You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security system connected and it will automatically contact the police if two adjacent houses were broken into on the same night.
Given a list of non-negative integers representing the amount of money of each house, determine the maximum amount of money you can rob tonight without alerting the police.
Example 1:
Input: [1,2,3,1]
Output: 4
Explanation: Rob house 1 (money = 1) and then rob house 3 (money = 3).
Total amount you can rob = 1 + 3 = 4.
Example 2:
Input: [2,7,9,3,1]
Output: 12
Explanation: Rob house 1 (money = 2), rob house 3 (money = 9) and rob house 5 (money = 1).
Total amount you can rob = 2 + 9 + 1 = 12.
class Solution {
public int rob(int[] nums) {
int sim=0;
int sum=0;
int i,j;
int r= Math.max(sim,sum);
return r;
How to do this logic when array length is in odd ?
can we do that this way
output is correct for even length though
Your solution is skipping one house after robbing previous one. This would not always give maximum output. Consider this case: [100, 1, 1, 100]. According to your solution, sim == 101 and sum == 101, however, the correct solution would be 200. (robbing the 0th and 3rd house).
I propose two possible solutions: 1. using recursion, 2. using dp.
Using recursion, you can choose either to rob a house and skip next one, or do not rob a house and go on to the next one. Thus, you will have two recursive cases which would result in O(2^n) time complexity and O(n) space complexity.
public int rob(int[] nums) {
return robHelper(nums, 0, 0);
private int robHelper(int[] nums, int ind, int money) {
if (ind >= nums.length) return money;
int rec1 = robHelper(nums, ind+1, money);
int rec2 = robHelper(nums, ind+2, money+nums[ind]);
return Math.max(rec1, rec2);
Using dp would optimize time and space complexity from above solution. You can keep track of two values: currMax and prevMax. While prevMax is max money excluding the previous house, currMax is max money considering the previous house. Since prevMax is guaranteed that money from previous house is not included, you can add money from current house to prevMax and compare it with currMax to find total max money up to that point. Here is my solution using dp, O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity:
public int rob(int[] nums) {
int currmax = 0;
int prevmax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
int iSum = prevmax + nums[i];
prevmax = currmax;
currmax = Math.max(currmax, iSum);
return currmax;
As pointed out by siralexsir88 in the comments it is not enough to only check for the solutions for robbing the even/odd numbered houses since it may happen that the best strategy is to skip more than one house in a row.
The given example illustrates this fact: suppose you have [1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 7], here indexes 3 and 4 must be skipped to pick the latter 7.
Proposed solution
This problem is a typical example of dynamic programming and can be solved by building up a solution recursively.
For every house there are two options: you either rob it, our you don't. Let's keep track of the best solution for both cases and for each house: let's name R[i] the maximum profit up to the ith house if we rob the ith house. Let's define NR[i] the same way for not robbing the ith hose.
For example, suppose we have [1, 3]. In this case:
R[0] = 1
NR[0] = 0
R[1] = 3 The best profit while robbing house #1 is 3
NR[1] = 1 The best profit while not robbing house #1 is 1
Let's also call P[i] the profit that gives us robbing the ith house.
We can build our solution recursively in terms of R and NR this way:
1) R[i] = NR[i-1] + P[i]
2) NR[i] = max(NR[i-1], R[i-1])
3) R[0] = P[0]
4) NR[0] = 0
Let's break it down.
The recursive relation 1) says that if we rob the ith house, we must not have robed the previous house, and hence take the not robbed best score for the previous house.
The recursive relation 2) says that if we do not rob the ith house, then our score is the best between the ones for robbing and not robbing the previous house. This makes sense because we are not adding anything to our total profit, we just keep the best profit so far.
3) and 4) are just the initial conditions for the first house, which should make sense up to this point.
Here is a pseudo-python snippet that does compute the best profit:
P = [1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 7] # The houses
R = [0] * len(P)
NR = [0] * len(P)
R[0] = P[0]
# We skip index 0
for i in range(1, len(P)):
R[i] = NR[i-1] + P[i]
NR[i] = max(NR[i-1], R[i-1])
# The solution is the best between NR and R for the last house
print max(NR[-1], R[-1])
The solution implies keeping track of the two arrays (R[i] and NR[i]) while traversing the houses, and then compare the results at the end. If you just want the maximum profit, you may keep the results R and NR for the previous house and ditch them as you move on. However, if you want to know specifically which sequence of houses leads to the best result, you need to keep track of the whole array and once you are done, backtrack and reconstruct the solution.
private static int rob(int[] money) {
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < money.length; i++) {
int skips = 2;
while (skips < money.length) {
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < money.length; j += skips) {
sum += money[j];
if (sum > max) {
max = sum;
return max;
As the title suggests, I need to solve this puzzle.
