I'm trying to write a simple JavaFX application that contains a graphical representation of an NxM matrix (default 100 x 100). I would like to bind the matrix size to the Scene size, so when I resize the app window, the matrix follows it and keeps the aspect ratio. The binding works seamlessly for small matrices (for example 10x10), but when the matrix gets bigger (for example 50x50) and rectangles get smaller so they can fit my screen, the binding process becomes discontinuous. The matrix sometimes even gets bigger than window size (can't see all cells/rectangles) and matrix size seems like it's switching between integer values.
What I did is created a StackPane as a root Node inside the Scene and a GridPane as a child Node to the StackPane. I filled the GridPane with an NxM Rectangle matrix.
The code follows:
public class GridPaneExample extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
int n = 100, m = 100; // matrix size
double rectw = 5, recth = 5; // size of each rectangle
StackPane root = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, (m + 2) * rectw, (n + 2) * recth, Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN); // creating a scene with
// a frame around matrix
GridPane gp = new GridPane();
Rectangle[][] rects = new Rectangle[n][m];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
rects[i][j] = new Rectangle();
GridPane.setRowIndex(rects[i][j], i);
GridPane.setColumnIndex(rects[i][j], j);
rects[0][m - 1].setFill(Color.RED);
rects[n - 1][0].setFill(Color.RED);
rects[n - 1][m - 1].setFill(Color.RED);
StackPane.setAlignment(gp, Pos.TOP_CENTER);
gp.minHeightProperty().bind(scene.heightProperty().subtract(2 * recth));
gp.minWidthProperty().bind(scene.widthProperty().subtract(2 * rectw));
gp.maxHeightProperty().bind(scene.heightProperty().subtract(2 * recth));
gp.maxWidthProperty().bind(scene.widthProperty().subtract(2 * rectw));
Here are some screenshots of the program showing different sized matrices.
A 10 x 10 matrix app when started (rectangle size is 20x20):
A 10 x 10 matrix app when stretched:
A 100 x 100 matrix app when started (rectangle size is 5x5):
A 100 x 100 matrix app when stretched a bit, see how the matrix gets out of bounds:
So, is there a way to make this binding experience smooth and consistent, maybe by using something else other than Rectangles?
Edit: A weird thing happens. When I remove the rectangle binding lines from code and launch the app with 100x100 matrix, the matrix looks as it should. The program prints out the size of the GridPane and red rectangles. They are 500x500 and 5x5 respectively, as expected. However, when I include rectangle binding (as shown in the code), the matrix gets out of bounds, as in third photo attached, but the program still prints out the same dimensions of GridPane and rectangles.
As commented earlier, this problem is fixable by calling Node#setSnapToPixel(false) on the GridPane.
This problem occurs when Nodes become so small that a single pixel becomes too big for accurate display.
JavaFX uses a 'pixel snapping' feature by default to ensure a 'clear/clean' look. This would be mainly vissible with borders getting 'fussy/blurry' when not used.
In the backend JavaFX has defined the methods snapSpace, snapSize and snapPosition, which correspond respectively to Math.round, Math.ceil and Math.round.
This means that if a Node has a width of 2.5 with a 1 pixel border, it should have the size of (1 + 2.5 + 1) = 4.5, wich ceiled wil result in 5.0. If you have 100 elements getting a 0.5 width bonus it will result in 50 pixels overflow!
Setting 'snapToPixel' to false means it wil ignore the mechanism above, and use mixed colors per pixel. If you would look closely this 'blurr' effect is noticable on borders. But it is worth the tradeoff for the perfect layout IMO.
Here is a sample app I wrote a long time ago which does a similar kind of thing. It uses resizable nodes within a GridPane with a listener on the layoutBoundsProperty to pick the size of the resizable nodes. Not sure if it is really what you are interested in (the approach you have in your question, with some fixes or tweaks, is probably fine for what you wish to accomplish), but it might be worth taking a look at for an alternate approach if needed.
