When we can access all the implicit variables in JSP, why do we have pageContext ?
My assumption is the following: if we use EL expressions or JSTL, to access or set the attributes we need pageContext. Let me know whether I am right.
You need it to access non-implicit variables. Does it now make sense?
Update: Sometimes would just like to access the getter methods of HttpServletRequest and HttpSession directly. In standard JSP, both are only available by ${pageContext}. Here are some real world use examples:
Refreshing page when session times out:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="${pageContext.session.maxInactiveInterval}">
Passing session ID to an Applet (so that it can communicate with servlet in the same session):
<param name="jsessionid" value="${pageContext.session.id}">
Displaying some message only on first request of a session:
<c:if test="${pageContext.session['new']}">Welcome!</c:if>
note that new has special treatment because it's a reserved keyword in EL, at least, since EL 2.2
Displaying user IP:
Your IP is: ${pageContext.request.remoteAddr}
Making links domain-relative without hardcoding current context path:
Dynamically defining the <base> tag (with a bit help of JSTL functions taglib):
<base href="${fn:replace(pageContext.request.requestURL, pageContext.request.requestURI, pageContext.request.contextPath)}/">
Etcetera. Peek around in the aforelinked HttpServletRequest and HttpSession javadoc to learn about all those getter methods. Some of them may be useful in JSP/EL as well.
To add to #BalusC's excellent answer, the PageContext that you are getting might not be limited to what you see in the specification.
For example, Lucee is a JSP Servlet that adds many features to the interface and abstract classes. By getting a reference to the PageContext you can gain access to a lot of information that is otherwise unavailable.
All 11 implicit EL variables are defined as Map, except the pageContext variable.
pageContext variable provides convenient methods for accessing request/response/session attributes or forwarding the request.
So I have a code like this in my jsp file:
<a href="<%= getServletConfig().getServletContext().getContextPath() %>/registerMe.jsp"
class="btn">Not a member? Register..</a>
And I know that using scriplets is bad practice in JSP files. How can I avoid such a situation then?
Use an EL expression:
<a href="${pageContext.servletContext.contextPath}/registerMe.jsp"
class="btn">Not a member? Register..</a>
You can use request.getContextPath() in your action class, and you can pass that to JSP as a string using request, or you can use bean to get that in JSP.
Application scoped objects are stored as attributes of the ServletContext. If the "function call" has access to the ServletContext, then it can just grab them as follows:
Bean bean = (Bean) servletContext.getAttribute("beanname");
I of course expect that the "function" is running in the servlet context. I.e. it is (in)directly executed by a servlet the usual way.
You can also try this link. It have example with full explanation.
I want to read parameter passed by one JSP to another using HTTP POST method.
Following are my two JSP files.
<form action="Two.jsp" method="post">
<input type="text" value="test value" name="txtOne">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<% response.getWriter().println(request.getParameter("txtOne")); %>
I can access the parameter in Two.jsp file using scriplet.
I want to avoid scriplet, so I am looking for JavaScript or jQuery solution.
So far I have searched and found JavaScript solution which only reads parameters sent using GET method(query string only).
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I was able to get the value using JSTL:
Try expression language - ${txtOne}, of if the method in one.jsp is GET instead of POST, you would be able to read URL in javascript and extract parameter value from there.
Yes you can get the value by use of JSTL
From EL info page
In EL there are several implicit objects available.
EL Scriptlet (out.print and null checks omitted!)
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
${param.foo} request.getParameter("foo");
${paramValues.foo} request.getParameterValues("foo");
${header['user-agent']} request.getHeader("user-agent");
${pageContext.request.contextPath} request.getContextPath();
${cookie.somename} Too verbose (start with request.getCookies())
Implicit Objects
The JSP expression language defines a set of implicit objects:
pageContext: The context for the JSP page. Provides access to various objects including:
servletContext: The context for the JSP page’s servlet and any web components contained in the same application. See Accessing the Web Context.
session: The session object for the client. See Maintaining Client State.
request: The request triggering the execution of the JSP page. See Getting Information from Requests.
response: The response returned by the JSP page. See Constructing Responses.
In addition, several implicit objects are available that allow easy access to the following objects:
param: Maps a request parameter name to a single value
paramValues: Maps a request parameter name to an array of values
header: Maps a request header name to a single value
headerValues: Maps a request header name to an array of values
cookie: Maps a cookie name to a single cookie
initParam: Maps a context initialization parameter name to a single value
Finally, there are objects that allow access to the various scoped variables described in Using Scope Objects.
pageScope: Maps page-scoped variable names to their values
requestScope: Maps request-scoped variable names to their values
sessionScope: Maps session-scoped variable names to their values
applicationScope: Maps application-scoped variable names to their values
I want to avoid scriplet, so I am looking for JavaScript or jquery solution.
