How can I use #Query annotation in spring to query an array in mongo Document.
user_id : 1
tags : ['scientist','biologist','mathematician','chemist'];
user_id : 1
tags : ['scientist','physicist','carpenter','chemist'];
I am query making api and the URL is something like this:
localhost:8080/tags=scientist,biologist // should return 1st document
localhost:8080/tags=physicist,carpenter // should return 2nd document
There can be any number of tags in the url and the tag array must contain all the tags present in the url.
How can I acheive this?
You could try the query annotation which uses the $or operator as
#Query("{'$or' : [{ 'tags': ?0, 'tags': ?1 }]}")
public List<Tags> findByTagsFirstorSecond(string firstTag, string secondTag);
I have a postgres db table named "challenge" which contains a 'tags' text column in that each tags of the challenge is stored as "tag1,tag2,tag3...".
So I need to make a request that can check if a challenge contains all tags in the provided array but I don't know how to make this.
My repository method:
Page<Challenge> findByTags(String[] tags, Pageable pageable);
What i've done so far it's a query which works with one tag but not with an array:
SELECT * FROM challenge WHERE tags LIKE '%' || :tag || '%';
I need to do a query on mongoDB due to I am developing in Java with Spring Boot and MongoDB. I know that this command is for arrays:
#Query("{ 'skills' : {$all : ?0}} ")
List<DataCV2> findAllSkillsInCV(ArrayList<String> skillsOfCV);
This query let me to find if all fields of the arraylist "skillsOfCV" are in the arraylist called "skills"
However, I am trying to pass an arraylist as "skillsOfCV" to compare all the fields with a string field in database.
#Query("{ 'experienceCV' : {$all : ?0}} ")
List<DataCV2> findAllExperienceInCV(ArrayList<String> experienceOfCV);
The field "experienceCV" is a string one, and I want to compare if this string field contains all the fields of the arraylist "experienceOfCV".How could I do that?
It is not possible to match String and List<String> using $all in a straightforward way.
The best bet is that use String field for the method and do the conversion programmatically.
Or else you can give a try with aggregation framework which has many useful aggregation operators.
I'm using Logstash to input data from my database to Elasticsearch.
For an specific SQL query, I have one column that retrieves values as a CSV, like "role1;role2;role3".
This column is being indexed as a regular string in Elastic.
The problem:
I need to make an Elastic query on that field based on another list of values.
For example: On the java side I have a collection with the values: "role3", "role4", "role5" and based on that I should get all the records in Elastic that matches "role3", "role4" or "role5".
In this specific case, my elastic data is like this:
"_source": {
"userName": "user1",
"roles": "role1;role2;role3"
"_source": {
"userName": "user2",
"roles": "role7;role8;role9"
In this case it should return the record for "user1", as it gets a match for the "role3".
What is the best way to do that ?
I can make a query using something like the LIKE operator for all itens of my java list:
//javaList collection has 3 items: "role3", "role4" and "role5"
for (String role: javaList) {
query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
query.should(QueryBuilders.wildcardQuery("roles", "*" + role + "*"));
response = client.prepareSearch(indexName).setQuery(query).setTypes(type).execute().actionGet();
hits = response.getHits();
And then iterate over each hit, but this sounds like a very bad apporach, because the javaList can have more than 20 itens, that would mean 20 querys to elastic.
I need a way to tell this to Elastic:
This is my list of roles, query internally and retrieve
only the records that matches at least one of those roles.
In order to do that I understand I can't index that data as a String right ? Ideally would be to have it an array or something like it...
How can I do that in the most performatic way ?
Definitely you should not use wildcard query in a loop. This solution eventually will demonstrate a poor performance.
Since roles field is a regular text field Elasticsearch splits value "role1;role2;role3" into individual tokens "role1", "role2" and "role3". The same operation is applied to a search query. You can use simple match query with query string "role3;role4;role5" and get hit because of "role3" token match.
Also you can index roles field as an array of strings and the same match query will still work.
There I am stuck, how to remove embedded document in mongodb. I am using spring data mongodb criteria, I am doing it like the following:
// database
"_id" : ObjectId("55683d51e4b0b6050c5b0db7"),
"_class" : "com.samepinch.domain.metadata.Metadata",
"preferenceType" : "SHOPPING",
"subtypes" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("55683d51e4b0b6050c5b0db6"),
"leftValue" : "VEG",
"rightValue" : "NON_VEG",
"preferencePoint" : 0
"createdDate" : ISODate("2015-05-29T10:20:01.610Z"),
"updatedDate" : ISODate("2015-05-29T10:20:01.610Z")
// query
mongoTemplate.updateMulti(new Query(),
new Update().pull("subtypes", Query.query(Criteria.where("subtypes._id").is(new objectId("55683d51e4b0b6050c5b0db6"))),Metadata.class);
What i am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
subtypes is in nested objects so you should first pass this in $elemMatch is matched first matching array elements of given conditions. Update query as :
this query pull exact matching array elements from subtypes array .
And with the help of this spring elemMatch ( not that much expertise in spring mongo ) I converted this query in spring format as below :
mongoTemplate.updateMulti(new Query(
where("subtypes").elemMatch(where("_id").is(ew objectId("55683d51e4b0b6050c5b0db6"))).pull(
pull("subtypes", Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(new objectId("55683d51e4b0b6050c5b0db6"))),Metadata.class
this above spring query not tested I hope you will convert mongo update query in spring mongo query format.
I'm using spring data mongodb in my application. It uses mongodb 2.6. I want to query documents of a collection by the id which mongo assigns during insertion. I'm doing something like this:
Query query = new Query();
String id = "542385a91f00bf7dbeae1fc7";
query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("_id").new Object(id));
template.find(query, entity.class);
This query translates to:
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "542385a91f00bf7dbeae1fc7"}}
When I execute the same on mongo shell, it gives an error:
error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue unknown operator: $oid",
"code" : 17287
How do I query by id using spring data mongodb?
It should read
new ObjectId(id)
instead of new Object(id). Please see the API docs for details.