How to get an instance of Internet Explorer from java? - java

I have a java 6 application, and i need to get a determined instance of internet explorer from java?. This instance of IE it is running in the same pc that JVM. When i get the instance, i need to change the url.
Anybody has any idea about this?
I searched in google, and i found some related with this. I think, I need to install something from microsoft for to use this package. It is valid for windows XP and Java 6?
I found the page
I found JNA, and i have a pice of code, where i can get a handler of a User32 instance. But i don´t know how i can navigate to an URL.
public static void main(String[] args) {
HWND hwnd = User32.INSTANCE.FindWindow
(null, "PageTitle"); // window title
if (hwnd == null) {
System.out.println("Excel is not running");
User32.INSTANCE.ShowWindow(hwnd, 9 ); // SW_RESTORE
User32.INSTANCE.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); // bring to front


Maximize browser window in LeanFT

I am looking for some solution, like this in Selenium WebDriver:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();options.addArgument("--start-maximized");
So browser window should be maximized when test is executed.
I found a profile based solution for this problem, but it opens a lot of tabs, which is maybe caused by escape characters.
public void chromeWithProfileLaunch() throws Exception {
String profileDir = "--user-data-dir=\"c:\\Temp\\profile1\""; //should be different folder every time
String leanftChromeExtension = "--load-extension=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HPE\\LeanFT\\Installations\\Chrome\\Extension"; //to load the LeanFT extension
String homePage = ""; //the homepage to start with
new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe", profileDir, leanftChromeExtension, homePage)
Thread.sleep(2000); //wait for Chrome process to load
Browser openedBrowser = BrowserFactory.attach(new BrowserDescription.Builder().title("Google").type(BrowserType.CHROME).build());
Verify.areEqual(homePage, openedBrowser.getURL());
I don't know about maximized but LeanFT supports putting the browser in fullScreen mode.
LeanFT doesn't support maximize() out of the box yet.
However, you could use sendKeys() method.
I'm not entirely sure if you can to it on the browser instance directly, or you need to getPage() first, but you can definitelly send Super key (win key) + ↑ as specified here. ↓ for restoring back to the initial state.
Here's an example using sendKeys with Java SDK if you need it.

Java Selenium Web Scraping Upload Image [duplicate]