Simply you cannot.
request object can only accessible on server side, i.e in your JSP. You cannot access request or response object in client side that i.e javascript/jquery/whatever.
If you want access jsp value in javascript, try something like
var news=<%= request.getParameter("txtOne")) %>;
As a side note: Avoid scriplets and go for Expression language.
It is time for you to move to some MVC framework like struts than plain JSP. Then you can fill an ActionForm from parameters and use them on Two.jsp.
I have a class language having features ID and Name.
I have another class Language_List that has ArrayList<language> lang as a member variable.
In my JSP page I want to access the Name variable of ArrayList<language> lang using EL and For each Loop.
<c:forEach var="language" items="${languages.lang}">
However, it doesn't show ant result and intellisense doesn't work too. Anyone who can help me with this
PS: languages is a Bean variable contain list of languages from DB
I tried this and got this
[sakila.language#f1541c, sakila.language#63c8fabf, sakila.language#1fc644c7, sakila.language#11cd751d, sakila.language#47c3cc0c, sakila.language#7894ca3, sakila.language#47066532, sakila.language#74ddda0b, sakila.language#1116441e, sakila.language#4cd21655, sakila.language#74b84dd9, sakila.language#6fff1d6c, sakila.language#55e4d6e5, sakila.language#22d88071, sakila.language#33d88c96, sakila.language#4df5e671, sakila.language#4aec2cb3, sakila.language#576ac232, sakila.language#76a6dbd7, sakila.language#44ab3d1c, sakila.language#46391c7c, sakila.language#4f7d34e8, sakila.language#251c941d, sakila.language#77400ef3]
The EL doesn't access fields of your objects. It accesses bean properties of your objects. This means that ${languages.lang} is translated to a call to languages.getLang().
If you don't have such a getter, you'll get an exception though. If it just doesn't display anything, it's probably because languages is null, or because its lang list is null or empty. To confirm or infirm those guesses, we need to see the code where you create and populate the bean and its list of languages, and where you store it somewhere to make it accessible from the JSP.
Another possibility is that you forgot to declare the core taglib at the beginning of the JSP. To confirm or infirm that, paste the code of the JSP, and the HTML code generated by the JSP (using View page source in the browser)
I'm trying to retrieve attribute values set by a servlet in a JSP page, but I've only luck with parameters by ${param}. I'm not sure about what can I do different. Maybe its simple, but I couldn't manage it yet.
public void execute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
//there's no "setParameter" method for the "request" object
request.setAttribute("attrib", "attribValue");
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/Test.jsp");
In the JSP I have been trying to retrieve the "attribValue", but without success:
<!-- Is there another tag instead of "param"??? -->
<p>Test attribute value: ${param.attrib}
If I pass a parameter through all the process (invoking page, servlets and destination page), it works quite good.
It's available in the default EL scope already, so just
should do.
If you like to explicitly specify the scope (EL will namely search the page, request, session and application scopes in sequence for the first non-null attribute value matching the attribute name), then you need to refer it by the scope map instead, which is ${requestScope} for the request scope
This is only useful if you have possibly an attribute with exactly the same name in the page scope which would otherwise get precedence (but such case usually indicate poor design after all).
See also:
Our EL wiki page
Java EE 6 tutorial - Expression Language
Maybe a comparison between EL syntax and scriptlet syntax will help you understand the concept.
param is like request.getParameter()
requestScope is like request.getAttribute()
You need to tell request attribute from request parameter.
have you tried using an expression tag?
<%= request.getAttribute("attrib") %>
If the scope is of request type, we set the attribute using request.setAttribute(key,value) in request and retrieve using ${requestScope.key} in jsp .
I'm getting a little bit frustrated since I can't find out which variables I can access with the ${...} syntax in a Struts tag, placed in a JSP page.
As an example I've got the following code:
<c:set target="${status.menue}" property="activeMenuePath" value="whatever" />
Where does the object "status.menue" have to be defined in order to can be accessed with a dollar sign and braces. Is it defined in another struts tile or in the form?
It should be placed in any of the page, request, session or application scopes using respectively JspContext#setAttribute(), ServletRequest#setAttribute(), HttpSession#setAttribute() or ServletContext#setAttribute(). You normally do that either directly or indirectly inside a Servlet. MVC frameworks do that indirectly, usually configureable by giving the model object a "request", "session" or "application" scope.
The Expression Language (EL) will access them using JspContext#findAttribute().
This all is by the way unrelated to Struts. It's just a legacy MVC framework which is built on top of the JSP/Servlet API. The <c:set> is not a Struts tag as well, it's a JSTL tag.