Spreadsheet API : Get cell entry from specific cell address - java

how can I get a CellEntry given a specific cell address e.g in A1 notation. For example,
String address = "A1";
CellEntry cellEntry = getCellEntry(address);
public CellEntry getCellEntry(String address){
//- What can I do inside here
Previously, I fetch everything using CellFeed and iterating using cellFeed.getEntries to get each CellEntry and filter out based on cell address. But I think it will have a performance issues since my spreadsheet is large. Any idea ? I'm using Java.

I think I got two approaches here :
Method 1
Using CellQuery
public CellEntry getCellEntry(URL cellFeedUrl, Integer colNum, Integer rowNum){
CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(cellFeedUrl);
CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellQuery, CellFeed.class)
return cellFeed.getEntries().get(0);
Note : The setMaximumCol and setMinimumCol must be the same to get the specified column. Similar with the setMaximumRow and setMinimumRow.
Method 2
Using CellFeedURL
public CellEntry getCellEntry(WorksheetEntry worksheet, Integer colNum, Integer rowNum){
if (colNum == null || rowNum == null){
//- do something
else {
String row = "?min-row=" + rowNum + "&max-row=" + rowNum;
String col = "&min-col=" + colNum + "&max-col=" + colNum;
URL cellFeedUrl = new URI(worksheet.getCellFeedUrl().toString()
+ row + col).toURL();
CellFeed cellFeed = service.getFeed(cellFeedUrl, CellFeed.class);
return cellFeed.getEntries().get(0);
Note : Based on Google Spreadsheet API : Changing content of a cell
Personally I think the second method is better.


Retrieving and locating cell value in Excel

Hopefully i will explain clear enough, I have a List of objects ( each object have 3 properties ) those objects are printed to xls file, I am trying to locate the cell where the value were assigned first and the last in order to get a references and setFormula to get Sum of all of the middle values
public String getCellReference(int rowPosition, int cellPosition) {
CellReference reference = new CellReference(rowPosition, cellPosition);
return reference.formatAsString();
public String getCellReference(int rowPosition, int cellPosition) {
CellReference reference = new CellReference(rowPosition, cellPosition);
return reference.formatAsString();
public String getSumFormula(int rowPosition, int cellPosition, int rowPosition2, int cellPosition2) {
String startCell = getCellReference(rowPosition, cellPosition);
String finishCell = getCellReference(rowPosition2, cellPosition2);
return "SUM(" + startCell + ":" + finishCell + ")";
To locate first value and last its not a problem but its seems to be a problem for me to locate a cell indexes
public Cell locateCell(List<Invoice> invoices){
BigDecimal firstGeneralTotal = invoices.get(0).generalTotal();
BigDecimal lastGeneralTotal = invoices.get(invoices.size()-1).generalTotal();
Basic access using POI would be like this:
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook( … );
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook1.getSheetAt(0);
XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(0);
XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(0);
String value = cell.getStringCellValue();
Instead of using getStringCellValue you can also use one of those methods:
Accordingly, you can do cell.setCellFormula(String formula) to set a cell.
If you want to add a formular to the end of the table containing the sum, you could use the cell references if you like. In this case, you'd need to find the last row in the excel sheet:
Then you could add a new row to the end of your sheet:
and put your sum in according cell.
Btw, I am not sure if I would use CellReferences, since they can contain references to other sheets as well. If I work only with a single sheet, I'd try to use the index numbers and translate them accordingly to A1:A200 etc.
Does this help you? If I got your question wrong, let me know in the comments, I may update my answer if possible.
public String getCellReference(int rowPosition, int cellPosition) {
CellReference reference = new CellReference(rowPosition, cellPosition);
return reference.formatAsString();
public String getCoefficientFormula(int startRow, int firstCell, int endRow, int lastCell) {
String firstReference = getCellReference(startRow, firstCell);
String lastReference = getCellReference(endRow, lastCell);
return firstReference + "/" + lastReference;
public String getSumFormula(int startRow, int endRow, int start, int finish) {
String startCell = getCellReference(startRow,start);
String finishCell = getCellReference(endRow,finish);
return "SUM(" + startCell + ":" + finishCell + ")";

why apache poi reading less number of cell in a row of excel

I am trying to fetch the cell using named range.But After trying the below code,not able to get consistent cell in a row of the sheet that's getting null exception while using r.getCell().
String cname = "TestName";
Workbook wb = getMyWorkbook(); // retrieve workbook
// retrieve the named range
int namedCellIdx = wb.getNameIndex(cellName);
Name aNamedCell = wb.getNameAt(namedCellIdx);
// retrieve the cell at the named range and test its contents
AreaReference aref = new AreaReference(aNamedCell.getRefersToFormula());
CellReference[] crefs = aref.getAllReferencedCells();
for (int i = 0; i < crefs.length; i++) {
Sheet s = wb.getSheet(crefs[i].getSheetName());
Row r = sheet.getRow(crefs[i].getRow());
Cell c = r.getCell(crefs[i].getCol());
// extract the cell contents based on cell type etc.
For the sake of memory consuming, totally empty rows are not stored on the sheet. Also totally empty cells are not stored in rows of the sheet.
Sheet.getRow returns null if the row is not defined on the sheet. Also Row.getCell returns null if the cell is undefined in that row.
So we always need check:
Row r = sheet.getRow(crefs[i].getRow());
if (r == null) {
//row is empty
} else {
Cell c = r.getCell(crefs[i].getCol());
if (c == null) {
//cell is empty
} else {
//do something with c

