Why does ExecutorService.FixedThreadPool(n) cause excessive memory use? - java

I have a GUI class which at the click of a button creates and executes a SwingWorker subclass. The SwingWorker class holds a reference to the main one to tell it to update a progress bar. The SwingWorker class instantiates the ExecutorService.FixedThreadPool and submits a number m Callable subclass that returns an ArrayList. When run, the Mac Activity Monitor records n * initial memory where n is the number of threads performed so far, and the process takes a large % of the cpu. The effect of running on 1 thread vs 4 or even 8 with m > n is also a measly 10% gain in speed if any. When creating a new Callable (subclass named DetectFruitTask) with a number of parameters passed in, am I creating a strong reference to it that makes the GC keep it in play?
Here is the one line that might be of concern (note I am not keeping a reference to the returned Callable object and it still causes the memory overload):
executor.submit(new FruitDetectTask((int[])stack.getProcessor(i).getPixels(), sobel, width, height, lumaWeight, sdWeight, threshold));
And here is the actual Callable:
public class FruitDetectTask implements Callable<ArrayList<FruitObject>> {
private int[] pixels;
private float[][] sobel;
private float lumaWeight;
private float sdWeight;
private int width;
private int height;
private float threshold;
public FruitDetectTask(int[] pixels, float[][] sobel, int width, int height, float lumaWeight, float sdWeight, float threshold) {
this.pixels = pixels;
this.sobel = sobel;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.lumaWeight = lumaWeight;
this.sdWeight = sdWeight;
this.threshold = threshold;
public ArrayList<FruitObject> call() throws Exception {
float[] edgeIntensities = EdgeDetector.calculateEdgeIntensities(pixels, sobel, width, height, lumaWeight, sdWeight);
byte[] edges = new byte[edgeIntensities.length];
for (int j = 0; j < edgeIntensities.length; j++) {
if (edgeIntensities[j] > threshold) {
edges[j] = (byte)0;
} else {
edges[j] = (byte)255;
ArrayList<FruitObject> fruits = FruitDetector.detect(edges, width, height);
return fruits;


Why no speedup with more than one thread?

I'm creating a toy program in java using synchronized block. I have n "Pixelator" threads which pick a random pixel in a 1000x1000 image and assign it to the color of the Pixelator. Each pixel can only be assigned once. I write to a bufferedImage using a wrapper class that uses a synchronized method to write to the image. However, when I test with more than 1 thread, I do not see a speedup. Do you have a hint as to why that would be?
Relavant Code:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class q2 {
// The image constructed
public static BufferedImage img;
// Image dimensions; you could also retrieve these from the img object.
public static int width;
public static int height;
// simplified method for stack overflow example
public static int rgbFromN(int n) {
return -16755216;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r = new Random();
try {
// arg 0 is the width
width = 1000;
// arg 1 is the height
height = 1000;
// arg 2 is the number of threads
int nt = 1;
// create an image and initialize it to all 0's
img = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
synchronizedIMG simg = new synchronizedIMG(img);
for (int i=0;i<width;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<height;j++) {
Thread[] threads = new Thread[nt];
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
threads[i] = new Thread(new Pixelator(rgbFromN(i),width,height,((width*height)/nt),simg));
for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time(ms): " + (endTime-startTime));
// Write out the image
File outputfile = new File("outputimage.png");
ImageIO.write(img, "png", outputfile);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("ERROR " +e);
class Pixelator implements Runnable {
int color;
int width;
int height;
int numPixels;
int currentPixels = 0;
synchronizedIMG simg;
public Pixelator(int color, int width, int height,int numPixels, synchronizedIMG simg){
this.color = color;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.numPixels = numPixels;
this.simg = simg;
public void run() {
int randomX = 0;
int randomY = 0;
boolean success = false;
while(currentPixels < numPixels){
randomX = 0 + (int)(Math.random() * (width));
randomY = 0 + (int)(Math.random() * (height));
success = simg.setColor(color, randomX, randomY);
class synchronizedIMG{
BufferedImage img;
public synchronizedIMG(BufferedImage img){
this.img = img;
public synchronized boolean setColor(int color, int x, int y){
if(img.getRGB(x, y) == 0){
img.setRGB(x, y, color);
return true;
} else{
return false;
It requires a certain amount of time to the machine to manage the threads. In image processing, use two threads instead of one, does not reduce the processing time by 50%, but between 30 % to 40 according to the processing (empirical estimation with the multi-threaded classes of my own java library).
Moreover in your case, you don't do any major processing just simple computation. So it's longer to manage the threads than doing the processing on a single thread. Try to do a big convolution.
The biggest problem you face is that adding more threads will not increase the memory bandwidth of your system.
Your threads do nothing except compute random numbers and write them out to memory. Adding more threads potentially increases the speed with which you can compute the random numbers, but that probably was pretty fast to begin with. Math.random() is not a crypto-quality random number generator. It probably is very fast.
Unfortunately, your job isn't done until all of the bytes have been written out to memory. Your system has only one memory bus, and it can only go so fast. All of the threads have to contend for that resource.