I have seen lots of questions and solutions on File upload using Selenium WebDriver on Stack Overflow. But none of them are working for following scenario.
Someone has given a solution as following
// assuming driver is a healthy WebDriver instance
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("uploadfile"));
But still I can't find window handle. How can I work on that?
I am looking for a solution for the scenario above.
Please check this on any of the following websites.
// assuming driver is a healthy WebDriver instance
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("uploadfile"));
Hey, that's mine from somewhere :).
In case of the Zamzar web, it should work perfectly. You don't click the element. You just type the path into it. To be concrete, this should be absolutely ok:
In the case of the Uploadify web, you're in a pickle, since the upload thing is no input, but a Flash object. There's no API for WebDriver that would allow you to work with browser dialogs (or Flash objects).
So after you click the Flash element, there'll be a window popping up that you'll have no control over. In the browsers and operating systems I know, you can pretty much assume that after the window has been opened, the cursor is in the File name input. Please, make sure this assumption is true in your case, too.
If not, you could try to jump to it by pressing Alt + N, at least on Windows...
If yes, you can "blindly" type the path into it using the Robot class. In your case, that would be something in the way of:
Robot r = new Robot();
r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_C); // C
r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_COLON); // : (colon)
r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SLASH); // / (slash)
// etc. for the whole file path
r.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER); // confirm by pressing Enter in the end
It sucks, but it should work. Note that you might need these: How can I make Robot type a `:`? and Convert String to KeyEvents (plus there is the new and shiny KeyEvent#getExtendedKeyCodeForChar() which does similar work, but is available only from JDK7).
For Flash, the only alternative I know (from this discussion) is to use the dark technique:
First, you modify the source code of you the flash application, exposing
internal methods using the ActionScript's ExternalInterface API.
Once exposed, these methods will be callable by JavaScript in the browser.
Second, now that JavaScript can call internal methods in your flash app,
you use WebDriver to make a JavaScript call in the web page, which will
then call into your flash app.
This technique is explained further in the docs of the flash-selenium project.
(, but the idea behind the technique
applies just as well to WebDriver.
Below code works for me :
public void test() {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Using C# and Selenium this code here works for me, NOTE you will want to use a parameter to swap out "localhost" in the FindWindow call for your particular server if it is not localhost and tracking which is the newest dialog open if there is more than one dialog hanging around, but this should get you started:
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow")]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
public static void UploadFile(this IWebDriver webDriver, string fileName)
var dialogHWnd = FindWindow(null, "Select file(s) to upload by localhost");
var setFocus = SetForegroundWindow(dialogHWnd);
if (setFocus)
I made use of sendkeys in shell scripting using a vbsscript file. Below is the code in vbs file,
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "C:\Demo.txt"
WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Below is the selenium code line to run this vbs file,
Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "wscript C:/script.vbs" );
Find the element (must be an input element with type="file" attribute) and send the path to the file.
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("uploadFile"));
NOTE: If you're using a RemoteWebDriver, you will also have to set a file detector. The default is UselessFileDetector
WebElement fileInput = driver.findElement("uploadFile"));
driver.setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector());
There is a simpler way to solve this then what Slanec described. Hes solution works when you are using an English keyboard, if not you will have a hard time trying to "map" the key for special characters.
Instead of robot.keyPress and robot.keyRelease every single key you can use Toolkit to copy the String to the clipboard and then paste it.
StringSelection s = new StringSelection("Path to the file");
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(s, null);
Robot robot = new Robot();
First add the file to your project resource directory
public YourPage uploadFileBtnSendKeys() {
final ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
final File file = new File(classLoader.getResource("yourFile.whatever").getPath());
return this;
Walla, you will see your choosen selected file, and have skipped the file explorer window
Import System.Windows.Forms binary to the test solution and call the following two LOC on clicking the Upload button on the UI.
// Send the file path and enter file path and wait.
System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait("complete path of the file");
An alternative solution would be to write a script to automate the Open File dialog. See AutoIt.
Also, if you can't "click" the element, my workaround is generally to do this:
Hope this helps (Even though it's an old post)
Below code works for me:
// wait for the window to appear
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
// switch to the file upload window
Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
// enter the filename
// hit enter
Robot r = new Robot();
// switch back
You have put double slash \\ for the entire absolute path to achieve this
Example:- D:\\images\\Lighthouse.jpg
- use sendkeys for the button having browse option(The button which will open
your window box to select files)
- Now click on the button which is going to upload you file
Use AutoIt Script To Handle File Upload In Selenium Webdriver. It's working fine for the above scenario.
Please use below link for further assistance:
worked well for me. Taking another approach provided in answer above by Matt in C# .net could also work with Class name #32770 for upload box.
The below one had worked for me
webDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#type='file' and #name='importFile']")).sendKeys("C:/path/to/file.jpg");
Double the backslashes in the path, like this:

lwuit wizard and deploy

I am developing J2ME application with lwuit and Codenameone and created it in lots of time. After I created it I wanted to deploy it in some devices like Nokia, Samsung, LG and etc. that they supported MIDP. So I figure out Nokia devices run it with no error and Samsung and other companies devices have some problems that I can't understand why?!
So I tried different way of creating this application. I used Codenameone wizard with blank theme and manual template and then I tried to deploy it. Well, that right. I got success and it ran in Samsung devices too.
After that I tried to add some forms to "theme" in this appliaction and run it in simulator. I changed some code in my main class like this:
public class Main extends UIBuilder {
private Form current;
public void init(Object context) {
Resources theme = Resources.openLayered("/theme");
}catch(IOException e){
public void start() {
if(current != null){;
Form hi = findMain();//new Form("Hi World");
//hi.addComponent(new Label("Hi World"));;
public void stop() {
current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
public void destroy() {
public com.codename1.ui.Form findMain() {
return (com.codename1.ui.Form)findByName("Main", Display.getInstance().getCurrent());
I got error when I ran it.
So this is my questions:
I created one application in Visual Mode of Codenameone.
How can I run it in Samsung and some other devices like Samsung (without opertaing system, just support java or MIDP)?
How can I change my Visual Mode application to Manual Mode in Codenameone?
Thanks in advance.
You are deriving from UIBuilder within the lifecycle class and trying to use a finder method on something that isn't showing yet. There is absolutely no way that your code works in the simulator and it is not the code that was generated by the wizard.
Thanks Shai. For creating I did hard coding and create all of forms one by one.
I implement base Form that derive from com.codenameone.ui.Form and every forms derive from base Form.