Relevant code is for the swatch node in the ColorChooser constructor from the sample code below (sorry it's a bit long, it was written for a different purpose but seems close enough that it might be worth posting in its entirety):
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.property.*;
import javafx.event.*;
import javafx.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
* Sample application for using the color chooser
public class ColorChooserSample extends Application {
public void start(final Stage stage) throws Exception {
// initialize the stage.
stage.setTitle("Color Chooser");
// create a new color chooser sized to the stage.
final String[][] smallPalette = {
{"aliceblue", "#f0f8ff"}, {"antiquewhite", "#faebd7"}, {"aqua", "#00ffff"}, {"aquamarine", "#7fffd4"},
{"azure", "#f0ffff"}, {"beige", "#f5f5dc"}, {"bisque", "#ffe4c4"}, {"black", "#000000"},
{"blanchedalmond", "#ffebcd"}, {"blue", "#0000ff"}, {"blueviolet", "#8a2be2"}, {"brown", "#a52a2a"},
{"burlywood", "#deb887"}, {"cadetblue", "#5f9ea0"}, {"chartreuse", "#7fff00"}, {"chocolate", "#d2691e"},
{"coral", "#ff7f50"}, {"cornflowerblue", "#6495ed"}, {"cornsilk", "#fff8dc"}, {"crimson", "#dc143c"},
{"cyan", "#00ffff"}, {"darkblue", "#00008b"}, {"darkcyan", "#008b8b"}, {"darkgoldenrod", "#b8860b"},
final ColorChooser colorChooser = new ColorChooser(smallPalette);
// to use the full web palette, just use the default constructor.
// final ColorChooser colorChooser = new ColorChooser();
final Scene scene = new Scene(colorChooser, 600, 500);
// show the stage.
// monitor the color chooser's chosen color and respond to it.
colorChooser.chosenColorProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldColor, newColor) ->
System.out.println("Chose: " + colorChooser.getChosenColorName() + " " + colorChooser.getChosenColor())
public static void main(String[] args) {
* A Color Chooser Component - allows the user to select a color from a palette.
class ColorChooser extends VBox {
private final double GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.618;
private final double MIN_TILE_SIZE = 5;
private final double nColumns;
private final double nRows;
* The color the user has selected or the default initial color (the first color in the palette)
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Color> chosenColor = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Color>();
public Color getChosenColor() {
return chosenColor.get();
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Color> chosenColorProperty() {
return chosenColor.getReadOnlyProperty();
* Friendly name for the chosen color
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<String> chosenColorName = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<String>();
public String getChosenColorName() {
return chosenColorName.get();
* Preferred size for a web palette tile
private DoubleProperty prefTileSize = new SimpleDoubleProperty(MIN_TILE_SIZE);
* A palette of colors from http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2.0/api/javafx/scene/doc-files/cssref.html#typecolor
private static final String[][] webPalette = {
{"aliceblue", "#f0f8ff"}, {"antiquewhite", "#faebd7"}, {"aqua", "#00ffff"}, {"aquamarine", "#7fffd4"},
{"azure", "#f0ffff"}, {"beige", "#f5f5dc"}, {"bisque", "#ffe4c4"}, {"black", "#000000"},
{"blanchedalmond", "#ffebcd"}, {"blue", "#0000ff"}, {"blueviolet", "#8a2be2"}, {"brown", "#a52a2a"},
{"burlywood", "#deb887"}, {"cadetblue", "#5f9ea0"}, {"chartreuse", "#7fff00"}, {"chocolate", "#d2691e"},
