So I am introducing myself to btrace but currently I am getting no output out of it. With this script :
package com.sun.btrace.samples;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*;
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*;
public class AllLines {
location=#Location(value=Kind.LINE, line=-1)
public static void online(#ProbeClassName String pcn, #ProbeMethodName String pmn, int line) {
print(Strings.strcat(pcn, "."));
print(Strings.strcat(pmn, ":"));
This come straight from the samples directory, just changed the "clazz="/.*/"," out of desperation to get something printed out. No luck.
The pid I am pointing btrace at is a simple java program I developped just for testing purpose which calls a certain method on a loop. I am running it through Eclipse.
Any ideas what i could be missing ?
Update: Turned on debug mode to find out it is hanging at "debug: checking port availability: 2020 ". Any ideas ?
Are the classes you are trying to trace compiled with javac -g or at least javac -g:lines? You need to do that in order to be able to access the line number information in the bytecode.
Additionally - enabling line tracing for all methods of all classes is a really Bad Idea(tm). You will cause a huge number of class retransformations and reloadings and with a bit of bad luck you can shoot your application down (due to memory problems).
Reposting this here as advised by security.stackexchange
How can I prevent Java Agents from attaching to my running java application at runtime?
I am able to prevent users from launching my application with a javaagent at startup by scanning the command line arguments:
List<String> args = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments();
for(String arg : args)
System.out.println("Detected Java Agent: " + arg);
However this does not prevent people from attaching at runtime visualvm style.
I heard that you can use the -XX:+DisableAttachMechanism flag to disable this, however when I tried to use jinfo -flag +DisableAttachMechanism <PID> I got an exception telling me that it is not possible to modify this argument at runtime.
Another possibility I considered was modifying the system security manager to disallow all AttachPermission's (I believe that this needs to be allowed for java agents to attach), but I'm not sure where to start.
Would really appreciate any guidance on how to implement the ideas Ive already come up with, as well as suggestions for any new ideas.
I created a custom security manager to deny all AttachPermissions however it appears to not be triggered in the jar being attached to but rather the agent itself. Now I am looking to enable DisableAttachMechanism at runtime, but I cant seem to find any references to this in OpenJDK source?
Exit if this returns true:
private static boolean acceptsJavaAgentsAttachingToThisJvm() {
HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean vm = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class);
VMOption opt = vm.getVMOption("DisableAttachMechanism");
return "false".equals(opt.getValue()) || opt.isWriteable();
which should defend against casual usecases.
In the past few days, I have started using Mallet. I am specifically interested in running a hierarchical topic model, like HLDA or HPAM. When importing the sample data files and running them using the class, I get results, no problems.
When running the same on the Wikipedia article on WW2, after importing I get the following error:
$ bin/mallet run --input ww2.mallet
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at cc.mallet.topics.HierarchicalLDA$NCRPNode.dropPath(
at cc.mallet.topics.HierarchicalLDA.samplePath(
at cc.mallet.topics.HierarchicalLDA.estimate(
I imported the data like this:
$ bin/mallet import-dir --input ww2Wiki --output ww2.mallet --keep-sequence TRUE --skip-html TRUE --remove-stopwords TRUE
To make your lives easier, here's the code at which the error occurs in (lines 627-640)
public void dropPath() {
NCRPNode node = this;
if (node.customers == 0) {
for (int l = 1; l < numLevels; l++) {
node = node.parent;
if (node.customers == 0) {
node.parent.remove(node); //line 637 (producing the error)
Seemingly, the error occurs when, during the NCRP implementation, it tries to remove a node, which is null. I do not know why this happens with certain files but not with others.
I checked if it might be a general problem related to the file running the same file on cc.mallet.topics.HierarchicalPAM and with that the file works and HPAM produces reasonable results. Other files work in the HLDA implementation, so I do not think it is the code itself.
At this point I am clueless what to do. Did anyone encounter and solve this problem before?
PS: I feel like I have to point this out for the Java community. This is not my code, it is an open source software, which I compiled on my computer. I am missing both time and overview to read through the whole code to track down the error.
It took a while but I found the answer to the problem and it seems too simple.
HLDATUI considers files as documents, which means if there is only one file there are not enough documents and the program crashes. That means one has to import more than one file.
The solution to my personal situation is that I will write a program, which will split the .xml file I want to run HLDATUI on into multiple smaller files, which then can be imported and analyzed.
I am trying to use py4j to open up a gateway that I can use to pass objects from java into python. When I try to open a gateway with the py4j function launch_gateway it does not seem to properly connect to my Java class. However, when I launch my java class in the command line and then connect to it in python using JavaGateway everything works as expected. I would like to be able to use the built in method as I am sure that I am not accounting for things that have already been considered in the design of py4j, but I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Let's say I wanted to create a gateway to the class sandbox.demo.solver.UtilityReporterEntryPoint.class. In the command line I can do this by executing the following:
java -cp /Users/grr/anaconda/share/py4j/py4j0.10.4.jar: sandbox.demo.solver.UtilityReporterEntryPoint py4j.GatewayServer
This launches as expected and I can use the methods in my class from within python after connecting to the gateway. So far so good.
