Write a Java Unit Test for the Method inside Another Method?

Public Class DailyJob(){
public void runJob(ScheduleJob currentJob) {
try {
int employee = employeeService.getEmployeeNum();
JobPerformance jobPerformance = performanceService.searchJobPerformance(employee);
if(jobPerformance.size() >0 ) {
else {
//catch error
By now I want to write a Junit test for runJob(). But how can I setup the value I prefer into 'employee' parameter in Junit Test while I test runJob()? Anyone know how to implement it?
You can use Mockito. You setup stubbing, which will return desired value. Also you can stub for multiple calls by
.thenReturn(9, 10, 7);
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class MyTest {
void test() {
EmployeeService employeeService = mock(EmployeeService.class);

Verify method in constructor was called

I have a constructor that calls a method, like this:
public Foo(boolean runExtraStuff) {
if (runExtraStuff){
The doExtraStuff() method is running some additional commands that are not easily mocked themselves (things like database checks to initialize some variables). Perhaps it would be better for the constructor to not do this, but this is the code I have to work with at the moment.
I would like to create a unit test to make sure that doExtraStuff() is called when the boolean runExtraStuff is true and does not run when the boolean is false. I am using JMockit.
However, I'm not sure how to make this happen. Normally I would use a Verifications on a mocked object, but since I am testing the constructor, I can't use a mocked object in this way. So how can I verify that a method within a constructor was called?
It's easy enough, even if it requires partial mocking:
public void runsSetupWhenRequestedOnFooInitialization()
// Partially mocks the class under test:
new Expectations(Foo.class) {};
final Foo foo = new Foo(true);
// Assuming "setup" is not private (if it is, use Deencapsulation.invoke):
new Verifications() {{ foo.setup(); }};
public void doesNotRunSetupWhenNotRequestedOnFooInitialization()
new Expectations(Foo.class) {};
final Foo foo = new Foo(false);
new Verifications() {{ foo.setup(); times = 0; }};
Of course, it would probably be better to avoid mocking in a case like this; instead, the test should check the state of the object through getters or other available methods, if at all possible.
Well, the straightforward answer doesn't use JMockit at all..
in src/main/java/example..
package example;
public class Foo {
private boolean setupRan = false;
public Foo(boolean runSetup) {
if (runSetup) setup();
public void setup() {
setupRan = true;
public boolean getSetupRan() {
return setupRan;
in src/test/java/example..
package example;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FooTest {
private Foo testSubject;
public void should_run_setup() {
testSubject = new Foo(true);
public void should_not_run_setup() {
testSubject = new Foo(false);
I'll go out on a limb and guess that you are interested in a partial mock here:
in src/main/java/example..
package example;
public class Foo1 {
public Foo1(boolean runSetup) {
if (runSetup) setup();
public void setup() {
System.out.println("in setup()");
in src/test/java/example..
package example;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
import mockit.Expectations;
import mockit.Mocked;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Foo1Test {
// hateful partial mocking of test subject!
private Foo1 testSubject;
public void should_run_setup() {
new Expectations() {{
testSubject.setup(); // setup() is called
testSubject = new Foo1(true);
public void should_not_run_setup() {
new Expectations() {{
testSubject.setup(); times = 0;
testSubject = new Foo1(false);
EDIT 1: Note that you won't see the println output since the method was mocked.
EDIT 2: Set expectations for invocations of testSubject.setup() to times = 0 in second test

Mock a single static method using PowerMock and TestNG

class StaticClass {
public static String a(){ return "a"; }
public static String ab(){ return a()+"b"; }
I want to mock StaticClass::a so that it returns "x" and the call to StaticClass.ab() results in "xb"...
I find it very hard in PowerMock and TestNG...
the exact code I am testing righ now:
class StaticClass {
public static String A() {
System.out.println("Called A");
throw new IllegalStateException("SHOULD BE MOCKED AWAY!");
public static String B() {
System.out.println("Called B");
return A() + "B";
public class StaticClassTest extends PowerMockTestCase {
public void testAB() throws Exception {
assertEquals("AB", StaticClass.B()); // IllegalStateEx is still thrown :-/
I have Maven dependencies on:
Why not try something like :
I think this can be accomplished with a Partial Mock.
PowerMock.mockStaticPartial(Mocked.class, "methodToBeMocked");
This might be of help: http://avricot.com/blog/index.php?post/2011/01/25/powermock-%3A-mocking-a-private-static-method-on-a-class

PowerMock: How to unmock a method?

