How to set IntelliJ IDEA Default Documentation Font Size? - java

I can change font size of pop-up documentation from right corner(gear icon).
But i have to re-set documentation font for different classes.
Is there any way to set the default documentation font size from preferences?

Please consider the more recent versions of the IDE. E.g. at the IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3 the font size value set in a documentation pop-up can be set only once and will be applied for all classes.


Font glyph fallthrough in Java

Does anyone know of an existing solution for font glyph fallthrough in Java? For example, our designers have decided that Calibri is the font that mostly fits our needs, but if I specify Calibri, it can naturally not render characters that do not have a matching glyph in that font. In that case, I would need it to fall through to a second specified font, and if all else fails - use one of Java's logical fonts.
Has anyone come up with a solution for this, which can be plugged into existing Swing components without having to write custom Swing components for the entire project?
This is a very old project already, and building custom graphical components is not a feasible solution.
This isn't a code-based solution and probably won't be of much help, since it requires each user to install a file locally, but just in case...
You can add fallback fonts in a special directory within the JRE installation. From the Java documentation:
Users can add a physical font as a fallback font to logical fonts used in Java 2D rendering by installing it in the lib/fonts/fallback directory within the JRE.

Eclipse Default Font name

What's the default font that Eclipse uses for Java code?
The default font Eclipse uses for (Java) code is Monospace.
The default font style eclipse is using is Consolas however Courier New is also a good option to go with.
Depending on your Eclipse version, the font might differ. Go to Window-> Preferences->General->Appearance->Color and Fonts. Choose Basic->Text Font and you can hit the Edit button to change font type and font size. It will be used by several other properties below that default to this font.

how do i change the font back to default after it was already changed

In an app that I'm creating i created an option to change the font of the app, everything works out but i don't know how to set it back to default when the default option is pressed, is there a default ttf file somewhere?
you can use

Default Fonts in Java

I have some Swing code (written in 1.6 for 1.6) that specifically sets the font in a text area to Courier, but on some Windows systems, this shows up as Arial (the system default?) instead. Does that mean a font is missing from the system? What is the behavior Java has when it can't find a font it is looking for? Does it complain? Does it log it somewhere? Does it immediately resort to using the system default? Is the behavior different between 1.4/1.5/1.6 versions of the JVM?
Has anyone else ever run into this? I was very surprised to have something different from what I HARDCODED into the application show up in the UI - and only on some systems. The core issue is that I need a monospaced font style for this particular case, and Arial is not monospaced. Is there some way to specify a fallback if a certain font is not found? Something like:
if font is available use "Courier"
else use "monospaced"
You should first check if "Courier" is among the results of GraphicsEnvironment.getAvailableFontFamilyNames()
I don't know any built-in mechanism in Java for "if-unavailable-fallback-to" behavior.
According to this article1 the only monospaced TrueType fonts shipped by Microsoft are Courier New and Lucida Sans Typewriter.
It might expect you to specify "Courier New" for Courier. I don't have a Windows system, so I can't verify this.

Can I set the DPI resolution of my Java Swing application without changing the systems' DPI setting?

I have a Java application using the Substance LookAndFeel with Windows as the the target platform and I want to increase the DPI setting of my application without changing the system setting.
I want to do this because I don't want to force the user to restart Windows and because many Windows applications seem to have problems with very high DPI settings (> 120)
PS: I'm aware that the Substance LaF allows to scale the font size at runtime, but that way only the height of my controls are scaled, not the width. I want my GUI fully scaled as it would happen if I set the system's DPI setting.
Don't know if that is possible. The look&feel would have to support it, and as far as I know, the Windows Look&Feel does not. Here's a hack which you may consider: Iterate through all the fonts defined in your look&feel and redefine them to be slighly bigger. Here is a code snippet that does this:
for (Iterator i = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String key = (String);
if(key.endsWith(".font")) {
Font font = UIManager.getFont(key);
Font biggerFont = font.deriveFont(2.0f*font.getSize2D());
// change ui default to bigger font
I suppose you could take this one step further and redefine scale borders proportionally as well, but that gets very complicated very quickly
So the actual answer seems to be: no you can't. That really is a bummer because it's a pain to test.
Yes you can, but you need to run it on JRE 9.
This is because the Java runtime declared itself to be "DPI-aware" but didn't really supported it for AWT and Swing. Java applications were sized and rendered based on pixels rather than being properly scaled, this included HiDPI displays.
Anyways, this has been recently solved.
See the issue JEP 263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux
and the upgrade.
So, increasing the font size does not work (because it does not increase the rest of the things); the jvm argument -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false does not work (because it was not really supported); and the manifest file + registry edit (for Windows) just does not work.
Solution: You need to run it on JRE 9 because it really supports this feature.
