Exceptions, especially checked ones, can severely interrupt the flow of program logic when the FP idiom is used in Java 8. Here is an arbitrary example:
String s1 = "oeu", s2 = "2";
Stream.of(s1, s2).forEach(s ->
The above code breaks when there's an exception for an unparseable string. But say I just want to replace that with a default value, much like I can with Optional:
Stream.of(s1, s2).forEach(s ->
Of course, this still fails because Optional only handles nulls. I would like something as follows:
Stream.of(s1, s2).forEach(s ->
.handle(NumberFormatException.class, swallow())
Note: this is a self-answered question.
Presented below is the full code of the Exceptional class. It has a quite large API which is a pure extension of the Optional API so it can be a drop-in replacement for it in any existing code—except that it isn't a subtype of the final Optional class. The class can be seen as being in the same relationship with the Try monad as Optional is with the Maybe monad: it draws inspiration from it, but is adapted to the Java idiom (such as actually throwing exceptions, even from non-terminal operations).
These are some key guidelines followed by the class:
as opposed to the monadic approach, doesn't ignore Java's exception mechanism;
instead it relieves the impedance mismatch between exceptions and higher-order functions;
exception handling not statically typesafe (due to sneaky throwing), but always safe at runtime (never swallows an exception except on explicit request).
The class tries to cover all the typical ways to handle an exception:
recover with some handling code which provides a substitute value;
flatRecover which, analogous to flatMap, allows to return a new Exceptional instance which will be unwrapped and the state of the current instance suitably updated;
propagate an exception, throwing it from the Exceptional expression and making the propagate call declare this exception type;
propagate it after wrapping into another exception (translate it);
handle it, resulting in an empty Exceptional;
as a special case of handling, swallow it with an empty handler block.
The propagate approach allows one to selectively pick which checked exceptions he wants to expose from his code. Exceptions which remain unhandled at the time a terminal operation is called (like get) will be sneakily thrown without declaration. This is often considered as an advanced and dangerous approach, but is nevertheless often employed as a way to somewhat alleviate the nuisance of checked exceptions in combination with lambda shapes which do not declare them. The Exceptional class hopes to offer a cleaner and more selective alternative to sneaky throw.
* Copyright (c) 2015, Marko Topolnik. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public final class Exceptional<T>
private final T value;
private final Throwable exception;
private Exceptional(T value, Throwable exc) {
this.value = value;
this.exception = exc;
public static <T> Exceptional<T> empty() {
return new Exceptional<>(null, null);
public static <T> Exceptional<T> ofNullable(T value) {
return value != null ? of(value) : empty();
public static <T> Exceptional<T> of(T value) {
return new Exceptional<>(Objects.requireNonNull(value), null);
public static <T> Exceptional<T> ofNullableException(Throwable exception) {
return exception != null? new Exceptional<>(null, exception) : empty();
public static <T> Exceptional<T> ofException(Throwable exception) {
return new Exceptional<>(null, Objects.requireNonNull(exception));
public static <T> Exceptional<T> from(TrySupplier<T> supplier) {
try {
return ofNullable(supplier.tryGet());
} catch (Throwable t) {
return new Exceptional<>(null, t);
public static Exceptional<Void> fromVoid(TryRunnable task) {
try {
return new Exceptional<>(null, null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return new Exceptional<>(null, t);
public static <E extends Throwable> Consumer<? super E> swallow() {
return e -> {};
public T get() {
if (value != null) return value;
if (exception != null) sneakyThrow(exception);
throw new NoSuchElementException("No value present");
public T orElse(T other) {
if (value != null) return value;
if (exception != null) sneakyThrow(exception);
return other;
public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) {
if (value != null) return value;
if (exception != null) sneakyThrow(exception);
return other.get();
public Stream<T> stream() {
return value == null ? Stream.empty() : Stream.of(value);
public<U> Exceptional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
if (value == null) return new Exceptional<>(null, exception);
final U u;
try {
u = mapper.apply(value);
} catch (Throwable exc) {
return new Exceptional<>(null, exc);
return ofNullable(u);
public<U> Exceptional<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, Exceptional<U>> mapper) {
return value != null ? Objects.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(value)) : empty();
public Exceptional<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
if (value == null) return this;
final boolean b;
try {
b = predicate.test(value);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return ofException(t);
return b ? this : empty();
public <X extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> recover(
Class<? extends X> excType, Function<? super X, T> mapper)
return excType.isInstance(exception) ? ofNullable(mapper.apply(excType.cast(exception))) : this;
public <X extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> recover(