Adding Offsets to My Java Game

So, as the title reads I am trying to add offsets to my java game. I was given a tip by a friend that I need to minus the offset from where I render the tiles onto my screen.
So I created a random world generator and did the offset thing, but I ran into a problem.
My Code:
public void generateMap(Graphics g) {
block = seed.nextInt(2);
//Render Dirt
if(block == 0) {
g.drawImage(Assets.dirt, x - GameState.xOffset, y - GameState.yOffset, null);
x += 32;
//Render Grass
if(block == 1) {
g.drawImage(Assets.grass, x - GameState.xOffset, y - GameState.yOffset, null);
x += 32;
//Check Where the X is
if(x > xFinish) {
if(y < yFinish) {
x = xStart;
y += 32;
looks simple enough right? after I do that I create code to add one to the offset every time I loop around:
public void tick() {
xOffset += 1;
So after that is done I run it but it does this:
is there any simple way I can fix this so that it appears that the screen "scrolls" to the left?
Is there any simple way I can fix this...
Probably not. Games are complicated. Don't let that dissuade you.
You are generating your game world and drawing in the same methods - you don't want to do this. Separation of responsibility is very important - you don't want a whole bunch of code in one spot doing the same thing. In this case, the functionality to generate the world and the drawing code need to be split.
For the world generation, generate the game world once, and persist it to storage using whatever format you like. Keep this away from the drawing code - it has no place there.
For representing blocks in your world, consider something like this:
class Block {
public BlockType getType() {
return type;
public int getxPosition() {
return xPosition;
public int getyPosition() {
return yPosition;
// hashCode(), equals(), etc omitted, they should be implemented
public static enum BlockType {
private final BufferedImage image;
BlockType(BufferedImage image) {
this.image = image;
public BufferedImage getImage() {
return image;
private final BlockType type;
private final int xPosition;
private final int yPosition;
private Block(BlockType type, int xPosition, int yPosition) {
this.type = type;
this.xPosition = xPosition;
this.yPosition = yPosition;
public static Block getInstance(BlockType type, int xPosition, int yPosition) {
return new Block(type, xPosition, yPosition);
You can then use Block.getInstance() to generate a map once, like this:
class GameState {
private final int WORLD_SIZE = 1024;
private Block[][] _world = new Block[WORLD_SIZE][WORLD_SIZE];
private static Random seed = new Random();
public void generateMap() {
int blockTypeLength = Block.BlockType.values().length;
for (int x = 0; x < WORLD_SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < WORLD_SIZE; y++) {
int blockType = seed.nextInt(blockTypeLength);
_world[x][y] = Block.getInstance(Block.BlockType.values()[blockType], x, y);
public Block[][] getMap() {
return _world; // not thread safe, shares internal state, all the usual warnings
This obviously isn't the only way to generate a world - you would probably generate a world and save, then load from disk in later games (unless it was a short lived game - I don't know, that's your call).
Once you've got the world sorted out, you'd move on to a different module that would handle drawing. Assume GameState has two fields playerX and playerY that represent the player's coordinates in the game world (note: direct fields like this are bad practice, but used to simplify this example):
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Block[][] screen = new Block[16][16]; // declare a screen buffer to draw
// Assumes player is in the center of the screen
int screenRadiusX = GameFrame.Assets.SCREENBOUNDS_X / 2 / blockSize;
int screenRadiusY = GameFrame.Assets.SCREENBOUNDS_Y / 2 / blockSize;
for (int x = state.playerX - 8, xS = 0; x < state.playerX + 8; x++, xS++) {
for (int y = state.playerY - 8, yS = 0; y < state.playerY + 8; y++, yS++) {
screen[xS][yS] = world[x][y];
for (int x = 0; x < screen.length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < screen.length; y++) {
Block current = screen[x][y];
x * blockSize, // blockSize is the pixel dimension of
y * blockSize,
If this helps, then great! I'm glad I was able to help. If not, or if some ideas are still unclear, then I would consider perhaps running through a tutorial or book that walks you through making a game. Don't forget to learn the platform you're coding on during such a process.

