I have embed some video to my website using following code.
<div id="container">
<video loop autoplay="autoplay" />
<source id="mp4" src="/s/test.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
When entering into my site the video taking few seconds to load. And the background is black, its not looking fair. No problem if internet speed is good, otherwise its display black background for few seconds.
So how to add thumbnail while loading video or adding text called"video loading".
Use the tag id poster
<video controls="controls" poster="/IMG_LOCATION/IMAGENAME">
More info can be found http://www.w3schools.com/html5/att_video_poster.asp
I found this here: How to make a loading image when loading HTML5 video?
If that doesn't work see the first answer on that page - where you could show the loading image using some javascript but this solution worked for me.
I am working on an application that allows users to enroll in my program. My problem is that at the end of enrollment I generate a PDF for them to look over and accept the terms and e-sign. Sometimes the PDF server fails to stream and when that happens the iFrame just contains the alt text for the images. Is there a way to look into the iFrame and see if the images of the PDF are there or the alt text is there. That way I can keep them from proceeding and display an error message.
One Jsp looks like this
<c:forEach items="${images}" var="src">
<img src="${src}" alt="Image" />
This Jsp calls a generate function which makes the pdf and turns them into images which then saves them to a remote server. The controller then returns the first jsp as the view which should populate the iFrame.
<div id="image">
<img id="loading" src="/blah/resources/images/loading.gif" />
<iframe style="width: 775px; height: 600px; display: none"
src="blah/blah/pdf/generateImages?product=<c:out value="${fn:toLowerCase(enrollmentConversation.product.textKey)}" />&state=<c:out value="${stateCodeAbbreviation}" />&pdfGuid=<c:out value="${pdfGUIDForLookup}" />&sizeType=775/p2"
So is there a way to look at the iFrame and say does this contain the images or does it contain alt text="Images"?
Your iFrame can be another application which is cross-domain (or same application on same domain).
When you create pdf and converts them in to images, I suggest you to write SUCCESS/FAILURE entry in database.
Then from your calling application, using AJAX database call, you can easily figure out whether pdf->image was generated successfully or not.
I have found this question here:
Is it possible to add a facebook like button on a Java application?
Here is an example of the code generated for Microsoft's page.
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmicrosoft&width&layout=button_count&action=like&show_faces=false&share=false&height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Although you can also just specify a URL and it takes you to the same page:
How can I create a WebBrowser object initialised with this code so that the user can click my button?
JEditorPane messes up the display. Can you recommend another component?
Firefox 24.0 (although have also tried on Chrome)
Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5
Solutions involving Windows, Windows-specific automation tools/libraries or O/S other than Mac OS X are not acceptable answers
Firstly may I remark that very similar questions have be asked often here on Stackoverflow, I have examined every offered answer, and none of them work for the CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource AJAX file uploader, as I will illustrate in detail below.
I have an Enterprise Java web application with data and files and wish to automate mapping and uploading a selected subset of the data and files from that web application against (into) a separate ASP.NET web application, which uses the CuteWebUI toolkit and the CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource from CuteSoft.
At the time of writing the http://cutesoft.net server has been down for some days; Googling gives some CuteSoft forum hits that may help with this problem, but I currently can't access them.
Like many file uploaders, the CuteWebUI AJAX file uploader has a Browse button and an Upload button.
I want to be able to upload directly into the CuteWebUI AJAX file uploader without using that Browse button (and without having to play any tricks using the Browse dialog on Mac OS X, because the files I wish to upload will not be available to a browser on a local filesystem, but instead are stored on a server accessible to the Java web application via Java, although for testing I can have them on a local filesystem, as shown below).
I appreciate that this problem has been answered many times for other file uploaders (see exhaustive list at end of this posting), and the process usually described as a solution for most file uploaders is roughly:
Identify the INPUT field for the file upload path (sometimes hidden) populated by the Browse button. Sometimes one needs to unhide this using a JavascriptExecutor and ensure it is a text field, then use sendKeys to populate it.
Identify the matching SUBMIT Upload button and click() it.
This does not work for the CuteWebUI AJAX file uploader.