Iterable<Class<? extends X>> excTypes, Function<? super X, T> mapper)
for (Class<? extends X> excType : excTypes)
if (excType.isInstance(exception))
return ofNullable(mapper.apply(excType.cast(exception)));
return this;
public <X extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> flatRecover(
Class<? extends X> excType, Function<? super X, Exceptional<T>> mapper)
return excType.isInstance(exception) ? Objects.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(excType.cast(exception))) : this;
public <X extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> flatRecover(
Iterable<Class<? extends X>> excTypes, Function<? super X, Exceptional<T>> mapper)
for (Class<? extends X> c : excTypes)
if (c.isInstance(exception))
return Objects.requireNonNull(mapper.apply(c.cast(exception)));
return this;
public <E extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> propagate(Class<E> excType) throws E {
if (excType.isInstance(exception))
throw excType.cast(exception);
return this;
public <E extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> propagate(Iterable<Class<? extends E>> excTypes) throws E {
for (Class<? extends E> excType : excTypes)
if (excType.isInstance(exception))
throw excType.cast(exception);
return this;
public <E extends Throwable, F extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> propagate(
Class<E> excType, Function<? super E, ? extends F> translator)
throws F
if (excType.isInstance(exception))
throw translator.apply(excType.cast(exception));
return this;
public <E extends Throwable, F extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> propagate(
Iterable<Class<E>> excTypes, Function<? super E, ? extends F> translator)
throws F
for (Class<? extends E> excType : excTypes)
if (excType.isInstance(exception))
throw translator.apply(excType.cast(exception));
return this;
public <E extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> handle(Class<E> excType, Consumer<? super E> action) {
if (excType.isInstance(exception)) {
return empty();
return this;
public <E extends Throwable> Exceptional<T> handle(Iterable<Class<E>> excTypes, Consumer<? super E> action) {
for (Class<? extends E> excType : excTypes)
if (excType.isInstance(exception)) {
return empty();
return this;
public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X> exceptionSupplier) throws X {
if (value != null) return value;
if (exception != null) sneakyThrow(exception);
throw exceptionSupplier.get();
public boolean isPresent() {
return value != null;
public void ifPresent(Consumer<? super T> consumer) {
if (value != null)
if (exception != null) sneakyThrow(exception);
public boolean isException() {
return exception != null;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
return obj instanceof Exceptional && Objects.equals(value, ((Exceptional)obj).value);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(value);
private static <T extends Throwable> void sneakyThrow(Throwable t) throws T {
throw (T) t;
public interface TrySupplier<T> {
T tryGet() throws Throwable;
public interface TryRunnable {
void run() throws Throwable;
What if every functional interface provided by java.util.function was allowed to throw an exception?
public interface ThrowingSupplier<R, X extends Throwable> {
public R get() throws X;
We could use some default methods to provide the behavior you want.
You could fallback to some default value or action
Or you could try to perform another action which may throw an exception
I've written a library which redefines most of the interfaces in java.util.function this way. I even provide a ThrowingStream which let's you use these new interfaces with the same API as a regular Stream.
public interface ThrowingSupplier<R, X extends Throwable> {
public R get() throws X;
default public Supplier<R> fallbackTo(Supplier<? extends R> supplier) {
ThrowingSupplier<R, Nothing> t = supplier::get;
return orTry(t)::get;
default public <Y extends Throwable> ThrowingSupplier<R, Y> orTry(
ThrowingSupplier<? extends R, ? extends Y> supplier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(supplier, "supplier");
return () -> {
try {
return get();
} catch (Throwable x) {
try {
return supplier.get();
} catch (Throwable y) {
throw y;
(Nothing is a RuntimeException that can never be thrown.)
Your original example would become
ThrowingFunction<String, Integer, NumberFormatException> parse = Integer::parseInt;
Function<String, Optional<Integer>> safeParse = parse.fallbackTo(s -> null)
Stream.of(s1, s2)
.map(i -> i.orElse(-1))
Here's some discussions I had previously on this topic.
I made an interface Result<T> along the reasonings. A Result<T> is either a success with a value of type T, or a failure with an Exception. It's a subtype of Async<T>, as an immediately completed async action, but that is not important here.
To create a result -
Result.success( value )
Result.failure( exception )
Result.call( callable )
Result can then be transformed in various ways - transform, map, then, peek, catch_, finally_ etc. For example
Async<Integer> rInt = Result.success( s )
.map( Integer::parseInt )
.peek( System.out::println )
.catch_( NumberFormatException.class, ex->42 ) // default
.catch_( Exception.class, ex-> { ex.printStacktrace(); throw ex; } )
.finally_( ()->{...} )
Unfortunately the API is focusing on Async, so some methods return Async. Some of them can be overridden by Result to return Result; but some cannot, e.g. then() (which is flatmap). However, if interested, it's easy to extract a standalone Result API that has nothing to do with Async.