Rectangle Project Error Fixing

I am currently working on a project called Rectangle project in which I am supposed to do the following on Java:
Make the following methods:
Also make a method that determines if two rectangles intersect and returns a new intersection Rectangle. Test all your methods in the ObjectDemo program for the following rectangles:
A: Origin 0,0: width 10: height 20
B: Origin 5,5: width 15, height 15
C: Origin 20,12: width 10: height 20
What is the area of each? Test if each of them intersect with the other two and what is the intersection area. Move A by 5,5; B by -5,-5: and C by -20, 0. Now give the intersection area of each.
I need to finish this by Monday but I keep getting a ton of errors like unrecognized variables, etc., and I'm not sure how to fix them. Please let me know!
I have three files: Point, RectangleTest, and Rectangle.
Here are their codes:
Point code:
public class Point
//Class variables
private int xCoord; //Private (instead of Public) because we are going to use this class in the other file
//We don't want people changing the values unless we let them
private int yCoord; //Variables are not in a function so will maintain their value
xCoord = 0;
yCoord = 0;
Point(int startX, int startY)
xCoord = startX;
yCoord = startY;
public int getX()
return xCoord;
public int getY()
return yCoord;
public void setX(int newX)
xCoord = newX;
public void setY(int newY)
yCoord = newY;
public void move(int moveX, int moveY)
Point(Point p)
xCoord = p.getX();
yCoord = p.getY();
RectangleTest Code:
public class RectangleTest
public static void main(String [] args)
Rectangle A = new Rectangle(0,0,10,20);
Rectangle B = new Rectangle(5,5,15,15);
Rectangle C = new Rectangle(20,12,10,20);
//Move rectangles
int areaA = A.getarea;
System.out.println("The area of rectangle A is " +areaA);
int areaB = B.getarea;
System.out.println("The area of rectangle B is " +areaB);
int areaC = C.getarea;
System.out.println("The area of rectangle C is " +areaC);
Rectanlge iAB = A.intersect(B);
Rectangle iAC = A.intersect(C);
Rectangle iBC = B.intersect(C);
if(iab != null)
System.out.println("The area of intersection rectangle iab = " +iAB.area());
if(iac != null)
System.out.println("The area of intersection rectangle iac = " +iAC.area());
if (ibc != null)
System.out.println("The area of intersection area ibc = " +iBC.area());
Rectangle Code:
public class Rectangle
Point origin;
int height;
int width;
//Constructor for rectangle object
Public Rectangle(int startX, int startY, int startW, int startH)
origin = new Point (startX, startY);
width = startW;
height = startH;
//Set origin point for NEW rectangle origins
public void setOrigin(int newX, int newY)
public int moveBy(int moveX, int moveY)
origin.move(moveX, moveY);
public int getArea()
int recArea = height*width;
return recArea;
public Rectangle intersect(Rectangle testR)
int meTRX = origin.getX() + width;
int meTRY = origin.getY() + height;
int testTRX = testR.origin.getX() + width;
int testTRY = testR.origin.getY() + height;
//Boolean to get iTRX
int iTRX = testTRX;
int iTRX = meTRX;
//Boolean to get iTRY
int iTRY = testTRY;
int iTRY = meTRY;
//Boolean to get iBLX
int iBLX = testBLX;
int iBLX = meBLX;
//Boolean to get iBLY
int iBLY = testBLY;
int iBLY = meBLY;
//Testing for whether or not there is an intersection rectangle
if(iTRX-iBLX<0 || iTRY-iBLY<0)
return null;
int iH = iTRY - iBLY;
int iW = iTRX - iBLX;
int intersectArea = iH * iW;
Please point out any problems! I'm rather new to programming, so I usually make a lot of simple mistakes. Also, I would appreciate if there are no newly introduced commands or anything because my teacher is pretty strict about doing it this way.
P.S. I would appreciate any extra knowledge or info on code improvement (just in general). Thanks!
Couple of Issues:
Java is case sensitive so Public is not same as public in your rectangle class.
When your method doesnt return anything you should use void as return type. So in your method public int moveBy(int moveX, int moveY), you should change it to public void moveBy(int moveX, int moveY)
You need to define variables before using them. So variables like testBLX, meBLX, testBLY, meBLY, iTRX, iTRY, iBLX, iBLY are undefined. I am not sure from where the values will get populated. But you could avoid the compilation error by defining them as int testBLX = 0; and similarly the others.
In your Rectangle class:
In the constructor your wrote Public Rectangle(int startX, int startY, int startW, int startH), but you actually want public Rectangle(int startX, int startY, int startW, int startH). In Java keywords start always with a lower case.
Your method for changing the origin of a rectangle public int moveBy(int moveX, int moveY) has int as a return type, so the compiler wants you to return an integer value. I suppose you did not want to return anything at all so you can change the return type to void.
In your intersect method public Rectangle intersect(Rectangle testR) you declare your variables (iTRX, iTRY, iBLX, iBLY) such as int iTRX = testTRX; only in the scope of your if/else statements which means that after every if/else statement these variables are not available anymore. To learn more about the different scopes of variables: Variable scopes
In your RectangleTest class:
You forgot a part of your task: What is the area of each? Test if each of them intersect with the other two and what is the intersection area.
Some general leads:
The use of more descriptive variable names improves the readability. For example the variable name meTRX does not have any meaning for me as person who did not work on your code or maybe for you if you review your code two months later.
Before you start coding, you could check if Java has built-in classes which you can use. In your case Java provides a Point class in the package java.awt.Point. You do not have to reinvent the wheel.
I would also recommend to read the Java Code Conventions Code Conventions which can bring you and others who read your code on a common denominator in the future.

