I am trying to run a program which takes a large amount of memory using the sbt "run" command and I seem to be running into the problem that the jvm seems to be getting a second -Xmx parameter from somewhere that overrides mine.
I am running the program via "sbt run".
Looking at the processes I can find the following:
/usr/bin/java -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx32G -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -jar /usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.13.6/libexec/sbt-launch.jar run
My sbt file is as follows:
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
organization := "edu.university",
version := "0.1.0",
scalaVersion := "2.10.2",
name := "Example",
javaOptions += "-Xmx32G"
If you would like to test it this is a piece of code I created that just fills memory.
package edu.university
import java.lang.Thread
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Main {
val arraySize = 10000
val nmws = 160000000 // no OOM
// val nmws = 180000000 // OOM
val r = scala.util.Random
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val ab = new ArrayBuffer[Memwaster](nmws)
ab.transform { a => new Memwaster(r.nextInt) }
class Memwaster(foo: Int)
Running with the larger nmws value will use a little over 1G of memory then throw an out of memory error.
Turns out one solution is to set the -mem option in sbtopts. I found my sbtopts at /usr/local/etc/sbtopts (under OSx Yosemete). For 32G I set it to "-mem 32000". If this is a bad solution please post another answer I am happy to hear input here.
Sorta figured this out through the following documentation:
Does this seem like a bug that the javaOptions value in my build.sbt doesn't override this? Or is this the desired behavior for some reason?
I tried to understand how -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m works but it did not get applied when running java as follows:
java --version -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m
It simply set to the default 48M on x86 at this point:
define_pd_global(uintx, ReservedCodeCacheSize, 48*M);
And then got 5 times increased at that point:
// Increase the code cache size - tiered compiles a lot more.
if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ReservedCodeCacheSize)) {
FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, ReservedCodeCacheSize,
MIN2(CODE_CACHE_DEFAULT_LIMIT, (size_t)ReservedCodeCacheSize * 5));
causing reservation code space to 48*5 M instead of the value I configured:
size_t cache_size = ReservedCodeCacheSize;
ReservedCodeSpace rs = reserve_heap_memory(cache_size);
I first though that ReservedCodeCacheSize is a development option and therefore not allowed to be overriden, but it is marked as product here so this is not the case.
What's wrong and why was the option silently ignored?
--version is a terminal option. JVM flags should precede terminal options.
Try java -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m --version
javah has been deprecated since JDK 8 and will be/has been removed in JDK 10, and according to JEP 313 and the deprecation text, javac with the -h flag should be used instead:
Warning: The javah tool is planned to be removed in the next major JDK release. The tool has been superseded by the '-h' option added to javac in JDK 8. Users are recommended to migrate to using the javac '-h' option; see the javac man page for more information.
The problem is, javah operates on compiled .class files, while javac operates on source files (i.e. .java files.)
javah works fine with Kotlin and external functions, since everything ends up compiled as Java bytecode, but since there aren't any Java source files when using Kotlin, I don't see any way javac -h could work.
Is there a javah replacement, or a workaround, for Kotlin?
I recommend gjavap.
In the future I will also implement an easier-to-use command line tool which provides similar functionality to javap.
There is currently no built-in way to do this. There is an open issue for this on the Kotlin issue tracker that was raised in November 2019, but as of now it has not been prioritized and doesn't have a target version.
The only way to produce the header with JDK 10+ is to use javac -h, which only works for Java source code, not Kotlin. I tested the method in How to solve missing javah in Java 10 – ugly way linked by Oo.oO, and it works as a workaround for now. The steps are:
Use javap to decompile the bytecode back into Java
Edit the decompiled Java to make it suitable for producing the header file (reducing the file to just the native method definitions).
Run the decompiled Java code through javac -h to produce the header
I'm thinking of writing a gradle script to do this (or hoping somebody else beats me to it!). If I manage to get it done, I'll update this post.