9 6
4 6 8
0 7 1 5
The path I need to find is the max sum from top to bottom, only moving to adjacent children. So this path would be 5-9-6-7, with a sum of 27.
My code works for every set of data I input myself, but when I attempt the puzzles with the provided textFile's data, my sum/answer is not accepted as correct.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my code. Is there some exception I am not seeing?
public class Triangle
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
File file = new File("Tri.txt");
byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];
//Read the file and add all integers into an array with the correct size. Array size is found with number of bytes file.length()
//Parse string to integer
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);;
String[] valueStr = new String(bytes).trim().split("\\s+");
int[] list = new int[valueStr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < valueStr.length; i++)
list[i] = Integer.parseInt(valueStr[i]);
catch(Exception e)
static int computeMaxPath(int[] list){
//Disregard row number one since it is the root. Start row number count at 2
int rowNumber = 2;
//set the sum to the value of the root.
int sum = list[0];
//selected index begins at the root, index 0
int selectedIndex = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < list.length; j=j+rowNumber)
// for every iteration the right child is found by adding the current selected index by z. What is z?
// the left child is of course found in the index -1 of the right child.
// z is the amount of of elements in the triangle's row. Row 3 has 3 elements, 4 has 4, etc.
// For exmaple, if the selectedIndex is index 4, its right child can be found by adding the index to the next row element count.
// 4 + 4 = 8 the right child is in index 8 and left is in index 7
int rightChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber;
int leftChildIndex = selectedIndex + rowNumber - 1;
//set the appropriate index for the greater child's index
selectedIndex = list[rightChildIndex] >= list[leftChildIndex] ? rightChildIndex : leftChildIndex;
//increment the sum of the path
sum = sum + list[selectedIndex];
//increment the row number
return sum;
Essentially, my algorithm works by adding the string of ints from the text file into an array. The first selected index is of course the root node. To find the right child I add the selected index by the next row's length and subtract by 1 to find the left child index.
Any ideas?
This algorithm uses the wrong logic. In this case your algorithm works because it has the required properties to make your algorithm work, for other inputs this obviously not the case. For example consider the following (extreme) example:
1 0
0 0 9
Your algorithm works by simply always selecting the child with the larger sum, so in this case your algorithm would result in the path {1 , 1 , 0}, while the correct algorithm would result in {1 , 0 , 9}.
The correct algorithm would require to traverse the tree and search all paths in order to find the correct solution:
int findSum(int[] tree , int at_node){
if(at_node >= length(tree))
return 0 //end of the tree, quit recursive search
//maximum-path including node is the path with the greatest sum that includes either the left or right child of the node.
return max(findSum(tree , leftChild(at_node)) ,
findSum(tree , rightChild(at_node)) + tree[at_node]
As #JohnBollinger mentioned:
This top-to-bottom-approach is pretty simple. But on cost of efficiency. A more efficient, but also more efficient solution that only traverses each node exactly once. In the above stated algorithm a tree that represents the time each node was visited would look like a pascal's triangle, thus making 2 ^ height array-lookups. The bottom-top approach would only require height + height - 1 + ... + 1 lookups.
int findSumBottomTop(int[] tree , int height){
//initialize counter for previous level
int[] sums = new int[height + 1]
fill(sums , 0)
//counter for the level counts down to 1 (note that this variable is not 0-based!!!)
