Spring Boot : Integration Test not excluding my Application configuration class - java

I have an application which connects to a zookeeper to perform operations on HBase. However, for Integration Tests, I have a class to create in-memory tables, and perform tests without trying to connect to said zookeeper.
I have defined a IntegrationTestAppConfig.class as follows:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { AppConfig.class})
public class IntegrationTestAppConfig{
..... //this is where I create a bean for my HBaseConnectionManager to use my in-memory table environment
And, in my integration test class, I have the following:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = IntegrationTestAppConfig.class)
public class AHCLIManagerIT {
Based on what I've read from the Spring-boot documentation, the integration test class should use IntegrationTestAppConfig.class for the application configuration.
However, when I run the Integration Test, I get an error saying connection to zookeeper timed out. In the stack trace, I see that the error occurred in AppConfig.java (my main class for app configuration), where it tries to create a HBaseConnection to the zookeeper.
I don't understand why my application is not using the App config class that I've defined in the annotations.

Is your AopConfig class actually an autoconfiguration class? Autoconfiguration classes are loaded by naming them in a spring.factories file in META-INF. The exclude attribute would only apply to those I believe. Auto configuration happens after regular app configuration anyways.
Also you have #ComponentScan on your config. If you really need to exclude AopConfig that would be the annotation I'd expect it to be on.
Though IMHO something doesn't seem right for doing a component scan in your tests


Running the original application from Spring Boot integration test

I have a simple Spring Boot application which reads from Kafka topic and persists the messages to some cache.
I would like to add an integration test, which would launch my original application, generate some messages from embedded Kafka, and then assert cache contents.
I'm struggling with the "launch my original application" part. How does one do that from Spring Boot integration test?
I've tried doing something like that:
#SpringBootTest(classes = OriginalApplication.class)
public class OriginalApplicationIntegrationTest {
public void test() throws Exception {
But I see no attempts from Spring to launch my original application.
First of all, there are two possible big "areas" that can go wrong:
Spring Boot Test Setup
Kafka Integration
I believe the question is around the first part so I'll concentrate on that part.
For a quick answer:
When you put a #SpringBootTest annotation, try to use it without parameters at all. And make sure the test is put in a correct package, it matters. This will turn on the automatic resolution of your application.
Now I'll try to briefly explain why its important, the topic is really broad and deep.
Spring Boot checks whether the class annotated with #SpringBootConfiguration (its an annotation put on #SpringBootApplication - which is in turn is on your main class) exists in the same package as the integration test ( Lets say, com.abc.myapp.test is where you put a test)
If not found, it goes one package up and checks there (com.abc.myapp). It will do that again and again till the root package however, lets assume the #SpringBootApplication annotated class is in this package. Notice, If this recursive "search" doesn't find #SpringBootApplication annotated class - the test doesn't start. That's why its important to use the package structure offered by spring boot application.
Now when it finds that class it know which packages should be scanned for beans to start the spring boot application. So it tries to find beans according to practices of spring boot (package com.abc.myapp and beneath). It does it again recursively top-to-bottom this time.
It also runs your starters (autoconfigurations) in this mode.
So, bottom line:
Specifying #SpringBootTest without parameters makes spring boot doing its best to mimic the startup of the real application
If you use it with parameters where you put it a configuration however, it behaves totally differently: Its like saying: "I know where my configurations are, don't try to start everything, here is my configuration, load only it".
A totally different thing, no recursive searches, no auto-configurations startup, etc.

Is it possible to test the properties injection correctness via JUNIT?

