java cassandra object mapping annotations - java

Can you provide an example for mapping collections using datastax api annotations to use Map.
class pojo {
#PartitionKey(value = 0)
#Column(name = "user_id")
String userId;
#Column(name = "attributes")
// How to map it
Map<String, String> attributes;
error log :
2015-08-03 16:33:34,568 INFO com.jpma.jpmc.slot.persistance.DAOFactory main - Cassandra Cluster Details: ConnectionCfg [userName=test, password=test, port=9042, seeds=[Ljava.lang.String;#1a85bd75, keySpace=test]
2015-08-03 16:33:34,646 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.mapping.EntityMapper main - Preparing query INSERT INTO "test"."user_event_date"("user_id","entry_date","entry_time","app","attributes","user_ip","user_authschemes") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Unknown identifier attributes

Based on the error message you are seeing, I'm guessing that attributes is not defined in your table definition. Would you mind editing your post with that?
But when I build my CQL table like this (note the compound partition key of itemid and version):
CREATE TABLE products.itemmaster (
itemid text,
version int,
productid uuid,
supplierskumap map<uuid, text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((itemid,version), productid)
...insert this row:
INSERT INTO products.itemmaster (itemid,version,productid,supplierskumap)
VALUES ('item1',1,26893749-dcfc-42c7-892c-bee8c9cff630,
...and I build my POJO like this:
#Table(keyspace = "products", name = "itemmaster")
public class Product {
private String itemid;
private int version;
private UUID productid;
private Map<UUID,String> suppliersku;
public UUID getProductid() {
return productid;
public void setProductid(UUID _productid) {
this.productid = _productid;
public int getVersion() {
return this.version;
public void setVersion(int _version)
this.version = _version;
public String getItemid() {
return itemid;
public void setItemid(String _itemid) {
this.itemid = _itemid;
public Map<UUID, String> getSuppliersku() {
return suppliersku;
public void setSuppliersku(Map<UUID, String> _suppliersku) {
this.suppliersku = _suppliersku;
...with this constructor and getProd method on my data access object (dao):
public ProductsDAO()
prodMapper = new MappingManager(session).mapper(Product.class);
public Product getProd(String itemid, int version, UUID productid) {
return prodMapper.get(itemid,version,sku);
...then this main class successfully queries my table and maps my Map:
private static void main(String[] args) {
ProductsDAO dao = new ProductsDAO();
Product prod = dao.getProd("item1", 1, UUID.fromString("26893749-dcfc-42c7-892c-bee8c9cff630"));
prod.getProductid() + " - " +
prod.getItemid() + " - " +
...and produces this output:
26893749-dcfc-42c7-892c-bee8c9cff630 - item1 - 86CCG123
NOTE: Edit made to the above example to support a compound partition key.


MongoDB repository save() do the insert instead of update

I am writing a PUT request API with spring and mongodb. But the save() inserts a new object instead of update the current one.
public class Expense {
#Field(name = "name")
private String expenseName;
#Field(name = "category")
private ExpenseCategory expenseCategory;
#Field(name = "amount")
private BigDecimal expenseAmount;
public Expense( String expenseName, ExpenseCategory expenseCategory, BigDecimal expenseAmount) {
this.expenseName = expenseName;
this.expenseCategory = expenseCategory;
this.expenseAmount = expenseAmount;
public String getExpenseName() {
return expenseName;
public void setExpenseName(String expenseName) {
this.expenseName = expenseName;
public ExpenseCategory getExpenseCategory() {
return expenseCategory;
public void setExpenseCategory(ExpenseCategory expenseCategory) {
this.expenseCategory = expenseCategory;
public BigDecimal getExpenseAmount() {
return expenseAmount;
public void setExpenseAmount(BigDecimal expenseAmount) {
this.expenseAmount = expenseAmount;
This is my reporsitory class
public interface ExpenseRepository extends MongoRepository<Expense, String> {
This is my Service class which shows how to update the class.
public class ExpenseService {
private final ExpenseRepository expenseRepository;
public ExpenseService(ExpenseRepository expenseRepository) {
this.expenseRepository = expenseRepository;
public void updateExpense(String id, Expense expense){
Expense savedExpense = expenseRepository.findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException(
String.format("Cannot Find Expense by ID %s", id)));
This is my controller
public class ExpenseController {
private final ExpenseService expenseService;
public ExpenseController(ExpenseService expenseService) {
this.expenseService = expenseService;
public ResponseEntity<Object> updateExpense(#PathVariable String id, #RequestBody Expense expense){
expenseService.updateExpense(id, expense);
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
As shown in mongodb compass, mongodb auto generates an _id field for every object. So I do not define a id field or use #id annotation to define a primary for the collection. However, in the service class, expenseRepository.findById(id) retrieves the desired object and update it. Why does save() do the insert instead of update? Many thanks.
JPA Can't find the existing entry as no id field id set. You need to add an id field and set generation type to auto.
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;


