How to change the width of a cell? - java

I need your help in setting the length of a cell's bottom border. Currently, it is showing the bottom border of a cell too long and I need to shorten it. I tried to change the width of the table, but it is not coming properly.
Below is the code:
Paragraph tableParagraph = new Paragraph();
PdfPTable table55 = new PdfPTable(2);
table55 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 6, 6 });
PdfPCell cel2a = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("Total of Net Profit ", font));
PdfPCell cel2b = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("100.000" + " USD ", font));
cel2a.setLeading(1f, 1.5f);
cel2b.setLeading(1f, 1.5f);

There are different ways to define the width of a cell. To explain the different options, we have to talk about defining the width of the table (all columns) first, and then talk about defining the width of the separate columns.
Width of a table:
Option 1: You don't define an absolute width.
Instead you ask iText to calculate the width based on the available space. The available space is the width of the page minus the size of the left and the right margin.
If you create a document like this:
Document document = new Document();
Then the width of the page is 595 user units (this is the width of an A4 page) and the width of the margins is 36 user units (these are default values if you don't define the margins explicitly). Hence the available width is 523 user units.
When you define your table like this:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
then the table will take up 80% of the available width when you add this table to a page. So if there's an available width of 523, the width of your table will be 418.4 user units.
You can change this by changing the width percentage. For instance if you add:
then 100% of the available width will be used and your table will be 523 user units wide.
Option 2: You define an absolute width.
Suppose that you are asked to create a table with a width of 4 inches. By default 1 inch is 72 user units, so you need a table of 288 user units.
This can be achieved like this:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
If you forget the line table.setLockedWidth(true); then iText will assume that you want iText to calculate the width based on the (default) width percentage and the available width. Locking the width, switches iText to use the total width as an absolute width.
Width of columns:
Case 1: relative widths
When you don't define any widths, each column will have the same width. This width will be calculated by dividing the width of the table by the number of columns. E.g. if the width of the table is 288 user units, and if the table has two columns, each column will be 144 user units.
Suppose that you want the second column to be three times as wide as the first column, then you can change the relative widths of the columns like this:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
table.setWidths(new float[] { 1, 3 });
or, if you want to use only one line:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 1, 3 });
If the width of table is 288, the width of the first column will now be 72 and the width of the second column will be 216.
You'll get the same result if you do this:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 25, 75 });
The widths are relative values. { 1, 3 } is the equivalent of { 25, 75 }.
You did something strange:
PdfPTable table55 = new PdfPTable(2);
table55 = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 6, 6 });
In the first line you create a table with two columns of identical width new PdfPTable(2), but you never use that PdfPTable(2), because in the second row you redefine the table55 variable as new PdfPTable(new float[]{ 6, 6 } ).
As { 6, 6 } are relative values, this is equivalent to { 50, 50 } or { 1, 1 }... You're creating a table with two columns with the same width.
Case 2: absolute widths
Suppose that you don't want to use relative widths (for instance because the Math of calculating 1/4 of 288 and 3/4 of 288 is too hard) and you want to create a table width two columns of which the first one is 1 inch wide and the second one is 3 inches wide, then you can once again use the principle of the locked width of a table. Take a look at:
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(2);
table.setTotalWidth(new float[]{ 72, 216 });
Now we pass an array to the setTotalWidth() method. Widths are no longer relative, and we tell iText to use these absolute widths by locking the width.
Now the first column (and all the cells in the first column) will be 72 user units (1 inch) wide and the second column will be 216 user units (3 inch) wide.
Width of the cells:
The width of the cells follow the widths of the columns.
All of this has, of course, been explained in large detail in the documentation that is available online. See for instance examples such as ColumnWidths or the entire chapter that is dedicated to tables in the free ebook The Best iText Questions on StackOverflow. One wonders why no one ever reads that documentation. Does it make sense to keep on answering questions if no one is interested in the answers? (Sorry for this philosophical note, it has been a long day.)


