I have a column in my Database, called updateddate, which should get inserted with sysdate through application.
If my application code encounters some exception, even then I want this column value to be inserted with sysdate through database.
So, through SQL script, I have given this column default to sysdate.
Below is my hibernate hbm xml file,
<property name="updatedDate" type="timestamp">
<column name="UPDATED_DATE" ></column>
However, the column is not getting inserted through my application when there are no exceptions. It is getting updated through DB.
I am saying this by looking at the date format.
How to make the column to be inserted through application and only when it encounters exception it should get inserted through DB?
I tried insert=true. But didn't help.
I am not quite sure why you want to do this, but your application should set updatedDate to the current system date/time. The database default will only be applied if your application inserts a record with updatedDate = null.
SELECT * FROM <TABLE_NAME> WHERE date_date_time = '2025-04-01 10:16:12' is fetching data from SQL.
But in Hibernate, the same date ('2025-04-01 10:16:12') is not matching with the column and giving the null result set.
BUT, when I query using LIKE '2025-04-01 10:16:12', it is giving the result set same as I was getting in SQL query. There is nothing wrong with the code, it is working fine for all other columns except SQL COLUMN TYPE "DATETIME"
I am trying to insert 1000 records using ‘’’Hibernate jdbc batch’’’ and sometime we get unique constraints for one of the records. Is there anyway I can force hibernate to return which row data caused constraints issue?
Whenever constraint issue occurs hibernate return error just ‘’’ db constraints error’’’
I know I can go back to database and check but looking for some feature of hibernate which logs or return culprit data only.
My backed is oracle.
I am connecting to a MySQL table using JPA Hibernate. But I am getting error in my Java code:
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing table
My table is present in MySQL database schema. I am not getting why missing table exception is thrown here. This is a newly created table. All other existing tables in the same schema are accessible from Hibernate. I saw similar posts with same error. But the answers there didn't help my cause. Can you please let me know what can be the issue here.
If table is present, then most likely it is user permission issue. This happens if you have created the table using a different MySQL user. Make sure the MySQL username/password that you are using in Hibernate is having access to the table. To test, login to MySQL console directly using Hibernate credential & run a select query on the table. If you see similar error as below, then you need to grant access to the table for the Hibernate user.
ERROR 1142 (42000): SELECT command denied to user
Source: http://www.w3spot.com/2020/10/how-to-solve-caused-by-hibernateexception-missing-table.html
Make sure the user has access to the table
Make sure names are equals in terms of case sensitivity
Make sure the schema name and table name are not misspelled
If you share more information about the issue, it would be easier to pinpoint the problem.
Chances are there is an inheritance scenario with a physical table that you assumed to be abstract.
To dig deeper you can put a breakpoint in org.hibernate.tool.schema.extract.internal.DatabaseInformationImpl#getTablesInformation which calls extractor.getTable to see why your table is not returned as part of schema tables.
Rerun the app with the specified breakpoint and step through lines to get to the line which queries table names from the database metadat.
public TableInformation getTableInformation(QualifiedTableName tableName) {
if ( tableName.getObjectName() == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Passed table name cannot be null" );
return extractor.getTable(
I have such hibernate.cfg.xml:
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://host:5432/app-dev</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
<property name="hbm2ddl.auto">validate</property>
...many mappings
And the problem is that it's trying to update my database schema, but I want to disable that feature.
log from my application:
2015-08-29 16:29:57 ERROR SchemaUpdate:261 - HHH000388: Unsuccessful: create table myschema.public.mytable (id int4 not null, count int4, anotherid int4, onemoreid int4, primary key (id))
2015-08-29 16:29:58 ERROR SchemaUpdate:262 - ERROR: syntax error at or near "-" <<(mydatabase name contains "-" sign)
Position: 27
I also tried to leave hbm2ddl.auto tag empty or include 'none' value in it.
Remove the property <property name="hbm2ddl.auto">validate</property> entirely.
By default all options will be false and hibernate will not attempt to do any updates.
Remove Hibernatehbm2ddl.auto defaults to Hibernate not doing anything.
From the docs
The hbm2ddl.auto option turns on automatic generation of database
schemas directly into the database. This can also be turned off by
removing the configuration option, or redirected to a file with the
help of the SchemaExport Ant task.
Validate is the default property of hbm2ddl.auto, even if you dont specify hbm2ddl.auto property, then also it is by default validate. Secondly there is no such value as "none", there are only 4 options :
validate- it simply checks that table and its columns are existing in database or not an if a table does not exist or any column does not exist than Exception is thrown.
create - If the value is create than hibernate drops the table if it already exist and then creates a new table and executes the operation, this is not used in real time as the old data is lost from database.
update - If the values is update than hibernate uses existing table and if the table does not exist than creates a new table and executes operation. This is mostly and often used in real time and it is recommended.
create-drop - if the value is create-drop than hibernate creates a new table and after executing the operation it drops the table, this value is used while testing hibernate code.
Njoy Coding
I'm using Hibernate and a MySql server. I use multiple databases as "namespaces" (e.g. users, transactions, logging etc.).
So, I configued Hibernate to NOT connect to a particular database :
url = jdbc:mysql://
The databases where tables are located are defined in the hbm files through the catalog attribute :
<class name="com.myApp.entities.User" table="user" schema="" catalog="users"> ...
When I want to load some data, everything works fine and Hibernate seems to generate the expected SQL queries (by using the catalog prefix in the table names) e.g. :
select id from users.user
However, when I try to add a new record, Hibernate don't use the from [catalog].[table_name] syntax anymore. So I get a MySQL error 'No database selected'.
select max(id) from user
Hibernate is trying the get the future id to create a new record, but it doesn't specify in which database is located the table, it should be :
select max(id) from users.user
Why is Hibernate generating this invalid query ? Have someone ever experienced this problem ?
You need to specify the schema for the generator. See this question on SO for a more detailed answer.