How to verify an invisible element on the Web Page - java

I am testing a link using webdriver, but i am not able to locate where that link(element) is there on the webpage. How to detect that where the given element is present on the webpage?
Can anybody help?

From the Getting Started Documentation, you can use:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("elementName"));
Where elementName is the name of the element that you are looking for.

Use Ctrl+Shift+I in chrome browser, and try to find that element in the developer's console using Ctrl+F. (You will have to click developer console's screen first before you do Ctrl+F)

U can check the presence of element by using explicit wait
it will return true or false, boolean value can be used.


Unable to locate elements on a website , i tried all the locators but I get the error "No such element" . I am a self taught beginner to Automation

Element HTML:
What I tried:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[text='Log out']"));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[.='Log out']"));
Element snapshot:
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Log out"));
Something like that should work, you should provide the page html for a better response.
My response is based on the fact that in your first try you are saying text='Log out'.
findElement in selenium works with locatorStrategies (By.cssSelector/By.linkText...) the one that i used (linkText) search in all the anchor tags that are found in the pages () and analyze the text inside the tag, if the text is matched the driver will find the element.
Let me know if it works, otherwise provide me the web page html snippet.
I've seen the actual screen, you must change Log out with Inbox
Given the HTML:
You need to take care of a couple of things here as follows:
Within cssSelector doesn't supports the :contains("text") method
Within xpath for exact text matches you need to use text()
To identify the element you can use either of the following locator strategies:
Using linkText:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Log out"));
Using cssSelector:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a[href$='INBOX'][title='View the Inbox']"));
Using xpath:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[text()='Inbox' and #title='View the Inbox']"));

Selenium cannot target div in iframe only on Chrome

I have a div with a class attribute with the value textLayer. I'm trying to get that div.
Here is my code:
WebElement jsiFrame = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));
WebElement docViewerElement = driver.find(By.classname("textLayer")
(note: this isn't exactly the code but it's more or less the functions I call)
I also have a timeout where I wait 5 seconds while requesting each element so it's not a matter of the element not existing when I query it). Selenium fails to find it, even though it's very plainly there. What's more, it only fails on Chrome, Firefox finds it without any problems.
Try dynamic xpath with explicit wait.
You can achieve it in this way
WebElement docViewerElement = driver.find(By.classname("textLayer")

Selenium: how to get the value of hidden element which has all div tags

I would like to get the value of all div tags specified in attached. I have tried with all possible locators like classname etc, which is showing null. and tried with JavaScript also which is returning null.
Please see the screen shot and I need the selected text which is in blue color starts with "Enables enterprise IT to deploy networking services"
You need to research creating selectors as this isn't a difficult one. There are numerous approaches for this element, but here's one for you: $$("#offers-popover .description"). Obviously this is a CSS selector based on the $$ and you use getText from the Selenium API in order to scrape the element text, which is what I assume you are intending to do.
driver.findElement(By.css("#offers-popover .description")).getText();
Since your element is not visible you can try this:
String divText = driver.findElement(By.className("description")).getAttribute("textContent");
Or, if this is not the only element on the page with the class description:
WebElement popElement = driver.findElement("offers-popover"));
String divText = popElement.findElement(By.className("description")).getAttribute("textContent");

Unable to locate element in Selenium webdriver 2.0

I am unable to locate this element with the class name. Below is the HTML code:
<a class="j-js-stream-options j-homenav-options jive-icon-med jive-icon-gear" title="Stream options" href="#"></a>
I tried to create an xpath using class and title both of them did the work in eclipse...ex:
//a[#title='Stream options']
//a[contains(#class,'j-js-stream-options j-homenav-options jive-icon-med jive-icon-gear')]
the None of the above options worked and I tried a few others too...Essentially I want to click on this element and do some action..I want to locate the randomly created xpath so that I can click on the element in the next run.
FYI: the element is a hidden element I need to click on some other element before this element appears. This is a dynamically created element whose expath changes all the time.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
Is the element you want to select in a separate iframe? If so, you need to switch to the correct iframe (driver.switchTo().frame("frame-id")) before firing the xpath selector.
Additionally, something to watch out for is that old versions of IE didn't have a native xpath library. See this answer for more details.

How to fill The form in a popup

I'am trying to automate
After clicking on "signup", I couldn't find the element Popup. I used getWindowHandle(), also used driver.swithchto(), but getting error. I can't find element.
Because it's in a new iframe, you need to use driver.switchTo().frame().
Here is a detailed answer on using switchTo(), in which you can't use name/id in your case, index should generally be avoided, so you may try locate the iframe element by css selector or xpath first, then switch to this WebElement.
WebElement popup = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("iframe[src^='CareerSignUp.aspx']"));
// or by index: driver.switchTo().frame(0);