There's a third-party library called better-java-monads. It has the Try monad which provides the necessary functions. It also has TryMapFunction and TrySupplier functional interfaces to use the Try monad with checked exceptions.
I am currently learning about the functionalities of the Optional class, and I am trying to build a simplified version of the Optional class. I was able to code ifPresent(), filter(), of(), map() and so on. However, I am currently stuck with the implementing or().
I know that or() have the signature Optional<T> or(Supplier<? extends Optional<? extends T>> supplier). However, my implementation assumed that I can access the contents of the Optional. As show below:
class Optional<T> {
private final T item;
Optional<T> or(Supplier<? extends Optional<? extends T>> supplier) {
if (this.item == null) {
T item = supplier.get().item;
return Maybe.<T>of(item);
} else {
return this;
As you can see, T item = supplier.get().item would throw an error saying that .item is inaccessible due to it being private. How am I able to access the item without causing this error?
First, you need to recall that you can not access a private field through an instance of a subtype, even though assigning the subtype reference to a variable of the current type, which allows the access, is possible without cast.
So if you have
public class ClassWithPrivateField {
private String field;
static class Subclass extends ClassWithPrivateField {}
void someMethod(Subclass obj) {
String s = obj.field; // does not work, you can't access field through Subclass
you may write
public class ClassWithPrivateField {
private String field;
static class Subclass extends ClassWithPrivateField {}
void someMethod(Subclass obj) {
ClassWithPrivateField withBroaderType = obj; // always works
String s = withBroaderType.field; // now, no problem to access field
Now to your more complicated generic variant. If you have
public class Optional<T> {
private final T item;
private Optional(T t) {
item = t;
Optional<T> or(Supplier<? extends Optional<? extends T>> supplier) {
if(this.item == null) {
T item = supplier.get().item;
return Optional.of(item);
else return this;
private static <T> Optional<T> of(T item2) {
return new Optional<>(item2);
the access to item is rejected by the compiler because the type returned by the supplier is ? extends Optional<? extends T> which is a subtype of Optional<? extends T>, just the same way as Subclass is a subtype of ClassWithPrivateField.
You can fix the issue the same way, by introducing a variable:
public class Optional<T> {
private final T item;
private Optional(T t) {
item = t;
Optional<T> or(Supplier<? extends Optional<? extends T>> supplier) {
if(this.item == null) {
Optional<? extends T> optional = supplier.get(); // valid assignment
T item = optional.item; // valid access
return Optional.of(item);
else return this;
private static <T> Optional<T> of(T item2) {
return new Optional<>(item2);
Alternatively, you could insert a type cast to Optional<? extends T> like
T item = ((Optional<? extends T>)supplier.get()).item;
but I would prefer the variant with a variable as it immediately shows to the reader that the assignment (without a cast) is a valid type transition which can never fail. The type cast can not fail either and is a no-op at runtime, but its syntax is indistinguishable from type casts performing a runtime check that could fail.
You just need to replace
T item = supplier.get().item;
return Maybe.<T>of(item);
return (Optional<T>)supplier.get();
UPDATE: The latest version of Intellij IDEA implements exactly what I'm looking for. The question is how to implement this outside of the IDE (so I can to dump async stack traces to log files), ideally without the use of an instrumenting agent.
Ever since I converted my application from a synchronous to asynchronous model I am having problems debugging failures.
When I use synchronous APIs, I always find my classes in exception stacktraces so I know where to begin looking if something goes wrong. With asynchronous APIs, I am getting stacktraces that do not reference my classes nor indicate what request triggered the failure.
I'll give you a concrete example, but I'm interested in a general solution to this kind of problem.
Concrete example
I make an HTTP request using Jersey:
new Client().target("http://test.com/").request().rx().get(JsonNode.class);
where rx() indicates that the request should take place asynchronously, returning a CompletionStage<JsonNode> instead of a JsonNode directly. If this call fails, I get this stacktrace:
javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException: HTTP 403 Authentication Failed
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.convertToException(JerseyInvocation.java:1083)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.translate(JerseyInvocation.java:883)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.lambda$invoke$1(JerseyInvocation.java:767)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:316)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:298)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:229)
at org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.RequestScope.runInScope(RequestScope.java:414)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.invoke(JerseyInvocation.java:765)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation$Builder.method(JerseyInvocation.java:456)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyCompletionStageRxInvoker.lambda$method$1(JerseyCompletionStageRxInvoker.java:70)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1590)
The stacktrace does not reference user code.