{"coral", "#ff7f50"}, {"cornflowerblue", "#6495ed"}, {"cornsilk", "#fff8dc"}, {"crimson", "#dc143c"},
{"cyan", "#00ffff"}, {"darkblue", "#00008b"}, {"darkcyan", "#008b8b"}, {"darkgoldenrod", "#b8860b"},
{"darkgray", "#a9a9a9"}, {"darkgreen", "#006400"}, {"darkgrey", "#a9a9a9"}, {"darkkhaki", "#bdb76b"},
{"darkmagenta", "#8b008b"}, {"darkolivegreen", "#556b2f"}, {"darkorange", "#ff8c00"}, {"darkorchid", "#9932cc"},
{"darkred", "#8b0000"}, {"darksalmon", "#e9967a"}, {"darkseagreen", "#8fbc8f"}, {"darkslateblue", "#483d8b"},
{"darkslategray", "#2f4f4f"}, {"darkslategrey", "#2f4f4f"}, {"darkturquoise", "#00ced1"}, {"darkviolet", "#9400d3"},
{"deeppink", "#ff1493"}, {"deepskyblue", "#00bfff"}, {"dimgray", "#696969"}, {"dimgrey", "#696969"},
{"dodgerblue", "#1e90ff"}, {"firebrick", "#b22222"}, {"floralwhite", "#fffaf0"}, {"forestgreen", "#228b22"},
{"fuchsia", "#ff00ff"}, {"gainsboro", "#dcdcdc"}, {"ghostwhite", "#f8f8ff"}, {"gold", "#ffd700"},
{"goldenrod", "#daa520"}, {"gray", "#808080"}, {"green", "#008000"}, {"greenyellow", "#adff2f"},
{"grey", "#808080"}, {"honeydew", "#f0fff0"}, {"hotpink", "#ff69b4"}, {"indianred", "#cd5c5c"},
{"indigo", "#4b0082"}, {"ivory", "#fffff0"}, {"khaki", "#f0e68c"}, {"lavender", "#e6e6fa"},
{"lavenderblush", "#fff0f5"}, {"lawngreen", "#7cfc00"}, {"lemonchiffon", "#fffacd"}, {"lightblue", "#add8e6"},
{"lightcoral", "#f08080"}, {"lightcyan", "#e0ffff"}, {"lightgoldenrodyellow", "#fafad2"}, {"lightgray", "#d3d3d3"},
{"lightgreen", "#90ee90"}, {"lightgrey", "#d3d3d3"}, {"lightpink", "#ffb6c1"}, {"lightsalmon", "#ffa07a"},
{"lightseagreen", "#20b2aa"}, {"lightskyblue", "#87cefa"}, {"lightslategray", "#778899"}, {"lightslategrey", "#778899"},
{"lightsteelblue", "#b0c4de"}, {"lightyellow", "#ffffe0"}, {"lime", "#00ff00"}, {"limegreen", "#32cd32"},
{"linen", "#faf0e6"}, {"magenta", "#ff00ff"}, {"maroon", "#800000"}, {"mediumaquamarine", "#66cdaa"},
{"mediumblue", "#0000cd"}, {"mediumorchid", "#ba55d3"}, {"mediumpurple", "#9370db"}, {"mediumseagreen", "#3cb371"},
{"mediumslateblue", "#7b68ee"}, {"mediumspringgreen", "#00fa9a"}, {"mediumturquoise", "#48d1cc"}, {"mediumvioletred", "#c71585"},
{"midnightblue", "#191970"}, {"mintcream", "#f5fffa"}, {"mistyrose", "#ffe4e1"}, {"moccasin", "#ffe4b5"},
{"navajowhite", "#ffdead"}, {"navy", "#000080"}, {"oldlace", "#fdf5e6"}, {"olive", "#808000"},
{"olivedrab", "#6b8e23"}, {"orange", "#ffa500"}, {"orangered", "#ff4500"}, {"orchid", "#da70d6"},
{"palegoldenrod", "#eee8aa"}, {"palegreen", "#98fb98"}, {"paleturquoise", "#afeeee"}, {"palevioletred", "#db7093"},
{"papayawhip", "#ffefd5"}, {"peachpuff", "#ffdab9"}, {"peru", "#cd853f"}, {"pink", "#ffc0cb"},
{"plum", "#dda0dd"}, {"powderblue", "#b0e0e6"}, {"purple", "#800080"}, {"red", "#ff0000"},
{"rosybrown", "#bc8f8f"}, {"royalblue", "#4169e1"}, {"saddlebrown", "#8b4513"}, {"salmon", "#fa8072"},
{"sandybrown", "#f4a460"}, {"seagreen", "#2e8b57"}, {"seashell", "#fff5ee"}, {"sienna", "#a0522d"},
{"silver", "#c0c0c0"}, {"skyblue", "#87ceeb"}, {"slateblue", "#6a5acd"}, {"slategray", "#708090"},
{"slategrey", "#708090"}, {"snow", "#fffafa"}, {"springgreen", "#00ff7f"}, {"steelblue", "#4682b4"},
{"tan", "#d2b48c"}, {"teal", "#008080"}, {"thistle", "#d8bfd8"}, {"tomato", "#ff6347"},
{"turquoise", "#40e0d0"}, {"violet", "#ee82ee"}, {"wheat", "#f5deb3"}, {"white", "#ffffff"},
{"whitesmoke", "#f5f5f5"}, {"yellow", "#ffff00"}, {"yellowgreen", "#9acd32"}
public ColorChooser() {
public ColorChooser(String[][] colors) {
// create a pane for showing info on the chosen color.