iText cell widths seem to behave inconsistently

I have a function which I've been using for a good while in java which calculates cell widths for a pdftable from a given array of string values.
It works very well, and I recently wrote a version of the function in c# and it doesn't give the expected result (i.e text is wrapped to multiple lines) - both java and c# code shown below any help much appreciated
This is the Java version;
float[] CalculateCellWidths(String[] CellHeaders, Font CellFont)
float[] CellWidths = new float[CellHeaders.length];
for (int i = 0; i < CellHeaders.length; i++)
CellWidths[i] = CellFont.getCalculatedBaseFont(true).getWidthPoint(CellHeaders[i], CellFont.getCalculatedSize());
return CellWidths;
This is the C# version;
float[] CalculateCellWidths(String[] CellHeaders, iTextSharp.text.Font CellFont)
float[] CellWidths = new float[CellHeaders.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < CellHeaders.Length; i++)
CellWidths[i] = CellFont.GetCalculatedBaseFont(true).GetWidthPoint(CellHeaders[i], CellFont.CalculatedSize);
return CellWidths;
I see from your comment that the problem has been solved, but that you don't know why, so here's a small explanation about LockWidth.
There are two ways to define the width of a table. Either the table takes a percentage of the available width. This is a relative width that depends on page size and page margins. Historically, this percentage is 80% and the table is centered. You can change this width percentage with the setWidthPercentage() method. If you use a method to set the widths of the invidual columns, those widths will be treated as relative widths, for instance { 10, 10, 20 } means that you have a table with 3 columns where the first two columns take a quarter of the available width and the third column takes half.
You can also set the absolute width of a table. You can set the total width with the setTotalWidth() method. You can also define the absolute widths of the columns. However, these absolute widths are ignored in favor of the default width percentage as long as you don't "lock" the width. This is what happens if you use setLockedWidth(true) (Java) or table.LockedWidth = true (C#).
Based on your comment, I think the problem was caused by locking the width of the columns so that absolute values were used instead of relative values.

How set miminum height for split PdfPCell

On page I have table, and at the end of the page I have one paragraph, if rows contains small count of rows paragraph must still stay at the end of the page, but if rows too much and table take more than one page paragraph must be just after the table end. At first it looks easy for me and I just set minimum height for PdfPCell which contains table, but then I discover if page is split on pages minimum height apply to each part of table, and because of it paragraph isn't under the table on second page. Is there any solution for it?
I found one not very good solution for this problem, I've added one column to the table, which width it too small and it isn't visible for users, in this column I've add table with two rows, for first row I set minimum height which I need, here the code for creating this additional column
private PdfPCell createMinHeight(float minH) {
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell();
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
PdfPCell firstRow = new PdfPCell();
return cell;
If I understand you right, you don't want the paragraph splits? You can use setKeepTogether(boolean); for the elements you need:

How to add text to an image?

In my project I use iText to generate a PDF document.
Suppose that the height of a page measures 500pt (1 user unit = 1 point), and that I write some text to the page, followed by an image.
If the content and the image require less than 450pt, the text preceded the image.
If the content and the image exceed 450pt, the text is forwarded to the next page.
My question is: how can I obtain the remaining available space before writing an image?
First things first: when adding text and images to a page, iText sometimes changes the order of the textual content and the image. You can avoid this by using:
If you want to know the current position of the "cursor", you can use the method getVerticalPosition(). Unfortunately, this method isn't very elegant: it requires a Boolean parameter that will add a newline (if true) or give you the position at the current line (if false).
I do not understand why you want to get the vertical position. Is it because you want to have a caption followed by an image, and you want the caption and the image to be at the same page?
In that case, you could put your text and images inside a table cell and instruct iText not to split rows. In this case, iText will forward both text and image, in the correct order to the next page if the content doesn't fit the current page.
Based on the extra information added in the comments, it is now clear that the OP wants to add images that are watermarked.
There are two approaches to achieve this, depending on the actual requirement.
Approach 1:
The first approach is explained in the WatermarkedImages1 example. In this example, we create a PdfTemplate to which we add an image as well as some text written on top of that image. We can then wrap this PdfTemplate inside an image and add that image together with its watermark using a single document.add() statement.
This is the method that performs all the magic:
public Image getWatermarkedImage(PdfContentByte cb, Image img, String watermark) throws DocumentException {
float width = img.getScaledWidth();
float height = img.getScaledHeight();
PdfTemplate template = cb.createTemplate(width, height);
template.addImage(img, width, 0, 0, height, 0, 0);
ColumnText.showTextAligned(template, Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
new Phrase(watermark, FONT), width / 2, height / 2, 30);
return Image.getInstance(template);
This is how we add the images:
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContentUnder();
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE1), "Bruno"));
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE2), "Dog"));
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, Image.getInstance(IMAGE3), "Fox"));
Image img = Image.getInstance(IMAGE4);
img.scaleToFit(400, 700);
document.add(getWatermarkedImage(cb, img, "Bruno and Ingeborg"));
As you can see, we have one very large image (a picture of my wife and me). We need to scale this image so that it fits the page. If you want to avoid this, take a look at the second approach.
Approach 2:
The second approach is explained in the WatermarkedImages2 example. In this case, we add each image to a PdfPCell. This PdfPCell will scale the image so that it fits the width of the page. To add the watermark, we use a cell event:
class WatermarkedCell implements PdfPCellEvent {
String watermark;
public WatermarkedCell(String watermark) {
this.watermark = watermark;
public void cellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position,
PdfContentByte[] canvases) {
PdfContentByte canvas = canvases[PdfPTable.TEXTCANVAS];
ColumnText.showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_CENTER,
new Phrase(watermark, FONT),
(position.getLeft() + position.getRight()) / 2,
(position.getBottom() + position.getTop()) / 2, 30);
This cell event can be used like this:
PdfPCell cell;
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE1), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Bruno"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE2), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Dog"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE3), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Fox"));
cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(IMAGE4), true);
cell.setCellEvent(new WatermarkedCell("Bruno and Ingeborg"));
You will use this approach if all images have more or less the same size, and if you don't want to worry about fitting the images on the page.
Obviously, both approaches have a different result because of the design choice that is made. Please compare the resulting PDFs to see the difference: watermark_template.pdf versus watermark_table.pdf

