Android application access my server but got a timeout error - java

My app client access my Tomcat. Some times it works well, but sometimes it times out - especially when two people quickly flush the frame to access the server. What might be the problem?
I can make sure that my database doesn't hang. Because I also have a management system on my Tomcat and they use the same database. The system works well even if my app can't access the server.

First check your server tomcat running system configuration, like ram capacity and internet speed ect.. because it seems to be you are using same system for data base also.
Some time bad/ slow network connections in client side also will cause
this kind of time out errors, So just add conn.setTimeout(60000) line in from your client code near http call.


Failed to connect to Tomcat server on ec2 instance

My goal is to learn what factors could overwhelm my little tomcat server. And when some exception happens, what I could do to resolve or remediate it without switching my server to a better machine. This is not a real app in a production environment but just my own experiment (Besides some changes on the server-side, I may also do something on my client-side)
Both of my client and server are very simple: the server only checks the URL format and send 201 code if it is correct. Each request sent from my client only includes an easy JSON body. There is no database involved. The two machines (t2-micro) only run client and server respectively.
My client is OkHttpClient(). To avoid timeout exceptions, I already set timeout 1,000,000 milli secs via setConnectTimeout, setReadTimeout, and setWriteTimeout. I also go to $CATALINA/conf/server.xml on my server and set connectionTimeout = "-1"(infinite)
I'm trying to stress out my server by having a client launching 3000+ threads sending HTTP requests to my server. Both of my client and server reside on different ec2 instances.
Initially, I encountered some timeout issues, but after I set the connection, read and write timeout to a bigger value, this exception has been resolved. However, with the same specification, I'm getting Failed to connect to my_host_ip:8080 exception. And I do not know its root cause. I'm new to multithreading and distributed system, can anyone please give me some insights of this exception?
Below is some screenshot of from my ec2:
1. Client:
2. Server:
Having gone through similar exercise in past I can say that there is no definitive answer to the problem of scaling.
Here are some general trouble shooting steps that may lead to more specific information. I would suggest trying out tests by tweaking a few parameters in each test and measure the changes in Cpu, logs etc.
Please provide what value you have put for the timeout. Increasing timeout could cause your server (or client) to run out of threads quickly (cause each thread can process for longer). Question the need for increasing timeout. Is there any processing that slows your server?
Check application logs, JVM usage, memory usage on the client and Server. There will be some hints there.
Your client seems to be hitting 99%+ and then come down. This implies that there could be a problem at the client side in that it maxes out during the test. Your might want to resize your client to be able to do more.
Look at open file handles. The number should be sufficiently high.
Tomcat has some limit on thread count to handle load. You can check this in server.xml and if required change it to handle more. Although cpu doesn't actually max out on server side so unlikely that this is the problem.
If you a database then check the performance of the database. Also check jdbc connect settings. There is thread and timeout config at jdbc level as well.
Is response compression set up on the Tomcat? It will give much better throughout on server especially if the data being sent back by each request is more than a few kbs.
Based on update on question few more thoughts.
Since the application is fairly simple, the path in terms of stressing the server should be to start low and increase load in increments whilst monitoring various things (cpu, memory, JVM usage, file handle count, network i/o).
The increments of load should be spread over several runs.
Start with something as low as 100 parallel threads.
Record as much information as you can after each run and if the server holds up well, increase load.
Suggested increments 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000.
At some level you will see that the server can no longer take it. That would be your breaking point.
As you increase load and monitor you will likely discover patterns that suggest tuning of specific parameters. Each tuning attempt should then be tested again the same level of multi threading. The improvement of available will be obvious from the monitoring.

How to get rid of tcp-ip send delay in interprocess communication between a java and a php process in KVM VM's

I have a web application that consists of a java part and a php part. When a user does a request the php process will open a tcp/ip connection to the java process. It will keep this connection open for the duration of the request and this connection will be used to send a lot of information back and forth. This application runs very well as long as its hosted on either a dedicated server or on a VM that uses OpenVZ.
As soon as I try to host it on a KVM VM it becomes extremely slow. The reason for this is that within a single user request the php process can easily do up to 1 or 2 thousand tcp-ip sends to the java process. Now since this is all done over the same connection It really should not be a problem but on KVM VM's it seems each send gets about 20 milliseconds worth of delay so now a request that would normally take 0.1 seconds takes 20 seconds instead.
I'm not 100% sure KVM is to blame, But I have tested this on 3 different hosting provdiders using OpenVZ and another 3 different hosting providers using KVM. It runs perfectly fine on all the OpenVZ hosts and the send delay problem is present on all the KVM hosts.
O and I have tcpnodelay set on both the java and the php side.
Any idea what I could try to make this work on KVM?
So to answer my own question. It seems it seems you wont be able to avoid that send latency since even though its on localhost it still has to go from the virtualization layer down to the network layer and back up.
However, instead of creating TCP sockets on localhost the solution was to use Unix sockets instead. Since Unix sockets do not access the network layer in any way.
And as a bonus Using Unix sockets instead of TCP sockets gave my application a nice across the board performance boost. Including on setups were it worked fine before.