The system I am targeting does indeed have an INPUT element that by name would suggest it is used to store the file upload path, but in fact when I try it by hand (and examine it using Firebug and Selenium IDE) its value is not populated at all, and instead a completely new temporary table of uploadable files appears.
The following HTML shows the situation before any file browse or upload has been attempted. I have omitted some style markup and some irrelevant values:
<script src="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=script&_ver=" type="text/javascript"></script>
<span style="display: none;"></span>
<button style="display: none;">Cancel upload</button>
canceluploadmsg="Cancel upload"
cancelallmsg="Cancel all Uploads"
insertext="Upload a file"
uploadingmsg="Uploading.." filetoolargemsg=".." maxfileslimitmsg=".."
onload="this.style.display="none" ;
var xh=window.XMLHttpRequest?new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHttp');
style="display: none;">
onclick="return submitbutton_click('433')"
The following Selenium in Java correctly unhides and populates the fileuploader_433 INPUT field, but on executing the click() on the submit I still get a popup window asserting I have to use the browse button with the message "Please use browse for file upload":
String name_fileuploader = "fileuploader_434";
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
jse.executeScript("document.getElementsByName('" + name_fileuploader + "')[0].setAttribute('type', 'text');");
WebElement element_uploader = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[#name='" + name_fileuploader + "']"));
String filepath="/path/to/file.pdf";
Firebug confirms that even if you do it by hand, that INPUT field is never used ! Instead, a new file queue table appears:
<script src="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=script&_ver=" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="fileuploader_434" id="fileuploader_434" isuploaderfield="1" value="">
<table .. class="AjaxUploaderQueueTable">
<tr class="AjaxUploaderQueueTableRow">
<img src="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=file&file=circle.png&_ver=null" title="">
<img src="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=file&file=stop.png&_ver=null" title="Remove" style="cursor: pointer;">
<span style="display: none;"></span>
<button style="display: none;">Cancel upload</button>
<img showprogressbar="1" canceluploadmsg="Cancel upload" ..
resourcehandler="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd" uploadtype="Auto"
cancelallmsg="Cancel all Uploads" uploadurl="/Handlers/UploadHandler.ashx" [snip]
onerror="this.onload()" onload="this.style.display="none" ;
if(!window.CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize){var xh=window.XMLHttpRequest?new XMLHttpRequest():new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHttp');xh.open('GET','/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=script&_ver=',false);xh.send('');eval(xh.responseText)}CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_Initialize(this.id);"
pageupload="1" namespace="CuteWebUI" uniqueid="fileuploader_434"
id="fileuploader_434_Loader_unique" style="display: none;">
<button onclick="return submitbutton_click('434')" class="submitbutton" name="SubmitButton" id="SubmitButton">Upload</button>
Please note that:
the hidden INPUT element is never populated with a file path value !
instead, the string file.pdf without the full file path appears in a new TABLE with class="AjaxUploaderQueueTable" below the Browse button.
That inserted AjaxUploaderQueueTable is clearly only cosmetic; it seems that the filepath selected during the Browse operation is stored server-side. I have searched for the full filepath after selecting with the Browse button using Firebug and it is not present in the page.
I am open - for the sake of testing only - to suggestions that instead involve tricks manipulating the Browse dialog in Mac OS X, but that approach does not meet my eventual requirements, because I can't rely on that approach for the final task of uploading many files from an Enterprise Java web application into the targeted ASP.NET web application. I must side-step the Browse dialog completely.
Background research
All of the following have related questions and answers but none of these solve the problem for the CuteWebUI AJAX file uploader:
How to type some text in hidden field in Selenium WebDriver using Java
How to handle windows file upload using Selenium WebDriver?
How to force Selenium WebDriver to click on element which is not currently visible?
how does selenium webdriver upload files to the browser?
How to deal with file uploading in test automation using selenium or webdriver
File Upload using Selenium WebDriver and Java
How to handle with uploading files from modal window Selenium WebDriver Java
Handling a popup window using selenium
This probably relevant forum link from CuteSoft is down:
Jul 24, 2012 - Hi,I'm doing automated testing for my web system using selenium webdriver, the problem is that I can't interact with ajaxuploader component
And a WebDriver forum posting with the INPUT unhide trick: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/webdriver/JAXC_qEbQvI
I've found a solution for this; it comes with some caveats but it works for my situation. Hopefully it will help you too.