Apache POI autosizing a percent formatted cell

I'm having some issues with autosizing cells. After my program populates and formats each accordingly, it autosizes the cells to make it look visually acceptable. The issue is, when the cell is formatted as percentage, it auto-sizes the cell without taking in consideration the fact that there's a '%' character, so we end up getting #### on the cells until you expand the cell. Is there a way to autosize it WHILE taking in consideration that extra '%' character?
So this is what happens, the left VAR has been autosized correctly for whatever reasons, but the VAR on the right hasn't.
I noticed that this ONLY happens when the cell value is 0.00% So all the values in the column for VAR that has #### were 0s and some of the values in the left column for VAR were non-zeros.
While this may not be an ideal solution, one possibility is to grab the size of the string you are inserting into the cell (ie. "50.00%" = size of 6), and set the cell width based manually based on that.
I'm afraid this is not supported in Apache POI, as it disregards the custom cell formatting when trying to calculate column width (it only takes font characteristics and rotation into consideration, but no DataFormat).
As a workaround you can try to write your custom autoSizeColumn method as a modification of the one currently implemented, i.e.:
public void autoSizeColumn(Sheet sheet, int column, int plusMinusChars) {
double width = SheetUtil.getColumnWidth(sheet, column, false);
if (width != -1) {
width += plusMinusChars;
width *= 256;
int maxColumnWidth = 255*256; // The maximum column width for an individual cell is 255 characters
if (width > maxColumnWidth) {
width = maxColumnWidth;
sheet.setColumnWidth(column, (int)(width));
Then you can call it with an extra '%' character to be printed out:
//4th column autosized + 1 character in width to accomodate for '%'
autoSizeColumn(sheet, 3, 1);

Add a PDFPTable to bottom of page in iText

I'm trying to add a table as a footer containing all the copyright text, page number etc. But I can't find any supporting method that'll accept a PdfPTable
For a phrase there is code like:
Element.ALIGN_CENTER, new Phrase(
String.format("%d", document.getPageNumber())),
(document.getPageSize().getLeft() + document.getPageSize().getRight())/2,
document.getPageSize().getBottom() + 18, 0);
The PdfPTable class has a method writeSelectedRows() that can be used to add (a selection of columns and) rows at an absolute position.
Examples: adds rows at an absolute position. adds a selection of columns/rows at an absolute position. an alternative solution where you wrap a table in a ColumnText object.
The examples posted by Bruno are a good pointer, here's an example without magic numbers:
private void writeFooterTable(PdfWriter writer, Document document, PdfPTable table) {
final int FIRST_ROW = 0;
final int LAST_ROW = -1;
//Table must have absolute width set.
table.writeSelectedRows(FIRST_ROW, LAST_ROW, document.left(), document.bottom()+table.getTotalHeight(),writer.getDirectContent());
This will write the PdfPTable within the document margins at the bottom overlapping any text you have at the bottom. If you wish to write the table in the margin, use: document.bottom() instead of document.bottom()+table.getTotalHeight().
Header/Footer Example
As a relevant note if you're following the example on this link, the "art" box does not appear to be required and the magic numbers 36, 54, 559, 788 correspond to:
document.left(), document.bottom(), document.right(),
To implement a custom footer you need to implement the PdfPageEventHelper.