The exception message does not contain contextual information about the HTTP request that triggered the error (HTTP method, URI, etc).
As a result, I have no way of tracking the exception back to its source.
Why this is happening
If you dig under the hood, you will discover that Jersey is invoking:
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> getSyncInvoker().method(name, entity, responseType))
for rx() invocations. Because the supplier is constructed by Jersey, there is no reference back to user code.
What I've tried
I tried filing a bug report against Jetty for an unrelated async example, and was subsequently turned down on security grounds.
Instead, I've been adding contextual information as follows:
makeHttpRequest().exceptionally(e ->
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Meaning, I am manually adding exceptionally() after every single HTTP request in my code. Any exceptions thrown by Jersey are wrapped in a secondary exception that references my code. The resulting stacktrace looks like this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException: HTTP 403 Authentication Failed
at my.user.code.Testcase.lambda$null$1(Testcase.java:25)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniExceptionally(CompletableFuture.java:870)
... 6 common frames omitted
Caused by: javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException: HTTP 403 Authentication Failed
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.convertToException(JerseyInvocation.java:1083)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.translate(JerseyInvocation.java:883)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.lambda$invoke$1(JerseyInvocation.java:767)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:316)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:298)
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(Errors.java:229)
at org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.RequestScope.runInScope(RequestScope.java:414)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation.invoke(JerseyInvocation.java:765)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation$Builder.method(JerseyInvocation.java:456)
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyCompletionStageRxInvoker.lambda$method$1(JerseyCompletionStageRxInvoker.java:70)
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1590)
... 3 common frames omitted
I don't like this approach because it is error prone and decreases the readability of the code. If I mistakenly omit this for some HTTP request I will end up with a vague stacktrace and spend a lot time tracking it down.
Further, if I want to hide this trick behind a utility class then I have to instantiate an exception outside of a CompletionStage; otherwise, the utility class will show up in the stacktrace instead of the actual call site. Instantiating an exception outside of a CompletionStage is extremely expensive because this code runs even if no exception is ever thrown by the async call.
My question
Is there a robust, easy-to-maintain approach to add contextual information to asynchronous calls?
Alternatively, is there an efficient approach to track stacktraces back to their source without this contextual information?
Seeing as this question has not received any answers in almost a month, I'm going to post the best solution I've found to date:
* A {#link CompletableFuture} that eases debugging.
* #param <T> the type of value returned by the future
public final class DebugCompletableFuture<T> extends CompletableFuture<T>
private static RunMode RUN_MODE = RunMode.DEBUG;
private static final Set<String> CLASS_PREFIXES_TO_REMOVE = ImmutableSet.of(DebugCompletableFuture.class.getName(),
CompletableFuture.class.getName(), ThreadPoolExecutor.class.getName());
private static final Set<Class<? extends Throwable>> EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP = ImmutableSet.of(AsynchronousException.class,
CompletionException.class, ExecutionException.class);
private final CompletableFuture<T> delegate;
private final AsynchronousException asyncStacktrace;
* #param delegate the stage to delegate to
* #throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null
private DebugCompletableFuture(CompletableFuture<T> delegate)
requireThat("delegate", delegate).isNotNull();
this.delegate = delegate;
this.asyncStacktrace = new AsynchronousException();
delegate.whenComplete((value, exception) ->
if (exception == null)
exception = Exceptions.unwrap(exception, EXCEPTIONS_TO_UNWRAP);
filterStacktrace(asyncStacktrace, element ->
String className = element.getClassName();
for (String prefix : CLASS_PREFIXES_TO_REMOVE)
if (className.startsWith(prefix))
return true;
return false;
Set<String> newMethods = getMethodsInStacktrace(asyncStacktrace);
if (!newMethods.isEmpty())
Set<String> oldMethods = getMethodsInStacktrace(exception);
if (!newMethods.isEmpty())
// The async stacktrace introduces something new
* #param exception an exception
* #return the methods referenced by the stacktrace
* #throws NullPointerException if {#code exception} is null
private Set<String> getMethodsInStacktrace(Throwable exception)
requireThat("exception", exception).isNotNull();
Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
for (StackTraceElement element : exception.getStackTrace())
result.add(element.getClassName() + "." + element.getMethodName());
for (Throwable suppressed : exception.getSuppressed())
return result;
* #param <T2> the type returned by the delegate
* #param delegate the stage to delegate to
* #return if {#code RUN_MODE == DEBUG} returns an instance that wraps {#code delegate}; otherwise, returns {#code delegate}
* unchanged
* #throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null
public static <T2> CompletableFuture<T2> wrap(CompletableFuture<T2> delegate)
if (RUN_MODE != RunMode.DEBUG)
return delegate;
return new DebugCompletableFuture<>(delegate);
* Removes stack trace elements that match a filter. The exception and its descendants are processed recursively.