My understanding of the py4j documentation would lead me to believe I should do the following to launch the gateway in python:
port = launch_gateway(classpath='sandbox.demo.solver.UtilityReporterEntryPoint')
params = GatewayParameters(port=port)
gateway= JavaGateway(gateway_parameters=params)
I get no errors when executing these three lines, but when I try to access my java class methods with gateway.entry_point.someMethod() it fails with the following error:
Py4JError: An error occurred while calling t.getReport. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Target Object ID does not exist for this gateway :t
at py4j.Gateway.invoke(
at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(
at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(
Obviously something is not getting called correctly within launch_gateway or I am feeding it the wrong information.
In the py4j source code for launch_gateway you can see that given the inputs you provide and those constructed by the function, a command is constructed that eventually gets called by subprocess.Popen. So given the input passed to launch_gateway above the command passed into Popen would be:
command = ['java', '-classpath', '/Users/grr/anaconda/share/py4j/py4j0.10.4.jar:sandbox.demo.solver.UtilityReporterEntryPoint', 'py4j.GatewayServer', '0']
Passing this command to Popen returns the listening port as expected. However, connecting to this listening port still does not allow access to my class methods.
Finally, passing the command as a single string to Popen without the final argument ('0'), properly launches a gateway which again operates as expected. Having taken a glance at the Java source code for py4j.GatewayServer.class this makes no sense as the main method seems to indicate that the class should exit with status 1 if the length of arguments is 0.
At this point I'm kind of at a loss. I can hack my way into a workable solution, but as I said I'm sure that ignores important aspects of the gateway behavior and I don't like hacky solutions. I'd love to tag #Barthelemy in this one, but hopefully he reads this. Thanks in advance for any help.
For now I have been able to work around this issue with the following steps.
Package entire project including all external dependencies into a single jar file magABM-all.jar, with 'Main-Class' set to UtilityReporterEntryPoint.
Include if...else block regarding presence of --die-on-exit exactly like it is in
Use subprocess.Popen to call the command to run the project jar.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
GatewayServer server = new GatewayServer(new UtilityReporterEntryPoint());
System.out.println("Gateway Server Started");
if (args[0].equals("--die-on-exit")) {
try {
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
} catch ( e) {
def setup_gateway()
"""Launch a py4j gateway using UtilityReporterEntryPoint."""
process = subprocess.Popen('java -jar magABM-all.jar --die-on-exit', shell=True)
gateway = JavaGateway()
return gateway
In this way I can still use gateway.shutdown if necessary and if the python process that starts the py4j gateway dies or is closed the gateway will be closed.
N.B I would by no means consider this a final solution as py4j was written by much smarter individuals with a clear purpose in mind and I am sure that there is a way to manage this exact workflow within the confines of py4j. This is just a stopgap solution.
There are a few issues:
The classpath parameter in launch_gateway should be a directory or a jar file, not a class name. For example, if you want to include additional Java libraries, you would add them to the classpath parameter.
The error you receive when you call gateway.entry_point.someMethod() means that you have no entry point. When you call launch_gateway, the JVM is started with GatewayServer.main, which launches a GatewayServer with no entry point: GatewayServer server = new GatewayServer(null, port). It is not possible currently to use launch_gateway and specify an entry point.
When you start the JVM with java -cp /Users/grr/anaconda/share/py4j/py4j0.10.4.jar: sandbox.demo.solver.UtilityReporterEntryPoint py4j.GatewayServer I believe the JVM uses UtilityReporterEntryPoint as the main class. Although you did not provide the code, I assume that this class has a main method and that it launches a GatewayServer with an instance of UtilityReporterEntryPoint as the entry point. Note that there is a whitespace between the colon and the class name so UtilityReporterEntryPoint is seen as the main class and not as being part of the classpath.
Edit 2 After recieving a response from Mathworks support I've answered the question myself. In brief, there is an options class MWComponentOptions that is passed to the exported class when instantiated. This can, among other things, specify unique print streams for error output and regular output (i.e. from disp()-liked functions). Thanks for all the responses none the less :)
Just a quick question - is there any way to prevent MATLAB code from outputting to the Java console with disp (and similar) functions once compiled? What is useful debugging information in MATLAB quickly becomes annoying extra text in the Java logs.
The compilation tool I'm using is MATLAB Compiler (which I think is not the same as MATLAB Builder JA, but I might be wrong). I can't find any good documentation on the mcc command so am not sure if there are any options for this.
Of course if this is impossible and a direct consequence of the compiler converting all MATLAB code to its Java equivalent then that's completely understandable.
Thanks in advance
Edit This will also be useful to handle error reporting on the Java side alone - currently all MATLAB errors are sent to the console regardless of whether they are caught or not.