final HBox colorInfo = new HBox();
final Label selectedColorName = new Label();
HBox.setMargin(selectedColorName, new Insets(2, 0, 2, 10));
chosenColorName.addListener((observableValue, oldName, newName) -> {
if (newName != null) {
colorInfo.setStyle("-fx-background-color: " + newName + ";");
// create a color swatch.
final GridPane swatch = new GridPane();
// calculate the number of columns and rows based on the number of colors and a golden ratio for layout.
nColumns = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(colors.length) * 2 / GOLDEN_RATIO);
nRows = Math.ceil(colors.length / nColumns);
// create a bunch of button controls for color selection.
int i = 0;
for (String[] namedColor : colors) {
final String colorName = namedColor[0];
final String colorHex = namedColor[1];
// create a button for choosing a color.
final Button colorChoice = new Button();
// position the button in the grid.
GridPane.setRowIndex(colorChoice, i / (int) nColumns);
GridPane.setColumnIndex(colorChoice, i % (int) nColumns);
colorChoice.setMinSize(MIN_TILE_SIZE, MIN_TILE_SIZE);
colorChoice.setMaxSize(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
// add a mouseover tooltip to display more info on the colour being examined.
// todo it would be nice to be able to have the tooltip appear immediately on mouseover, but there is no easy way to do this, (file jira feature request?)
final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(colorName);
tooltip.setStyle("-fx-font-size: 14");
final Rectangle graphic = new Rectangle(30, 30, Color.web(colorHex));
// color the button appropriately and change it's hover functionality (doing some of this in a css sheet would be better).
final String backgroundStyle = "-fx-background-color: " + colorHex + "; -fx-background-insets: 0; -fx-background-radius: 0;";
colorChoice.setOnMouseEntered(mouseEvent -> {
final String borderStyle = "-fx-border-color: ladder(" + colorHex + ", whitesmoke 49%, darkslategrey 50%); -fx-border-width: 2;";
colorChoice.setStyle(backgroundStyle + borderStyle);
colorChoice.setOnMouseExited(mouseEvent -> {
final String borderStyle = "-fx-border-width: 0; -fx-border-insets: 2;";
colorChoice.setStyle(backgroundStyle + borderStyle);
// choose the color when the button is clicked.
colorChoice.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
chosenColorName.set((String) colorChoice.getUserData());
// add the color choice to the swatch selection.
// select the first color in the chooser.
((Button) swatch.getChildren().get(0)).fire();
// layout the color picker.
getChildren().addAll(swatch, colorInfo);
VBox.setVgrow(swatch, Priority.ALWAYS);
setStyle("-fx-background-color: black; -fx-font-size: 16;");
swatch.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldBounds, newBounds) -> {
prefTileSize.set(Math.max(MIN_TILE_SIZE, Math.min(newBounds.getWidth() / nColumns, newBounds.getHeight() / nRows)));
for (Node child : swatch.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) {
Control tile = (Control) child;
final double margin = prefTileSize.get() / 10;
tile.setPrefSize(prefTileSize.get() - 2 * margin, prefTileSize.get() - 2 * margin);
GridPane.setMargin(child, new Insets(margin));
I'm using setUndecorated(true); and getRootPane().setWindowDecorationStyle(JRootPane.FRAME); in my jFrame. This works great but now when I maximized my frame it spreads all over the window even taskbar is not visible. What can I do to make frame not to hide taskbar?
Also when I maximize minimize my frame multiple times the cursor is changed to this <-> which is generally used change size of frame when cursor is on the border of frame. Is there anything I can do for this?
