I have been trying to "sendkeys" to a IntegerSpinnerField but it is not working. The IntegerSpinnerField has a id but I can't use the "sendkeys" on it. I opened up the html the ID is there but the IntegerSpinnerField is 3 widgets in 1. So is there anyway i can give an id to the 3 widgets that make up the IntegerSpinnerField.
<div __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingfocus="true" __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingblur="true" id="maximumfrequencySpinnerField" class="GJCAMDBBOPB" title="Enter an maximum frequency value within the allowable range. The allowed range is 776 to 787 MHz" style="width: 100px;"><div style="width: 100px;" class="GJCAMDBBAW"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><input style="width: 75px;" type="text" value="" class="GJCAMDBBCV GJCAMDBBJV" id="x-auto-229-input" tabindex="0" disabled=""></td><td><div class="GJCAMDBBKV"></div><div class="GJCAMDBBNV"></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
Id of the textfield which is autogenerated
Don't go with id's for ExtJs Applications those were dynamically generated at runtime and prone to change everytime.So you have to write a relative xpath for every element.And ExtJS elements follow some pattern So you have to write xpaths for that and you can reuse them.
Refer any-suggestions-for-testing-extjs-code-in-a-browser-preferably-with-selenium
For your case and for most input element you can find it using label.The immediate input of the label might be the element you are looking for
I have tested the spinner field named Revenue %: in this demo site using the following xpath
//label[text()='Revenue %:']//following::input
The script for the above site.Hope it helps
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[text()='Revenue %:']//following::input"));
I'm using Liferay AutoFields for first time, everything's ok, but the problem is that I can't set a limit in the "clone" event to get up to six fields only, and seems like documentation not exists, just found examples.
I'm using Liferay 7.0, this my aui:form:
<aui:form action="<%= addURL %>" name="<portlet:namespace />addForm">
<div id="auto-fields-container">
<div class="lfr-form-row lfr-form-row-inline sku-input-container">
<aui:input name="skuIdSave" label="Registrar SKU" helpMessage="Se consultará el SKU ingresado"></aui:input>
<aui:button type="submit"></aui:button>
and this is my Liferay Auto Fields code fragment:
new Liferay.AutoFields({
contentBox: '#auto-fields-container',
fieldIndexes: '<portlet:namespace />rowIndexes',
on: {
'clone': function(event) {
console.log('Clone event');
console.log('Cloned node');
'delete': function(event) {
console.log('Delete event');
sortable: true,
sortableHandle: '.lfr-form-row'
There is a native way in the plugin to set a repetition limit? Or only can be done by the clone "event" logic? Because I found the way to get the number of fields by clicking the add and remove buttons, and I tried something like this, without exit:
if(AUI().all('.sku-input-container:visible').size() >= 6)
Although I found a way (with JQuery) to delete the created row when the number of fields is the limit I want, I guess it could affects to the "undomanager" logic ("undomanager" renders by default as a div in the form)
<div id="yui_patched_v3_18_1_1_1665078696121_520" class="yui3-widget component undomanager"><div id="yui_patched_v3_18_1_1_1665078696121_522" class="undomanager-content helper-clearfix alert alert-info lfr-undo-queue"><a class="lfr-action-undo" href="javascript:;">Deshacer <span class="lfr-items-left" id="yui_patched_v3_18_1_1_1665078696121_2775">(2)</span></a><a class="lfr-action-clear" href="javascript:;">Eliminar el historial</a></div></div>
Many thanks in advance.
I am trying to use xpath to find input in a textbox a card number but the id is dynamic and class contains multiple hyphens , its not able to find the xpath i have tried for the given html
<div class="a-section a-spacing-none add-cc-number
<input type="tel" id="pp-XQAs3V-15" autocomplete="off" name="addCreditCardNumber" class="a-input-text a-form-normal a-width-medium" data-testid="pmts-account-Number">
When i use chropath it says It might be child of svg/pseudo element/comment/iframe from different src. Currently ChroPath doesn't support for them.
Xpath tried:
tried with ancestor sibling too.
name() is an XPath function to get te name of een element.
If the input has this name addCreditCardNumber use this:
I need to verify whether placeholder/helper text is displayed for a field.
