Playscape Publishing Kit failing with Error unknown during apply patch process - java

Running Unity 4.5.4f1 and Playscape SDK version 1.14, building for android target, I am getting an Error unknown during the apply patch process in Unity. When running the executed command in CMD, I get the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class
The command input I provide (taken from the SDK logger) is the following:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_51/bin/java.exe" -clas
spath Assets/Plugins/Playscape/Editor/ThirdParty/dex2jar\lib/asm-all-3.3.1.jar;A
y/dex2jar\lib/asmin-p2.5.jar -Xms1024m -Xms1024m
x2jarCmd -f -o "C:\Users\THREEG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\vbqpzsn0.9r6.jar" "C:\Users
I have checked the folder structure inside the project and dex2jar seems to be present. We did not see this issue before updating.
How can I resolve this?

I found it myself. This is most likely due to a spelling error in AndroidApkCreator.cs, row 39, where "lib/asmin-p2.5.jar" instead should read "lib/jasmin-p2.5.jar", judging by the file name inside the lib folder. This does not seem to completely remove the issue, however, as the CMD prompt still throws the following Error:
Could not find or load main class


Apache Storm - Could not find or load main class org.apache.storm.starter.ExclamationTopology

I'm really new to maven and storm so I'm trying to follow the instructions in My current path is /home/luc/theTest/storm/examples/storm-starter. Inside the target folder there is a storm-starter-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file. I'm getting stuck when running
storm jar target/storm-starter-*.jar org.apache.storm.starter.ExclamationTopology -local
I get this error
ionTopology -local
Running: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -client -Dstorm.options= -Dstorm.home=/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1 -Dstorm.log.dir=/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/logs -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib -Dstorm.conf.file= -cp /home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/objenesis-2.1.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/kryo-3.0.3.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/log4j-core-2.8.2.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/storm-core-1.1.1.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.8.2.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/minlog-1.3.0.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/log4j-api-2.8.2.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/clojure-1.7.0.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/ring-cors-0.1.5.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/asm-5.0.3.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/reflectasm-1.10.1.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/disruptor-3.3.2.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/lib/storm-rename-hack-1.1.1.jar:target/storm-starter-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/conf:/home/luc/stormTest/apache-storm-1.1.1/bin -Dstorm.jar=target/storm-starter-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dstorm.dependency.jars= -Dstorm.dependency.artifacts={} org.apache.storm.starter.ExclamationTopology -local
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.storm.starter.ExclamationTopology
Am I doing something wrong? I'm also a bit confused on whether I have to run the nimbus and supervisor first. I tried with and without them and neither worked anyways. Been searching the web but nothing works. Not sure what else to try.
This is usually caused by inconsistent versions of storm-client and storm-starter. Try following these steps to get the example working.
download the latest release from
in this example, we will use version 1.1.1
extract this to a folder, lets call it ${STORM_HOME}
cd into ${STORM_HOME}/examples/storm-starter
execute mvn package -DskipTests=true
this should build the storm-starter jar in target folder
run the example from ${STORM_HOME} directory:
./bin/storm jar examples/storm-starter/target/storm-starter-1.1.1.jar org.apache.storm.starter.ExclamationTopology
don't add the -local flag since it seems like the ExclamationTopology is only deployed in a LocalCluster if no args are passed. You can check the source code here: ${STORM_HOME}/examples/storm-starter/src/jvm/org/apache/storm/starter/

SimGrid-3.13 Can't load classes

There are steps for building .jar file of SimGrid.
I downloaded archive from here.
Then I made following
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/Documents/simgrid -Denable_maintainer_mode=off -Denable_compile_optimizations=off -Denable_java=on -Denable_model-checking=off
make check
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 586
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 586
make install
There is simgrid.jar in SimGrid-3.13 folder.
But when I write code I can't load classes from this .jar file.
How can I fix it?
If I download ready simgrid.jar from thence, error occurs
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/simgrid-java2166199247712718748/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Where I have to add,
After installing graphviz graphviz-dev. New error occurs
Invalid XML (XML input line 2, state 2): Bad declaration <!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM "">.
If your are using a XML v3 file (check the version attribute in <platform>), please update it with tools/
[0.000000] /builds/workspace/SimGrid-Multi/build_mode/Debug/node/simgrid-ubuntu-trusty-64/build/SimGrid-3.13/src/surf/xml/surfxml_sax_cb.cpp:55: [surf_parse/ERROR] Parse error at (null):2: Parse error in /home/ken/IdeaProjects/Sim2Sim/src/main/java/LHCb/platform.xml
[0.000000] /builds/workspace/SimGrid-Multi/build_mode/Debug/node/simgrid-ubuntu-trusty-64/build/SimGrid-3.13/src/surf/xml/surfxml_sax_cb.cpp:57: [xbt/CRITICAL] Exiting now
As for the second update, you should read the error message that you copy-pasted:
If your are using a XML v3 file (check the version attribute in <platform>), please update it with tools/
Can you confirm that:
(1) the version attribute in the <platform> is 3
(2) running the tools/ script on the platform fixes the problem?
I just checked the Debian package search page, in the second search box. I looked for /usr/lib/ and it says that this library is in the package libcgraph6. So you have to apt-get install libcgraph6 to get it.