I have made restful API Using java hibernate jersery Framework.
I have to post data I have done it but I'm missing with one of the column that is MealTypeName.
Here is my DAO Class:
public class MealTypeDAO {
public void addMealType( MealType bean) {
Session session = SessionUtil.getSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
addMealType(session, bean);
private void addMealType(Session session, MealType bean){
MealType mealType = new MealType();
Here is my resource class:
public class MealTypeResource {
public Response addMealType(MealType meal){
MealTypeDAO dao = new MealTypeDAO();
return Response.ok().build();
public Response getMealType() {
MealTypeDAO dao = new MealTypeDAO();
List mealTypes = dao.getMealType();
String json = new Gson().toJson(mealTypes);
return Response.ok().entity(json.toString()).build();
This is my entity class:
public class MealType {
private int MealTypeId;
private String MealTypename;
private int modifiedby;
private String modifiedon;
public int getMealTypeId() {
return MealTypeId;
public void setMealTypeId(int mealTypeId) {
MealTypeId = mealTypeId;
public String getMealTypename() {
return MealTypename;
public void setMealTypename(String mealTypename) {
MealTypename = mealTypename;
public int getModifiedby() {
return modifiedby;
public void setModifiedby(int modifiedby) {
this.modifiedby = modifiedby;
public String getModifiedon() {
return modifiedon;
public void setModifiedon(String modifiedon) {
this.modifiedon = modifiedon;
CREATE TABLE `mealtype`(`Mealtypeid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`MealTypename` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,`modifiedby` int(11) NOT NULL,`modifiedon` datetime NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`Mealtypeid`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Now M posting these data in JSON FORMAT From POSTMAN:
{"MealTypeId":14,"MealTypename":"adsdf","modifiedby":1,"modifiedon":"2000-01-01 00:00:00"}
And M getting these data:
{"MealTypeId":14,"modifiedby":1,"modifiedon":"2000-01-01 00:00:00"}
MealTypename is missing. How so? Can someone help me out?
You are using names with the first letter in the upper case MealTypename — this is a reason.
The getter with name getMealTypename is used for a JSON property mealTypename (not MealTypename):
public String getMealTypename() {
return MealTypename;
You need to specify a JSON property name:
#JsonProperty("MealTypename") — for Jackson
#SerializedName("MealTypename") — for Gson
You need to put this annotation to the field or getter of the class which you mapping to JSON (MealType).
And use the standard Java naming convention.
public class MealType {
private int mealTypeId;
private String mealTypename;
And this looks really strange:

Cassandra partition key parts are missing

I'm following the Cassandra java object mapper tutorial on Datastax website.
and while defining accessors
#Query("SELECT * FROM testks.user ")
Result<User> getAll();
running this query give me a
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Some partition key parts are missing: id
Looking around it seems that you cannot query in cassandra without providing a partition key. Is that the case? This seems like a strange requirement. If I want a select all query, how would I go about doing that?
the table is defined as
CREATE TABLE testks.user (
id text PRIMARY KEY,
name text
You didn't provide many details. if you follow these below steps you shouldn't get any error
You should define the user model like below
#Table(name = "user")
public class User {
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return "User{" + "id=" + id + ", name=" + name + '}';
And Repository like below
public interface UserAccessor {
#Query("SELECT * FROM user")
Result<User> getAll();
Here is how you can use the repository
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("").withCredentials("cassandra", "cassandra").build(); Session session = cluster.connect("test")) {
MappingManager manager = new MappingManager(session);
UserAccessor userAccessor = manager.createAccessor(UserAccessor.class);

