My goal is to create an abstract class whose static methods have to be implemented, but I was having some issues due to static methods not being able to be made abstract.
This is the solution I came up with:
public abstract class CombinedMethod {
public static String computeMethodBody() throws
CannotCompileException {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static ArrayList<CtMethod> sortSelectedMethods() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
I'm making this post because I couldn't find any equivalent answer, which left me wondering if this is idiomatic in Java.
Edit to add use case:
I want to create several classes that must all implement both computeMethodBody and sortSelectedMethods.
My solution adds structure and semantic meaning to the code, compared to, for example, creating documentation explaining how to create equivalent classes.
I am aware of why overriding static methods doesn't make sense in Java and that I'm just hiding them. As I said there's no other answer exemplifying this use case, but there's plenty discussing the concept.
Edit to add more details about the project:
The goal here is to implement some features of Common Lisp's method combination, using annotations as modifiers.
To name an example, suppose Class2 inherits from Class1:
public class Class1 {
public int myValue()
System.out.println("In myValue of Class1");
return 1;
public class Class2 extends Class1 {
public int myValue()
System.out.println("In myValue of Class2");
return 2;
Since they're both annotated with "+", I want to change the behaviour of this method at load time, so that Class2's effective method will be something behaviourally equivalent to:
public int myValue()
System.out.println("In myValue of Class2");
System.out.println("In myValue of Class1");
return 2 + 1;
To do so, I employed Javassist to compute a new effective method. Fortunately, I was able to generalize my architecture, so adding new functionality entails creating a static method and calling it inside a new switch case statement:
String computeEffectiveMethodBody(String annotationValue, CtClass ctClass, ArrayList<CtMethod> sortedSelectedMethods) throws CannotCompileException {
switch (annotationValue) {
case "min":
return CombinedMin.computeMethodBody(ctClass, sortedSelectedMethods);
case "max":
return CombinedMax.computeMethodBody(ctClass, sortedSelectedMethods);
case "+":
return CombinedAddition.computeMethodBody(ctClass, sortedSelectedMethods);
case "and":
return CombinedAnd.computeMethodBody(ctClass, sortedSelectedMethods);
case "or":
return CombinedOr.computeMethodBody(ctClass, sortedSelectedMethods);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid annotation");
The way I choose to segregate it was by creating a package called combinedMethods. Inside it, there's the parent function CombinedMethod and another subpackage called methods where all of the extensions with the actual static methods are kept.
Thank you #AasmundEldhuset for your interest, I'm always looking for the best way to architecture my software, even though I haven't learned it formally yet.
enforce implementation of inherited static methods in Java?
Java Language Specification says:
A class does not inherit private or static methods from its superinterface types.
Static methods are also called class methods. They are bound to a class and don't require an instance of the class in order to be invoked.
static and abstract is an illegal combination of modifiers because static methods are completely self-contained and always have an implementation.
You can not inherit static methods and as subsequence the concept of overriding is not applicable to them. And since a subclass can not override a parent's static method, abstract static method doesn't make sense because it can not be implemented.
A class method can be hidden by a method from a subclass with the same signature.
A quote from JLS:
A class (static) method that is hidden can be invoked by using a reference whose type is the type of the class that actually contains the declaration of the method. In this respect, hiding of static methods is different from overriding of instance methods.
I.e. hidden version can be invoked only on a child class or instance, conversely to the overridden method which can be invoked on the instance on of parent class or on the instance on of child class.
In other words, you can't obtain polymorphic behavior with static methods.
I want to create several classes that must all implement both computeMethodBody and sortSelectedMethods
So you want these two static methods with the same signature to be present in a couple of classes. And that's totally fine. But you don't need a parent abstract class for that because there's no useful code in it if both its method will be hidden.
creating documentation explaining how to create equivalent classes
Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming isn't used for documentary purposes. The child should be capable to replace its parent in any use-cases, as Liskov substitution principle suggests.
The problem is that there are no use-cases for such a parent class. combinedMethod class isn't designed for inheritance (BTW, it's not a very informative name and by convention names of classes and interfaces should start with a capital letter).