Rotate BufferedImage

I'm following a textbook and have become stuck at a particular point.
This is a console application.
I have the following class with a rotate image method:
public class Rotate {
public ColorImage rotateImage(ColorImage theImage) {
int height = theImage.getHeight();
int width = theImage.getWidth();
//having to create new obj instance to aid with rotation
ColorImage rotImage = new ColorImage(height, width);
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
Color pix = theImage.getPixel(x, y);
rotImage.setPixel(height - y - 1, x, pix);
//I want this to return theImage ideally so I can keep its state
return rotImage;
The rotation works, but I have to create a new ColorImage (class below) and this means I am creating a new object instance (rotImage) and losing the state of the object I pass in (theImage). Presently, it's not a big deal as ColorImage does not house much, but if I wanted it to house the state of, say, number of rotations it has had applied or a List of something I'm losing all that.
The class below is from the textbook.
public class ColorImage extends BufferedImage {
public ColorImage(BufferedImage image) {
super(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), TYPE_INT_RGB);
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
setRGB(x, y, image.getRGB(x, y));
public ColorImage(int width, int height) {
super(width, height, TYPE_INT_RGB);
public void setPixel(int x, int y, Color col) {
int pixel = col.getRGB();
setRGB(x, y, pixel);
public Color getPixel(int x, int y) {
int pixel = getRGB(x, y);
return new Color(pixel);
My question is, how can I rotate the image I pass in so I can preserve its state?
Unless you limit yourself to square images or to 180° rotations, you need a new object, as the dimensions would have changed. The dimensions of a BufferedImage object, once created, are constant.
If I wanted it to house the state of, say, number of rotations it has had applied or a List of something I'm losing all that
You can create another class to hold that other information along with the ColorImage/BufferedImage, then limit the ColorImage/BufferedImage class itself to holding only the pixels. An example:
class ImageWithInfo {
Map<String, Object> properties; // meta information
File file; // on-disk file that we loaded this image from
ColorImage image; // pixels
Then you can replace the pixels object freely, while preserving the other state. It's often helpful to favor composition over inheritance. In brief that means, instead of extending a class, create a separate class that contains the original class as a field.
Also note that the rotation implementation from your book seems to be mainly for learning purposes. It's fine for that, but will show its performance limitations if you manipulate very big images or for continuous graphics rotation at animation speeds.