The biggest caveat is that I only know that it works with the current version of AjaxUploader as downloaded today. I'd been using an older version that worked differently; I can't specify a version number since CuteSoft seem pathologically inclined to make the version numbers of AjaxUploader almost impossible to figure out. I can't find a version number for the current version OR the older one that I was using.
The other caveat is that it relies on there only being one AjaxUploader control on the page at a time. It appears that AjaxUploader DOES create an <input type='file'> element, but it's left dangling in a div at the top of the <body> tag, without any id or name attribute or anything else to link it to a particular uploader. I'm not sure what AjaxUploader does when more than one of it are present: maybe it creates multiple file inputs and tracks which is which by javascript; maybe it shares one. For my situation I didn't need to solve that part so I didn't try it.
Anyway, the trick is to find the file input as follows:
webDriver.findElements(By.cssSelector("body > div > input[type='file']")).get(0).sendKeys(fileName);
Note that the selector here has nothing to do with the ID or any other characteristics of the particular upload button you're using. It's just "the first file input inside a div directly inside the body tag". That's where AjaxUploader inserts its file input.
There appears to be no need to interact with any of the rest of the UI, including the Browse button: sendKeysing the filename to the right file input causes the upload to begin immediately. (This is an edit; I originally thought that clicking the button was necessary too but it doesn't seem to be)
Note that to make sure the timing of your test works correctly, you probably want to follow this click up with a wait operation that waits until the file has finished uploading (eg by waiting for the HTML that the AjaxUploader inserts after uploading is complete) before proceeding to whatever you want to do next.
I'm using Jsoup to parse the content from a website. The problem is that there are some data on the page that requires a couple of seconds to load. For this reason, my program can only get the loading graphic rather than the loaded data. Here is what I got:
<div class="sidebar_section">
<ul style="display:none;" id="counsel">
<li>Loading <img src="/members/images/ajax-loader3.gif" /></li>
If I open this url in a browser, I can actually see the contents for this block rather than the "loading" word.
I was wondering if there is anyway to get the content after the page is fully loaded. Here is my simple code:
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Any help is really really appreciated.
HttpURLConnection may be a better method for grabbing a web page as it gives more control and error handling, plus you can get the MIME type and character encoding.
When clicking a button, my GWT application returns a PDF file embedded in an HTML page which looks something like:
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" bgcolor="rgb(38,38,38)">
<embed width="100%" height="100%" name="plugin"
src="http://myserver/?cmd=getMyPdf" type="application/pdf">
Problem is it can take a while for the server to create this PDF file, so what I want is a waiting screen with a loading animation which can have the PDF file download in the background, and then when the file is done, display the page as described above.
One obvious way would be to display a loading page, send an asynchronous command to the server and then once the onSucceed method is called, call the page as normal. Downside is I'd have to add some server-side logic for making the PDF creation work in the background...
Is there any way to do this client-side with the GWT API?
Did you see this stackoverflow question Detect when browser receives file download? Basically the answer given is that you set a cookie in the return response and wait on the client side for this cookie to be set. This can be done easily with GWT as it has a Scheduler (for the repeated timer check) and easy access to Cookies. You still need to make some server changes, but you don't have to create a background process.
I don't have the full answer, but the following code works for me in Safari, and maybe you can modify it, to make it work with other browsers, too (?):
<script type="text/javascript">
function showPdf() {
document.getElementById("loading").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("pdf").style.visibility = "visible";
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" bgcolor="rgb(38,38,38)">
<div id="loading"
style="position: absolute; background-color: white;">Loading...</div>
<iframe id="pdf" width="100%" height="100%" name="plugin"
src="http://myserver/?cmd=getMyPdf" onload="javascript:showPdf();"
style="visibility: hidden;"></iframe>
This is pure JavaScript - but could certainly be done with GWT, too. Note, that I'm using an iframe instead of embed, because embed doesn't really support the onload method (and embed is not a standard HTML element, as far as I remember).
The reason, why this may not be the full answer, is that Chrome fires the onload event as soon as the PDF starts downloading (but after the PDF generation on the server side has finished). I'm not sure, if this is what you want?