int lvl = height
//counter for nodes remaining on the current level (0-based)
int remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1
//maximum-paths for each node on the current level
int[] next_level = new int[lvl]
//iterate over all nodes of the tree
for(int node = length(tree) - 1; node > -1 ; node--){
int left_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl]
int right_max_path = sums[remaining_in_lvl + 1]
next_level[remaining_in_lvl] = max(right_max_path , left_max_path) + tree[node]
//decrement counter for remaining nodes
remaining_in_lvl -= 1
if(remaining_in_lvl == -1){
//end of a level was encountered --> continue with lvl = lvl - 1
//update to match length of next
remaining_in_lvl = lvl - 1
//setup maximum-path counters for next level
sums = next_level
next_level = new int[sums.length - 1]
//there is exactly one sum remaining, which is the sum of the maximum-path
return sums[0];
The basic idea of this would be the following:
Consider this example tree:
0 ^ 6
0 1 | 3 6
0 1 2 | 1 3 5
0 1 2 3 | 0 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
tree traversal sums
sums would be the values of sums that would be produced for each level. We simply start searching at the bottom and searching the maximum-path from each node in a level to the bottom. This would be the maximum of the maximum-path of the left child and the maximum-path of the right child + the value of the node.
if there is not limit on the number of rows, for example, input can have hundred of rows. it worth to implement this like a directed acyclic graph and then use an algorithm to find the largest path
Try this.
static int computeMaxPath(int[] a, int self, int row) {
if (self >= a.length)
return 0;
return a[self] + Math.max(
computeMaxPath(a, self + row + 1, row + 1),
computeMaxPath(a, self + row + 2, row + 1));
static int computeMaxPath(int[] a) {
return computeMaxPath(a, 0, 0);
This is one of my favorite Project Euler problems (#18). Just for reference, here's a complete bottom-to-top solution in the Haskell language:
f = foldr (\a b -> let c = zipWith (+) a b
in if null (drop 1 c)
then c
else zipWith max c (tail c)) (repeat 0)
main = print (f z) where
z = map (map read . words) (lines s) :: [[Int]]
Suppose I've a m x n matrix in Java.
I want to find the maximum traversal cost from first column to last column. Each value represents the cost incurred. I'm allowed to travel in up, down and right directions across the matrix. Each cell can be visited only once. Transitions are allowed from a top cell of a column to the bottom of the same and vice-versa.
For simplicity, consider the following matrix:
2 3 17
4 1 -1
5 0 14
If I'm supposed to find the maximum cost, my answer would be 46 (2 → 5 → 4 → 1 → 3 → 0 → 14 → 17).
I've tried to solve this problem using dynamic approach using the following recursive relation:
maxCost(of destination node) = max{ maxCost(at neighbouring node 1), maxCost(at neighbouring node 2), maxCost(at neighbouring node 3) } + cost(of destination node)
In this case, it would be something like:
maxCost(17) = max{ maxCost(3), maxCost(-1), maxCost(14) } + 17;
Since, each cell is allowed to be visited only once, I understand that I would need to maintain a corresponding m x n isVisited matrix. However, I can't figure out how to maintain isVisited matrix. The matrix would be modified when maxCost(3) is calculated; but for maxCost(-1) and maxCost(14), I would require its initial status (which would be lost).
Is my approach correct for this problem? Also, I can't figure out how should my functions look like.
(This is my first attempt at dynamic programming).
It's a tough one. Notice that since your path cannot repeat visited cells your possible paths would have 'snake'-like behavior such as:
The idea is to store in f[j][i] the maximum length of paths that end at the cell (j, i). Lets say now that we want to transition from f[j][i-1] to f[j'][i]. We can, then, either choose to go from cell (j, i) to cell (j', i) directly or we could go from cell (j, i) to cell (j', i) by wrapping around the top/botton edge. So the update for f[j][i], then, could be calculated as:
Here a is the given array.
The problem now is how to calculate sum(a[j..j'][i] effectively since otherwise the runtime would be O(m^3n). You can solve this by using a temporary variable tmp_sum for the sum(a[j..j'][i]) which you increment as you increment j. The runitme of algorithm then would be O(m^2 n).
Here is an sample implementation:
package stackoverflow;
public class Solver {
int m, n;
int[][] a, f;
public Solver(int[][] a) {
this.m = a.length;
this.n = a[0].length;
this.a = a;
void solve(int row) {
f = new int[m][n];
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
f[i][j] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j)
sum += a[j][i];
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < m; ++j1) {
int tmp_sum = 0;
boolean first = true;
for (int j2 = j1; j2 != j1 || first; j2 = (j2+1)%m) {
if (first)
first = false;
tmp_sum += a[j2][i];
int best_sum = Math.max(tmp_sum, sum - tmp_sum +a[j1][i]+a[j2][i]);
if (j1 == j2)
best_sum = a[j1][i];
int prev = 0;
if (i > 0)
prev = f[j1][i-1];
f[j2][i] = Math.max(f[j2][i], best_sum + prev);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Solver(new int[][]{{2, 3, 17}, {4, 1, -1}, {5, 0, 14}}).solve(0); //46
new Solver(new int[][]{{1, 1}, {-1, -1}}).solve(0); //2
This is a nice and slightly tricky problem. For a DP solution, we must phrase it in a way that comports with the principle of optimality.
