Javadoc private methods - java

I've developed my own Doclet to generate csv from Java classes.
I need to launch this Doclet about many projects and I can't edit POM files.
So I'm running using terminal:
mvn -DuseStandardDocletOptions=false
-DdocletPath=C:\LeeClases.jar javadoc:javadoc
I need to generate documentation for Private methods, so I have try to add -Dprivate but this not works.
Somebody have any idea about what can I do?

The private is a Javadoc option. Maven just doesn't expose a property under the same name.
Try specifying the show user property. Like:
mvn ... -Dshow=private
See here for the documentation of this property:


Eclipse New Java Class Wizard in VS Code

Is there a way to create Java class in VS Code similar to Eclipse New Java Class Wizard?
I would like VS Code to add package and class declarations automatically like Eclipse does.
Couldn't find relevant info in the docs and relevant functionality in plugins.
I faced a similar issue, coming from Eclipse/IDEA background, you can find it difficult to not have a feature in your java IDE to create a new classes, packages etc.
You can use the below VSCode extension :
It is a very handy extension.It provides support/wizard for:
New: Java files(annotation/class/interface/enum/package/JSP/HTML)
Generate Getters and Setters
Copy Qualified Name
Sort Project By Name
Run Maven Goals
Generate Docs
You can try this extension.Search for vscode-java-saber in the extension search and install it.

How to make IntelliJ show the real names for method parameters?

How to I setup the IDEA IDE, so that it shows real param names for methods in build-in classes?
mvn clean install dependency:sources did not help me
HttpExchange from package
The library you want to use does not have debug information included in the bytecode which is (for now) needed for this to work. Source is not enough.
If you cannot locate a debug build you may have to compile it yourself. If you cannot access the source, you may need to ask the vendor politely.

How to add BuildListener to ant without command line option?

I wrote an ant that does stuff if the build fails. I can use it from the command line with ant -listener org.smottguyz.antlisteners.SimpleListener build_all. But when I use the NetBeans IDE, there is no apparent way to specify a -listener option.
Is there a way to specify an additional build listener with ant (or NetBeans) properties, settings or configuration somewhere?
EDIT. It turns out this is pretty NetBeans specific, because, for whatever reason, NetBeans disables most of the approaches that work for most ant configurations. So Is it possible to specify logger for ant inside build.xml? is relevant, but not an answer :(
The short answer, is that with NetBeans 8.0, you can't use any normal technique. NetBeans ant does not use the platforms environment variables, so ANT_OPTS does not work, though it should. Also, nb_ant ignores ~/.ant/antlib, and even adding jars to foo/NetBeans 8.0.2/extide/ant/lib does not work. I'm filing this as a bug, but I expect it will be fruitless.
Anyway, you CAN edit a build file, and add a custom task that installs a custom listener. But you must also add the jar for your task+listener to NBs ant classpath in the correct NB dialog. So I created a tiny class:
public class Installer extends Task {
public void execute() throws BuildException {
getProject().addBuildListener(new SimpleListener());
and in my build.xml
<taskdef name="installListener" classname="org.smottguyz.antlisteners.Installer"/>
The add the jar in the dialog "Options/Java/Ant/Classpath:"
Pretty annoying actually. Anyway, using scriptdef like on Josef Betancourt's blog post buys nothing in this case.

How do I run a doclet in eclipse

Referring to the examples given in the post :
Examples in the post : SimpleDoclet and SimpleOrder
I need to know where do I need to place my SimpleDoclet and SimpleOrder and how do I run this doclet to generate output?
I tried using Generate JavaDoc with the following data :
there are two packages : newPack which contains my classes for which javadoc should be generated and oldPack in which SimpleDoclet is Present
Could you please let me know a solution for this?
I had the same problem; this is my solution:
I create SimpleDoclet in the package codegen.samples
I have exported SimpleDoclet as jarname.jar in C:\xx
In Eclipse, set Doclet Name: codegen.samples.SimpleDoclet and Doclet class path:
Ask for private visibility (to get all atts and methods)

Is there any maven plugin allowing to generate a file listing implementations of an interface?

I would like, before packaging phase, to obtain a list of classes implementing a given interface (for this file to be added in output jar). How can I do that ?
The javadoc method would probably work. Another option would be to write an ant script to do it. You can use the maven any plugin to help accomplish this:
Well, since I've already implemented that a few times, I now have a ready to use method.
Add the GMaven Plus plugin to your build
Declare an execution using project classpath
in this execution, add the reflections Java library
In your groovy script, find the interface ou want implementations of
Report classes implementing that interface the way you want.