You are misusing inheritance. If you need to provide the end-users of your classes with some additional information, there are other ways to do that:
The very first mean is a self-documenting code. Use clear, concise and self-explanatory names for your methods and classes.
Since Java 5 metadata can be provided with annotations.
In earlier versions, marker-interfaces were used for that purpose. But classes were never utilized for that.
Another thing that you need to understand is that although inheritance is a very important and useful mechanism, it also has pitfalls and should be applied after careful consideration.
Even if your case would be more suitable to apply inheritance, it wouldn't automatically mean that inheritance is the best option.
For instance, classes IntSummaryStatistics, LongSummaryStatistics and DoubleSummaryStatistics have no parent class in the JDK, although they have common fields and behavior.
Take a look at these classes a compare with your situation when parent isn't designed to be extended and has nothing to offer to its subclasses.
If you need to provide metadata - you can create a custom annotation like #CapableOfSomething and mark your classes with it, but don't abuse inheritance instead.
Static methods are invoked on a class, independent of an instance, so if they would be abstract, how would the run-time know on which sub-class to call them?
CombinedMethod cm1 = new SubclassA(...)
CombinedMethod cm2 = new SubclassB(...)
// static method computeMethodBody is called on neither cm1 or cm2, so what implementation to choose.
String result = CombinedMethod.computeMethodBody();
I was recently going through one of the Netflix open source project
There I found use of both final class along with private constructor. I fully aware that
final is to avoid inheritance
private is to disallow instantiation
But m just curious to know why they are both used together. Although methods are static, so we can use them without instantiation but still eager to know design principle behind it.
With this code you will have this features
Not allow anyone subclass (extends) your class
Not allow instantiating your class
Making a variables or classes final increase the performance (not much, but it does and used as common practice in big projects will make a difference)
In this case I can't see a singleton pattern to get an instance, so, IMHO, you're looking to a helper/util class in the Netflix API, where the developer team used some standard practices to ensure users use their classes in the correct way:
Also, looking at the class you linked:
* This class consists exclusively of static methods that help verify the compliance of OP1A-conformant....
//to prevent instantiation
private IMFConstraints()
If you want further info, take a look at Item 4 from Joshua Bloch's Effective Java (2nd Edition):
Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor
Occasionally you’ll want to write a class that is just a grouping of static methods and static fields. Such classes have acquired a bad reputation because some people abuse them to avoid thinking in terms of objects, but they do have valid uses.
They can be used to group related methods on primitive values or arrays, in the manner of java.lang.Math or java.util.Arrays.
They can also be used to group static methods, including factory methods (Item 1), for objects that implement a particular interface, in the manner of java.util.Collections.
Lastly, they can be used to group methods on a final class, instead of extending the class.
Such utility classes were not designed to be instantiated: an instance would be nonsensical. In the absence of explicit constructors, however, the compiler provides a public, parameterless default constructor. To a user, this constructor is indistinguishable from any other. It is not uncommon to see unintentionally instantiable classes in published APIs.
Attempting to enforce noninstantiability by making a class abstract does
not work. The class can be subclassed and the subclass instantiated. Furthermore, it misleads the user into thinking the class was designed for inheritance (Item 17).
There is, however, a simple idiom to ensure noninstantiability. A default constructor is generated only if a class contains no explicit constructors, so a class can be made noninstantiable by including a private constructor.
That class consists of static so called "utility" methods, and therefore you don't need an instance of it, and further, it's WRONG to try to get an instance of it. The class is final so that a client developer doesn't have the option of coming along and extending the class, because that would be against the intention of the original class.
There are basically 2 uses for private constructors: to tightly control instantiation in the case of a class that you want to restrict creation of (for example, if it requires a ton of resources). In this first case, you have to provide static factory methods that create an object for the client.
public static IMFConstraints getInstance()
The other case is if it's never valid to make an instance. In that case, you provide static methods, which are called on the class itself. ie:
public static void checkIMFCompliance(List<PartitionPack> partitionPacks)
You would call the above method like so:
// your cool client code here...
// more of your awesome code...
The class you linked is the latter case.
I am reading a book about Java and it says that you can declare the whole class as final. I cannot think of anything where I'd use this.