JPA / Hibernate - persist enums as table of constants

Currently, I'm using the standard way to map enums with Hibernate, e.g.
public class Job {
protected State state;
public enum State{
Now the requirements changed, and I have to create a table State, which contains all the valid values of my enum as String constants. Thus Job must refer to the State table. I don't have to migrate legacy data.
What options do I have to map this with JPA / Hibernate?
Is it possible, to let Hibernate create the State table with values ( 1->"new", 2->"old").
during DDL generation?
in ended up with a solution, which generates the DDL including enum constants and foreign key constraints.
public enum MyEnum{
private String name;
private int id;
public class MyEntity {
protected MyEnum myEnum;
is sufficient with the following MetadataContributor (/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataContributor):
public class EnumConstantsMetadataContributor implements MetadataContributor {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EnumConstantsMetadataContributor.class);
private final static List<String> ENABLED_ON = Arrays.asList("validate", "update", "create", "create-drop");
private final static Integer DEFAULT_VARCHAR_SIZE = 255;
private final static Identifier DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME = Identifier.toIdentifier("enum_constant", false);
public void contribute(InFlightMetadataCollector metadataCollector, IndexView jandexIndex) {
if (shouldRun(metadataCollector)) {
private boolean shouldRun(InFlightMetadataCollector metadataCollector) {
StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = metadataCollector.getMetadataBuildingOptions().getServiceRegistry();
ConfigurationService config = serviceRegistry.getService(ConfigurationService.class);
String setting = config.getSetting(AvailableSettings.HBM2DDL_AUTO, String.class, null);
return (setting != null || ENABLED_ON.contains(setting));
private void addEnumsAsTableConstantsAndFkConstraint(InFlightMetadataCollector metadataCollector) {
for (PersistentClass persistentClass : metadataCollector.getEntityBindings()) {
Class<?> plainJavaClass = persistentClass.getMappedClass();
if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom((plainJavaClass))) {
createEnumInsertsAndDbColumns(persistentClass, plainJavaClass, metadataCollector);
tryAddFkConstraint(persistentClass, metadataCollector);
private void tryAddFkConstraint(PersistentClass persistentClass, InFlightMetadataCollector metadataCollector) {
Consumer<Field> createEnumFkConstraintForField = field -> {
String fieldName = field.getName();
PersistentClass targetPersistentClass = metadataCollector.getEntityBinding(field.getType().getCanonicalName());
if (targetPersistentClass == null) {
LOG.error("Target (enum) class must be an #Entity: {}", field.getType().getCanonicalName());
Property enumReferenceAnnotatedProperty = persistentClass.getProperty(fieldName);
Field[] declaredFields = persistentClass.getMappedClass().getDeclaredFields();
of(declaredFields).filter(field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(EnumReference.class)).forEach(
private void createEnumInsertsAndDbColumns(PersistentClass persistentClass, Class<?> clazz,
InFlightMetadataCollector metadata) {
String tableName = persistentClass.getTable().getName();
Enum<?>[] enumJavaConstants = clazz.asSubclass(Enum.class).getEnumConstants();
ArrayList<String> insertCommandAccumulator = new ArrayList<String>(enumJavaConstants.length);
Optional<Field> enumValueAnnotatedField = of(enumJavaConstants.getClass().getComponentType().getDeclaredFields())
.filter(field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(EnumValue.class)).map(fieldWithEnumValue -> {
return fieldWithEnumValue;
}).findAny(); // just none or one is supported
if (enumValueAnnotatedField.isPresent()) {
setMinimalFieldLengthOfExitingColumn(enumValueAnnotatedField.get(), enumJavaConstants, persistentClass);
for (int i = 0; i < enumJavaConstants.length; i++) {
Enum<?> it = enumJavaConstants[i];
String constantEnumValue = -> getInstanceValueOfEnumValueAnnotation(it, v))
if (!enumValueAnnotatedField.isPresent()) {
insertAdditionalColumn(persistentClass, metadata.getDatabase(), enumJavaConstants);
insertCommandAccumulator.add(createInsert(tableName, i, constantEnumValue));
InitCommand initCommand = new InitCommand(insertCommandAccumulator.toArray(new String[0]));
private void setMinimalFieldLengthOfExitingColumn(Field field, Enum<?>[] enumJavaConstants,
PersistentClass persistentClass) {
Property property = persistentClass.getProperty(field.getName());
Column column = persistentClass.getTable().getColumn(Identifier.toIdentifier(property.getName()));
Integer maxLengthOfEnums = maxLengthOfEnums(enumJavaConstants,
e -> getInstanceValueOfEnumValueAnnotation(e, field));
private String getInstanceValueOfEnumValueAnnotation(Enum<?> myEnum, Field enumValueAnnotatedField) {
try {
return enumValueAnnotatedField.get(myEnum).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static Integer maxLengthOfEnums(Enum<?>[] enums, Function<Enum<?>, String> enumConstantValueExtractor) {
return of(enums).map(it -> enumConstantValueExtractor.apply(it).length()).reduce(Math::max)
private void insertAdditionalColumn(PersistentClass persistentClass, Database database, Enum<?>[] enumJavaConstants) {
Integer maxEnumStringLength = maxLengthOfEnums(enumJavaConstants, c ->;
Column column = new Column(DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.render(database.getDialect()));
String typeName = database.getDialect().getTypeName(Types.VARCHAR, maxEnumStringLength, 0, 0);
private String createInsert(String tableName, int position, String dbEnumValue) {
return ("insert into " + tableName + " values(" + position + ",\'" + dbEnumValue + "\')");
Works for MySQL 5.7 and Hibernate 5.
It is not possible to JPA query MyEnum and its consistency between #Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL) and getEnumConstants() order is implicitly assumed.
IMHO that does not have too much sense. The values of an enum are static and constant, while the values in a SQL table are dynamic. What if the DB does not contain exactly the values (no more, no less) for such enum?
EDIT: if you are forced to implement it, may something like this work?
public enum State{
int primaryKey;
public State(int pk) {
primarykey = pk;
And then join by primary key....