* <p>
* This method can be used to remove lines that hold little value for the end user (such as the implementation of utility functions).
* #param exception the exception to process
* #param elementFilter returns true if the current stack trace element should be removed
private void filterStacktrace(Throwable exception, Predicate<StackTraceElement> elementFilter)
Throwable cause = exception.getCause();
if (cause != null)
filterStacktrace(cause, elementFilter);
for (Throwable suppressed : exception.getSuppressed())
filterStacktrace(suppressed, elementFilter);
StackTraceElement[] elements = exception.getStackTrace();
List<StackTraceElement> keep = new ArrayList<>(elements.length);
for (StackTraceElement element : elements)
if (!elementFilter.test(element))
exception.setStackTrace(keep.toArray(new StackTraceElement[0]));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApply(Function<? super T, ? extends U> fn)
return wrap(super.thenApply(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U> fn)
return wrap(super.thenApplyAsync(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenApplyAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends U> fn, Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenApplyAsync(fn, executor));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenAccept(Consumer<? super T> action)
return wrap(super.thenAccept(action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T> action)
return wrap(super.thenAcceptAsync(action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenAcceptAsync(Consumer<? super T> action, Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenAcceptAsync(action, executor));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenRun(Runnable action)
return wrap(super.thenRun(action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenRunAsync(Runnable action)
return wrap(super.thenRunAsync(action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> thenRunAsync(Runnable action, Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenRunAsync(action, executor));
public <U, V> CompletableFuture<V> thenCombine(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V> fn)
return wrap(super.thenCombine(other, fn));
public <U, V> CompletableFuture<V> thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V> fn)
return wrap(super.thenCombineAsync(other, fn));
public <U, V> CompletableFuture<V> thenCombineAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends V> fn,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenCombineAsync(other, fn, executor));
public <U> CompletableFuture<Void> thenAcceptBoth(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U> action)
return wrap(super.thenAcceptBoth(other, action));
public <U> CompletableFuture<Void> thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U> action)
return wrap(super.thenAcceptBothAsync(other, action));
public <U> CompletableFuture<Void> thenAcceptBothAsync(CompletionStage<? extends U> other,
BiConsumer<? super T, ? super U> action,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenAcceptBothAsync(other, action, executor));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterBoth(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action)
return wrap(super.runAfterBoth(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action)
return wrap(super.runAfterBothAsync(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterBothAsync(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action, Executor executor)
return wrap(super.runAfterBothAsync(other, action, executor));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> applyToEither(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Function<? super T, U> fn)
return wrap(super.applyToEither(other, fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Function<? super T, U> fn)
return wrap(super.applyToEitherAsync(other, fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> applyToEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Function<? super T, U> fn,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.applyToEitherAsync(other, fn, executor));
public CompletableFuture<Void> acceptEither(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Consumer<? super T> action)
return wrap(super.acceptEither(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Consumer<? super T> action)
return wrap(super.acceptEitherAsync(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> acceptEitherAsync(CompletionStage<? extends T> other, Consumer<? super T> action,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.acceptEitherAsync(other, action, executor));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterEither(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action)
return wrap(super.runAfterEither(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action)
return wrap(super.runAfterEitherAsync(other, action));
public CompletableFuture<Void> runAfterEitherAsync(CompletionStage<?> other, Runnable action, Executor executor)
return wrap(super.runAfterEitherAsync(other, action, executor));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenCompose(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn)
return wrap(super.thenCompose(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn)
return wrap(super.thenComposeAsync(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> thenComposeAsync(Function<? super T, ? extends CompletionStage<U>> fn,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.thenComposeAsync(fn, executor));
public CompletableFuture<T> exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T> fn)
return wrap(super.exceptionally(fn));
public CompletableFuture<T> whenComplete(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable> action)
return wrap(super.whenComplete(action));
public CompletableFuture<T> whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable> action)
return wrap(super.whenCompleteAsync(action));
public CompletableFuture<T> whenCompleteAsync(BiConsumer<? super T, ? super Throwable> action,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.whenCompleteAsync(action, executor));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> handle(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn)
return wrap(super.handle(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn)
return wrap(super.handleAsync(fn));
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> handleAsync(BiFunction<? super T, Throwable, ? extends U> fn,
Executor executor)
return wrap(super.handleAsync(fn, executor));
public boolean complete(T value)
return delegate.complete(value);
public boolean completeExceptionally(Throwable ex)
return delegate.completeExceptionally(ex);
* Operational modes.
public enum RunMode
* Optimized for debugging problems (extra runtime checks, logging of the program state).
