Threads communication Java - java

I have a problem dealing with thread communication in java. I am doing a project that will connect people to 3 different Elevators (depending on the floor they want to go) that have a capacity limit. The thing is I have three difficulties.
My code is Consumer-Producer problem based, and I don't know how to change it so the elevator doesn't wait for it to be full, but starts after time by itself.
Another one is that the program stops before completing the loops. (no idea why).
If i try to check if the elevator hasn't been chosen (by geting the capacity) and not display the info of it being back at floor 0, the program doesn't work.
My code: (Classes of elevator 2 and 3 and their buffers are identical)
public class Proba { //test class
public static void main(String[] args) {
Pojemnik c = new Pojemnik();
Pojemnik1 d = new Pojemnik1();
Pojemnik2 e = new Pojemnik2();
Winda p1 = new Winda(c, 1);
Winda1 p2 = new Winda1(d, 2);
Winda2 p3 = new Winda2(e, 3);
Osoba c1 = new Osoba(c, d, e, 1);
class Osoba extends Thread //person class
private Pojemnik pojemnik;
private Pojemnik1 pojemnik1;
private Pojemnik2 pojemnik2;
private int number;
public Osoba(Pojemnik c, Pojemnik1 d, Pojemnik2 e, int number) {
pojemnik = c;
pojemnik1 = d;
pojemnik2 = e;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
int k=0;
while (k==0){ //i dont; want floor 0
k = -2 + (int)(Math.random()*7);} //choosing floor
int h;
if(k>-3&&k<1){ //decision which elevator
value = pojemnik.get(); // getting possible capacity
pojemnik.put(value-1);} //lowering capacity
h=5-value; // how many people are already in
System.out.println("Ktos wsiadl do windy #1"
//+ this.number
+ " jest w niej " + h + " osob i wybrano pietro nr " + k);
value = pojemnik1.get();
System.out.println("Ktos wsiadl do windy #2"
//+ this.number
+ " jest w niej " + h + " osob i wybrano pietro nr " + k);
value = pojemnik2.get();
System.out.println("Ktos wsiadl do windy #3"
//+ this.number
+ " jest w niej " + h + " osob i wybrano pietro nr " + k);
//import java.util.*;
//import java.lang.*;
class Pojemnik //buffor class
private int contents;
private boolean available = false;
public synchronized int get() {
while (available == false) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
available = false;
return contents;
public synchronized void put(int value) {
while (available == true) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
contents = value;
if(value>5){ //way to never get too high capacity
available = true;
// import java.lang.*; // elevator class
class Winda extends Thread {
private Pojemnik pojemnik; //bufor
private int number;
public Winda(Pojemnik c, int number) {
pojemnik = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pojemnik.put(5); // the elevator is empty 5 people can go in
System.out.println("Winda #" + this.number
+ " jest na poziomie 0 "); //info that elevator is on floor 0
try {
sleep((int)(Math.random() * 100));
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }


How to use array of objects in this context?

Assuming that the array is populated with 20 shipments, calculate the total cost of local shipments in the array.
I tried to create a for loop and then call out the method calcCost() and += it to the variable local so it would save the values I guess
I'm pretty sure the way I wrote the code is wrong so if someone could help me with it that would be great!
package question;
public class TestShipment {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Shipment r1 = new Shipment(
new Parcel("scientific calculator " , 250),
new Address("Dubai","05512345678"),
new Address("Dubai","0505432123"),
Shipment[] arr = new Shipment[100];
arr[5] = r1;
Shipment[] a = new Shipment[20];
double local = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i].isLocalShipment()) {
public class Shipment {
public Parcel item;
private Address fromAddress;
private Address toAddress;
public String senderName;
public Shipment(Parcel i, Address f, Address t, String name) {
item = i;
fromAddress = f;
toAddress = t;
senderName = name;
public void setFromAddress(String c, String p) {
c = fromAddress.getCity();
p = fromAddress.getPhone();
public boolean isLocalShipment() {
boolean v = false;
if (fromAddress.getCity() == toAddress.getCity()) {
v = true;
} else {
v = false;
return v;
public double calcCost() {
double cost = 0;
if (fromAddress.getCity() == toAddress.getCity()) {
cost = 5;
} else {
cost = 15;
if(item.weight > 0 && item.weight <= 200) {
cost += 5.5;
if(item.weight > 200) {
cost += 10.5;
return cost = cost * (1 + 0.5); //fix the tax
public String toString() {
return "From: " + senderName + "\nTo: " + toAddress
+ "\nParcel: " + item.desc+item.weight + "\ncost: " + calcCost();