I am just new to programming and I am wondering if programmers actually use this on their programs. If they do, when do they use it so I can understand it better and know when to use it.
If Java is object oriented, and you declare a class final, doesn't it stop the idea of class having the characteristics of objects?
First of all, I recommend this article: Java: When to create a final class
If they do, when do they use it so I can understand it better and know when to use it.
A final class is simply a class that can't be extended.
(It does not mean that all references to objects of the class would act as if they were declared as final.)
When it's useful to declare a class as final is covered in the answers of this question:
Good reasons to prohibit inheritance in Java?
If Java is object oriented, and you declare a class final, doesn't it stop the idea of class having the characteristics of objects?
In some sense yes.
By marking a class as final you disable a powerful and flexible feature of the language for that part of the code. Some classes however, should not (and in certain cases can not) be designed to take subclassing into account in a good way. In these cases it makes sense to mark the class as final, even though it limits OOP. (Remember however that a final class can still extend another non-final class.)
In Java, items with the final modifier cannot be changed!
This includes final classes, final variables, and final methods:
A final class cannot be extended by any other class
A final variable cannot be reassigned another value
A final method cannot be overridden
One scenario where final is important, when you want to prevent inheritance of a class, for security reasons. This allows you to make sure that code you are running cannot be overridden by someone.
Another scenario is for optimization: I seem to remember that the Java compiler inlines some function calls from final classes. So, if you call a.x() and a is declared final, we know at compile-time what the code will be and can inline into the calling function. I have no idea whether this is actually done, but with final it is a possibility.
The best example is
public final class String
which is an immutable class and cannot be extended.
Of course, there is more than just making the class final to be immutable.
If you imagine the class hierarchy as a tree (as it is in Java), abstract classes can only be branches and final classes are those that can only be leafs. Classes that fall into neither of those categories can be both branches and leafs.
There's no violation of OO principles here, final is simply providing a nice symmetry.
In practice you want to use final if you want your objects to be immutable or if you're writing an API, to signal to the users of the API that the class is just not intended for extension.
Relevant reading: The Open-Closed Principle by Bob Martin.
Key quote:
Software Entities (Classes, Modules,
Functions, etc.) should be open for
Extension, but closed for
The final keyword is the means to enforce this in Java, whether it's used on methods or on classes.
The keyword final itself means something is final and is not supposed to be modified in any way. If a class if marked final then it can not be extended or sub-classed. But the question is why do we mark a class final? IMO there are various reasons:
Standardization: Some classes perform standard functions and they are not meant to be modified e.g. classes performing various functions related to string manipulations or mathematical functions etc.
Security reasons: Sometimes we write classes which perform various authentication and password related functions and we do not want them to be altered by anyone else.
I have heard that marking class final improves efficiency but frankly I could not find this argument to carry much weight.
If Java is object oriented, and you declare a class final, doesn't it
stop the idea of class having the characteristics of objects?
Perhaps yes, but sometimes that is the intended purpose. Sometimes we do that to achieve bigger benefits of security etc. by sacrificing the ability of this class to be extended. But a final class can still extend one class if it needs to.
On a side note we should prefer composition over inheritance and final keyword actually helps in enforcing this principle.
final class can avoid breaking the public API when you add new methods
Suppose that on version 1 of your Base class you do:
public class Base {}
and a client does:
class Derived extends Base {
public int method() { return 1; }
Then if in version 2 you want to add a method method to Base:
class Base {
public String method() { return null; }
it would break the client code.
If we had used final class Base instead, the client wouldn't have been able to inherit, and the method addition wouldn't break the API.
A final class is a class that can't be extended. Also methods could be declared as final to indicate that cannot be overridden by subclasses.
Preventing the class from being subclassed could be particularly useful if you write APIs or libraries and want to avoid being extended to alter base behaviour.
In java final keyword uses for below occasions.
Final Variables
Final Methods
Final Classes
In java final variables can't reassign, final classes can't extends and final methods can't override.