I've wrote a simple gradle task for generating JNI headers, its similar approach as the one posted by #Oo.oO but has a better integration with gradle and hence can be run on Windows as well as Unix based OS.
val generateJniHeaders by tasks.creating {
group = "build"
// For caching
doLast {
val javaHome = Jvm.current().javaHome
val javap = javaHome.resolve("bin").walk().firstOrNull { it.name.startsWith("javap") }?.absolutePath ?: error("javap not found")
val javac = javaHome.resolve("bin").walk().firstOrNull { it.name.startsWith("javac") }?.absolutePath ?: error("javac not found")
val buildDir = file("build/classes/kotlin/jvm/main")
val tmpDir = file("build/tmp/jvmJni").apply { mkdirs() }
val bodyExtractingRegex = """^.+\Rpublic \w* ?class ([^\s]+).*\{\R((?s:.+))\}\R$""".toRegex()
val nativeMethodExtractingRegex = """.*\bnative\b.*""".toRegex()
.filter { "META" !in it.absolutePath }
.forEach { file ->
if (!file.isFile) return#forEach
val output = ByteArrayOutputStream().use {
project.exec {
commandLine(javap, "-private", "-cp", buildDir.absolutePath, file.absolutePath)
standardOutput = it
val (qualifiedName, methodInfo) = bodyExtractingRegex.find(output)?.destructured ?: return#forEach
val lastDot = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.')
val packageName = qualifiedName.substring(0, lastDot)
val className = qualifiedName.substring(lastDot+1, qualifiedName.length)
val nativeMethods =
nativeMethodExtractingRegex.findAll(methodInfo).mapNotNull { it.groups }.flatMap { it.asSequence().mapNotNull { group -> group?.value } }.toList()
if (nativeMethods.isEmpty()) return#forEach
val source = buildString {
appendln("package $packageName;")
appendln("public class $className {")
for (method in nativeMethods) {
if ("()" in method) appendln(method)
else {
val updatedMethod = StringBuilder(method).apply {
var count = 0
var i = 0
while (i < length) {
if (this[i] == ',' || this[i] == ')') insert(i, " arg${count++}".also { i += it.length + 1 })
else i++
val outputFile = tmpDir.resolve(packageName.replace(".", "/")).apply { mkdirs() }.resolve("$className.java").apply { delete() }.apply { createNewFile() }
project.exec {
commandLine(javac, "-h", jniHeaderDirectory.absolutePath, outputFile.absolutePath)
Until Kotlin starts generating JDK10-specific bytecode, you can use javah tool from JDK 9 or lower on the compiled kotlin classes.
And even after that you can compile external functions with jvmTarget=1.8 and use javah on the resulting classes.
You can also make it using javap and creating facade classes based on class files.
Take a look here for a sample: http://www.owsiak.org/how-to-solve-missing-javah-ugly-way/
I have a test that needs to write a short temp file (must be < 107 characters).
Currently the test is using
which when running
I'm trying to figure out the java.io.tmp value when running java test using bazel. The different options I have is:
Setting $TEST_TMPDIR (or without)
Using "local"=True (or without)
Here is the result:
# local=True + TEST_TMPDIR=/btmp:
# local=False + TEST_TMPDIR=/btmp:
# local=True , no TEST_TMPDIR:
# local=False , no TEST_TMPDIR:
Seems like the shortest temp prefix I can get is:
which is 85 char long (way too long for my needs).
How can I safely play with this configuration and make it a lot shorter?
My env is mac osx sierra and I'm running bazel 0.5.1
Solvable by adding this to the jvm_flags of the test target:
"jvm_flags" = ["-Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp"],
But note that it would make the test less hermetic
You can also tell bazel where it should store its outputs --output_base=/tmp/foo.
I have JVM and all dependencies for my Java program ready. With Java I would run like:
javac HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld
Now I want to, in Linux environment, control this Java program processes using Go's cmd package. In Go, when you run command you are given the PID. With this PID, I want to terminate the Java program whenever j want and restart using the same cmd package. Would this work correctly as long as I have JVM installed? I want to do:
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", " "java HelloWorld")
In short, yes.