Printing out most expensive boat and it's information from an array

I am working on a boat program that has a super class (Boat) and two subclasses (SailBoat, Powerboat) and I must print out all of the boats information and price as well as the most expensive boat and it's information alone. This is the part I am having trouble with since I am not entirely sure how to go about it. Here is what I have so far...
Boat Class:
public class Boat {
String color;
int length;
public Boat() {
color = "white";
length = 20;
public Boat(String col, int leng) {
color = col;
length = leng;
public boolean setColor(String col) {
if ("white".equals(col) || "red".equals(col) || "blue".equals(col) || "yellow".equals(col)) {
col = color;
return true;
} else {
System.out.println("Error: can only be white, red, blue or yellow");
return false;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public boolean setLength(int leng) {
if (leng < 20 || leng > 50) {
leng = length;
System.out.println("Sail Boats can only be between 20 and 50 feet, inclusively.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
public int getLength() {
return length;
public String toString() {
String string;
string = String.format("Color = " + color + " Length = " + length);
return string;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = 5000 + length;
return price;
PowerBoat Subclass
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class PowerBoat extends Boat {
int engineSize;
public PowerBoat() {
engineSize = 5;
public PowerBoat(String col, int len, int esize) {
this.color = col;
this.length = len;
engineSize = esize;
public boolean setEngineSize(int esize) {
if (esize < 5 || esize > 350) {
"Error: That engine is too powerful. The engine size must be between 1 and 350, inclusively");
esize = engineSize;
return false;
} else {
return true;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = 5000 + length * 300 + engineSize * 20;
return price;
public String toString() {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
return super.toString() + " Engine Size = " + engineSize + " Price = " + nf.format(calcPrice());
SailBoat subclass
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class SailBoat extends Boat {
int numSails;
public SailBoat() {
numSails = 0;
public SailBoat(String col, int leng, int numsail) {
color = col;
length = leng;
numSails = numsail;
public boolean setNumSails(int nsails) {
if (nsails < 1 || nsails > 4) {
nsails = numSails;
return false;
} else {
return true;
} // end setNumSails
public int getNumSails() {
return numSails;
public int calcPrice() {
int price;
price = length * 1000 + numSails * 2000;
return price;
public String toString() {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
return super.toString() + "Color: " + color + " Length: " + length + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = "
+ nf.format(calcPrice());
public int getTotalCost() {
int totalCost = 0;
totalCost += calcPrice();
return totalCost;
Inventory class (tester)
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Inventory {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// boat objects
Boat pb1 = new PowerBoat("blue", 22, 60);
Boat sb1 = new SailBoat("white", 20, 1);
Boat sb2 = new SailBoat("red", 42, 3);
Boat pb2 = new PowerBoat("yellow", 35, 80);
Boat pb3 = new PowerBoat("red", 50, 120);
Boat sb3 = new SailBoat("blue", 33, 2);
Boat pb4 = new PowerBoat("white", 20, 10);
ArrayList<Boat> AL = new ArrayList<Boat>();
// add boat objects to arraylist
// print all boat objects
System.out.println("Print all boats");
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
int max = 0;
int totalcost = 0;
Boat mostExpensiveBoat = null;
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
if (anyBoat instanceof SailBoat) {
totalcost += anyBoat.calcPrice();
if (anyBoat.calcPrice() > max) {
max = anyBoat.calcPrice();
mostExpensiveBoat = anyBoat;
I am really confused on how to finish up this program, the results I am supposed to get after all the boat information is printed is this..
Total price of all boats is $ 170,500.00
Most Expensive Boat: Color = red Length = 42 Number Sails = 3 Cost = $ 48,000.00
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There are a few design flaws you should correct:
Your Boat class should be an interface or abstract. You can't have a boat that isn't a power boat or sail boat so you should not be able to instantiate one.
Your instance variables should be private.
Make methods abstract that need to be defined by subclasses of Boat (e.g. calcPrice).
If you are able to use Java 8 then there's a nice way of getting the most expensive boat. The following code will print the most expensive boat (using Boat.toString) if one is present.
That avoids having to write the code that manually iterates through your list comparing prices. It also copes with the situation of an empty list (which means there is no maximum). Otherwise you need to initialise to null and compare to null before printing.
Your for loop should look like this:
for (Boat anyBoat : AL) {
totalcost += anyBoat.calcPrice();
if (anyBoat.calcPrice() > max) {
max = anyBoat.calcPrice();
mostExpensiveBoat = anyBoat;
It doesn't matter if it's a sailBoat or not, you just wanna print the information of the most expensive one, so you can remove the instanceof condition. After that:
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
System.out.println("Total price of all boats is " + nf.format(totalcost));
System.out.println("Most expensive boat: " + mostExpensiveBoat.toString());
Should work, since you have already overriden the toString() methods.
one more thing: In your SailBoat toString() method, you are doing:
return super.toString() + "Color: " + color + " Length: " + length + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = "
+ nf.format(calcPrice());
When you call the super.toString() you are printing the color and the length twice; just call
return super.toString() + " Number Sails = " + numSails + " Cost = " + nf.format(calcPrice());