* Optimized for maximum performance.
* Thrown when an asynchronous operation fails. The stacktrace indicates who triggered the operation.
public final class AsynchronousException extends RuntimeException
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public AsynchronousException()
Upside: you'll get relatively clean asynchronous stack traces.
Downside: Constructing a new AsynchronousException every time a future is created is extremely expensive. Specifically, if you're generating a lot of futures, this generates a lot of garbage on the heap and the GC overhead becomes noticeable.
I am still hopeful that someone will come up with a better-performing approach.
This is probably due to the JVM update when it finds that the stack is exhausted of emitting the same log so it starts to omit it.
And the solution is using -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow flag to prevent JVM from optimizing built-in exceptions stack trace.
I'm trying to create a functional interface that can throw an custom exception, what I've come up with is.
public class MyException extends Exception {
public MyException(String message) {
public interface ThrowingFunction<T, R> {
R apply(T t) throws MyException;
This works great for using the apply function but the problem is I'd also like to use the andThen capabilities of Java's functions. When I try to do something like.
ThrowingFunction<Integer, Integer> times2WithException = (num) -> {
if(num == null) {
throw new MyException("Cannot multiply null by 2");
return num * 2;
I get the error
Cannot find symbol: method andThen(ThrowingFunction<Integer, Integer>)
Is there something I should use instead of FunctionalInterface? Or is there another function I need to implement to get it to work with andThen?
Functional interfaces are only allowed to specify one unimplemented function. But you can specify default functions that already have an implementation like this:
public interface ThrowingFunction<T, R> {
R apply(T t) throws MyException;
default <U> ThrowingFunction<T, U> andThen(ThrowingFunction<R, U> follow) {
Objects.requireNonNull(follow); // Fail fast
return t -> follow.apply(this.apply(t));
Where are you expecting the andThen method to come from? You haven't defined it anywhere!
interface ThrowingFunction<T, R> {
R apply(T t) throws MyException;
default <V> ThrowingFunction<T, V> andThen(ThrowingFunction<R, V> after) {
return (T t) -> after.apply(apply(t));
Here, you can take advantage of default methods in interfaces to create an andThen function.
I am writing a Result type in Java, and I have found a need for it to have a method that performs an operation which may fail, and then encapulates the value or exception in a new Result object.
I had hoped this would work:
public interface ThrowingSupplier<R, E extends Throwable>
R get() throws E;
public class Result<E extends Throwable, V>
public static <E extends Throwable, V> Result<E, V> of(ThrowingSupplier<V, E> v)
return value(v.get());
catch(E e)
return error(e);
But Java cannot catch an exception defined by a type parameter.
I have also tried using instanceof, but that also cannot be used for generics. Is there any way I can implement this method?
This is my result type before the addition of the of method. It's intended to be similar to both Haskell's Either and rust's Result, while also having a meaningful bind operation:
public class Result<E extends Throwable, V>
private Either<E, V> value;
private Result(Either<E, V> value)
this.value = value;
public <T> T match(Function<? super E, ? extends T> ef, Function<? super V, ? extends T> vf)
return value.match(ef, vf);
public void match(Consumer<? super E> ef, Consumer<? super V> vf)
value.match(ef, vf);
* Mirror of haskell's Monadic (>>=)
public <T> Result<E, T> bind(Function<? super V, Result<? extends E, ? extends T>> f)
return match(
(E e) -> cast(error(e)),
(V v) -> cast(f.apply(v))
* Mirror of Haskell's Monadic (>>) or Applicative (*>)
public <T> Result<E, T> then(Supplier<Result<? extends E, ? extends T>> f)
return bind((__) -> f.get());
* Mirror of haskell's Applicative (<*)
public Result<E, V> peek(Function<? super V, Result<? extends E, ?>> f)
return bind(v -> f.apply(v).then(() -> value(v)));
public <T> Result<E, T> map(Function<? super V, ? extends T> f)
return match(
(E e) -> error(e),
(V v) -> value(f.apply(v))
public static <E extends Throwable, V> Result<E, V> error(E e)
return new Result<>(Either.left(e));
public static <E extends Throwable, V> Result<E, V> value(V v)
return new Result<>(Either.right(v));
* If the result is a value, return it.