As a test, with added interrupt handling so your own Go process doesn't terminate this will work:
package main
import (
func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", "java HelloWorld")
err := cmd.Start()
fmt.Printf("Starting java proccess with pid %d\n", cmd.Process.Pid)
if err != nil {
// do something about it
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
done := make(chan bool, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
fmt.Printf("Sending interrupt to pid: %d\n", cmd.Process.Pid)
syscall.Kill(cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGHUP)
done <- true
Companion Java class:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello World from Go! But you cant see me :)");
while (true) {
System.out.println("you cant see this because I am outing to the STDOUT of a subshell!");
But it is full of gotchas. As long as your Go process exits normally, it will send the signal you specify (sighup would be natural choice, if I'd venture a guess) to the java pid. But you need to ensure that you wont let a zombie in case your own Go process crash or in case your java application hangs on after failing to shut down cleanly when you tell it to. Saving that pid to a /tmp/ file and doing all sorts of things with it in case of a restart could be interesting, but you know your needs.
Edit: controlling a JVM process from another program might get finicky quick. You should evaluate if you really want to do that. If you are in Linux, I'd take a look at the SysV init/systemd/upstart/start-stop-daemon system your distro uses if your companion java program acts as a daemon.
I'm trying to implement the Ruby Java Bridge (RJB) gem to talk to JVM so that I can run the Open-NLP gem. I have Java installed and running on Windows 8. All indications, at least those I know of, are that Java is installed and operational. But, attempts to use RJB fail with the message "can't create Java VM". (I do sometimes get "undefined method `dlopen' for Fiddle:Module" in other cases, which is also indecipherable.)
I initially just installed JDK per defaults. Due to my 64-bit system, this installed 64-bit Java. I wasn't sure whether or not Ruby and RJB would talk to this, so I installed the 32-bit JRE. However, the error is the same.
Is there any further test I can run to ensure that JVM is working outside of Ruby?
Can someone tell me what I might need to do to run Windows/Ruby/RJB/JVM?
I am running Windows 8 with BitNami Rubystack and Ruby 1.9.3p448.
Java seems to be available according to testjava.jsp:
This is the code, including the URL where I found it:
class FiddleTry
# http://devjete.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/installing-rjb-1-3-4-on-windows-7-32bit-wo-vc/
require 'rjb'
out = Rjb::import('java.lang.System').out <== Line 5 is here
out.print('Hello Rjb from ')
p out._classname
Here are the error messages:
C:/Users/Richard/RubymineProjects/Utilities/fiddle_try.rb:5:in `import': can't create Java VM (RuntimeError)
from C:/Users/Richard/RubymineProjects/Utilities/fiddle_try.rb:5:in `<class:FiddleTry>'
from C:/Users/Richard/RubymineProjects/Utilities/fiddle_try.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
from -e:1:in `load'
from -e:1:in `<main>'
I cannot find any additional information as to why it "can't create Java VM". It would really help if additional information was available to me. I would appreciate either that information or a fix for this. Thanks...
This is the code I am trying to run, taken from Github/Open-nlp:
class OpenNlpSample
ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_25" if ENV['JAVA_HOME'].nil?
ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_25/bin; C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7" if ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].nil?
# Load the module
require 'open-nlp'
gem_bin = File.join(Gem.loaded_specs['open-nlp'].full_gem_path, 'bin/')
# Set an alternative path to look for the JAR files.
# Default is gem's bin folder.
# OpenNLP.jar_path = '/path_to_jars/'
# OpenNLP.jar_path = File.expand_path('../../ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/open-nlp-0.1.4/bin',__FILE__)
OpenNLP.jar_path = gem_bin
# Set an alternative path to look for the model files.
# Default is gem's bin folder.
# OpenNLP.model_path = '/path_to_models/'
OpenNLP.model_path = gem_bin
# Pass some alternative arguments to the Java VM.
# Default is ['-Xms512M', '-Xmx1024M'].
# OpenNLP.jvm_args = ['-option1', '-option2']
OpenNLP.jvm_args = ['-Xms512M', '-Xmx1024M']
# Redirect VM output to log.txt
OpenNLP.log_file = 'log.txt'
# Set default models for a language.
# OpenNLP.use :language
OpenNLP.use :english
Simple tokenizer
sent = "The death of the poet was kept from his poems."
tokenizer = OpenNLP::SimpleTokenizer.new
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sent).to_a
# => %w[The death of the poet was kept from his poems .]
#Maximum entropy tokenizer, chunker and POS tagger
chunker = OpenNLP::ChunkerME.new
tokenizer = OpenNLP::TokenizerME.new
tagger = OpenNLP::POSTaggerME.new
sent = "The death of the poet was kept from his poems."