Unable to insert data in number format in Excel

I've the below Java (Selenium) method that will insert data into Excel sheet:
private static void getPaceNumber(WebDriver chromeDriver, String dBName, XSSFSheet paceSheet, String pubName, int i,
XSSFCell cell, XSSFWorkbook workbook) throws Exception {
CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
cell = paceSheet.getRow(i).createCell(1);
if (dBName == "" || dBName.equals("null")) {
} else {
.sendKeys("\"" + dBName + "\"");
List<WebElement> pace = chromeDriver
int paceSize = pace.size();
if (paceSize >= 1) {
int dbPaceNumber = Integer.parseInt(
.sendKeys("\"" + pubName + "\"");
int pubPaceNumber = Integer.parseInt(
if (dbPaceNumber == pubPaceNumber) {
} else {
cell.setCellValue(dbPaceNumber + "\n" + pubPaceNumber);
} else {
List<WebElement> table = chromeDriver
int tabSize = table.size();
if (tabSize == 1) {
.sendKeys("\"" + pubName + "\"");
List<WebElement> paceWithFPN = chromeDriver
int paceWithFPNSize = paceWithFPN.size();
if (paceWithFPNSize >= 1) {
int paceSubNumber = Integer.parseInt(chromeDriver
} else {
} else {
I want to check the value with two different criteria, if both of them are same, insert the value in Excel cell, else insert both the values in a single cell. Basically the values retrieved are of integer type. I'm able to insert the values correctly, but if there are two values, they are getting inserted as a single line (one continuation of the other). The single value is automatically aligned right in Excel cell (in general number format).
Where there are two values, I need to double click on the cell and then they are shown in two line format, and also they are displayed as strings (left aligned).
I'm aware that when I use a +"XXX"+ the resultant is a string, but how can I make this into an integer?
Like single value, this has to be right aligned and also is there a way I can get a line break automatically inside the cell?
**Current output:** **Expected Output:**
I think you have to increase the rowheight of the row that contains the cell.
In the beginning:
int defaultHeight = paceSheet.getRow(0).getHeight();
and later, when you create such a cell:
Those lines:
are something you just have to do once (e.g.right after creation) since style is the same for all affected cells.

Retrieve values from excel using poi

I am trying to get the column values for a specific row in a excel using poi methods.
I am able to get the values but the problem is I want the values only from second column.
public static ArrayList<String> GetBusinessComponentList() throws IOException{
String Tcname = "TC02_AggregateAutoByPassRO_CT";
ArrayList<String> arrayListBusinessFlow ;
arrayListBusinessFlow = new ArrayList<String>();
FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(oFile);
wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fileInput);
sheet = wb.getSheet("Business Flow");
int rownr = findRow(sheet, Tcname);
row = sheet.getRow(rownr);
for (Cell cell : row) {
String arr = cell.getStringCellValue();
return arrayListBusinessFlow;
private static int findRow(HSSFSheet sheet, String cellContent){
for (Row row : sheet) {
for (Cell cell : row) {
if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
if (cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim().equals(cellContent)) {
return row.getRowNum();
return 0;
StrategicUINewBusiness.PolicyConfirmation, , , ]
But I do not want my test case name when I am getting.
Please help me what changes i needed to do. thanks!
Currently, the code you're using to iterate over cells only returns cells with content or styling, and skips totally empty ones. You need to change to one of the other ways of iterating over cells, so you can control it to read from the second column onwards.
If you look at the Apache POI Documentation on iterating over rows and cells, you'll see a lot more details on the two main ways to iterate.
For your case, you'll want something like:
// We want to read from the 2nd column onwards, zero based
int firstColumn = 1;
// Always fetch at least 4 columns
// Work out the last column to go to
int lastColumn = Math.max(r.getLastCellNum(), MY_MINIMUM_COLUMN_COUNT);
// To format cells into strings
DataFormatter df = new DataFormatter();
// Iterate over the cells
for (int cn = firstColumn; cn < lastColumn; cn++) {
Cell c = r.getCell(cn, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL);
if (c == null) {
// The spreadsheet is empty in this cell
} else {
// Do something useful with the cell's contents
// eg get the cells value as a string
String cellAsString = df.formatCellValue(c);
Use Cell cell=row.getCell(1); and also you can use sheet.getLastRowNum() to get the number last row on the sheet.
for (int i=0;i<=row.getLastCellNum();i++) {
if (i!=1){
//your stuff

SQLlite database, insert punct after second digit

I have a sqlite databse, with alot of tables. Each table has many rows. In one column I have something like this:
[58458, 65856, 75658, 98456, 98578, ... N]
I made a mistake when created the databse (I don't have acces to the initial data anymore ), what I need is to make these numbers with a punct after the second digit and have something like this:
[58.458, 65.856, 75.658, 98.456, 98.578, ... N]
Is there any way I can do this? I prefer Java. Or is it already any tools that can do this?
Use this function to parse the information from each column.
public static String convertColumn(String textF)
String textAux = "";
String newText = "[";
int i = 0;
textF = textF.substring(1, textF.length() - 1);
while(i < textF.length())
textAux = textF.substring(i, i + 5);
int nrAux = Integer.parseInt(textAux);
int a;
int b;
a = nrAux / 1000;
b = nrAux - a * 1000;
double newNr;
newNr = a + b * 0.001;
newText = newText + newNr + ", ";
newText = newText.substring(0, newText.length() - 2);
newText += "]";
return newText;
The function will have as parameter a string like [58458, 65856, 75658, 98456, 98578], which you will get from
the SQL table, and the return value will be [58.458, 65.856, 75.658, 98.456, 98.578] which is the value that you need to update the column with.
For SQL the base idea is this:
UPDATE table
SET column = convertColumn(column);
You can use CAST as REAL on the column, and then update as advised in the other answer.
Search for CAST in this doc for more info on it: SQLite language guide
This should work if it's a NUMERIC column:
If it is NOT a NUMERIC or REAL column then this should work:
(Thanks to Goibniu for the pointer)