This requires us to define a "state" so that the problem can be written in terms of an n-way decision that takes us to a new state that, in turn, is a new, smaller version of the same problem.
A suitable choice for state is the current position of the traversal plus a signed integer f that says where and how many untraversed (I'll call them "free") rows there are in the current column. We can write this as a triple [i,j,f].
The value of f tells us whether it's okay to move up and/or down. (Unless we're in the right column, it's always possible to move right, and it's never possible to move left.) If f is negative, there are f free rows "above" the current position, which may wrap around to the matrix bottom. If positive, there are f free rows below. Note that f=m-1 and f=1-m mean the same thing: all rows are free except the current position's. For simplicity, we'll use f==m-1 to represent that case.
The single integer f is all we need to describe free spaces because we can only only traverse in steps of size 1, and we never move left. Ergo there can't be non-contiguous groups of free spaces in the same column.
Now the DP "decision" is a 4-way choice:
Stand pat at the current square: only valid in the last column.
Move up: only valid if there's free space above.
Move down: only valid if there's free space below.
Move right: valid except in the last column.
Let, C(t) be the max cost function in the DP, where t is a triple [i,j,f]. Then the max cost we can achieve is the cost A[i,j] from the matrix added to the cost of the rest of the traversal after making the optimum decision 1 to 4 above. The optimum decision is just the one that produces the highest cost!
All this makes C the max of a set where all the elements are conditional.
C[i,j,f] = max { A[i,j] if j==n-1, // the "stand pat" case
{ A[i,j]+C[i,j+1,m-1] if j<n-1 // move right
{ A[i,j]+C[i+1,j,f-1] if f>0 // move down
{ A[i,j]+C[i-1,j,2-m] if f==m-1 // first move in col is up
{ A[i,j]+C[i-1,j,f+1] if f<0 // other moves up
Sometimes words are clearer than algebra. The "down" case would be...
One potential max path cost from position [i,j] to the goal (right column) is the matrix value A[i,j] plus the max cost obtainable by moving down to position [i+1,j]. But we can move down only if there are free spaces there (f>0). After moving down, there's one less of those (f-1).
This explains why the recursive expression is C[i+1,j,f-1]. The other cases are just variations of this.
Also note that the "base cases" are implicit above. In all states where f=0 and j=n-1, you have them. The recursion must stop.
To get the final answer, you must consider the max over all valid starting positions, which are the first column elements, and with all other elements in the column free: max C[i,0,m-1] for i=0..m-1.
Since you were unsuccessful with finding a DP, here is a table-building code to show it works. The dependencies in the DP require care in picking the evaluation order. Of course the f parameter can be negative, and the row parameter wraps. I took care of these in 2 functions that adjust f and i. Storage is O(m^2):
import java.util.Arrays;
public class MaxPath {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] a = {
{2, 3, 17},
{4, 1, -1},
{5, 0, 14}
System.out.println(new Dp(a).cost());
class Dp {
final int[][] a, c;
final int m, n;
Dp(int[][] a) {
this.a = a;
this.m = a.length;
this.n = a[0].length;
this.c = new int[2 * m - 2][m];
int cost() {
Arrays.fill(c[fx(m - 1)], 0);
for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
// f = 0
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
c[fx(0)][i] = a[i][j] + c[fx(m - 1)][i];
for (int f = 1; f < m - 1; f++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
c[fx(-f)][i] = max(c[fx(0)][i], a[i][j] + c[fx(1 - f)][ix(i - 1)]);
c[fx(+f)][i] = max(c[fx(0)][i], a[i][j] + c[fx(f - 1)][ix(i + 1)]);
// f = m-1
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
c[fx(m - 1)][i] = max(c[fx(0)][i],
a[i][j] + c[fx(m - 2)][ix(i + 1)],
a[i][j] + c[fx(2 - m)][ix(i - 1)]);
System.out.println("j=" + j + ": " + Arrays.deepToString(c));
return max(c[fx(m - 1)]);
// Functions to account for negative f and wrapping of i indices of c.
