When using DataProviders, on TestNG, my test method has asserts that will fail since the data passed in navigates to a different url. Is there a way to work around this, i.e. a way for the data to only be injected to certain/specific asserts?
Instead of testing one scenario with different data, I am instead testing multiple scenarios with different data which is where my conflict arises.
#DataProvider(name = "VINNumbers")
public String[][] VINNumbers() {
return new String[][] {
#Test(dataProvider = "VINNumbers")
public void shouldNavigateToCorrespondingVinEnteredIn(String VIN) {
driver.get(findYourCarPage.getURL() + VIN);
The assert test whether or not the page has an MSRP displayed, but not all dataproviders will have an MSRP displayed so it will fail. The only dataprovider that has it is the first array. Is there a way for dataproviders to be called to specific asserts?
If depending on the VIN, MSRP is displayed or not (boolean), you could for example create a provider the way it provides VIN and expected result:
#Test(dataProvider = "VINNumbers")
public void shouldNavigateToCorrespondingVinEnteredIn(String VIN, boolean isMSRPDisplayed) {
// act
// assert
This way you end up with an provider like below:
{"2T1BU4ECC834670", true},
{"1GKS2JKJR543989", false},
{"2FTDF0820A04457", true},
In my opinion this is acceptable for simple cases. To make assertion more readable, I would add a custom message to it that is also parameterized.
I hope this helps.
What would be the best approach to combine multiple arguments source for parameterized testing.
My scenario is something like this
#ParameterizedTest(name = "{index} => \"{0}\"")
#CsvSource(nullValues = "null",
value = {
"whenNullValues, null, BAD_REQUEST",
"whenNaNValues, uyiwfq, BAD_REQUEST",
"whenUnauthorized, 12345, FORBIDDEN",
"whenNonExisting, -1, NOT_FOUND"
void testEndpointsNegativeCases(Method endpoint, String case, String input, String expected)
//... process input args
//... assertThrows
The idea is to make a L x R combination, so Number of endpoints X CsvSource lines, and to keep it in a way that is perfectly clear for the reader which cases are tested and the expectations (ideally, in the annotations).
Extending getEndpointsProvider() to return a stream of multiple args with the combined data is an option, but I would like to know if there's a cleaner way.
I am currently stuck trying to create a unit test for this piece of code I have. I honestly can't figure out at all how to create a unit test for these lines of code. I have looked multiple places online and couldn't find anything. Its probably just because I don't understand unit test so I can't figure out how to create this one but could someone help me please?
public List<Overview> findOverviewByStatus(String status) throws CustomMongoException {
List<Overview> scenarioList = new ArrayList<Overview>();
LOGGER.info("Getting Scenario Summary Data for - {}", status);
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("status").is(status));
if (mongoTemplate == null)
throw new CustomMongoException("Connection issue - Try again in a few minutes",
LOGGER.info("Running Query - {}", query);
scenarioList = mongoTemplate.find(query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "lastUpdatedDate")), Overview.class);
return scenarioList;
So you want to unit test the method. Start with pretending you don't know what the code looks like (black box testing).
What happens if you call it with status of null, and then status of empty string?
What are some status string that return expected values?
Add all these as asserts to your test method to make sure that if someone changes this method in the future the unit test makes sure that it returns the expected result.
That is all a unit test usually does, makes sure that the code behaves in a predictable way and safeguard against change that violates a contract you created for the method when you wrote it.
For example:
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MyObjectTest {
public void testMyObjectMethod() {
// Create the object that contains your method (not in the sample you provided)
MyObjectToTest obj = new MyObjectToTest();
// Check that for a null status you get some result (assuming you want this)
// Lets assume that a null status returns an empty array, add a check for it
Assert.assertTrue("null parameter size should be 0", obj.findOverviewByStatus(null).size() == 0);
I have a test method inside a test class where I want to verify a couple things, only fail after I soft assert in this specific test method.