Why do object arrays in my ArrayList fail to retain their values?

I am creating a program in Java to simulate evolution. The way I have it set up, each generation is composed of an array of Organism objects. Each of these arrays is an element in the ArrayList orgGenerations. Each generation, of which there could be any amount before all animals die, can have any amount of Organism objects.
For some reason, in my main loop when the generations are going by, I can have this code without errors, where allOrgs is the Organism array of the current generation and generationNumber is the number generations since the first.
printOrgs is a method to display an Organism array, where speed and strength are Organism Field variables:
public void printOrgs(Organism[] list)
for (int x=0; x<list.length; x++)
System.out.println ("For organism number: " + x + ", speed is: " + list[x].speed + ", and strength is " + list[x].strength + ".");
Later on, after this loop, when I am trying to retrieve the data to display, I call this very similar code:
This, and every other array in orgGenerations, return a null pointer exception on the print line of the for loop. Why are the Organism objects loosing their values?
Alright, here is all of the code from my main Simulation class. I admit, it might be sort of a mess. The parts that matter are the start and simulator methods. The battle ones are not really applicable to this problem. I think.
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Simulator {
//variables for general keeping track
static Organism[] allOrgs;
static ArrayList<Organism[]> orgGenerations = new ArrayList <Organism[]>();
ArrayList<Integer> battleList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int deathCount;
boolean done;
boolean runOnce;
done = false;
Scanner asker = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Input number of organisms for the simulation: ");
int numOfOrgs = asker.nextInt();
Organism[] orgArray = new Organism[numOfOrgs];
for (int i=0; i<numOfOrgs; i++)
orgArray[i] = new Organism();
allOrgs = orgArray;
public void graphOrgs() throws InterruptedException
JFrame f = new JFrame("Evolution");
Drawer bars = new Drawer();
for (int iterator=0;iterator<(orgGenerations.size()-1); iterator++)
//The 0 can be any number, no matter what I do it wont work
f.repaint(); = orgGenerations.get(iterator);
//prints all Orgs and their statistics
public void printOrgs(Organism[] list)
System.out.println("Number Of Organisms: " + list.length);
for (int x=0; x<list.length; x++)
System.out.println ("For organism number: " + x + ", speed is: " + list[x].speed + ", and strength is " + list[x].strength + ".");
//general loop for the organisms lives
public void start(int reproductionTime) throws InterruptedException
int generationNumber = 0;
deathCount = 0;
for(int j=0; j<reproductionTime; j++)
for(int m=0; m<allOrgs.length; m++)
if (allOrgs[m].alive == true)
if (done == true)
//Checks if they have to fight this year
private void oneYearBattleCheck(int m)
Random chaos = new Random();
int speedMod = chaos.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[m].speed/5.0))+1);
int speedSign = chaos.nextInt(2);
if (speedSign == 0)
speedMod *= speedSign;
int speed = speedMod + allOrgs[m].speed;
if (speed <= 0)
Random encounter = new Random();
boolean battle = false;
int try1 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try2 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try3 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try4 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
if (try1 == 0 || try2 == 0 || try3 == 0 || try4 == 0 )
battle = true;
if(battle == true)
//Creates the matches and runs the battle
private void battle()
Random rand = new Random();
if (battleList.size()%2 == 1)
int luckyDuck = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
for(int k=0; k<(battleList.size()-1);)
int competitor1 = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
int competitor2 = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
//Competitor 1 strength
int strengthMod = rand.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[competitor1].strength/5.0))+1);