int ix(int i) { return (i + m) % m; }
int fx(int f) { return f + m - 2; }
static int max(int ... x) { return; }
Here's the output. If you understand the DP, you can see it building optimal paths backward from column j=2 to j=0. The matrices are indexed by f=-1,0,1,2 and i=0,1,2.
j=2: [[31, 16, 14], [17, -1, 14], [17, 13, 31], [31, 30, 31]]
j=1: [[34, 35, 31], [34, 31, 31], [34, 32, 34], [35, 35, 35]]
j=0: [[42, 41, 44], [37, 39, 40], [41, 44, 42], [46, 46, 46]]
The result shows (j=0, column f=m-1=2) that all elements if the first column are equally good as starting points.
Thank you everyone for your contributions.
I've come up with a solution using recursive technique using system stack. I think that my solution is relatively easier to understand.
Here's my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class MatrixTraversal {
static int[][] cost;
static int m, n, maxCost = 0;
public static void solve(int currRow, int currCol, int[][] isVisited, int currCost) {
int upperRow, lowerRow, rightCol;
isVisited[currRow][currCol] = 1;
currCost += cost[currRow][currCol]; //total cost upto current position
if( currCol == (n - 1) //if we have reached the last column in matrix
&& maxCost < currCost ) //and present cost is greater than previous maximum cost
maxCost = currCost;
upperRow = ((currRow - 1) + m) % m; //upper row value taking care of teleportation
lowerRow = (currRow + 1) % m; //lower row value taking care of teleportation
rightCol = currCol + 1; //right column value
if( isVisited[upperRow][currCol] == 0 ) //if upper cell has not been visited
solve(upperRow, currCol, isVisited, currCost);
if( isVisited[lowerRow][currCol] == 0 ) //if lower cell has not been visited
solve(lowerRow, currCol, isVisited, currCost);
if( rightCol != n && //if we are not at the last column of the matrix
isVisited[currRow][rightCol] == 0 ) //and the right cell has not been visited
solve(currRow, rightCol, isVisited, currCost);
isVisited[currRow][currCol] = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] isVisited;
int i, j;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the no.of rows(m): ");
m = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the no.of columns(n): ");
n = sc.nextInt();
cost = new int[m][n];
isVisited = new int[m][n];
System.out.println("Enter the cost matrix:");
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
cost[i][j] = sc.nextInt(); //generating the cost matrix
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
solve(i, 0, isVisited, 0); //finding maximum traversal cost starting from each cell in 1st column
However, I'm not sure whether this is the best and the fastest way to compute the solution.
Please let me know your views. I'll accept this as answer accordingly.
One possible optimization is that we only need to calculate different options (other than a full sum) for columns with negative numbers or sequences of non-negative columns less than m in length, enclosed by columns with negatives. We need one column and a (conceptual) matrix to compute the max for a sequence of such columns; a matrix for the current column that converts into a column of maximums for each exit point. Each matrix represents the maximum sum for entry at y and exit at y' combined with the previous max just preceding the entry point (there are two possibilities for each, depending on the path direction). The matrix is symmetrically reflected along the diagonal (meaning sum entry...exit = sum exit...entry) until the various previous maximums for each entry point are added.
Adding an additional column with negative numbers to the example, we can see how the cummulative sums may be applied:
2 3 17 -3
4 1 -1 15
5 0 14 -2
(We'll ignore the first two non-negative columns for now and add 15 later.)
Third column:
y' 0 1 2
0 17 30 31
1 30 -1 30
2 31 30 14
For the fourth column matrix, each entry point needs to be combined with the maximum for the same exit point from the previous column. For example, entry point 0 is added with max(17,30,31):
y' 0 1 2
0 -3 12 10 + max(17,30,31)
1 12 15 13 + max(30,-1,30)
2 10 13 -2 + max(31,30,14)
28 43 41
42 45 43
41 44 29
We can see the final max has (entry,exit) (1,1) and solution:
15 + (0,1) or (2,1) + (1,1)
Let's see how the dynamic programming answers here differ from the brute-force approach in your answer, and how we may tweak yours. Take the simple example,
a = {{17, -3}
,{-1, 15}}
Brute-force will traverse and compare all paths:
The dynamic-programming solutions take advantage of the choice-point between columns since there is only one possibility there - move right. At each move between columns, the dynamic-programming solutions apply a pruning method, using the max function, that limits the search to proven higher cost paths over others.