Animated line graphs with primitive line graphic functions Java

In the effort to learn more about applets and Java, I am experimenting making wave applets by drawing lines (drawLine) and making animated line graphs.
I can make a static graph just fine. However I am struggling with the animated aspect of the graph: the axes of the graph should move from left to right, increasing and growing larger than 0.
My problem is translating my needs into a solution. Can anyone give me any pointers with my problem?
I have a multidimensional array indexed by points containing the x and y of a particular point. I have tried modifying my render function to decrease the Xs to make it appear as if it is moving left but this doesn't work right.
What approach am I looking to take? How different will my approach be if the values of Y could change due to user action or added data?
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
* A graph that should in the future represent a wave according to my inputs
* #authorImprofane
* #version 1
public class Graph extends JFrame
private InnerGraph inner;
private int width;
private Random RNG;
private int height;
private int[][] series;
private int xoffset;
int prevx = 0;
int prevy = 0;
* Constructor for objects of class Graph
public Graph(int width, int height) throws InterruptedException
RNG = new Random();
setTitle(" Graph");
series = new int[width][2];
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
inner = new InnerGraph(width, height);
add(inner, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
new Graph(300, 300);
public void updateGraph() throws InterruptedException
// virtual x is how far along on the x axis we are, I ignore the 'real' X axis
int vx = 0;
int point = 0;
int xdecay = 0;
int inc = 5;
// how many times we need to plot a point
int points = (int) java.lang.Math.floor( width / inc );
// draw all points to graph
// make some junk data, a saw like graph
for (vx = 0 ; vx < points ; vx++) {
series[vx] = new int[] { vx*inc, ( (vx*inc) % 120 ) };
int n = 5;
while(n > 0) {
for (vx = 0 ; vx < points ; vx++) {
inner.updateSeries(vx, xdecay);
xdecay += inc;
// shift the data points to the left
int[][] nseries = new int[points][2];
// System.arraycopy(series, 1, nseries, 0, points-1);
public class InnerGraph extends JPanel
private Graphics g;
private Image img;
private int gwidth;
private int gheight;
Dimension size;
public InnerGraph(int width, int height)
gwidth = width;
gheight = height;
size = new Dimension(1, 1);
* Try make panel the requested size.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return new Dimension(gwidth, gheight);
* Create an image and graphics context
public void preparePaint()
size = getSize();
img = inner.createImage( (size.width | gwidth), (size.height | gheight) );
g = img.getGraphics();
* Draw a point to the chart given the point to use and the decay.
* Yes this is bad coding style until I work out the mathematics needed
* to do what I want.
public void updateSeries(int point, int decay)
int nx = series[point][0];
series[point][0] -= decay;
if ( point-1 >= 0 ) {
series[point-1][0] -= decay;
int ny = series[point][1];
prevx -= decay;
g.drawLine(prevx-decay, prevy, nx-decay, ny );
prevx = nx-decay;
prevy = ny;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
First, it looks like you are subtracting the decay too often in the updateSeries method.
Below is a new version of that method.
public void updateSeries(int point, int decay)
int nx = series[point][0];
series[point][0] -= decay;
if ( point-1 >= 0 ) {
series[point-1][0] -= decay;
int ny = series[point][1];
// prevx -= decay;
// g.drawLine(prevx-decay, prevy, nx-decay, ny );
g.drawLine(prevx, prevy, nx-decay, ny );
prevx = nx-decay;
prevy = ny;
With those changes, the lines draw better, but they draw so slowly that the animation is hard to see. You probably need to build a new graphics and swap the whole thing so that you don't have to watch each individual line segment being drawn.
For a starter you could check out the following example (and the ones related to this)
Scroll Chart #java2s.com
