I have a table SASDOSSIERS with one column apentrytext which has one value 6.8.3 Dossiers "A" , SAS, Fürsorgeleistungen an Auslandschweizer which I need to select after the last ,: Fürsorgeleistungen an Auslandschweizer. If I perform the following query in sql, the select is correct:
SELECT distinct TRIM(SUBSTR(apentrytext,INSTR(apentrytext,',',-1)+1)) from SASDOSSIERS;
Whereas, if I try to use the equivalent in jpa critera
cb.locate(sasdossier.get(Sasdossier_.apentrytext), cb.literal(","), cb.literal(Integer.valueOf(-1))),
It ignores totally what I put in the from parameter (I have tried with many different values, eg:-2, -100, 1, 2, 100) and it seems to ignore what I put there, the result is always the same. Moreover, the query generated by hibernate shows that the argument is, indeed, ignored:
SELECT DISTINCT trim(BOTH FROM substr(sasdossier0_.apentrytext, instr(sasdossier0_.apentrytext, ?) + 1)) AS col_0_0_
FROM ACCESS_DB.sasdossiers sasdossier0_
WHERE sasdossier0_.apentrytext IS NOT NULL
It seems like a legit bug, but I cuouldn't find anybody that has the same error before, so, am I doing something wrong? should I report the error?
Thank you.
I'm using spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate because I have a SELECT ... IN () in my SQL query, as explained here.
In our specific case, the business logic should be:
- If the list of id's to check is null or empty, omit the entire IN condition
- If the list contains id's, use the IN condition like normal
So we programmed it like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (:ids IS NULL or table.column IN (:ids))
This query works if the :ids is indeed a NULL or empty list, but it fails if it is not because the way spring fills in the parameters for a list of 3 values is like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ((?,?,?) IS NULL or table.column IN (?,?,?))
and you cannot do "IS NULL" on the triple question mark statement. Is there any easy way to do solve this directly in the SQL query, thus not using Java code (we don't want to do string maniuptlation in the sql query in Java)?
You could try reversing the order like this:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (table.column IN (:ids) or :ids IS NULL)
Since your 3 id case will satisfy the first condition, the 'or' may not be evaluated. This might depend on your DB though. This works with Hibernate + Oracle, but I don't see it working with Sybase IQ + NamedParameterJdbcTemplate so your mileage may vary.
If your DB supports Common Table Expressions (CTE's), you can try this:
x as (
select column
from table
where column in (:ids)
select *
from table
where (table.column in (:ids) or (select count(*) from x) = 0)
while executing the following query using Hibernate
select to_char(vdadCloseDate,'yyyymm'), count(*) from RmDashboardAccountDataBe where 1=1 and vdadRmId in('MK13','MK11') GROUP BY TO_CHAR(vdadCloseDate,'YYYYMM')
I'm getting the following exception,
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
Is there any way to handle this issue?
This is "pure" Oracle SQL (i.e. not HQL) which looks exactly like your query (I had to use different table and column names, though):
SQL> select to_char(hire_date, 'yyyymm'), count(*)
2 from employees
3 where department_id in (10, 20)
4 group by to_char(hire_date, 'yyyymm');
------ ----------
200309 1
200508 1
200402 1
So - yes, it works OK.
This is a link to HQL Group by clause which also suggests that such a query is perfectly valid (have a look so that I wouldn't have to copy/paste its contents over here).
That's why I asked whether you're sure that this is the query that returned ORA-00979 error. As you responded that it is, huh, I wouldn't know what to say ...
I have a Spring Batch project running in Spring Boot that is working perfectly fine. For my reader I'm using JdbcPagingItemReader with a MySqlPagingQueryProvider.
public ItemReader<Person> reader(DataSource dataSource) {
MySqlPagingQueryProvider provider = new MySqlPagingQueryProvider()
provider.setSortKeys("p.id": Order.ASCENDING)
JdbcPagingItemReader<Person> reader = new JdbcPagingItemReader<Person>()
reader.setRowMapper(new PersonRowMapper())
//Setting these caused the exception
startDate: new Date() - 31,
endDate: new Date()
return reader
However, when I modified my query with some named parameters to replace previously hard coded date values and set these parameter values on the reader as shown above, I get the following exception on the second page read (the first page works fine because the _id parameter hasn't been made use of by the paging query provider):
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: No value supplied for the SQL parameter '_id': No value registered for key '_id'
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterUtils.buildValueArray(NamedParameterUtils.java:336)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.getPreparedStatementCreator(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.java:374)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.java:192)
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate.java:199)
at org.springframework.batch.item.database.JdbcPagingItemReader.doReadPage(JdbcPagingItemReader.java:218)
at org.springframework.batch.item.database.AbstractPagingItemReader.doRead(AbstractPagingItemReader.java:108)
Here is an example of the SQL, which has no WHERE clause by default. One does get created automatically when the second page is read:
select *, (select id from family f where date_created between :startDate and :endDate and f.creator_id = p.id) from person p
On the second page, the sql is modified to the following, however it seems that the named parameter for _id didn't get supplied:
select *, (select id from family f where date_created between :startDate and :endDate and f.creator_id = p.id) from person p WHERE id > :_id
I'm wondering if I simply can't use the MySqlPagingQueryProvider sort keys together with additional named parameters set in JdbcPagingItemReader. If not, what is the best alternative to solving this problem? I need to be able to supply parameters to the query and also page it (vs. using the cursor). Thank you!
I solved this problem with some intense debugging. It turns out that MySqlPagingQueryProvider utilizes a method getSortKeysWithoutAliases() when it builds up the SQL query to run for the first page and for subsequent pages. It therefore appends and (p.id > :_id) instead of and (p.id > :_p.id). Later on, when the second page sort values are created and stored in JdbcPagingItemReader's startAfterValues field it will use the original "p.id" String specified and eventually put into the named parameter map the pair ("_p.id",10). However, when the reader tries to fill in _id in the query, it doesn't exist because the reader used the non-alias removed key.