int strengthSign = rand.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
int comp1Strength = strengthMod + allOrgs[competitor1].strength;
//Competitor 2 strength
strengthMod = rand.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[competitor2].strength/5.0))+1);
strengthSign = rand.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
int comp2Strength = strengthMod + allOrgs[competitor2].strength;
if (comp1Strength>comp2Strength)
allOrgs[competitor1].life ++;
allOrgs[competitor2].life --;
else if (comp2Strength>comp1Strength)
allOrgs[competitor2].life ++;
allOrgs[competitor1].life --;
if (allOrgs[competitor1].life == 0)
allOrgs[competitor1].alive = false;
if (allOrgs[competitor2].life == 0)
allOrgs[competitor2].alive = false;
deathCount ++ ;
//New organisms
private void reproduction()
//System.out.println("Number of deaths: " + deathCount + "\n");
if (deathCount>=(allOrgs.length-2))
done = true;
ArrayList<Organism> tempOrgs = new ArrayList<Organism>();
Random chooser = new Random();
int count = 0;
int partner1 = 0;
int partner2 = 0;
boolean partnerIsAlive = false;
boolean unluckyDuck = false;
//choose partner1
while (partnerIsAlive == false)
partner1 = chooser.nextInt(allOrgs.length);
if (allOrgs[partner1] != null)
if (allOrgs[partner1].alive == true)
partnerIsAlive = true;
//System.out.println("Count 2: " + count);
partnerIsAlive = false;
//choose partner2
while (partnerIsAlive == false)
if (count+deathCount == (allOrgs.length))
partner2 = chooser.nextInt(allOrgs.length);
if (allOrgs[partner2] != null)
if (allOrgs[partner2].alive == true)
partnerIsAlive = true;
if (unluckyDuck == false)
//System.out.println("count 2: " + count);
if (unluckyDuck == false)
int numOfChildren = (chooser.nextInt(4)+1);
for (int d=0; d<numOfChildren; d++)
tempOrgs.add(new Organism(allOrgs[partner1].speed, allOrgs[partner2].speed, allOrgs[partner1].strength, allOrgs[partner2].strength ));
allOrgs[partner1] = null;
allOrgs[partner2] = null;
if (count+deathCount == (allOrgs.length))
Arrays.fill(allOrgs, null);
allOrgs = tempOrgs.toArray(new Organism[tempOrgs.size()-1]);
Main method:
public class Runner {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Simulator sim = new Simulator();
int lifeSpan = 20;
Organism class:
import java.util.Random;
public class Organism {
static Random traitGenerator = new Random();
int life;
int speed;
int strength;
boolean alive;
speed = (traitGenerator.nextInt(49)+1);
strength = (50-speed);
life = 5;
alive = true;
Organism(int strength1, int strength2, int speed1, int speed2)
Random gen = new Random();
int speedMod = gen.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil((speed1+speed2)/10.0))+1);
int speedSign = gen.nextInt(2);
if (speedSign == 0)
speedMod *= speedSign;
int strengthMod = gen.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil((strength1+strength2)/10.0))+1);
int strengthSign = gen.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
strength = (((int)((strength1+strength2)/2.0))+ strengthMod);
speed = (((int)((speed1+speed2)/2.0))+ speedMod);
alive = true;
life = 5;
The problem lies in the graphOrgs class when I try to print to check if it is working in preparation for graphing the results. This is when it returns the error. When I try placing the print code in other places in the Simulator class the same thing occurs, a null pointer error. This happens even if it is just after the for loop where the element has been established.
You have code that sets to null elements in your allOrgs array.
allOrgs[partner1] = null;
allOrgs[partner2] = null;
Your orgGenerations list contains the same allOrgs instance multiple times.
Therefore, when you write allOrgs[partner1] = null, the partner1'th element becomes null in all the list elements of orgGenerations, which is why the print method fails.
You should create a copy of the array (you can use Arrays.copy) each time you add a new generation to the list (and consider also creating copies of the Organism instances, if you want each generation to record the past state of the Organisms and not their final state).