Be careful when you make a class "final". Because if you want to write an unit test for a final class, you cannot subclass this final class in order to use the dependency-breaking technique "Subclass and Override Method" described in Michael C. Feathers' book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". In this book, Feathers said, "Seriously, it is easy to believe that sealed and final are a wrong-headed mistake, that they should never have been added to programming languages. But the real fault lies with us. When we depend directly on libraries that are out of our control, we are just asking for trouble."
If the class is marked final, it means that the class' structure can't be modified by anything external. Where this is the most visible is when you're doing traditional polymorphic inheritance, basically class B extends A just won't work. It's basically a way to protect some parts of your code (to extent).
To clarify, marking class final doesn't mark its fields as final and as such doesn't protect the object properties but the actual class structure instead.
There are two ways to make a class final. The first is to use the keyword final in the class declaration:
public final class SomeClass {
// . . . Class contents
The second way to make a class final is to declare all of its constructors as private:
public class SomeClass {
public final static SOME_INSTANCE = new SomeClass(5);
private SomeClass(final int value) {
Marking it final saves you the trouble if finding out that it is actual a final, to demonstrate look at this Test class. looks public at first glance.
public class Test{
private Test(Class beanClass, Class stopClass, int flags)
throws Exception{
// . . . snip . . .
Unfortunately, since the only constructor of the class is private, it is impossible to extend this class. In the case of the Test class, there is no reason that the class should be final. The Test class is a good example of how implicit final classes can cause problems.
So you should mark it final when you implicitly make a class final by making it's constructor private.
One advantage of keeping a class as final :-
String class is kept final so that no one can override its methods and change the functionality. e.g no one can change functionality of length() method. It will always return length of a string.
Developer of this class wanted no one to change functionality of this class, so he kept it as final.
The other answers have focused on what final class tells the compiler: do not allow another class to declare it extends this class, and why that is desirable.
But the compiler is not the only reader of the phrase final class. Every programmer who reads the source code also reads that. It can aid rapid program comprehension.
In general, if a programmer sees Thing thing = that.someMethod(...); and the programmer wants to understand the subsequent behaviour of the object accessed through the thing object-reference, the programmer must consider the Thing class hierarchy: potentially many types, scattered over many packages. But if the programmer knows, or reads, final class Thing, they instantly know that they do not need to search for and study so many Java files, because there are no derived classes: they need study only and, perhaps, it's base classes.
Yes, sometimes you may want this though, either for security or speed reasons. It's done also in C++. It may not be that applicable for programs, but moreso for frameworks.
think of FINAL as the "End of the line" - that guy cannot produce offspring anymore. So when you see it this way, there are ton of real world scenarios that you will come across that requires you to flag an 'end of line' marker to the class. It is Domain Driven Design - if your domain demands that a given ENTITY (class) cannot create sub-classes, then mark it as FINAL.
I should note that there is nothing stopping you from inheriting a "should be tagged as final" class. But that is generally classified as "abuse of inheritance", and done because most often you would like to inherit some function from the base class in your class.
The best approach is to look at the domain and let it dictate your design decisions.
As above told, if you want no one can change the functionality of the method then you can declare it as final.
Example: Application server file path for download/upload, splitting string based on offset, such methods you can declare it Final so that these method functions will not be altered. And if you want such final methods in a separate class, then define that class as Final class. So Final class will have all final methods, where as Final method can be declared and defined in non-final class.
Let's say you have an Employee class that has a method greet. When the greet method is called it simply prints Hello everyone!. So that is the expected behavior of greet method
public class Employee {
void greet() {
System.out.println("Hello everyone!");
Now, let GrumpyEmployee subclass Employee and override greet method as shown below.
public class GrumpyEmployee extends Employee {
void greet() {
System.out.println("Get lost!");
Now in the below code have a look at the sayHello method. It takes Employee instance as a parameter and calls the greet method hoping that it would say Hello everyone! But what we get is Get lost!. This change in behavior is because of Employee grumpyEmployee = new GrumpyEmployee();
public class TestFinal {
static Employee grumpyEmployee = new GrumpyEmployee();
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestFinal testFinal = new TestFinal();
private void sayHello(Employee employee) {
employee.greet(); //Here you would expect a warm greeting, but what you get is "Get lost!"