But, I feel my test method is getting messy with failure handling. I haven't been able to find any best practices on this. Any ideas? If I move the asserts into the page object class, it will be a bit messy there too.
public void test() {
// steps here
// then asserts here
SoftAssert soft = new SoftAssert();
String expectedHeaderText = "foo";
soft.assertTrue(pageObjectClass.isHeaderPresent(), "Unable to find the Header page object.");
String.format("Expected to find '%s'. Page actually shows '%s'", expectedHeaderText, pageObjectClass.getHeader()));
// more asserts
Check below convention
public void test() {
// steps here
// then asserts here
SoftAssert soft = new SoftAssert();
String expectedHeaderText = "foo";
Boolean checkHeader=pageObjectClass.isHeaderPresent() //Change the method on POM pageObjectClass such that it returns the true or false
String checkHeaderContent=pageObjectClass.getHeader()//change method on POM pageObjectClass to return a string
soft.assertTrue(checkHeaderContent.contains(expectedHeaderText), String.format("Expected to find '%s'. Page actually shows '%s'", expectedHeaderText, checkHeaderContent));
// more asserts
You can check QMetry Automation Framework which provided assertion and verification methods. For example:
//verify element present
//verify Text of Element
firstName.verifyText("First User");
firstName.assertText("First User");
//verify Text of element with StringMatchers conditions
firstName.verifyText(StringMatcher.contains("First User"));
firstName.assertText(StringMatcher.contains("First User"),"Username Validation");
In case of assert method, your test will not continue on assert fail.
In case of any verify method, your test will continue even if verification failed and the final status of test will be failed if one or more verification failed.
It's always a dilemma: to have explicit checks and readable error messages, or omit something in order to make the code shorter or more generic to be reused.
Your example is a plain SoftAssert usage which is recommended by many tutorials.
It's a best practice to keep all assertions on Test Level, not in Page Objects.
But how to deal when you see, some assertions are huge and duplicated within several test methods?
I suggest following next rules:
Similar(duplicated) assert constructions can be moved to a new helper method within a current Test Class.
Try to split the tests into classes in the way, test classes contain only similar test methods.
If several test classes contain the same code, you can create a common parent for a group of classes and move some reusable code on this test-class-group level.
Do not try to fully avoid duplications on Test Level, tests are something that is changed and outdated rapidly. They should be still readable and easy to understand what happens in the code.
I don't use SoftAsserts, but can suggest some of this as a point for the extension:
import org.testng.asserts.SoftAssert
import static java.lang.String.format
public class ProjectSoftAssert extends SoftAssert {
public void assertElementVisibleAndContainsText(
boolean isVisible, String actualText, String expectedText, String elementName
) {
assertTrue(isVisible, format("Unable to find the '%s' page object.", elementName));
"Wrong '%s' page object text. Expected to find '%s'. Page actually shows '%s'",
elementName, expectedText, actualText
And in your scenario:
public void test() {
// steps here
// then asserts here
ProjectSoftAssert soft = new ProjectSoftAssert();
pageObjectClass.isHeaderPresent(), pageObjectClass.getHeader(), "foo", "Header"
// more asserts
I am trying to run a parameterized test in testNg using dataProvider. But somehow it is always ignoring that test case. Below is the reference code:
#DataProvider(name = "test")
public Object[][] testDP() throws Exception {
Object[][] arrayObject = getExcelData("TestData.xlsx", "TestData", "testName");
return arrayObject;
#Test(dataProvider = "test", groups = {"sanity"})
public void testMethod(String testName, String logisticsHandler) {
System.out.print(testName + "\n");
There are two ways of sending data to the test.
Static Arrays usage - as suggested by Julien Herr
If you are using the excel to get the data then in excel you must have exactly same number of rows/fields as in the #test function.
For Example: String testName, String logisticsHandler are two fields in your #test function then the excel must have ONLY two rows with the required fields testdata so that the ObjectArray will have these fields.
You can use Apache POI and handle this very easily.