java how to execute method

I have created a class Hotel defined as follows:
import java.util.Random;
public class Hotel {
private Osoba[] tab = new Osoba[100];
public void zamelduj(Osoba os, int num) {
if (tab[num - 1] == null) {
System.out.println("Pokoj o numerze " + num + "jest zajety");
tab[num - 1] = os;
public void wymelduj(int num) {
tab[num - 1] = null;
public void zamienOsoby(int num1, int num2) {
Osoba o = tab[num1 - 1];
tab[num1 - 1] = tab[num2 - 1];
tab[num2 - 1] = o;
public void znajdzWolnePokoje() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (tab[i] == null) System.out.println(i + 1);
public void przydzielPokoje50() {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
Random r = new Random();
Osoba o = new Osoba();
int num = r.nextInt(100);
tab[num] = o;
public void wypisz() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (tab[i] == null) System.out.println("Pokoj nr. " + (i + 1) + " jest wolny");
else System.out.println("Pokoj nr. " + i + " jest zajety przez " + tab[i].imie + " " + tab[i].nazwisko);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Hotel h = new Hotel();
h.zamelduj(null, 30);
I also have a class Osoba:
public class Osoba {
public String imie;
public String nazwisko;
Osoba() {
imie = null;
nazwisko = null;
Osoba(String imie, String nazwisko) {
this.imie = imie;
this.nazwisko = nazwisko;
I want to execute the method Zamelduj, which will assign a person (Osoba) to a cell in a table. However, every time I insert something other than null in the following it says that the first argument is not a capable parameter of the method.
h.zamelduj(null, 30);
What am I doing wrong?
I think your problem is that on the line " h.zamelduj(null, 30);" you need to create a new Osoba:
h.zamelduj(new Osoba("o.o", "._.!"), 30);
what happens is that the function is expecting a Osoba, if you give it another thing, it refuses. i hope it helps
You need to create an object of the class hotel (in your class from where you want to call the method type):
Hotel myObjectHotel = new Hotel();
And then you can call the method trough:
myHotelObject. zamelduj(give parameters here);
Missed the real question. Just focused on the topic. I'm sorry. ;)

