Camel AMQP - AMQConnectionFactory ClassNotFound - java

I'm using Camel 2.13.3 and trying to establish a connection via AMQP to a remote ActiveMQ instance.
According to the Camel AMQP docs is should be sufficient to add the following dependency
It then indicates that you should configure the jms component to use a connection factory supplied by the QPID project. The docs page uses org.apache.qpid.amqp_1_0.jms.impl.ConnectionFactoryImpl, and the results of other google searches indicate that org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnectionFactory could be used.
However, the org.apache.qpid dependencies do not appear to have been added to the project and, unsurprisingly, I get a ClassNotFoundException when I run it.
I considered downloading the qpid dependency separately, but their web site seems to indicate that the qpid client project has been deprecated and replaced by something else ( QPID Messaging API if I remember correctly )
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

should be sufficient
The Camel docs you linked to does not state that. It just says this dependency is needed, doesn't say anything about additional dependencies. Just looked inside the jar you're using, and it does not contain qpid-client classes. You should add that dependency to your pom as well. For AMQP 0.x, there is a good chance you'll need JMS spec dependency as well:
<version>0.32</version> <!-- replace with appropriate version -->
If you're using AMQP 1.0,


Httpclient and Zipkin Java

My and project team are looking to add Zipkin logging and tracing to our current project. We are working in an microservice environment using Spring Boot (Java 17) and cloud foundery. For the communication between Microservices we are using HttpClient. From what I've gathered from the documentation Zipkin requires an RestTemplate to function. However we don't have time to change this.
We were able to implement Zipkin in every individual project. However, every call generates their own Trace ID. I think we need to configure the HttpClient to work in tandem with Zipkin, however the documentation is not very clear and I have been unable to find anything that explains how to do this.
What can I try on this? I've included the config and dependencies below.
name: Application_1
baseUrl: http://localhost:9411
probability: 1.0

Spring Dependency Mess - conflict with Spring Boot 2.5.4 and Spring Cloud 3.0.3

I am trying to update an application which already pulls in the kitchen sink (or perhaps a few, they're joined at the hip) and I am sorting through version conflicts.
I want to update to Spring Boot 2.5+ and also use Spring Cloud Consul - I am attempting to pull in:
For bonus points, within spring-cloud-starter-consul-discovery, I am seeing that it pulls in reactor-core:3.4.6 and at the same time reactor-extra:3.4.3 (which pulls in reactor-core:3.4.5). The list goes on and on ... - original point of contention is that it pulls in spring boot 2.4.6 ... it was advertised as supporting 2.5+, then shouldn't the version reference 2.5+? - this to me is just plain laziness, right below reactor-core is reactor-extra, why wouldn't the Spring developers make extra pull in the same version of core? See:
While this is a trivial problem to solve, it shouldn't be my problem. Am I missing something, or is this just the way it is and I shouldn't expect more?
First of all, you need to look at this compatibility matrix between cloud and boot dependencies. Then, you need (for example) to generate your bom, where you import
the correct cloud dependencies bom
spring boot dependencies bom
These boms, internally, either import other boms, like for example consul, the one you are interested in, which is at version 2.2.8.RELEASE. Look in the properties tag in that file and see this:
You can then look at the specific consul bom and see that the version consul-discovery is:
Same pattern to find out what version is where can be done for reactor dependencies.
From my 10 minutes investing into this, I don't see a version of spring-cloud-starter-consul-discovery:3.0.3 that would be included in a cloud-dependecies.
You could still try to force a certain version of a dependency. We just recently had such a problem in spring-cloud-kubernetes, internally.
This may or may not work, though.

Classpath issue preventing pipeline to be run on Google Dataflow

I'm new to a project where we have a spring-boot application running on GKE receiving (via Kafka) and publishing events via Pub/Sub. Consumers of these events might want to have these events replayed and we want them to request this via the REST API of our application. Since the application stores the events in GCS before publishing, we thought Apache Beam pipelines run with DataFlow should do the trick.
One "replay request" might result in multiple pipelines, since the events in GCS are stored in folder structures containing the date (e.g. gs://<entity>/2020/12/13/event.json) and depending on how much history the consumer needs, we create a pipeline per day of events.
I'm fairly confident that the logic of defining and submitting pipelines is correct, since the application is able to perform this on a local Kubernetes cluster with the DirectRunner.
On DataFlow I run into the issue summarized here. Spawning a worker (org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.DataflowBatchWorkerHarness) fails due to a classpath issue:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/beam/sdk/options/PipelineOptions
I can see that my jar that should have the correct dependencies on the classpath when DataFlow spawns the worker (Omitted most parameters):
After playing around with different scopes of the beam dependencies, because I suspected a clash with the google-dataflow.jar, I haven't seen any change. I'm a bit clueless on where to continue looking. I'm using beam library version 2.27.0 and these are the ones referred to in my pom.xml:
Any advice is much appreciated.
The class org/apache/beam/sdk/options/PipelineOptions is found in the core Java SDK. The artifact is beam-sdks-java-core. This is not baked in to the Dataflow worker, but is part of the expected staged files.
The DataflowRunner by default will attempt to stage every file that it finds on the classpath. If there is anything about your environment or application that affects its ability to do this, you will need to add the SDK dependency yourself.

Why is javax.json from Glassfish needed as a dependency when using Yasson with JSON-B?

In order to use Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B), I have found it necessary to include the following three dependencies in my Maven POM:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
The first two make sense to me.
jakarta.json.bind-api is the JSON-B API defined by JSR 367.
yasson is the reference implementation of that API, Eclipse Yasson.
➥ But what exactly does the third dependency, javax.json from Glassfish, bring to the party? Why is it required for my app to work?
If omitted, when running Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();, I get this error:
javax.json.JsonException: Provider org.glassfish.json.JsonProviderImpl not found
I am confused because I thought Yasson is my JSON processing implementation.
Actually, your code should only depend on the api jakarta.json.bind-api, so you don't accidentally use implementation details from yasson, e.g. the internal org.eclipse.yasson.internal.ReflectionUtils. To do this, you should add <scope>runtime</scope> to your yasson dependency. Only to run it, you need an implementation, and you picked the reference implementation yasson.
But JSON-B is just a layer on top of JSON-P: it does the binding part, while it delegates all the raw JSON processing to JSON-P. You can mix and match any JSON-B implementation with any JSON-P implementation.
As yasson has to be able to work with any JSON-P implementation, it can't have a hard dependency on, e.g., Glassfish JSON-P; you have to specify it yourself (also with a runtime scope). The error message you see mentions Glassfish, as that's the fallback implementation JSON-P is looking for.

Is it necessary to add Spring Web when using Spring Actuator?

I'm trying to in corporate Spring Actuator to my application. I have added the dependency in my pom.xml:
But I get a 404 when trying to access the /health endpoint. After looking online, I've read that I need to also have the spring-boot-starter-web dependency in my POM. I was under the assumption that I only need the actuator dependency in order to get it working
Yes web is needed if you want to access via HTTP (otherwise only JMX is available).
The documentation for actuator states
"Click Dependencies and select Spring Web and Spring Boot Actuator."