A small code then can reproduce the thing:
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JRootPane;
public class Demo extends JFrame {
public Demo() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Demo();
This is a known bug: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4737788
Quote from this link:
A workaround is to subclass JFrame and
override the setExtendedState method,
catching any maximize events before
they happen and setting the maximum
bounds of the frame appropriately
before calling the superclass's
setExtendedState method.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PFrame extends JFrame
private Rectangle maxBounds;
public PFrame()
maxBounds = null;
//Full implementation has other JFrame constructors
public Rectangle getMaximizedBounds()
public synchronized void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle maxBounds)
this.maxBounds = maxBounds;
public synchronized void setExtendedState(int state)
if (maxBounds == null &&
Insets screenInsets = getToolkit().getScreenInsets(getGraphicsConfiguration());
Rectangle screenSize = getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
Rectangle maxBounds = new Rectangle(screenInsets.left + screenSize.x,
screenInsets.top + screenSize.y,
screenSize.x + screenSize.width - screenInsets.right - screenInsets.left,
screenSize.y + screenSize.height - screenInsets.bottom - screenInsets.top);
Fortega answer worked however, some part is not needed (or no longer needed with Java 8):
The Rectangle does not need to be saved.
The code does not take into account dual screen configuration. In particular, the GraphicsConfiguration will change if the window change screen.
As far as I tested, the only required override is setExtendedState.
When factoring dual screen configuration, at least on Windows, the below code does not work as intended:
Rectangle maxBounds = new Rectangle(screenInsets.left + screenSize.x,
screenInsets.top + screenSize.y,
screenSize.x + screenSize.width - screenInsets.right - screenInsets.left,
screenSize.y + screenSize.height - screenInsets.bottom - screenInsets.top);
On the following dual screen set up:
Left screen 1920x1080 (not primary), position: -1920, 0
Right screen 1920x1080 (primary), position: 0, 0
The maxBounds will contains negative x (-1920) but the setMaximizedBounds is somehow expecting a coordinate in the screen space (where (x,y) starts at (0,0)) , not the virtual screen:
It will set to setMaximizedBounds(x=-1920,y=0,width=1920,height=1050)
Windows will see the window on the left screen (because I have one taskbar per screen showing only window on that screen) however the window won't be shown on the screen because it is off bounds.
If the resolution of the screen, or worse, its scale factor (with a laptop, Windows 10 will apply a scale factor, ex: 25%, making the screen "not so" 1920x1080), then the above code does not adapt. For example, if my configuration have 3 screens with the right most being the primary, the window will badly display on the left and middle screen. I don't think I fixed this in the below code.
The following code work on Windows, with dual screen:
public synchronized void setExtendedState(final int state) {
if ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) {
final GraphicsConfiguration cfg = getGraphicsConfiguration();
final Insets screenInsets = getToolkit().getScreenInsets(cfg);
final Rectangle screenBounds = cfg.getBounds();
final int x = screenInsets.left + screenBounds.x * 0;
final int y = screenInsets.top + screenBounds.y * 0;
final int w = screenBounds.width - screenInsets.right - screenInsets.left;
final int h = screenBounds.height - screenInsets.bottom - screenInsets.top;
final Rectangle maximizedBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
System.out.println("cfg (" + cfg + ") screen.{bounds: " + screenBounds + ", insets: " + screenInsets + ", maxBounds: " + maximizedBounds);
On a simple JFrame:
Maximizing on the left screen ("screen=0") will print cfg (D3DGraphicsConfig[dev=D3DGraphicsDevice[screen=0],pixfmt=0]) screen.{bounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=-1920,y=0,width=1920,height=1080], insets: java.awt.Insets[top=0,left=0,bottom=30,right=0], maxBounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=1920,height=1050]
Maximizing on the right screen ("screen=1") will print cfg (D3DGraphicsConfig[dev=D3DGraphicsDevice[screen=1],pixfmt=0]) screen.{bounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=1920,height=1080], insets: java.awt.Insets[top=0,left=0,bottom=30,right=0], maxBounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=1920,height=1050]
Maybe you can set the maximum size of the jFrame and restrict it according to the screen size.
Also check out setExtendedState
Starting from Fortega answer, you can make it work even with 125% screen sizi adding
Rectangle screenSize = getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
screenSize.setSize(new Dimension(gd.getDisplayMode().getWidth(), gd.getDisplayMode().getHeight()));