Java EE 6, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 - error in inserting record in database

I am trying to insert a record in the database (using Java EE 6, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0). I am getting an error that accountTypeId field is null, but i have set it up as autogenerate. Can anyone please suggest what am I doing wrong?
Following is the create table query:
create table example.account_type(
account_type_desc varchar(20)
Following is the entity class:
EDIT: Updated the entity class as generated by NetBeans which didn't work. I also added #GeneratedValue annotation but still it didn't work.
#Table(name = "ACCOUNT_TYPE")
#NamedQuery(name = "AccountType.findAll", query = "SELECT a FROM AccountType a"),
#NamedQuery(name = "AccountType.findByAccountTypeId", query = "SELECT a FROM AccountType a WHERE a.accountTypeId = :accountTypeId"),
#NamedQuery(name = "AccountType.findByAccountTypeDesc", query = "SELECT a FROM AccountType a WHERE a.accountTypeDesc = :accountTypeDesc")})
public class AccountType implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) // ADDED THIS LINE
#Basic(optional = false)
#Column(name = "ACCOUNT_TYPE_ID")
private Integer accountTypeId;
#Size(max = 50)
#Column(name = "ACCOUNT_TYPE_DESC")
private String accountTypeDesc;
public AccountType() {
public AccountType(Integer accountTypeId) {
this.accountTypeId = accountTypeId;
public Integer getAccountTypeId() {
return accountTypeId;
public void setAccountTypeId(Integer accountTypeId) {
this.accountTypeId = accountTypeId;
public String getAccountTypeDesc() {
return accountTypeDesc;
public void setAccountTypeDesc(String accountTypeDesc) {
this.accountTypeDesc = accountTypeDesc;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
hash += (accountTypeId != null ? accountTypeId.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
// TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
if (!(object instanceof AccountType)) {
return false;
AccountType other = (AccountType) object;
if ((this.accountTypeId == null && other.accountTypeId != null) || (this.accountTypeId != null && !this.accountTypeId.equals(other.accountTypeId))) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Entities.AccountType[ accountTypeId=" + accountTypeId + " ]";
Following is the session bean interface:
public interface AccountTypeSessionBeanRemote {
public void createAccountType();
public void createAccountType(String accDesc);
Following is the session bean implementation class:
public class AccountTypeSessionBean implements AccountTypeSessionBeanRemote {
private EntityManager em;
public void createAccountType(String accDesc) {
AccountType emp = new AccountType(accDsc);
try {
System.out.println("after persist");
} catch(Exception ex) {
System.out.println("ex: " + ex.getMessage());
Following is the Main class:
public class Main {
private static AccountTypeSessionBeanRemote accountTypeSessionBean;
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Following is the error:
INFO: ex: Object: Entities.AccountType[ accountTypeId=null ] is not a known entity type.
You are not getting an error because of "accountTypeId field is null". As the error message says, the error occurs because "Entities.AccountType[ accountTypeId=null ] is not a known entity type".
The most likely reason is that AccountType is not annotated with #Entity. This problem is likely solved by adding it. Additionally it makes sense to use
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
instead of AUTO. Auto means that the provider chooses a strategy based on the capabilities of the target database. According to the table definition it seems clear that the preferred strategy is IDENTITY.
I changed my create table query as following:
create table example.account_type(
account_type_id INT NOT null PRIMARY KEY,
account_type_desc varchar(20)
Then had to add the following line to the entity class (Netbeans doesn't add that):
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