Microsoft SQL Server - Query with huge results, causes ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait issue

I have a Java application requesting about 2.4 million records from a Microsoft SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP3))
The application runs fine on all hosts, except one. On this host, the application is able to retrieve data on some occasions. But on some others, it hangs.
Monitoring the MS Sql server indicates that the SPID associated with the query is in an ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait state.
There are a few links online that talk about it.
Based on the above, the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO means 2 things:
1. Application is slow to process the results
2. Network between application and DB has some issues.
For #1 above, We analyzed using tcpdumps and found that in the cases where the query goes into ASYNC_NETWORK_IO state, the application server's tcp connection has a window size that oscillates between 0 and a small number, and eventually remains stuck at 0. Based on some more analysis, aspects related to firewalls between DB and application have also been mostly ruled out.
So I am staring at #2, unable to understand what could possibly go wrong. All the more baffling because the same code has been running under similar data loads for more than a year now. And it also runs fine on other hosts.
The JDBC driver being used is sqljdbc4-4.0.jar.
This by default has an adaptive buffering feature, which does things under the hood to reduce application resources.
We use the default fetch size of 128 (which i believe is not a good one).
So i am going to experiment overriding the default adaptive buffering behavior, though the MS docs suggest that it is good to have adaptive buffering for large result sets.
I will change the connection setting to use selectMethod=cursor.
And also change the fetchSize to 1024.
Now if it does not work:
What are some aspects of the problem that are worth investigating.
Assuming its still an issue with the client, what other connection settings, network settings should be inspected/changed to make progress?
If it does work consistently, what is the impact of making the connection setting change to selectMethod=cursor
On the application side?
Database side?
Update: I tested the application adding the selectMethod=cursor to the connection. However, it results in the same issue as above.
Based on discussions with other administrators in the team - at this point the issue may be in the jdbc driver, or on the OS (when it tries to handle the data on the network).
After a good amount of discussions with the System admin, Network Admin and Database admin - it was agreed that somewhere in the OS -> Application stack, the data from network wasn't handled. In the meantime, we tested out a solution where we broke down the query to return smaller sized results. So we broke it down to 5 queries, each returning about 500k records.
Now when we ran these queries sequentially, we still ran into the same issue.
However, when we ran the queries in parallel, it always was successful.
Given that the solution worked always we haven't bothered getting to the root cause of the problem anymore.
On another note, the hardware and software running the application was also outdated. It was running Red Hat 5. So, it could well have to do something with that. occurs after some time

I have a project in eclipse to retrieve data from a certain website. As there is too much data to be retrieved I have to keep the code running overnight. I get after sometime. The code runs without any problem for a long time and only later the UnknownHostexception occurs. Any solution as to why this is happening?
You can only have the mac address of your server where the war is being deployed, Check it here how to get the MAC address
I have seen this error in one of my projects before. Till Java 1.5, JVM used to cache the DNS entry and did not honor the TTL values. If for some reason, the DNS entry was modified (usually the case with Akamai or other CDN networks), and the IP you were going to before is no longer available, you may hit upon this error.
Some info on this behavior is available at and
What you may try is to run a iptrace when it works fine and when it starts failing from the same machine - if the IP has changed, you are hitting this scenario.
My guess is that your internet connect is probably breaking. Do you have any other logs to verify this?

Websphere application server 5.1 DataSource no longer valid when DB is rebooted

First of all, we are running a Java Web application running on WAS 5.1. Behind that, we use an Oracle data base. The problem that we're faced to is really simple, but after a couple of hours of Google search, I decided to ask you.
We have an application that is running on WAS. When we start the server, WAS sets his DataSource so that it points to the data base. Everything works fine, expect when the DBAs have to reboot the data base server. When they do, the data source is no longer valid and we have to manually restart all server and we are currently trying to correct that, if possible. We need to find a way to do it because we have 3 pre-production environnement for for our application, and there are two servers associated with it, one for the application and the other is a report generator web service. So, when the DBAs wants to reboot the server (and they usually don't tell us!) we have to reboot six servers. I was wondering if in Java, there was a way to reset the data source so that we don't need to restart the servers.
For you information, WebSphere is v5.1 and Oracle is 9g with Java
We also use RAD:
Version: 6.0.1
Build id: 20050725_1800
You should configure your application server to always test the connection before leasing it out to a client. I'm not familiar with Websphere that much, but in WebLogic, you can set a jdbc sql statement such as select 1 from dual and the container removes stale connections from the connection pool.
Here is a link on how to do it in Websphere
Based on what i read from your note, you should receive Stale connection exception as WAS has stale handles (in its pool) as the DB has been restarted.
The Data Source configuration can be configured to purge the entire pool once a stale connection is detected. The default policy is to purge the individual connection.
Adopting this would prevent you from restarting your WAS Servers.
There are a number of resources in this space