I have developed my application and I have a .properties file containing several key-value properties.
In my code I inject said properties like this:
private String hostname;
I am searching for a way to check every #Value inside of my code so to make sure that every property will be solved at runtime. Something like simulating my application startup.
Is it possible?
Yes, you can create a JUnit test class that loads your application context (just like your production code would) and then execute a test method that verifies that your property values have been injected.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class})
public class SpringApplicationTest {
private MyServiceBean serviceBean;
public void shouldExecuteServiceBean_andProduceExpectedOutcome() {
//TODO test setup
//TODO assert output
In this example MyServiceBean.java is a class that would be executed from your Main class, so that you are testing the end-to-end logic of your application, including all of the spring dependency injections. Think of it as your "happy path" test scenario. I always include at least one test like this in my projects, to ensure that all of the spring injections are correct and load without error. You wan't to catch the errors before you build and deploy your code.
In the example above AppConfig.java is the same Spring configuration class you use when your code is deployed. You probably want to add another configuration class that overrides some properties/beans specifically for testing only.
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class, TestConfig.class})
Using a test only class, you can mock out any dependencies that make testing difficult (i.e. use an in-memory database), and also override properties so you can test against "localhost" rather than another service which may or may not be available (so long as you can create an equivalent localhost service in your test setup).
Note: If you are finding it difficult to test your application due to too many dependencies, or external dependencies that cannot be swapped out easily, the pain you are feeling is a good guide to start thinking about how to change your architecture to support ease of testing. You also can just test portions of your application using the above concepts.

How to prevent spring boot from auto creating instance of bean 'entityManagerFactory' at startup?

I am working on a Spring boot application that uses Spring JPA with PostgreSQL. I am using #SpringBootTest(classes = <my package>.Application.class) to initialize my unit test for a controller class.
The problem is that this is causing the entityManagerFactory bean (and many other objects related to jpa, datasource, jdbc, etc.) to be created which is not needed for unit tests. Is there a way to prevent Spring from automatically creating these objects till they are actually used the first time?
I spent a lot of time trying to load up only the beans I need for my unit test but ran into many errors. I am relatively new to Spring and I am hoping someone else has run into this before...and can help. I can post code snippets if needed.
Update: I am not sure if I should edit or answer my own question...choosing to edit since I ended up changing my approach to unit tests. I added this to my test config class.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"api.controller", "api.config", "api.utils"})
public class TestControllerConfig {
and I mocked out the service and repository classes.
You can disable auto configuration in spring-boot using exclude attribute of #EnableAutoConfiguration, as follows:
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = {DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration.class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class})
public class TestConfig {
From #EnableAutoConfiguration documentation:
If the class is not on the classpath, you can use the excludeName attribute of the annotation and specify the fully qualified name instead. Finally, you can also control the list of auto-configuration classes to exclude via the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property.

How to perform integration testing in Spring Boot with Gemfire and multiple Spring Application Configurations?

I'm trying to run an integration test that has a different SpringApplicationConfiguration from the other integration tests. The issue only manifests when Gemfire is configured.
A demonstration of the error in available here: https://github.com/kemitix/test-spring-boot-gemfire-testing
There are two test classes ContextsApplicationTests and ContextsApplicationWithCustomTests.
The first uses a standard SpringApplicationConfiguration based on the ContextsApplication class. The other attempts to also include the CustomConfiguration class to override a Bean.
Test one:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = ContextsApplication.class)
public class ContextsApplicationTests {
Test two:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = {
public class ContextsApplicationWithCustomTests {
Without having Gemfire enabled the tests run happily.
However, having Gemfire configured causes an issue with the context loader throwing an IllegalArgumentException:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
a beanFactoryReference already exists for key cacheFactoryBean
The full output is included in the file mvn-clean-install.txt in the repo.
When the two tests are run in isolation they work. It is only when they are run together that the issue appears. I suspect the Gemfire instance that Spring Boot is running is causing some sort of bleed-over between the two tests that is causing the Contexts not to be properly segregated. Unfortunately, I've no idea how to influence this.
You can also try CacheFactoryBean.setUseBeanFactoryLocator(false)

Why does my application not register with Eureka server?

I have a simple spring boot application that should register with Eureka. I used the new annotation #EnableDiscoveryClient but still no action at startup. The class is declared as follows, and has a single request mapping.
public class SpringBootEchoApplication {
I see no error messages or anything a startup, I just don't get any discovery client logging like I do in my other app which uses the annotation to enable zuul.
After checking the dependencies in the two projects, the one in which I was not getting eureka registration did not include the eureka-client dependency.
I guess this is a drawback to the #Conditional configuration way of doing things in boot. Even though I have the appropriate Enable annotation specified, because I have no DiscoveryClient implementation (like Eureka) I get no registration... but also no error messages.