* If it is an exception, throw it.
* #return the contained value
* #throws E the contained exception
public V get() throws E
boolean has = match(
e -> false,
v -> true
if (has)
return value.fromRight(null);
throw value.fromLeft(null);
* Upcast the Result's type parameters
private static <E extends Throwable, V> Result<E, V> cast(Result<? extends E, ? extends V> r)
return r.match(
(E e) -> error(e),
(V v) -> value(v)
And the Either type, designed to closely mirror Haskell's Either:
* A container for a disjunction of two possible types
* By convention, the Left constructor is used to hold an error value and the Right constructor is used to hold a correct value
* #param <L> The left alternative type
* #param <R> The right alternative type
public abstract class Either<L, R>
public abstract <T> T match(Function<? super L, ? extends T> lf, Function<? super R, ? extends T> rf);
public abstract void match(Consumer<? super L> lf, Consumer<? super R> rf);
public <A, B> Either<A, B> bimap(Function<? super L, ? extends A> lf, Function<? super R, ? extends B> rf)
return match(
(L l) -> left(lf.apply(l)),
(R r) -> right(rf.apply(r))
public L fromLeft(L left)
return match(
(L l) -> l,
(R r) -> left
public R fromRight(R right)
return match(
(L l) -> right,
(R r) -> r
public static <L, R> Either<L, R> left(L value)
return new Left<>(value);
public static <L, R> Either<L, R> right(R value)
return new Right<>(value);
private static <L, R> Either<L, R> cast(Either<? extends L, ? extends R> either)
return either.match(
(L l) -> left(l),
(R r) -> right(r)
static class Left<L, R> extends Either<L, R>
final L value;
Left(L value)
this.value = value;
public <T> T match(Function<? super L, ? extends T> lf, Function<? super R, ? extends T> rf)
return lf.apply(value);
public void match(Consumer<? super L> lf, Consumer<? super R> rf)
static class Right<L, R> extends Either<L, R>
final R value;
Right(R value)
this.value = value;
public <T> T match(Function<? super L, ? extends T> lf, Function<? super R, ? extends T> rf)
return rf.apply(value);
public void match(Consumer<? super L> lf, Consumer<? super R> rf)
Example Usage
The main use of this is to convert exception-throwing operations into monadic ones. This allows for (checked) exception-throwing methods to be used in streams and other functional contexts, and also allows for pattern matching and binding on the return type.
private static void writeFiles(List<String> filenames, String content)
(String s) -> Result.of(
() -> new FileWriter(s) //Open file for writing
(FileWriter f) -> Result.of(
() -> f.write(content) //Write file contents
(FileWriter f) -> Result.of(
() -> f.close()) //Close file
r -> r.match(
(IOException e) -> System.out.println("exception writing to file: " + e), //Log exception
(FileWriter f) -> System.out.println("successfully written to file '" + f + "'") //Log success
Just use the optimistic assumption that the interface fulfills the contract, as ordinary Java code will always do (enforced by the compiler). If someone bypasses this exception-checking, it’s not your responsibility to fix that:
public static <E extends Exception, V> Result<E, V> of(ThrowingSupplier<V, E> v) {
try {
return value(v.get());
catch(RuntimeException|Error x) {
throw x; // unchecked throwables
catch(Exception ex) {
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E e = (E)ex;
return error(e);
Note that even the Java programming language agrees that it is okay to proceed with this assumption, e.g.
public static <E extends Exception, V> Result<E, V> of(ThrowingSupplier<V, E> v) throws E {
try {
return value(v.get());
catch(RuntimeException|Error x) {
throw x; // unchecked throwables
catch(Exception ex) {
throw ex; // can only be E
is valid Java code, as under normal circumstances, the get method can only throw E or unchecked throwables, so it is valid to rethrow ex here, when throws E has been declared. We only have to circumvent a deficiency of the Java language when we want to construct a Result parameterized with E.
You need access to the class of the exception and then use some generics in the catch block.
One simple way is to pass the Class<E> class to the Result.of method:
public static <E extends Throwable, V> Result<E, V> of(
ThrowingSupplier<V, E> v,
Class<E> errorType) {
try {
return value(v.get());
} catch(Throwable e) {
if (errorType.isInstance(e)) {
return error(errorType.cast(e));
throw new RuntimeException(e); // rethrow as runtime?