This situation can be avoided if the Employee class was made final. Just imagine the amount of chaos a cheeky programmer could cause if String Class was not declared as final.
Final class cannot be extended further. If we do not need to make a class inheritable in java,we can use this approach.
If we just need to make particular methods in a class not to be overridden, we just can put final keyword in front of them. There the class is still inheritable.
Final classes cannot be extended. So if you want a class to behave a certain way and don't someone to override the methods (with possibly less efficient and more malicious code), you can declare the whole class as final or specific methods which you don't want to be changed.
Since declaring a class does not prevent a class from being instantiated, it does not mean it will stop the class from having the characteristics of an object. It's just that you will have to stick to the methods just the way they are declared in the class.
Android Looper class is a good practical example of this.
The Looper class provides certain functionality which is NOT intended to be overridden by any other class. Hence, no sub-class here.
I know only one actual use case: generated classes
Among the use cases of generated classes, I know one: dependency inject e.g.
Object Orientation is not about inheritance, it is about encapsulation. And inheritance breaks encapsulation.
Declaring a class final makes perfect sense in a lot of cases. Any object representing a “value” like a color or an amount of money could be final. They stand on their own.
If you are writing libraries, make your classes final unless you explicitly indent them to be derived. Otherwise, people may derive your classes and override methods, breaking your assumptions / invariants. This may have security implications as well.
Joshua Bloch in “Effective Java” recommends designing explicitly for inheritance or prohibiting it and he notes that designing for inheritance is not that easy.
Could you please clarify that why final keyword is required before class when we are making it an immutable one.
I mean, if we declare all of it's attributes as private and final, then also it is an immutable class, isn't it?
Sorry if the question seems easy, but i am truly confused about it. Help me out.
I know that a class declared final can't be subclassed.. But if each attribute is private and final then what difference does that make?
As stacker says, final makes sure the class isn't subclassed. That's important so that any code which is relying on its immutability can do so safely.
For example, immutable types (where each field is also of an immutable type) can be freely used between threads without worrying about data races etc. Now consider:
public class Person {
private final String name;
public Person(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
That looks like you can share Person instances freely across threads with no problem. But what about when the object you're sharing is actually a mutable subclass:
public class Employee extends Person {
private String company;
public Employee(String name, String company) {
super(name); = company;
public void setCompany(String company) { = company;
public String getCompany() {
return company;
Now instances of Employee aren't safe to share between threads, because they're not immutable. But the code doing the sharing may only know about them as instances of Person... leading them into a false sense of security.
The same goes for caching - it should be safe to cache and reuse immutable types, right? Well, it is safe to cache instances which are genuinely of an immutable type - but if you're dealing with a type which itself doesn't allow mutation, but does allow subclasses, it's suddenly not safe any more.
Think about java.lang.Object. It doesn't have any mutable fields, but it's clearly a bad idea to treat every Object reference as if it's a reference to an immutable type. Basically it depends on whether you think about immutability as a property of the type or of objects. A truly immutable type declares "any time you see a reference of this type, you can treat it as immutable" - whereas a type which allows arbitrary subclassing can't make that claim.
As an aside, there's a half-way house: if you can limit the subclassing to only "trusted" places, you can ensure that everything's immutable, but still allow that subclassing. The access in Java makes that tricky, but in C# for example you could have a public class which only allowed subclassing within the same assembly - giving a public API which is nice and strong in terms of immutability, while still allowing for the benefits of polymorphism.
A class that is declared final cannot be subclassed. See also
The different semantics of all uses of the final keyword are described in the The Java Language Specification
4.12.4 final Variables Page 80 final Classes Page 184 final Fields Page 209 final Methods Page 223
You don't strictly need final to make an immutable class. i.e. you can make an immutable class without it being final.
However, if you don't make it final, then it is possible for someone to extend a class and create a subclass that is mutable (either by adding new mutable fields, or overriding methods in a way that enables you to mutate protected fields of the original immutable class). This is a potential problem - it violates the Liskov Substitution Principle, in the sense that you would expect the property of immutablity to be preserved by all subtypes.
Hence, it is usually good practice to make immutable classes final to avoid this risk.