Long story short, I had to remove the alias reference when defining my sort keys.
provider.setSortKeys("p.id": Order.ASCENDING)
had to change to in order for everything to work nicely together
provider.setSortKeys("id": Order.ASCENDING)
I had the same issue and got another possible solution.
My table T has a primary key field INTERNAL_ID.
The query in JdbcPagingItemReader was like this:
So, the key is: in some conditions, the query didn't return results, and then, raised the error above No value supplied for...
The solution is:
Check in a Spring Batch decider element if there are rows.
If it is, continue with chunk: reader-processor-writer.
It it's not, go to another step.
Please, note that they are two different scenarios:
At the beginning, there are rows. You get them by paging and finally, there are no more rows. This has no problem and decider trick is not required.
At the beginning, there are no rows. Then, this error raised, and the decider solved it.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to setup a query for my application to pull only values from a table that have a specific column set. Mostly this column will be null, but if you edit and save the item on the application end without putting anything in this field, then it saves a blank string to that database field.
I have tried the TSQL query:
SELECT * from TABLE where COLUMN is not NULL AND COLUMN != ''
This query returns the results I need, but when I run the same query in HQL:
SELECT OBJECT from TABLE where COLUMN is not NULL and COLUMN <> ''
Then it still contains the values that have a blank string in that column. I have tried this using HQL with the operators <> and !=, and have also tried converting it to a criteria object using Restrictions.ne("column","") but nothing seems to provide the result I need.
I tried Length as in the comments, but had no luck. With the length in the query hibernate generates the full query as so. the time_clock_id column is the one that i'm having the problem with. Hibernate is set to SQLServerDialect
select timezone0_.time_zone_id as time1_368_, timezone0_.version as version368_, timezone0_.modification_timestamp as modifica3_368_, timezone0_.time_offset as time4_368_, timezone0_.modification_user as modifica5_368_, timezone0_.name as name368_, timezone0_.description as descript7_368_, timezone0_.active as active368_, timezone0_.time_clock_id as time9_368_ from time_zone timezone0_ where timezone0_.active=1 and (timezone0_.time_clock_id is not null) and len(timezone0_.time_clock_id)>0
Rookie Mistake. There was another place within my action class where I was using a different query to build the select list in the application. This was resulting in the list being overwritten with all values instead of those that use blank. After snipping this duplication I can use the operator column <> '' and I am getting the correct results
I'm using hibernate as an ORMapper. I want to execute an actually rather simple hql query:
FROM Foo a
WHERE a.status = :A0status
ORDER BY a.bookingTypeCode ASC,
a.priority ASC
This hql query is then converted into a sql query which looks something like this:
select a.*
from Foo a
where a.status='A'
order by a.bookingtypecode ASC,
a.priority ASC
When I execute the sql on the oracle database using the Oracle SQL Developer I get 17 rows returned. However, when I execute the hql query (using the list method of a Query I get a list of 17 elements that are all null. Although the number of elements is correct, not a single one of the elements is actually loaded.
This is the way I create and execute my query:
// the hql query is stored in the hqlQuery variable;
// the parameter are stored in a Map<String, Object> called params
Query hQuery = hibSession.createQuery(hqlQuery);
for (Entry<String, Object> param : params.entrySet()) {
String key = param.getKey();
Object value = param.getValue();
hQuery.setParameter(key, value);
List<?> result = hQuery.list();
Does anyone know what might be the problem here?
Update 1
I've recently upgrade from hibernate 3.2 to 4.3.5. Before the upgrade everything worked fine. After the upgrade I get this error.
I've set the Log level of hibernate to TRACE and found the problem. It was actually a mapping/logic/database error. The primary key consisted of two columns (according to the entity class) and one of these columns was nullable. However a primary key can never be nullable. Therefore hibernate always returned null.
If you have not set a custom (and buggy) ResultTransformer, my second best guess is that your debugger is lying to you. Does you code actually receives a list of null?
Also make sure to test with the code you are showing is. Too many times, people simplify things and the devil is in the details.
This error is happening to me. MySQL query browser works, but in hibernate of 7 columns and only one column always came with all null fields. I checked all the ids and they were not null. The error was in the construction of SQL Native. I had to change the way of writing it. Ai worked.
SELECT c.idContratoEmprestimo as idContratoEmprestimo,
c.dtOperacao as dataOperacao,
p.cpf as cpf,
p.nome as nome,
(Select count(p2.idParcelaEmprestimo) from EMP_PARCELA p2 where p2.valorPago > 0 and p2.dtPagamento is not null
and p2.idContratoEmprestimo = c.idContratoEmprestimo and p2.mesCompetencia <= '2014-08-01') as parcelasPagas, c.numeroParcelas as numeroParcelas,
pe.valorPago as valorParcela
FROM EMP_CONTRATO c inner join TB_PARTICIPANTE_DADOS_PLANO AS pp on pp.idParticipantePlano = c.idParticipantePlano
inner join TB_PARTICIPANTE as p on p.id = pp.idParticipante
inner join EMP_PARCELA as pe on pe.idContratoEmprestimo = c.idContratoEmprestimo
where c.dtInicioContrato <= '2014-08-01' and pi.INSTITUIDOR_ID = 1
and c.avaliado is true
and pe.mesCompetencia = '2014-08-01'
and c.deferido is true
and c.dtQuitacao is null
and c.dtExclusao is null
and pe.valorPago is not null
group by c.idContratoEmprestimo
order by p.nome