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sent).to_a
# => %w[The death of the poet was kept from his poems .]
tags = tagger.tag(tokens).to_a
chunks = chunker.chunk(tokens, tags).to_a
#Abstract Bottom-Up Parser
sent = "The death of the poet was kept from his poems."
parser = OpenNLP::Parser.new
parse = parser.parse(sent)
parse.get_text.should eql sent
parse.get_span.get_start.should eql 0
parse.get_span.get_end.should eql 46
parse.get_child_count.should eql 1
child = parse.get_children[0]
child.text # => "The death of the poet was kept from his poems."
child.get_child_count # => 3
child.get_head_index #=> 5
child.get_type # => "S"
#Maximum Entropy Name Finder*
text = File.read('./spec/sample.txt').gsub!("\n", "")
tokenizer = OpenNLP::TokenizerME.new
segmenter = OpenNLP::SentenceDetectorME.new
ner_models = ['person', 'time', 'money']
ner_finders = ner_models.map do |model|
sentences = segmenter.sent_detect(text)
named_entities = []
sentences.each do |sentence|
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
ner_models.each_with_index do |model,i|
finder = ner_finders[i]
name_spans = finder.find(tokens)
name_spans.each do |name_span|
start = name_span.get_start
stop = name_span.get_end-1
slice = tokens[start..stop].to_a
named_entities << [slice, model]
Loading specific models
Just pass the name of the model file to the constructor. The gem will search for the file in the OpenNLP.model_path folder.
tokenizer = OpenNLP::TokenizerME.new('en-token.bin')
tagger = OpenNLP::POSTaggerME.new('en-pos-perceptron.bin')
name_finder = OpenNLP::NameFinderME.new('en-ner-person.bin')
# etc.
#Loading specific classes
#You may want to load specific classes from the OpenNLP library that are not loaded by default. The gem provides an API to do this:
# Default base class is opennlp.tools.
# => OpenNLP::SomeClassName
# Here, we specify another base class.
OpenNLP.load_class('SomeOtherClass', 'opennlp.tools.namefind')
# => OpenNLP::SomeOtherClass
At this point in the code:
Simple tokenizer
The call chain is to dl.rb, fiddle.rb and jar_loader.rb. jarloader.rb starting line 43:
# Load Rjb and create Java VM.
def self.init_rjb
::Rjb::load(nil, self.jvm_args)
set_java_logging if self.log_file
At this point, I get the same error creating JVM. So, I reverted to attempting to run RJB. The error chain is as follows:
Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.4.17, ruby-debug-base19x 0.11.30.pre12) listens on
Uncaught exception: can't create Java VM
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/jar_loader.rb:45:in `load'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/jar_loader.rb:45:in `init_rjb'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/jar_loader.rb:38:in `load_jar_rjb'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/jar_loader.rb:27:in `load'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/binding.rb:63:in `load_jar'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/binding.rb:71:in `block in load_default_jars'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/binding.rb:68:in `each'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/binding.rb:68:in `load_default_jars'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bind-it-0.2.7/lib/bind-it/binding.rb:55:in `bind'
D:/BitNami/rubystack-1.9.3-12/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/open-nlp-0.1.4/lib/open-nlp.rb:14:in `load'
C:/Users/Richard/RubymineProjects/Utilities/open_nlp_sample.rb:32:in `<class:OpenNlpSample>'
C:/Users/Richard/RubymineProjects/Utilities/open_nlp_sample.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
First, I needed to uninstall Java x64 and install JDK x586 for 32-bit support.
Then, set JAVA_HOME as follows:
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_40
and add JAVA_HOME to my path:
%JAVA_HOME%\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin;
This resolved the "can't create Java VM' problem.
Setting $DEBUG=false, or commenting out the line, eliminated all other messages. $DEBUG mode displays error messages that may be caught and resolved so they can be ignored.
After the "can't create Java VM" problem was resolved, all other error messages were of this type and therefore were spurious.
JetBrains support for Rubymine solved this problem for me. They are very good, especially Serge, and I recommend their products because of their support.