Producer Consumer-Average Wait times not outputting/buffer query

I am currently making a hypothetical producer consumer problem using java. The object is to have an operating system which is 1000 bytes, but only 500 bytes available to use for threads as 500 bytes have already been consumed by drivers and other operations. The threads are as follows:
A thread to start a BubbleWitch2 session of 10 seconds, which requires 100 bytes of RAM per
A thread to start a Spotify stream of 20 seconds, which requires 250 bytes of RAM per second
You should also take into account the fact that the operating system is simultaneously supporting system
activity and managing the processor, memory and disk space of the device on which it is installed.
Therefore, additionally create:
System and management threads, which, together, require 50 bytes of RAM per second, and
execute for a random length of time, once invoked.
A thread to install a new security update of 2 KB, which will be stored to disk, and requires 150
bytes of RAM per second while installing. Assume sufficient disk capacity in the system to support
this thread.
The operating system has only capacity for 200 bytes per second, therefore a larger thread such as spotify will experience delays or be forced to wait. I have used code which as far as I can tell, implements this. I am also required to generate exit times which I have done with timestamps and to calculate average waiting times for threads.
I have included code in my solution for the average waiting times with system.out.print but no matter what I do, it is not actually outputting the times at all-as if they did not exist.
I am also not sure if the buffer size limitations are working as it is a matter of milliseconds-is there any way to tell if this is working from the code below?
My main method.
public class ProducerConsumerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Buffer c = new Buffer();
BubbleWitch2 p1 = new BubbleWitch2(c,1);
Processor c1 = new Processor(c, 1);
Spotify p2 = new Spotify(c, 2);
SystemManagement p3 = new SystemManagement(c, 3);
SecurityUpdate p4 = new SecurityUpdate(c, 4, p1, p2, p3);
p1.setName("BubbleWitch2 ");
p2.setName("Spotify ");
p3.setName("System Management ");
p4.setName("Security Update ");
My buffer class
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
* Created by Rory on 10/08/2014.
class Buffer {
private int contents, count = 0, process = 0;
private boolean available = false;
private long start, end, wait, request= 0;
private DateFormat time = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss:SSS");
public synchronized int get() {
while (process <= 500) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
process -= 200;
System.out.println("CPU After Process " + process);
return contents;
public synchronized void put(int value) {
while (process >= 1000) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
wait = end - start;
request += wait;
System.out.println("Application Request Wait Time: " + time.format(wait));
process += value;
contents = value;
My security update class
import java.lang.*;
import java.lang.System;
* Created by Rory on 11/08/2014.
class SecurityUpdate extends Thread {
private Buffer buffer;
private int number;
private int bytes = 150;
private int process = 0;
public SecurityUpdate(Buffer c, int number, BubbleWitch2 bubbleWitch2, Spotify spotify, SystemManagement systemManagement) throws InterruptedException {
buffer = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
System.out.println(getName() + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Security Update has finished executing.");
My processor class
class Processor extends Thread {
private Buffer processor;
private int number;
public Processor(Buffer c, int number) {
processor = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
int value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
value = processor.get();
System.out.println("Processor #"
+ this.number
+ " got: " + value);
My bubblewitch class
import java.lang.*;
import java.lang.System;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
* Created by Rory on 10/08/2014.
class BubbleWitch2 extends Thread {
private Buffer buffer;
private int number;
private int bytes = 100;
private int duration;
public BubbleWitch2(Buffer c, int pduration) {
buffer = c;
duration = pduration;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println(getName() + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeTaken = endTime - startTime;
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
System.out.println("BubbleWitch2 has finished executing.");
System.out.println("Time taken to execute was " +timeTaken+ " milliseconds");
System.out.println("Time Bubblewitch2 thread exited Processor was " + new Timestamp(date.getTime()));
My system management
class SystemManagement extends Thread {
private Buffer buffer;
private int number, min = 1, max = 15;
private int loopCount = (int) (Math.random() * (max - min));
private int bytes = 50;
private int process = 0;
public SystemManagement(Buffer c, int number) {
buffer = c;
this.number = number;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
System.out.println(getName() + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("System Management has finished executing.");
My spotify class
import java.sql.Timestamp;
* Created by Rory on 11/08/2014.
class Spotify extends Thread {
private Buffer buffer;
private int number;
private int bytes = 250;
public Spotify(Buffer c, int number) {
buffer = c;
this.number = number;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
System.out.println(getName() + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeTaken = endTime - startTime;
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
System.out.println(new Timestamp(date.getTime()));
System.out.println("Spotify has finished executing.");
System.out.println("Time taken to execute was " + timeTaken + " milliseconds");
System.out.println("Time that Spotify thread exited Processor was " + date);
I may need to add timestamps to one or two classes yet but does anyone have any idea how to get my average times to actually print out? Or what is preventing it and if the buffer limitation is effectively being shown here(given that we are talking about milliseconds?)
The reason why sys out's are not printing is because of the below condition in your buffer class:-
public synchronized void put(int value) {
while (process >= 1000) {
this condition never gets satisified as the process never is greater than 1000
This is the reason why your Processor thread also gets stuck because when it calls get() it finds that the process is less than 500 and hence it indefinitely waits when it reaches the wait() line of code.
Rectifying the process condition appropriately in your put should let your missing sys out get printed
public synchronized void put(int value) {
if(process <= 500) {
} else {
//while (process >= 1000) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
wait = end - start;
request += wait;
System.out.println("Application Request Wait Time: " + time.format(wait));
process += value;
contents = value;
If you want securityupdate thread to always run at the last then the correct way of using join within that thread is as below:-
class SecurityUpdate extends Thread {
private Buffer buffer;
private int number;
private int bytes = 150;
private int process = 0;
private BubbleWitch2 bubbleWitch2;
private Spotify spotify;
private SystemManagement systemManagement;
public SecurityUpdate(Buffer c, int number, BubbleWitch2 bubbleWitch2, Spotify spotify, SystemManagement systemManagement) throws InterruptedException {
buffer = c;
this.number = number;
this.bubbleWitch2 = bubbleWitch2;
this.spotify = spotify;
this.systemManagement = systemManagement;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Finally starting the security update");
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
buffer.put(bytes); // Paul check if it should be i or bytes
System.out.println(getName() + this.number
+ " put: " + i);
try {
sleep(1500); // Paul why is this made to sleep 1500 seconds?
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Security Update has finished executing.");