Result.of(() -> new FileWriter(s), IOException.class)
Class.isInstance is the dynamic equivalent of the instanceof static operator, while Class.cast is the same as statically casting: (E) e, except that we don't get a warning from the compiler.
EDIT: You need to think what to do when the catched Throwable is not of the type of the exception you are expecting. I've wrapped it in a RuntimeException and have rethrown it. This allows to keep using a fluent style for your monad, but is not transparent any more, as now any exception is wrapped in an unchecked exception. Maybe you could add a 3rd argument to Result.of to handle this specific case...
Update: this seems not to work at all. I'm keeping it here for now because I've linked to is elsewhere, and because it uses a method provided in other accepted answers, which I would like to continue to investigate.
Using Federico's answer and the answer linked in the comment, I have deduced a solution with the same method signature as the original problem, and I have created a class which encapsulates this functionality for future use.
The Result implementation:
public class Result<E extends Exception, V>
public static <E extends Exception, V> Result<E, V> of(ThrowingSupplier<V, E> v)
return value(v.get());
catch(Exception e)
Class<E> errType = Reflector.getType();
if (errType.isInstance(e))
return error(errType.cast(e));
throw (RuntimeException) e;
And the Reflector:
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
* This class only exists to provide a generic superclass to {#link Reflector}
* #param <E> The type for the subclass to inspect
abstract class Reflected<E>
{ }
* This class provides the ability to obtain information about its generic type parameter.
* #param <E> The type to inspect
* #author
public class Reflector<E> extends Reflected<E>
* Returns the class corresponding to the type {#code <E>}.
* #param <E> The type to inspect
* #return The class corresponding to the type {#code <E>}
public static <E> Class<E> getType()
return new Reflector<E>().getParameterType();
private Reflector() {}
private Class<E> getParameterType()
final ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
return (Class<E>) type.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
I built a simple document store, there are entities that have fields of different types, I have a Float, Int and String type. The entity contains an array list of values, if someone updates the schema of the entity I would like to be able to try to convert the values to the new type.
public interface FieldType<T> {
ArrayList<T> values;
public class FloatField implements FieldType<Float> {
public class StringField implements FieldType<String> {
I have thought about using a abstract class with methods as below
public abstract class Field<T> implements FieldType<T> {
abstract public <T> castFromString(String value);
abstract public <T> castFromFloat(Float value);
abstract public <T> castFromInt(Int value);
public class FloatField extends Field<Float> {
public <Float> castFromString(String value){
Float castValue = null;
try {
castValue = Float.parseFloat(value);
} catch(Exception e){
return castValue;
I did not really like this solution as I would have to add a new abstract method each time I added an extra type to the system.
Any ideas how I could implement this better?
Maybe you could use the Function<T, R> interface?
public abstract class Field<T> implements FieldType<T> {
public <F> T convert(F value, Function<F, T> converter) {
try {
return converter.apply(value);
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
And then specify the converter using a lambda expression or a method reference:
field.convert("1234", BigDecimal::new); //with a method reference
field.convert("1234", s -> new BigDecimal(s)) //with a lambda
This would replace all of your convertXXX methods by one since the return type is inferred from the passed Function.
If you want automatic converting, you would of course have to hard-code these since you wouldn't want to write conversion methods for all 4240 classes in the Java API. This gets messy, though. Maybe something like this in a static helper class or in FieldType itself?
public class WhereverYouWantThis {
private static HashMap<Class<?>, HashMap<Class<?>, Function<?, ?>>> converters = new HashMap<>();
static {
putConverter(String.class, Float.class, Float::parseFloat);
private static <T, R> void putConverter(Class<T> t, Class<R> r, Function<T, R> func) {
HashMap<Class<?>, Function<?, ?>> map = converters.get(t);
if(map == null) converters.put(t, map = new HashMap<>());
map.put(r, func);
public static <T, R> Function<T, R> getConverter(Class<T> t, Class<R> r) {
HashMap<Class<?>, Function<?, ?>> map = converters.get(t);
if(map == null) return null;
Function<T, R> func = (Function<T, R>) map.get(r);
return func;
public static <T, R> R convert(T o, Class<R> to) {
Function<T, R> func = (Function<T, R>) getConverter(o.getClass(), to);
return func == null ? null : func.apply(o);
I don't think you need generics for this. Instead, just try to create a Float from the input String and return null if there be a problem:
public Float castFromString(String value) {
Float castValue = null;
try {
castValue = Float.parseFloat(value);
} catch(Exception e){
// log here
return castValue;
The reason I don't think generics are needed is that the types involved in the conversion are named/known in your helper methods.