Java Robot Class - Add focus to a specific running Application?

I am just trying to figure out if/how to get the Java Robot class to change focus from the running java app, to a specific process, such as ms word or firefox.
Robot can't do that automatically. You can activate another application via alt-tab as has been suggested above, but you'll need to know the z-order of the application that you want to activate. I think that to really do this best you'll want to get the window's handle (hWnd) of the top-level window that you want to activate (if this is a Windows app), and then using the Windows user32 library functions activate the desired window. For this I recommend using JNA as one of the easiest ways (when compared to JNI). You would have to first download the JNA jna.jar and platform.jar jar files, and place them on your classpath, and then you can call most OS methods with ease. For instance, I have just this sort of thing up and running for a Windows application where I can get the hWnd for a running top-level Windows application based on the window name (full or partial), and then using that hWnd, call user32's setForegroundWindow function. If you're wanting to activate a Windows application and want to pursue this further, comment to this answer, and I can show you what code I have for this. If so, you'll want to go into greater details on exactly what it is you're trying to do.
Best of luck!
For any that comes across this in Google as I just did:
public class activate {
public interface User32 extends W32APIOptions {
User32 instance = (User32) Native.loadLibrary("user32", User32.class,
boolean ShowWindow(HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow);
boolean SetForegroundWindow(HWND hWnd);
HWND FindWindow(String winClass, String title);
int SW_SHOW = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
User32 user32 = User32.instance;
HWND hWnd = user32.FindWindow(null, "Downloads"); // Sets focus to my opened 'Downloads' folder
user32.ShowWindow(hWnd, User32.SW_SHOW);
You did not specified system, on Mac, there is possible to do it with AppleScript. AppleScript is integrated to system, so it will be always functional.
You need only detect you are on mac and has name of the application.
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
String[] args = { "osascript", "-e", "tell app \"Chrome\" to activate" };
Process process = runtime.exec(args);

Open and maximise a browser window in OATS Java (not javascript)

I am a tester and just installed oracle application test suite to use testing eBus apps
Anyway the only language it supports for coding test scripts (I don't want to use the recorder for a number of reasons). The problem I am having is that everything I search or google is javascript not java (even googling with -script I still ended up looking at javascript. This just gets rejected by the oats editor
The only other examples I have seen, appear to be defining a variable then setting the value of that variable as the window they want to maximize. Aside from the fact that my java skills are not up to doing that - I do not need to do this for a newly opened browser window do I? (The assumption is that this will be the only browser window open (ie test is executed with browser closed)
Is there any easy way to do this?
Below is the very simple initiate of the browser which is generated from a recording plus part of the first step which loads the url the test starts at: (I realize the first step is not complete below -I didn't paste it all, just enough to hopefully allow someone to show me what I need to edit to force the browser to load maximized, or maximize it immediately after loading?
public void initialize() throws Exception {
* Add code to be executed each iteration for this virtual user.
public void run() throws Exception {
beginStep("[1] Login (/RF.jsp)", 0);
"/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']")
web.window(4, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='Login']")
I am not sure whether you already got the answer for this.. if not this code should help you
DOMBrowser currentExecutionBrowser = web.window("/web:window[#index='0' or #index='1']");
Let me know if this helps!
There is a function in the Oracle Functional Tester API Reference which has a build in function called object.WindowState It says you can get or set using this function and it has values
0 - Normal, 1- minimized and 2-maximised.
Only issue is that these examples look more like VB than Javascript but presumably there is a similar function built into to the Oracle libraries for Java.
I did a quick search for Oracle Openscript API and came up with this link which asks for the same thing. They suggest using Help->Search from within the openscript application and then searching for "openscript API" which should provide a list of the functions available.
Hope that helps.
To Maximize browser in OATS, follow the below code
Open script ha in built methods which helps coding easy
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").navigate("");
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").maximize();
for more OATS Tips/Tricks follow here
If it is the only browser window open, you can use the below code. It must be used with caution since the code maximizes any window that is open above the browser window.
try {
Robot a = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException e) {
