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Closed 7 years ago.
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How would you decide which design pattern to use?
I am asked the above question in at-least 2 different interviews .Apparently I am not the only one.Somebody else posted the same question on glassdoor.
Any thoughts/suggestions/comments on how to answer that question ?

Well in fact it is overwhelming. There is no simple answer or chosen design patterns. I will begin to apply the "separation of concern" design principle. One class/set of functions only do one thing. That will help to reduce the complexity. Then you can apply structural design patterns. To begin, you can just use delegation.
Before thinking DP, think separation of concern to divide your code in small understandable parts. Then use some DP to link them all.
Do not go looking for situations where to use design patterns, look for code that can be optimised. When you have code that you think is not structured correctly. try to find a design pattern that will solve the problem.
Design patterns are meant to help you solve structural problems, do not go design your application just to be able to use design patterns.


is there a preferable relationship between classes? Why? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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is there really a preferable relationship between classes ? or it depends on the software we have ?
I know that we have is-a and has-a relationships in classes relations but, is there a one relation that is Confident and it most preferable between software-designers.
The only preferred relationship between classes is independence. Because independence means guranteed separation of concerns and freedom to evolve. (Joke)
But unfortunately independence is not very useful: Lots of lonesome classes will only help to solve lots of little isolated problems. If you really want to make something useful, you'll have to relate the right classes. And then, the only thing that matters is what relationship helps you to best address your needs. Sometimes it's inheritance (is-a), sometimes it's composition (has-a). It all depends on the context.
What your "doctor" probably meant was to prefer composition over inheritance. This is a useful advice. But it is a simple rule of thumb: it is not a universal truth.

What is better to design or discover interface [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Let's say you have some issue to develop. And as recommended practice it is good idea to use interfaces ( I don't mean GUI, I mean interface or abstract class ). And you can apply two ( I'm pretty sure, but for now I noticed I apply two ) ways:
Design interfaces upfront and then implement them.
Implement classes and then on basics of classes discover interface.
Personally I prefer second option, but during discussions with other developers I noticed that somebody prefers first approach. I can say that I prefer second approach for the following reasons:
I can faster write code
I avoid unnesessary code ( something that I never will use )
Interfaces in that case are more binded to "real" life
For me it is more convenient.
I'd like to hear other advices why somebody prefers option 1 or option 2.
As usually I code in C#, but AFAIK java also have idea of interfaces

Creating GUI why drag and drop is worse than writing a code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As the title says, why better programmers write the code to create a GUI element. E.g. jTable, I am noob and I am used to drag it from swing controls and drop it there on my panel. But smarter way is to create jPanel in the code, isn't it?
I can see one reason and it is that later in the GUI class I have easier access to it.
So the question is why is there both possibilities and which one is the right one and which one is more professional?
EDIT: I am not asking on your personal opinion I am asking what is better and for what reason. I want to know facts not opinions.
This is entirely subjective, but many people stay away from gui builders for several reasons:
They hide implementation details from you, which is bad for novices.
The code they generate is not really meant to be fiddled with by humans, so going in and changing your code is much more difficult.
Using a gui builder adds a dependency on that gui builder, which is generally a bad thing. What if that gui builder stops being maintained?
Again though, this is entirely subjective, and whether you use a gui builder or code it yourself is up to you and your context. This isn't really a question for SO.

Should names be in good english? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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(This might be the wrong place to ask the question, please let me know).
Should I name my method isStaticallyImported or isStaticlyImported?
(They'd be pronounced pretty much the same way, I believe)
Of course they should be in good english. Even if the human brain will likely have no problems reading garbled up words, compilers do not enjoy the same luxury.
How many times have you miswritten a variable name, then later on used the correct spelling, only to find out that the program crashed at run/compile time?
This problem is only amplified when working on code that was not written by you, because we think of things as, well, things, and having to specially remember that the thing had to be spelled in a special way is just an unneeded break to your workflow.
Yes, your variables should be clear to the developer. You can name it whatever you want and it will work because the compiler doesn't care. When you name the variable in a human readable manner then developers after you will be able to read and understand your code much easier. You should name it "isStaticallyImported".
They should be in the most easily understandable language for those using and maintaining it in my opinion.
I'm also pretty sure the compiler doesn't care about the quality of spelling.

Why we use Strategy Facade in Java projects [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the use of Strategy Facade in Java projects?
Please help on this.
Its a design pattern
A facade is an object that provides a simplified interface to a larger body of code
The strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a software design pattern, whereby an algorithm's behaviour can be selected at runtime.
Get Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, it changed my mind (and I learnt a lot!)