In this example it is Min. $50.00
I don't see any placeholder/helper text attribute defined inside the div tags.
My field looks like . Displayed amount (in this example $50.00) is dynamic.
Code for the above field looks like
<div class="unit" style="padding-left:32px;">
<input id="Amount" type="text" class="inputAlign optionalHintText" size="18" maxlength="30"/>
<div id="sharesValueForPercent" class="TextMd"></div>
I tried different ways to get the text (Min$50.00). Can someone help me on this. Appreciate your response.
To extract the placeholder text i.e. $50.00 you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
Using cssSelector:
Using xpath:
System.out.println(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#class='inputAlign optionalHintText' and #id='Amount']")).getAttribute("value"));
<table id="usersForm:mainTable:n" class="extdt-table-layout res-table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%;" style="">
<colgroup id="usersForm:mainTable:colgroup:body">
<tbody id="usersForm:mainTable:tb">
<tr id="usersForm:mainTable:n:0" class="extdt-firstrow rich-extdt-firstrow extdt-row-selected rich-sdt-row-selected res-table-selected" onmousedown="handleMouseClick(event)">
<td id="usersForm:mainTable:1:name" class="extdt-cell rich-extdt-cell">
<div class="extdt-cell-div">
<div onmouseup="if (showMenu(this)) {document.lkjasdf = event; selectContextMenu('ENTTUSER','MbUsersSearch');}">
<span title="ADMIN" onmouseup="if(!rightButton && isSelectedRow(this,rightButton) && false && !disableContext) {setDisableContext(true); beforePrepareDefaultAction('ENTTUSER','MbUsersSearch');}">ADMIN</span>
Using htmlelements pattern, i want get value from table, ie verify that table contains value "ADMIN".
In htmlelements can able work with tables "from the box". I wrote:
import ru.yandex.qatools.htmlelements.element.Table;
public class MainTableForm extends HtmlElement {
#FindBy(id = "usersForm:mainTable:n")
private Table table;
Then I do not know which method helps to get the value.
You can use List<List<String>> getRowsAsString() method to get all the values from your table. Then just check this collection with hamcrest matcher. So the final code will be pretty simple:
assertThat(table.getRowsAsString(), contains(contains(equalTo("ADMIN"))));
You can do this
WebElement adminSpan = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#usersForm:mainTable:n span[title='ADMIN']"));
I added the TABLE id just in case there is more than one of these admin SPANs. The CSS selector reads as find an element with an id (#) of usersForm:mainTable:n that has a descendant () SPAN with the title of ADMIN.
You may or may not need to trim(). I've gotten to the point where I just always trim() because it's easy and it saves me time finding and adding it later when I find out I needed it but didn't realize it. :)
Try to find out by installing firepath
find out the path by firepath
I am trying to find an element with Selenium and Java, the problem is that the element's id, class, and name always increment so I am not able to find it with selenium. Below is what I am currently trying:
WebElement field = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[contains(#linkText, 'Broadcast copy')]"));
In my html file these are the attributes that keeps changing:
value="copy (Cluster 102)"
Entire html
<tr class='rowOdd'>
<td> <input type='text' data-validation='required validate-name-unique validate-name-not-empty' size='65' id='files[%2Fopt%240%2Frules%2F%2F000102%2Fcluster.xml][%2Fcluster%2Fname]' name='files[%2Fopt%240%2Frules%2F%2F000102%2Fcluster.xml][%2Fcluster%2Fname]' value='copy (Cluster 102)' /> </td>
These always increment and I have no access to the html file to change anything. So my question is how can I find this input element? Thanks in advance.
I get the error:
Unable to locate element:{"method":"id", "selector":"files[.*][.*]"}
I believe the xpath you are using is incorrect. Use
//input[contains(text(), 'Broadcast copy')]
instead of
//input[contains(#linkText, 'Broadcast copy')]
According to the html you have provide the following should work as well
Try this..
In case "copy (Cluster" text in value attribute is not changing, then you can try below xpath:-
//body[contains(.,'Name')]//input[contains(#value,'copy (Cluster')]
Since the attributes of id, class, and css were constantly changing, 'data-validation' was one that stayed the same all the time. So the code below worked for me.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#data-validation='required validate-name-unique validate-name-not-empty']"));