The up-down choices in the recursive solution offered by Gene, lead to a similar traversal found in the loops in svs' solution, meaning choices between entry and exit in the same column will be pruned. Look again at our example:
a = {{17, -3}
,{-1, 15}}
f(-1) -> max(15,15 - 3)
-> 17 -> max(-3,-3 + 15)
f(17) -> max(-3,-3 + 15)
-> -1 -> max(15,15 - 3)
There's no need to check the full path sum -1,15,-3 or to check both 17 - 1 + 15 and 17 - 1 + 15 - 3 since in each case we already know which ending would be greater, thanks to the max function: 17 - 1 + 15.
The matrix array solutions work slightly differently to the recursive but with a similar effect. We focus only on the move between columns, j to j + 1, which can only happen in one place, and we choose to add only the best sum so far up to j when we calculate j + 1. Look at the example:
a = {{17, -3}
,{-1, 15}}
Calculate the matrix of best sums for exit points along column j = 0, in O(m^2) time:
Now for j = 1, we calculate the best paths achievable only along column j = 1 with exit points along column j = 1, remembering to add to these paths' entry points the previous best (meaning the number from the column immediately to the left, denoted with *):
best exit at -3 = max(-3 + 17*, 15 - 3 + 16*) = 28
best exit at 15 = max(15 + 16*, -3 + 15 + 17*) = 31
Now to tweak your version, think about how you could alter it so the recursion chooses at each step the greatest sum returned from among its subsequent calls.
This question is an extension of Java- Math.random(): Selecting an element of a 13 by 13 triangular array. I am selecting two numbers at random (0-12 inclusive) and I wanted the values to be equal.
But now, since this is a multiplication game, I want a way to bias the results so certain combinations come up more frequently (like if the Player does worse for 12x8, I want it to come up more frequently). Eventually, I would like to bias towards any of the 91 combinations, but once I get this down, that should not be hard.
My Thoughts: Add some int n to the triangular number and Random.nextInt(91 + n) to bias the results toward a combination.
private int[] triLessThan(int x, int[] bias) { // I'm thinking a 91 element array, 0 for no bias, positive for bias towards
int i = 0;
int last = 0;
while (true) {
int sum = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < i * (i + 2)/2; a++){
sum += bias[a]
int triangle = i * (i + 1) / 2;
if (triangle + sum > x){
int[] toReturn = {last,i};
return toReturn;
last = triangle;
At the random number roll:
int sum = sumOfArray(bias); // bias is the array;
int roll = random.nextInt(91 + sum);
int[] triNum = triLessThan(roll);
int num1 = triNum[1];
int num2 = roll - triNum[0]; //now split into parts and make bias[] add chances to one number.
where sumOfArray just finds the sum (that formula is easy). Will this work?
Edit: Using Floris's idea:
At random number roll:
int[] bias = {1,1,1,...,1,1,1} // 91 elements
int roll = random.nextInt(sumOfBias());
int num1 = roll;
int num2 = 0;
while (roll > 0){
roll -= bias[num2];
num1 = (int) (Math.sqrt(8 * num2 + 1) - 1)/2;
num2 -= num1 * (num1 + 1) / 2;
You already know how to convert a number between 0 and 91 and turn it into a roll (from the answer to your previous question). I would suggest that you create an array of N elements, where N >> 91. Fill the first 91 elements with 0...90, and set a counter A to 91. Now choose a number between 0 and A, pick the corresponding element from the array, and convert to a multiplication problem. If the answer is wrong, append the number of the problem to the end of the array, and increment A by one.
This will create an array in which the frequencies of sampling will represent the number of times a problem was solved incorrectly - but it doesn't ever lower the frequency again if the problem is solved correctly the next time it is asked.
An alternative and better solution, and one that is a little closer to yours (but distinct) creates an array of 91 frequencies - each initially set to 1 - and keeps track of the sum (initially 91). But now, when you choose a random number (between 0 and sum) you traverse the array until the cumulative sum is greater then your random number - the number of the bin is the roll you choose, and you convert that with the formula derived earlier. If the answer is wrong you increment the bin and update the sum; if it is right, you decrement the sum but never to a value less than one, and update the sum. Repeat.