'final' as the keyword's name suggest means that the attribute to which final keyword is attached can't be changed(in terms of value) in other words it behaves like a constant.
As per your question if all members of the class is made private and final but the class is not made final then the same class can be inherited but the super class member are immutable as final keyword is attached to them.
An immutable object is an object which state is guaranteed to stay identical over its entire lifetime. While it is perfectly possible to implement immutability without final, its use makes that purpose explicit, to the human (the software developer) and the machine (the compiler).
Immutable objects carry some very desirable characteristics:
they are simple to understand and easy to use
they are inherently thread-safe: they require no synchronization
they make great building blocks for other objects
Clearly final is going to help us define immutable objects. First in labelling our object as immutable, which makes it simple to use and understand by other programmers. Second in guaranteeing that the object's state never changes, which enable the thread-safe property: thread concurrency issues are relevant when one thread can change data while another thread is reading the same data. Because an immutable object never changes its data, synchronizing access to it is not needed.
Create an immutable class by meeting all of the following conditions:
Declare all fields private final.
Set all fields in the constructor.
Don't provide any methods that modify the state of the object; provide only getter methods (no setters).
Declare the class final, so that no methods may be overridden.
Ensure exclusive access to any mutable components, e.g. by returning copies.
A class declared final cannot be sub classed. Other classes cannot extend final class. It provides some benefit to security and thread safety.
If all public and protected methods are final and none of them allows modifying private fields, and all public and protected fields are both final and immutable, then I guess it could be said class is semi-immutable, or sort of constant.
But things break down when you create a subclass and need to override equals and hashcode. And can not because you made them final... So the whole thing is broken, so just make the whole class final to prevent programmer from being a fool by accident.
As an alternative to doing this kind of bastardized version immutability, you have several options.
If you want to attach extra data to immutable instance, use Map. Like if you wanted to add age to name, you would not do class NameAge extends String... :-)
If you want to add methods, create a class of static utility functions. That is a bit klunky, but it is the current Java way, Apache commons for example is full of such classes.
If you want to add extra methods and data, create a wrapper class with delegate methods to methods of the immutable class. Anybody needing to use the extra methods needs to be aware of them anyway, and there is not much practical difference in casting to derived non-immutable class or doing something like new MyWrapper(myImmutableObj) for many use cases.
When you really have to have reference to original imutable object (like storing it in existing class you can not change), but need the extra data somewhere, you need to use the Map approach to keep the extra data around, or something like that.
If an immutable class Foo is sealed ("final"), then anyone who receives a reference to a Foo may be assured that if Foo was implemented correctly, the referenced instance will in fact be immutable. If an immutable class is not sealed, then someone who receives a reference to a Foo may be assured that if the actual class of of the referenced object (which may be Foo or some derivative type implemented by some arbitrary unknown person) was implemented correctly, the instance will be immutable. Leaving Foo unsealed means that anyone who relies upon Foo to be immutable will have to trust that everyone who writes a class that derives from Foo will implement it correctly. If one wants to be certain that every reference to a Foo will in fact target an immutable instance without having to rely upon the authors of derivative classes to abide by the contract, making Foo final can aid in such assurance.
On the other hand, the possibility that a class might derive from Foo but violate its immutability isn't terribly different from the possibility that a class which derives from any other class might violate the contracts of its parent class. Any code which accepts a reference of any type which can be subclasssed by outside code might be given an instance of a subclass which violates its parent's contract.
The fundamental question when deciding whether an immutable class should be sealed is the same as for any other class: whether the benefits of leaving the type unsealed outweigh any dangers that would be posed by doing so. In some cases, it may make sense to have an extensible immutable class, or even an abstract class or interface whose concrete implementations are all contractually obligated to be immutable; for example, a drawing package might have an ImmutableShape class with some concrete fields, properties, and methods to define 2D transformations, but an abstract Draw method, allowing for the definition of derivative types ImmutablePolygon, ImmutableTextObject, ImmutableBezierCurve, etc. If someone implements an ImmutableGradientFilledEllipse class but fails to have that type make its own copy of a mutable GradientColorSelector, the colors of gradient-filled polygons might change unexpectedly, but that would be a fault of the ImmutableGradientFilledEllipse class, and not the consuming code. Despite the possibility of a broken implementation failing to uphold the "immutability" contract, an extensible ImmutableShape class would be much more versatile than a sealed one.