I have a static method that is mocked using PowerMock to throw an exception. (It deletes files.) Unfortunately, during my #After (after-each-test) method, I need to call this method without the mocks. How can I umock a method?
I don't see an equivalent to Mockito.reset(). [ Ref: mockito : how to unmock a method? ]
#PrepareForTest(PathUtils.class) // Important: This class has a static method we want to mock.
public class CleaningServiceImplTest2 extends TestBase {
public static final File testDirPath = new File(CleaningServiceImplTest2.class.getSimpleName());
public static void beforeAllTests() throws PathException {
public static void afterAllTests() throws PathException {
private File randomParentDirPath;
private CleaningServiceImpl classUnderTest;
public void beforeEachTest() {
randomParentDirPath = new File(testDirPath, UUID.randomUUID().toString()).getAbsoluteFile();
classUnderTest = new CleaningServiceImpl(randomParentDirPath);
public void afterEachTest() throws PathException {
public static void recursiveDeleteDirectory(File dirPath) throws PathException {
// calls PathUtils.removeFile(...)
public void run_FailWhenCannotRemoveFile() throws IOException {
// We only want to mock one method. Use spy() and not mockStatic().
// These two statements are tightly bound.
PowerMockito.doThrow(new PathException(PathException.PathExceptionReason.UNKNOWN, randomParentDirPath, null, "message"))
This took me a while to figure out, so I am answering my own question.
AFAIK, you need to "undo" each mock. Mockito.reset() will not work with Class<?> references. At the end of the test method, add:
// Undo the mock above because we need to call PathUtils.removeFile() within #After.
The only way you can undo mocking of a static method with PowerMock is when you mock a class at the beginning of a test and then undo the mock at the end of a test. It doesn't matter if you use SPY or a regular mocking.
Tested with:
"org.powermock" % "powermock" % "1.5" % Test,
"org.powermock" % "powermock-api-mockito" % "1.6.1" % Test,
Test class
package mytests;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
public class TestTest {
public void checkIfOriginalMethodGetsCalled() {
// PowerMockito.mockStatic(StaticTest.class); if you do this in #Before you are not going to be able to undo it
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isEqualTo("ORIGINAL VALUE");
assertThat(StaticTest.otherStaticMethod()).isEqualTo("SPY TEST ORIGINAL");
public void test1() {
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isEqualTo("ORIGINAL VALUE");
public void test3_mocking() {
mock(); // mock or spy static methods in a test, not in #Before
Mockito.when(StaticTest.staticMethod()).thenReturn("MOCKED VALUE");
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isEqualTo("MOCKED VALUE");
assertThat(StaticTest.otherStaticMethod()).isEqualTo("SPY TEST ORIGINAL");
undoMock(); // undo the mock at the end of each test, not in #After
private void mock() {
// PowerMockito.mockStatic(StaticTest.class); both, spy and mockStatic work ok
private void undoMock() {
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isNull(); // the undo is going to work in the next test, not here yet.
public void test2() {
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isEqualTo("ORIGINAL VALUE");
public void checkIfOriginalMethodGetsCalled_AfterMockUndo() {
// undoMock(); in #After doesn't work with static methods
assertThat(StaticTest.staticMethod()).isEqualTo("ORIGINAL VALUE");
assertThat(StaticTest.otherStaticMethod()).isEqualTo("SPY TEST ORIGINAL");
class StaticTest {
public static String staticMethod() {
public static String otherStaticMethod() {

JUnit #Ignore all other tests (#IgnoreOther ?)

I'm testing extensively with JUnit and sometimes - while debugging my code - I want (temporary) only run a single #Test of my #RunWith(Arquillian.class) test class. Currently I'm adding a #Ignore to all other tests and wondering if something like #IgnoreOther does exist.
Are there better solutions to ignore all other tests?
The simplest way is to replace all #Test to //###$$$#Test. Then when your debugging is finished replace //###$$$#Test to #Test.
Moreover typically IDEs allow running one test only. For example in Eclipse you can do it from Outline view.
Just my two cents. You can try to use Junit Rules as #srkavin suggested.
Here is an example.
package org.foo.bar;
import org.junit.rules.MethodRule;
import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
public class SingleTestRule implements MethodRule {
private String applyMethod;
public SingleTestRule(String applyMethod) {
this.applyMethod = applyMethod;
public Statement apply(final Statement statement, final FrameworkMethod method, final Object target) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
if (applyMethod.equals(method.getName())) {
package org.foo.bar;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
public class IgnoreAllTest {
public SingleTestRule test = new SingleTestRule("test1");
public void test1() throws Exception {
public void test2() throws Exception {
public void test3() throws Exception {
Test rules (JUnit 4.7+) will help. For example, you can write a rule that ignores all #Test methods except one with a specific name.
The answer from srkavin (and mijer) is correct, but the code is deprecated from JUnit 4.9. The interface and the method signature have changed. I want to provide this for others interested in this issue.
public class IgnoreOtherRule implements TestRule
private String applyMethod;
public IgnoreOtherRule(String applyMethod){
this.applyMethod = applyMethod;
public Statement apply(final Statement statement, final Description description)
return new Statement()
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
if (applyMethod.equals(description.getMethodName())) {