This should give you exactly what you are asking: given an array of 91 numbers ("bins"), randomly select a bin in such a way that the probability of that bin is proportional to the value in it. Return the index of the bin (which can be turned into the combination of numbers using the method you had before). This function is called with the bin (frequency) array as the first parameter, and the cumulative sum as the second. You look up where the cumulative sum of the first n elements first exceeds a random number scaled by the sum of the frequencies:
private int chooseBin(float[] freq, float fsum) {
// given an array of frequencies (probabilities) freq
// and the sum of this array, fsum
// choose a random number between 0 and 90
// such that if this function is called many times
// the frequency with which each value is observed converges
// on the frequencies in freq
float x, cs=0; // x stores random value, cs is cumulative sum
int ii=-1; // variable that increments until random value is found
x = Math.rand();
while(cs < x*fsum && ii<90) {
// increment cumulative sum until it's bigger than fraction x of sum
cs += freq[ii];
return ii;
I confirmed that it gives me a histogram (blue bars) that looks exactly like the probability distribution that I fed it (red line):
(note - this was plotted with matlab so X goes from 1 to 91, not from 0 to 90).
Here is another idea (this is not really answering the question, but it's potentially even more interesting):
You can skew your probability of choosing a particular problem by sampling something other than a uniform distribution. For example, the square of a uniformly sampled random variate will favor smaller numbers. This gives us an interesting possibility:
First, shuffle your 91 numbers into a random order
Next, pick a number from a non-uniform distribution (one that favors smaller numbers). Since the numbers were randomly shuffled, they are in fact equally likely to be chosen. But now here's the trick: if the problem (represented by the number picked) is solved correctly, you move the problem number "to the top of the stack", where it is least likely to be chosen again. If the player gets it wrong, it is moved to the bottom of the stack, where it is most likely to be chosen again. Over time, difficult problems move to the bottom of the stack.
You can create random distributions with different degrees of skew using a variation of
roll = (int)(91*(asin(Math.rand()*a)/asin(a)))
As you make a closer to 1, the function tends to favor lower numbers with almost zero probability of higher numbers:
I believe the following code sections do what I described:
private int[] chooseProblem(float bias, int[] currentShuffle) {
// if bias == 0, we choose from uniform distribution
// for 0 < bias <= 1, we choose from increasingly biased distribution
// for bias > 1, we choose from uniform distribution
// array currentShuffle contains the numbers 0..90, initially in shuffled order
// when a problem is solved correctly it is moved to the top of the pile
// when it is wrong, it is moved to the bottom.
// return value contains number1, number2, and the current position of the problem in the list
int problem, problemIndex;
if(bias < 0 || bias > 1) bias = 0;
if(bias == 0) {
problem = random.nextInt(91);
problemIndex = problem;
else {
float x = asin(Math.random()*bias)/asin(bias);
problemIndex = Math.floor(91*x);
problem = currentShuffle[problemIndex];
// now convert "problem number" into two numbers:
int first, last;
first = (int)((Math.sqrt(8*problem + 1)-1)/2);
last = problem - first * (first+1) / 2;
// and return the result:
return {first, last, problemIndex};
private void shuffleProblems(int[] currentShuffle, int upDown) {
// when upDown==0, return a randomly shuffled array
// when upDown < 0, (wrong answer) move element[-upDown] to zero
// when upDown > 0, (correct answer) move element[upDown] to last position
// note - if problem 0 is answered incorrectly, don't call this routine!
int ii, temp, swap;
if(upDown == 0) {
// first an ordered list:
for(ii=0;ii<91;ii++) {
// now shuffle it:
for(ii=0;ii<91;ii++) {
temp = currentShuffle[ii];
swap = ii + random.nextInt(91-ii);
if(upDown < 0) {
temp = currentShuffle[-upDown];
for(ii = -upDown; ii>0; ii--) {
currentShuffle[0] = temp;
else {
temp = currentShuffle[upDown];
for(ii = upDown; ii<90; ii++) {
currentShuffle[90] = temp;
// main problem posing loop:
int[] currentShuffle = new int[91];
int[] newProblem;
int keepGoing = 1;
// initial shuffle:
shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, 0); // initial shuffle
while(keepGoing) {
newProblem = chooseProblem(bias, currentShuffle);
// pose the problem, get the answer
if(wrong) {
if(newProblem > 0) shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, -newProblem[2]);
else shuffleProblems( currentShuffle, newProblem[2]);
// decide if you keep going...