I am just trying to understand why all fields defined in an Interface are implicitly static and final. The idea of keeping fields static makes sense to me as you can't have objects of an interface but why they are final (implicitly)?
Any one knows why Java designers went with making the fields in an interface static and final?
An interface is intended to specify an interaction contract, not implementation details. A developer should be able to use an implementation just by looking at the interface, and not have to look inside the class which implements it.
An interface does not allow you to create an instance of it, because you cannot specify constructors. So it cannot have instance state, although interface fields can define constants, which are implicitly static and final.
You cannot specify method bodies or initializer blocks in an interface, although since Java 8 you can specify default methods with bodies. This feature is intended to allow new methods to be added to existing interfaces without having to update all the implementations. But you still cannot execute such a method, without first creating an instance implementing the interface.
Aside: Note that you can implement an interface with an anonymous inner class:
interface Foo {
String bar();
class FooBar {
Foo anonymous = new Foo() {
public String bar() {
return "The Laundromat Café";
You have to provide the full implementation of the interface for the anonymous inner class to compile.
new Foo() is initializing the anonymous inner class with its default constructor.
Reason for being final
Any implementations can change value of fields if they are not defined as final. Then they would become a part of the implementation. An interface is a pure specification without any implementation.
Reason for being static
If they are static, then they belong to the interface, and not the object, nor the run-time type of the object.
There are a couple of points glossed over here:
Just because fields in an interface are implicitly static final does not mean they must be compile-time constants, or even immutable. You can define e.g.
interface I {
String TOKEN = SomeOtherClass.heavyComputation();
JButton BAD_IDEA = new JButton("hello");
(Beware that doing this inside an annotation definition can confuse javac, relating to the fact that the above actually compiles to a static initializer.)
Also, the reason for this restriction is more stylistic than technical, and a lot of people would like to see it be relaxed.
The fields must be static because they can't be abstract (like methods can). Because they can't be abstract, the implementers will not be able to logically provide the different implementation of the fields.
The fields must be final, I think, because the fields may be accessed by many different implementers allows they to be changeable might be problematic (as synchronization). Also to avoid it to be re-implemented (hidden).
Just my thought.
I consider the requirement that the fields be final as unduly restrictive and a mistake by the Java language designers. There are times, e.g. tree handling, when you need to set constants in the implementation which are required to perform operations on an object of the interface type. Selecting a code path on the implementing class is a kludge. The workaround which I use is to define an interface function and implement it by returning a literal:
public interface iMine {
String __ImplementationConstant();
public class AClass implements iMine {
public String __ImplementationConstant(){
return "AClass value for the Implementation Constant";
public class BClass implements iMine {
public String __ImplementationConstant(){
return "BClass value for the Implementation Constant";
However, it would be simpler, clearer and less prone to aberrant implementation to use this syntax:
public interface iMine {
String __ImplementationConstant;
public class AClass implements iMine {
public static String __ImplementationConstant =
"AClass value for the Implementation Constant";
public class BClass implements iMine {
public static String __ImplementationConstant =
"BClass value for the Implementation Constant";
Specification, contracts... The machine instruction for field access uses object address plus field offset. Since classes can implement many interfaces, there is no way to make non-final interface field to have the same offset in all classes that extend this interface. Therefore different mechanism for field access must be implemented: two memory accesses (get field offset, get field value) instead of one plus maintaining kind of virtual field table (analog of virtual method table). Guess they just didn't want to complicate jvm for functionality that can be easily simulated via existing stuff (methods).
In scala we can have fields in interfaces, though internally they are implemented as I explained above (as methods).
Anything (variable or method) that is static in Java can be invoked as Classname.variablename or Classname.methodname or directly. It is not compulsory to invoke it only by using object name.
In interface, objects cannot be declared and static makes it possible to invoke variables just through class name without the need of object name.
It helps to maintain a constant value for a variable as it can't be overridden in its subclasses.