This is happening as i see the name is different
#Test(dataProvider = "test", groups = {"sanity"})
in the above line you should give the dataProvider as testDP instead of test the name of the function
#Test(dataProvider = "testDP", groups = {"sanity"})
testDP is providing data to your test and no function named as test
The above thing should solve the problem. Also the name can be removed from dataprovider to avoid any confusion
#DataProvider(name = "test")
I am just getting started with unit testing. I did the junit tutorial from a pdf from the tutorial points website. So my question is, I want to test my shunting yard algorithm and my RPNEvaluator.
The constructors (and any other variables to help you out with the context) look like this:
private ArrayList<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
public ShuntingYard(ArrayList<String> tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
private Queue<String> polishExpression;
public RPNEvaluator(Queue<String> exp) {
polishExpression = exp;
ShuntingYard.java has a method called toRpn() which will take an ArrayList and return a Queue after some processing.
RPNEvaluator has a method called evaluate which will take a Queue type and return a double after some processing.
With Junit I am trying to write some unit tests and I wanted to know if this start was the best way to go about it:
package testSuite;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ExpressionEvaluationTest {
* Initialise the lists to be used
public void beforeTest() {
ArrayList<String> exprOne = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprTwo = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprThree = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprFour = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprFive = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> exprSix = new ArrayList<String>();
public void test() {
I was going to put this in the before() method:
ShuntingYard sy = new ShuntingYard(/arraylist here/);
And then in the test, pass the lists to the algorithm. My question is that I think I am going the long way around it, would it be better to have a parameterised annotation and pass those lists as a list of parameters?
and a further question: if a test for any of the ArrayLists passes then I am sure I can execute a subsequent test to the RPNEvaluator evaluate method. I hope I haven't been ambiguous.
Help would be very much appreciated.
I would come at it a little differently. Instead of just creating several sets of test data and calling the same test each time break it up in to something meaningful. Instead of writing one test called test() write several separate tests for each aspect of ShuntingYard. For example:
#Test public void
ArrayList<String> divideByZeroExpression = Arrays.asList("5", "0", "/");
// Add code to call your method with this data here
// Add code to verify your results here
#Test public void
ArrayList<String> simpleAdditionExpression = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "+");
// Add code to call your method with this data here
// Add code to verify your results here
and so on. This will make your JUnit output much easier to read. When there's a failure you know that it failed while trying to add, or it failed while trying to evaluate an expression that would cause a divide by zero, etc. Doing it the way you have it in the original you'd only know that it failed in the test() method.
Each of the tests here does 3 things:
Arranges the test data
Performs some action with that data
Asserts that the results of the action are as expected
This Arrange, Assert, Act idiom is very common in automated testing. You may also see it called Given, When, Then as in, "Given these conditions, when I call this method, then I should get this result".
Try to get out of the mindset of writing one test to test an entire class or method. Write a test to test one part of a method. Consider this class:
public class Adder {
public int addOneTo(int someNumber) {
return someNumber + 1;
You might end up with a test suite that looks like:
#Test public void
int numberToAddTo = 1;
int result = new Adder().addOneTo(numberToAddTo);
assertEquals("One plus one is two", 2, result);
#Test(expected="NullPointerException.class") public void
new Adder().addOneTo((Integer)null);
#Test public void
int result = new Adder().addOneTo(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// do whatever here to make sure it worked correctly
And so on.
The advise from Mike B is very good, try to separate your test thinking in one test per behavior/functionality.
For make your test more readable i probably write a static constructor for the class ShuntingYard that receives a string, then you can write:
ShuntingYard addition = ShuntingYard.createFromExpresion("2+2");
assertThat(addition.getRpn().evaluate(), is(4));
you can refactor a little more and ends with something like that:
assertThat(evaluate("2+2"), is(4))
That is easy to understand an and easy to read, and in addition write more test with diferent scenarios its one-line of code.
Other option its to write parametrized test, one example: http://www.mkyong.com/unittest/junit-4-tutorial-6-parameterized-test/, but in my opinion are really ugly. This test are normally called "data driven test" and are used when you want to test the same code with different input values.
For this data-driven test a much better option its to use something like spock, a groovy framework for testing that allows you to write incredible semantic test, and of course you can use for testing java code, check this out: http://docs.spockframework.org/en/latest/data_driven_testing.html