The isdeployed function returns true if run in a deployed application (with e.g. MATLAB Compiler or Builder JA) and false when running in live MATLAB.
You can surround your disp statements with an if isdeployed block.
I heard back from a request to Mathworks support, and they provided the following solution:
When creating whatever class has been exported, you can specify an MWComponentOptions object. This is poorly documented in R2012b, but for what I wanted the following example would work:
MWComponentOptions options = new MWComponentOptions();
PrintStream o = new PrintStream(new File("MATLAB log.log"));
options.setPrintStream(o); // send all standard dips() output to a log file
// the following ignores all error output (this will be caught by Java exception handling anyway)
// instantiate and use the exported class
myClass obj = new myClass(options);
// etc...
In case anyone does want to suppress all output, casing null to ended up causing a NullPointerException in deployment. A better way to suppress all output is use to create a dummy print stream, something like:
PrintStream dummy = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() {
public void close() {}
public void flush() {}
public void write(byte[] b) {}
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {}
public void write(int b) {}
} );
Then use
Hope this helps :)
Another possible hack if you have a stand-alone application and don't want to bother with classes at all:
Use evalc and deploy your func name during compile:
function my_wrap()
And compile like
mcc -m my_wrap my_orig_func <...>
Well, it is obviously yet another hack.
I'm getting a NullPointerException in a Nokia S40.
I want to know what is causing this exception.
The device shows:
NullPointerException java/lang/NullPointerException
This error only occurs in the device, running in the emulator the application works fine.
I use microlog to debug my application. But the application works fine if the log is enabled.
Is there a way to get the stack trace when I get this NullPointerException? I don't need all details like the line number just which method cause this exception.
UPDATE: I installed the same application in another Nokia S40 and the same error didn't occur.
Nokia 2660 - error
Nokia 6131 - no error
UPDATE 2: Somehow I find what was causing the NullPointerException.
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
public class OuterClass extends Canvas {
private Config config;
public OuterClass() {
this.config = new Config();
public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
HelperClass helper = new HelperClass(this.config);
public void dispose() {
this.config = null;
public class Config implements IConfig {
public int getSomething() {
// ...
public class HelperClass {
private IConfig config;
public HelperClass(IConfig) {
this.config = config;
public doStuff() {
config.getSomething(); // Here is thrown NullPointerException
In some situations a thread is started and call the OuterClass.dispose() before the helper.doStuff() causing the NPE. I think when I enabled the log it made the thread slower and helper.doStuff() was called when I expected it to be called.
You are not going to find any way to save a Throwable stack trace on a Nokia Series40 handset.
The usual brute force way of debugging JavaME application on Series40 is to modify your code to create a stack trace yourself in memory.
What I'm talking about is:
Each Thread that you can identify (including system callback threads) needs its own Stack object, containing strings. Obviously, this increases the memory footprint of your application somewhat but keeping it in memory should limit the impact on race conditions.
When your code enters a method, it adds the method signature to the current Thread Stack. When the method exits (and you better only have one exit point per method) it pops the top of the Stack.
You can add aditional debug info on the stack, like values of variables in different places of the code.
You don't necessarily need to add this to every single method in your code.
You can add try{}catch(Throwable){} to the entry point of every thread you identified and either dump the stack in a file or on the screen (in a Form).
Obviously, this is not the kind of change you want to manually add in a lot of places in a large existing codebase. You can however make it part of your organisation coding standards for the future and write a source code parsing script to automatically add it to existing code.
I had some trouble in the past trying to print the stack trace to somewhere else than the standard output. The standard exception class doesn't provide the printStackTrace method that receives the output stream, therefore it only prints to the standard output stream.
It's possible, at least in Java SE, to redirect the java output stream to somewhere else by simply saying that System.out = . The PrintStream class receives an OutputStream, which means that you could create your own ByteArrayOutputStream, initialize a PrintStream, sets System.out to that stream, and then call ex.printStackTrace(). I don't have a J2ME environment here but I believe that, as long as it won't break when you try to set System.out to something else (nothing says that it's readonly in the docs), you should be able to do it.
After you do that, I would recommend writing it to a RecordStore that you have specifically for that, and then upload the records of that RecordStore to your server so you can get it.
I know it's not very easy but it may work. I would first test the System.out thing. If it works, everything else should work too.
My answer was wrong. As pointed out, the System.out and System.err fields are declared final. If you can't get the stack trace, and if you can't get the error when running the application on your emulator, try creating trace bullets on your code (alerts, logs, whatever you can) to isolate the piece of code where the problem is happening. It has to be something that could change between the emulator and the real device - for example, something related to retrieving/ saving records in a RecordStore, opening a Connection, etc... What did you try to do when you had the problem?
You could use Microlog to send an e-mail when the exception occurs.
You could try catching the exception in some high-level try/catch block and then emailing the trace to yourself.