Trying to fetch Text from own Jimdo Page by Android App - java

My current issue is about fetching Text from a Jimdo Webpage and printing it as a News Blog on my Android App.
I am not sure which direction to go now, maybe you have some hints according to this?


google map api is not working for a long time in android studio

I am just going for development of an android application on google map, but what error i am getting after some day of lunching the app in Playstore the google map is not working, only one page is coming and at right end of the page google icon is present.
Is there any way to fix this problem or we have to bye google api? Thank you.
You can solve this problem by going to you api console
from this link then choose credentials
then choose your key and check the choose like next image
some api need billing accounts, Make sure that your protect is attached with billing account or not , if it is attached than you should contact with google custom support center

Downloading most recent Image from server in image view in android app

I am a newbie and as soon as I started learning the language I got one project. Most of it is done but I am strugglig in a basic programming problem. My app is supposed to provide the images of the price lists set by the commissioner in our city by downloadin from thir original website. The problem is after every few days a new image appears as new prices are set and the image's url in my app becomes obsolete. the new image that appears on the website does not have a ur that follow a pattern like image1,2,3 but it is a random number every time. Can someone please help me how can I solve this problem of mine?
PS. I know how to get an image in the imageView. All I want is to make the app smart enough to download the most recently added image every time. Please please respond. Thanks
You could search the image URL from the website using an html parser like Jsoup and then load the image into an imageview using the Picasso or Glide library

How to render an HTML web page in video on android?

I am working on an idea where I need to render an HTML5 web page in video on android. Actually it works this way that a video is being displayed on the screen of the TV and I want to render a web page on that video So far my research shows that this is called as video overlay or composite which can be found here Link. My question is how can I acheive this in Android??
Or in other words I would say how can I achieve video overlay in android. Is there any API for that ??
Any suggestion to achieve this will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Facebook Android sdk and Facebook app overlapping

I have developed an Android game that integrates facebook SDK for checking if one has liked and sharing results.
I heard from my mate that he had problem that made him unable to use the like for reward feature on my app, so I decided to install facebook app myself to check out the problem.
For some reason if I am trying to access the fb api reading data from URL "" it opens up facebook app on Android which only flashes and then turns off.. How can I avoid this or is there better way to check if one has liked my page in order to give him reward?
I haven't used the Facebook API, but the Facebook app is probably opening because it's listening for broadcast Intents to "". You could explicitly send the intent to a browser package instead, but this isn't a good solution as there are many browsers.
I would try to do a HTTPS request using a Loader to fetch and parse the json. Have you tried this yet?
I can't paste any code right now, sorry.
From your comment to above Answer , Glad to know that you solved your problem,
Here is the answer for your Question
is there better way to check if one has liked my page
You can surely use FQL - Facebook Query Language to do this, given under the developer documentation in Facebook site.
There are Two different table
1.Page - where you can get all the detail about the page
2.Page_Fan - which you can use to know the fan-id for the page

Embedding youtube channels in android application

I want to be able to display a certain youtube channel's videos and allow the user to select one of their videos to watch. Do I have to do this manually (parse the source code of the webpage to get each individual video link and then display them) or can I use the youtube api?
If anyone has done this, example code or tutorials would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
you can do that without parse any webpage, the correct way is using the youtube api
from a Youtube video get the Id
(this is the mobile youtube version
so you can get the data scheme
and you can get for example the related videos
heres the youtube api reference