Error while running pjsip sample pjsua on android ndk

I successfully performed ./configure-android and make dep && make install commands using pjsip and I successfully install SWIG too.
But I am getting the following error while running the sample pjsua.
/Users/Downloads/swig-2.0.11 -c++ -o jni/pjsua_wrap.cpp -package org.pjsip.pjsua -outdir src/org/pjsip/pjsua -java jni/pjsua.i
make: execvp: /Users/Downloads/swig-2.0.11: Permission denied
make: *** [jni/pjsua_wrap.cpp] Error 127
Seems that MY_SWIG variable in pjsip-apps/src/pjsua/android/ is pointing to /Users/Downloads/swig-2.0.11 instead to swig binary file.
If you downloaded swig source to /Users/Downloads/swig-2.0.11 and you build it, binary file should be at: /Users/Downloads/swig-2.0.11/swig
Another problem you maybe find is that object files for project pjsua-app does not exists, this is because this is not done by default on the general build (more specifically, corresponding target is not included on all target at pjsip-apps/build/Makefile). To fix this just go to pjsip-apps/build and run:
make pjsua
This would create proper object files at: pjsip-apps/build/output/pjsua-arm-unknown-linux-androideabi/ (needed when building android sample)


I have been trying to use a home grown test tool and after doing an update to Centos 6.4, I am no longer able to run the tcl based tool. I am getting the following error and I have no internet access on this server. Kindly advise how do I solve this problem?
"XpUtils::iload -d /usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1 tclblend" failed:
couldn't load file "/usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
while executing
"error "\"XpUtils::iload -d $dir tclblend\" failed:\n $errMsg""
(procedure "loadtclblend" line 168)
invoked from within
"loadtclblend /usr/local/testtool/repo/package/linux-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/tcljava1.4.1"
("package ifneeded java 1.4.1" script)
invoked from within
"package require java"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval package require $pkg"
("foreach" body line 2)
invoked from within
"foreach pkg $pkgList {
set ::${pkg}Version [eval package require $pkg]
(file "/usr/local/testtool/testtool" line 165)
If you read the error message trace, you'll see that it says that this is all caused by: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The first steps would then be to ensure that you've got a version of Java actually installed, to check that it includes the file, and that the file has been indexed by the system shared library catalog.
It might also be worth checking that all its dependencies are also present and that you've got the architecture for the Tcl library and the Java library matched (e.g., both 32-bit) as those can cause odd failures when they go wrong.

RHEL : JDK 7u15 installation error

I am getting following error while installing the JDK 7u15 version on Red Hat Enterprise Linux box.
I am not able figure out what to do with it? I mean what is impact on running my programs?
What are these pack files?
I have followed the steps given in oracle site:
RHEL version: 6
Here is the exact message from putty:
bash-4.1$ sudo rpm -ivh jdk-7u15-linux-i586.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:jdk ########################################### [100%]
Unpacking JAR files...
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/rt.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/jsse.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/charsets.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/lib/tools.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/ext/localedata.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/plugin.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/javaws.pack
Error: Could not open input file: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_15/jre/lib/deploy.pack
Recently I have got the same problem on Fedora. After researching on the Internet, it has been discussed somewhere (I will add the reference later if I can find it again) that these are normal. It appears that the installer is trying the open *.pack file when they are already gone because they are renamed to *.jar. For some reasons, they are not trying to fix this problem in any newer installer.
Here are the references:
Errors when installing jdk 1.7 in linux
